European Adventure

April 2017 - Februari 2018
Petualangan 318-sehari oleh Angharad Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 21


    24 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Instead of Jaxon, today I woke up to Will speaking to Helen.
    Afterwards we collected the tissue covered clothing and walked to the local laundromat- neither worker spoke English but after a game of charades I think they understood what we wanted - I guess we will find out tomorrow when we pick them up.
    We then went to reception and asked for help on how to get to get to Ohrid lake on Wednesday - they said that you couldn't buy them online and that we had to go to the bus station to buy tickets. We walked to the main square and decided to have lunch at a new place. It looked a little fancy but it's food was mediocre at best.
    I finally tried the infamous 'Alexandria' Macedonian red wine. I found it to be very dry but was pleased that it came in a mini bottle so I didn't have to finish it - I've stored the remaining half in my bag.
    On our walk I came across the first stray cat :) it was hesitant at first but eventually realized I was trying to feed it and came over :D yay!
    The bus stop was a fair walk away but doable.
    The lady we bought our tickets off wasn't the strongest English speaker so we are going to check with reception when we get home that our tickets are going to the right place.
    On the way back we popped into a big shopping center - Will bought an SD card for his phone so he has more storage for photos and we finally got phone numbers! We don't really know how the system works... I know that once we leave Macedonia it will count as international calls/texts but I'm relieved because the lady in Bulgaria will need to be able to contact us when she has to pick us up from the station to go pick roses. Also a lot of the reservations for things have required a phone number so I'm happy to have a European one.
    We don't really know if we will be able to top up our credit if we go over but at least I can be called. We are with a company called vip. I know that they are also in Austria and Croatia. So that's something.
    We then went to the old town to see if the the Turkish sweet ladies store was open - it was !! :D and it was only 50 denar! A stupid gypsy lady was asking for money and I said no like 10 times but she is smart cause she knew I had to get my wallet out to pay so she stayed put. I gave her 10 denar to make her piss off.
    I bought a Macedonia magnet too :) it was only 1€ ^.^
    We went back to the Turkish place to have tea and to pass time more hookah hahaha this time grape which is my favorite flavor but I was sad because they meant grape like black currant, not grape grape. I don't like black currant :( but I persevered :D haha.
    We were going to go get Will a beer but the place looked too cold so we ended back at the tomato soup place woohoo! But before we did I found 2 more cats to feed. There was a black mangy one who I fed first but I don't think he knew it was food. It wasn't until the other one started eating did he figure it out.
    Will said "come on Harry they are coming from everywhere" which was a tad dramatic, only one more cat appeared - I fed it too :D so pleased with myself ^.^
    I had a cocktail with my soup.
    We walked home and I fed 4 more cats :) :)
    We have now booked accommodation for the lake. We will be 8km away from the city but will have a view of the lake and can canoe to town hahah.
    I think I might have diabetes from the treats (don't know there actual name) but I feel funny.
    I have a sugar headache.
    Macedonia had a ridiculous amount of pollen in the air and we both are sneezing more than usual.
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  • Hari 22


    25 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Was up half the night with bad heartburn - too many sweets haha so I was tired.
    We went and collected the washing - the lady was so cute - she didn't understand we were trying to tip her and she was freaking out that she didn't have the right change. It took a few attempts before she understood.
    We then took our washing home - it's so neatly wrapped and folded :) we then we headed into town.
    I fed some cats along the way. Teehee.
    We decided to have lunch before going to the museum - Will had the best pizza he has had in Europe so far. I got the shopska salad again which I'm loving. It's tomato and cucumber covered in white cheese. The cheese acts as a dressing.
    We then went to the Macedonian archaeological museum which was fantastic! Probably the best museum I've been to. I found out after, we paid extra for entry because we are tourists but oh well, it was still only 300 denar each (locals it's 100 denar)
    The first room had skulls and then above it, clay remodellings and drawings of what the people would have looked like. It also had a shit-tonne of coins which were cute looking and explanations of the different values.
    The next room had your basic old tomb stones and marble figurines - it also had a replica of Alexander the Greats sarcophagus which was cool.
    Upstairs was the best bit. It was two separate floors - the walls were covered in paintings which were scenes of the people using the archaeological artifacts that are in those glass cases (that after you have seen 10 you've seen them all and stop really reading.) the pictures really added colour to the room and help spark your imagination.
    There was a few other skeletons throughout with what they were buried with still with them. I always like that kind of stuff. It's weird thinking it was an actual person.
    On the upper floor they also integrated wax figurines of important Macedonian figures which was also very engaging. There was weapons, jewelry and a kings carriage.
    It had relevant background music playing the whole time which added to the effect and in some spots it had digital pictures on the walls.
    It was just colorful and engaging. I actually really like it and I think Will did too, he didn't try to rush out and because of the other types of displays he didn't have to read as much :)
    The staff were annoying though. We were the only ones there so they followed us everywhere - I understand why they did but it was still too close for comfort. They could have been more sly.
    We then went to get Will his craft beers which he had been dying to try. He tried 3. They all sucked. With the 3rd one he asked for something but they didn't have it so they gave him something else - it was dark beer which he doesn't like so he barely touched it. It smelt like Vegemite..
    I had a mojito.
    Will has also been dying to try the casinos because they are everywhere.
    We tried 1 place but it was closed so we walked 100m and went to the next one lol.
    We played roulette and the pokies.
    A standard loss but we hardly spent anything - all in the experience. Will was horrified that they didn't serve alcohol so we went to an Irish pub. While Will had more drinks I went cat hunting. I found several more :D
    We then went back to our favourite Turkish tea place.
    On the way Will found a dog which we both petted and I tried to feed but he didn't really know what to do with a shmacko.
    We had so much tea, it really grows on you. Will was embarrassing at first - too many beers hahaha he just talks to loudly.
    We paid the bill and Tipped a few euro and the guy was so thankful we got 2 more teas on the house. I think that's why we both like the place so much - beautiful workers with genuine gratitude. Good service, tea and hookah too.
    On our walk home we found 2 more dogs which I fed :)
    The stall owners nearby laughed at me then spoke to me in clear English. Apparently the dog had just finished eating 6 sausages hahahah good puppy <3
    We took some photos in the main square with the selfie stick then walked home and continued my cat hunting :)
    We've packed our bags and are keen for Ohrid lake tomorrow :)
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  • Hari 23

    Lake Ohrid

    26 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Woke up and packed up our final things, returned our key, payed and had reception order us a taxi.
    We probably should have left a little earlier because there was way more traffic than expected.. but we made it onto the bus in time
    Ew, what a horrible journey. The driver should be fired. Not only were the roads so bendy but he was thumping the break pedal.
    Me and Will both felt so sick. And sleepy.
    We had a 10 minute stop essentially for the driver to eat because I'm quite confident he would have driven off without us had I not been watching him. We sped back to the bus just in time.
    The food was good but we didn't get to finish it. We asked for lemonade but we're given a bitter lemon which was disgusting and tasted exactly as the name suggests.
    I think I slept for maybe 30 mins out of the 3.5hr drive. I kept banging my head against the wall with his terrible driving.
    I was getting very agitated but nothing compared to Will. He was quickly losing it.
    We did finally arrive - at which time the bus driver nearly ran into us - he was a real dick.
    We needed to sit for a while because we both wanted to vomit. Will had a cappuccino in a local store so we could sit and have access to the toilets.
    After, we caught a taxi from Ohrid to our hostel.
    Our taxi driver was great - we are possibly going to call him later in the week to take us for a private tour around the lake which crosses into Albania.
    Our hostel is cute, like little handmade cottages.
    We had a 4 hour sleep then finally were ready to get going.
    We met an English guy (not really fussed by him) and went to dinner at a local resturant together - pretty uneventful. The lake is STUNNING. And huge. Over 300m deep.
    On the way to the resturant there was a dog i patted so it happily followed us for a long while.
    Back at the hostel I had a shower and FINALLY washed my hair. The shower is a little bit better than the last place but still not great. Will doesn't fit this one either hahaha.
    We then went up and sat with a few people around a table. One girl was polish and the others worked at the place.
    The others went on a hike today and picked some thyme so we all had a pot of thyme tea :) I quite liked it. Will hated it.
    We then went inside and watched a terrible terrible Macedonian movie. It was so bad I couldn't look away.
    The polish girl has given us some spots to visit in Poland so that's exciting :)
    There is a dog here who I had a play with - Labrador :D
    There is a bee in our room but we have lost it now :S I don't want to get stung.
    Our room is small but cosy.
    Today was another waste day. Tomorrow we will hopefully pick up the pace again :)
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  • Hari 24

    Lake Ohrid

    27 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Asked for directions on how to get to town (supposedly 8km away) then caught the bus in. The bus is more like a school bus and the driver didn't give us our change but oh well. It was like 20c. We dropped most of the bus people off at a school, it was like 12:30.. not sure what the go is but it looked like they were just about to start school?
    If school in Australia started at 12:30 I would have been on time more often.
    The town is friggen stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am in love.
    Cobbled streets, cute stores and trees that back onto the most beautiful scenic lake. Can't deal. STUNNING.
    We first had crappy breakfast (that's the one thing Greece does better - food) then went for a walk. We walked onto the dock - amazing! We were pestered a lot for boat rides though which was annoying.
    There was so many fish in the bay and one very clever but extremely random swan.
    We kept walking and came across St Sophia's which was a nice church with frescoes, a lot have unfortunately been destroyed with time but still lovely all the same. It cost 100 denars to get in for international visitors and cheaper for domestic but it didn't annoy me cause at least they had a sign specifying it rather than some cheapo door man seemingly making up his own rules. We kept walking with no real aim up steep hills and came across another church - St Clements monastery of St Paneleimon. It was pretty dull, the highlight was that a stray cat caught a lizard to eat. I walked over to have a look at the gift shop outside and instantly regretted it. The man came to life, he was probably so excited to have a visitor. I walked away awkwardly. I felt bad for him.
    There are so many lizards it's weird.
    What's even weirder is the ticket guy gave us student discounts for no reason. He was like
    " are you students" and I said " super technically I am but can't prove it" and he said " naaa you look like students" and gave us half price entry.
    It's not usual for a discount here, normally the complete opposite where they try to rip you off. It was refreshing.
    We then kept walking us the hill to St samuels fortress which was boring itself but the views were S.P.E.C.T.A.C.U.L.A.R.
    We walked back down the hill and came across an "antique theatre" not ancient but antique haha.
    It looks as if it might still be used. I just thought it would be a great stage to dance on. It is super old though so we think the holes in some of the rows might be for pooing into, then someone collects your bucket hahah.
    On our stroll down the hill I bought a macedonia T-shirt and made a dog friend. I gave him a shmacko. He doesn't belong to the shop owner but has basically been adopted - they feed her and she hangs out with the' everyday :)
    We went for a quick shop with the intention of buying pegs, a drink, sunscreen, cereal and hair detangler cause I had a hissy fit this morning cause my hair has lost the plot.
    We finally found pegs but sunscreen seems to be an impossible task.
    I can feel my face turning into a giant cancer.
    We then went and sat at a resturant for hours chatting and looking at the view. Will has beer and I had dessert :D
    We got chatting to this English couple next to us. The man had me in stitches several times.
    Mainly when another man appeared wearing a silver leather jacket. The commentary for that particular Moment was hysterical. He looked liked he'd been wrapped in alfoil.

    We caught a taxi home and are now having some alone time. We chatted to them for hours.
    We had a wonderful day.

    Omg yuck Will was holding my hand for ages and I thought he was either scratching or cleaning my nails but he was using my nails to clean his nails. Not cool.
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  • Hari 25

    Lake Ohrid

    28 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Woke up and turned the alarm clock off before Will could hear it muahaha.
    Dad called this morning to make sure the number I gave him worked so that was good :) was nice to hear his voice but we had to hang up or else it would have cost a fortune. I had a shower and washed some of my clothes in with me then hung them out to dry.
    We went and had breakfast over in the eating area which had a nice vibe. There are 2 new German girls but we didn't talk.
    We wanted to go on a hike in the mountains so we filled up our camel packs and put shorts on.
    There is an ongoing disagreement about this but just for the official record - my camel pack is better than Wills.
    We found the hostel owners and asked them where the trail started - instead they organized to drive us up the mountain to meet up with a group that had already begun.
    We met up with the two male workers and 2 new Swiss girls at the spot which was what felt like miles up the mountain through twists and turns. It was a cafe of the most basic kind. Will got a coffee and I got a tea but they weren't normal either. Mine was organic and made from some herb with lemon and Wills was just odd in appearance but tasted alright.
    The Swiss girls are nice. Clear English. I like listening to them speaking French to each other.
    I was given a walking stick but it's annoying to hold.
    After a long time we started walking and ended up at two old peoples house (one of the workers - Michails - adopted grandparents) in the middle of an amazing, abandoned tradition village. Only 7 people still live here. It was awesome! It reminded me a little of the Kenyan villages.
    It was thatched house styles and lots of barns with holes in walls. I loved it. I think Will loved it too. It was authentic. There was realness that can't be faked.
    The 2 people didn't speak English but god they were cute. The woman was so small and wrinkly. She came up to Wills belly button hahahah.

    So Macedonia has this thing called radka** and a bottle got pulled out at the house along with a sandwich. It was in a vodka bottle and I was originally pleased to learn it wasn't vodka... that was until I had a sniff. It was nail polish remover. O.o
    Me and Will were quietly trying to psych ourselves up to be able to shot it.
    Everyone was given a shot glass - we were suppose to sip it not shot it. We both managed to finish it but it nearly killed us. It was so horrible. If there hadn't have been bread to scoff down afterwards I would have puked for sure.
    I've been having the most awful burps ever since.
    We stayed for around 40 mins. I had a lot of fun. It was wonderful to watch them interact in their native tongue and see how these people live. Most people have left the village due to lack of water. I asked how the couple survives and apparently one of there son visits every 3 days with food.
    The old lady had the littlest but broken hands. They were cute to look at but probably have caused her a lot of pain.
    I wanted to put her in my pocket.
    They had a dog in the shed tied up that I went and patted because I think it was getting stressed it couldn't get to us and wanted to say hi :)
    "Booba" the dog had come on the hike with us. They call her boobie. :)
    She is so well trained.
    We walked through the village - I would like to re highlight how much I loved it.
    And through this field with flowers that came up to just below my knee. I'm genuinely surprised I wasn't stung by a bee because it's spring at the moment and the amount of pollen and BUGS is ridiculous.
    We saw a donkey carrying a lot of wood down the street and walked past a small cemetery. There was also the most random church/alter in the middle of nowhere.
    The hike was easy - all downhill. Woohoo!
    We came across a patch of thyme and collected a lot for more tea.
    We also came across a snake. The workers blocked the path until I reminded them we were Australian then they let us pass hahah.
    There is a dead animal down by the side of the road near the entrance to the hostel - I asked them what it was - it's a badger. I hope I see a live one at some point.
    The views were of course breathtaking.
    Will has taken my walking stick so I don't have to carry it anymore :) it wasn't doing anything to help.
    We have arrived at a place for lunch. They have cooked a traditional Macedonian Lunch. Moussaka, a tzatziki type duo, chilly/egg dip and breads. It was tasty but Will LOVED it and cobbled down 2 massive serves.
    We have only walked about an hour ropes and this is our 4th break...
    typical Macedonian people we have eating and everyone else is currently having a siesta before dessert - they will probably have another one after that too hahah.
    This is why nothing gets done. At the start of the hike we were told it would take 5 hours and they questioned our level of fitness.
    Overall we ended up walking for 75 mins then sitting/eating for 300 minutes.

    We were offered dessert of baklava which was yum, walked some the mountain for a bit and then got picked up and driven back to hostel. Will got out at the bottom to buy beer with the workers and dog. I got driven up with the Swiss girls. Until I got to the room and realized Will had the key -.-
    so I waited 30 minutes for him to get back to be told he didn't even lock it to begin with......... gah!
    We both showered and checked ourselves for ticks - all clear!
    We then sat up at the eating area cause I think Will is really keen to make friends but there was no one there really. We ended up playing cards and I'm now going to read some of my book :)
    Will just moved and knocked the laptop off the bed - it's a bunk bed type setup so the fall was extra large. If I had done it he would have lost his shit.
    Thankfully the laptop is fine.
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  • Hari 26

    Lake Ohrid

    29 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This bed is killing us. We have both been waking up several times during the night. We just don't fit :S
    Woke up and had a shower, well kinda. Jumped in when the water turned luke warm then it turned cold. I waited patiently shivering for 5 mins waiting for it to heat up but it didn't -.- I didn't use soap cause my hands were busy hugging myself but it still counts as a rinse lol.
    Ate cereal in the common room, lots of random new people..
    Said hi to Booba and got dressed for the day. The girls from work facetimed me on my phone and we chatted for a while, a few were drunk as crap but it was sooo good to talk to them!! They were all out drinking for Gabby's farewell.
    We decided to go to Ohrid again because Will wants a kebab.
    Mikhail was going there anyway so he drove us :)
    We went to the old bazaar area which we didn't visit last time but it was nothing special. Too modernized. We had a kebab which I actually really liked. We then needed to get our bus ticket for the first half of our trip to Bulgaria tomorrow. (Ohrid - Skopje) we asked for directions from the information center and then walked for about 15 mins. On the way we definitely walked through a more slummy area. There was a girl that picked up a cat and cat was trying to hard to get away. I don't know if it was her cat or not cause she did enter a nearby house but the cat got away.
    The buildings were falling apart and it was dirty.
    We got the the bus terminal and bought a ticket, it was quite stress free actually.
    We then walked back to town and sat at a resturant near the lake.
    I could watch it for hours.
    We had drinks.
    There is a tree that is upside down looking that is cool.
    Caterpillars love Will and keep crawling on him.

    Because I subscribed to smart traveller on my Facebook, this morning Macedonia got an updated warning for travelers to be careful.
    It's because of the lack of government and not terrorism though so that's something.
    There are marches everyday but Macedonia is known for being peaceful. As we have been told by every Macedonian 109 times, Macedonia is the only country to leave Yugoslavia without a casualty, apparently.
    I am not concern in the slightest. Not a single bone in my body feels threatened or in danger. I felt more wary in Greece and they are a green travel zone so eh.
    I would take the "risk" of coming here again and again.
    We left the resturant which didn't have the friendliest vibe - probably because it was sort of up market and we only ordered drinks haha and walked to the taxi.
    He drove us to Lagadin where we got out, bought some snacks for the trip for tomorrow and walked up the stupid hill back to our hostel.
    I tried to find a worker earlier to ask them if they could order us a taxi for tomorrow morning but I can't find anyone. As much as I love it here, the lack of designated reception area is a pain in the ass.
    We chilled out in our room for a bit. I read another chapter of my book (the last stand) then we started to get hungry and wanted to go get dinner. It took 2 attempts to leave because Booba the dog kept breaking the gate and following people. I had to go get her an extra time with a group leaving before us. The German girls had to go give her to others to distract her. She is a bugger haha.
    We walked down to the road and flagged down a taxi but noticed it was occupied so I lowered my hand. They stopped anyway and we jumped in the back. They were suppose friendly and agreed to drop us 2km down the road. They too said lots of Macedonians live in Australia. He's like the 8th person to say this.
    It was a very tight fit in the back seat. I don't think the lady next to me spoke English. We just spoke to the male passenger who was called Alexander lol. It was very cool and culturally different to home. They were so happy to let us share the taxi.
    We got dropped off at the barbecue place Mikhail recommended to us this morning. We had the Macedonian version of tzatziki- the difference is it's made with sour cream not yogurt, and we both got the pork ribs.
    We were expecting racks but that's not what we got. Still it was delicious and filling and only cost 2.50€ for an entire meal which included chips. Bargain!
    I had a dessert too cause Will promised me this morning I could have one at dinner if I didn't buy a gelato in town :) :) hehe
    It was a banana crepe and it was goooood.
    We made a very very bad decision on how to get home.
    By car it didn't seem that far away but when you are walking, on the side of a road that has no lights or footpaths with lunatic drivers racing around corners - walking is dumb.
    We made it home alive though. We did have to hop over fences, and run to dodge traffic though. We worked up a sweat as we ran around the bends to get out of "danger" as quick as possible. I had only my phone light for a guide but that at least also alerted cars something was there.
    Will got a tad exasperated at me cause I wanted to walk on the left but he wanted to walk on the right.
    I wanted the left because then I could see when a car was coming and move out of the way but he wanted the right because it had slightly more room on the side of the road. I think this would have been a good argument if these people stayed in there lanes.
    Either way we made it :)
    We were going to play cards again but the other worker dude - really should learn his name cause he is super nice - said they some people were going to town and asked if we wanted to come.
    I was gonna go but our bus is at 7:15am and I haven't slept well in days and they could be out til an unknown hour so I'm in bed right now writing this while Will has gone to have fun with the boys :) he knows not to drink though cause he will hate himself tomorrow on our 9 hour bus journey. Lol
    I've packed, he hasn't - bed time :D
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  • Hari 27

    Lake Ohrid

    30 April 2017, Makedonia Utara ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Woke up out of my coma. Will felt sick. We got driven to the bus stop by the owners. We sat outside the terminal for 20 minutes before Will said he couldn't do it.
    I reorganized the bus ticket for tomorrow and we have started the stupid task of finding accommodation.
    We sat outside the burger show we ate from the other day to steal its wifi.
    We walked around and checked a few places but everything was either full or closed.
    Around 8:30 we wandered into a cafe for food but they don't serve breakfast until 10.
    I tried hostel world but they didn't give me the option to book today, only from tomorrow onwards.
    We ended up on airbnb.
    I messaged 4 different places.
    3 said no and then thank the heavens one said yes - but would only be available from 3pm. D:
    We are currently sitting in a cafe with our eyeballs falling out of our heads. I'm bored and cranky.
    Its not his fault but damn his weak stomach! lol
    I can't wait to be in counties with train systems - he does much better on them.
    We ordered a hot chocolate and it ended up being hot mousse instead which was super weird.
    There seems to be some parade thing happening out front. There is a big Croatia flag with 25 odd people in traditional dress. There are other people dressed up to but I can't see which flag.
    I think Will is kinda keen to maybe go back to the place we have been at when we have the 3 months to kill later on but im not overly keen.
    The worker with a beard - as lovely as he is gives me the heeby jeebies. He has a man crush on Will. Last night Will awkwardly misinterpreted him - Will got offended because he though the dude was saying he didn't like him when actually he was saying how fluid their relationship was and how good it is.
    Crushing HARD
    he is a big hippie.
    We can't wait to lie down.

    the wifi keeps dropping out so I have to awkwardly walk over to the shop next door, stand there for a minute before walking back. I've done it a few times people must think I'm special.
    There was a random parade thing in the square. I'm not sure why it was for but it had Croatian representatives ( i knew because of the flag) and heaps of other people dressed in traditional clothes. Potentially other baulkan nations. One group looked Romani but I'm not sure.
    I watch them dance for a while. Let's get real, It was terrible Choreography! but fun because of the traditional side.

    We were so tired and bored. But to tired to fix our boredom so we just sat like zombies.
    I ordered a shopska salad and while I waited for it to be made popped over to the shop next door.
    They had messaged us an hour before - right about the time I had given up home of being called over earlier to the house - so I raced over to tell Will the fantastic news :)
    Scoffed down my salad and we left to find the house.
    Terrible service though - it will be going in their review on TripAdvisor hahaha
    So the house was impossible to find. It was made worse because we were hot, tired and carrying our packs. We tried 2 different streets then gave up and I put my data roaming on to call them.
    They had to come meet us at St Sophia's church (which Pokémon go has told me is the oldest church is Macedonia - why does Pokémon go tell me this piece of information but I wasn't told that fact when I actually entered the site a few days ago?)
    We walked to the house and straight into our room. We slept straight from 2-8:30
    Will watched some videos until 11 then we went back robbed and slept through until 6.
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  • Hari 28


    1 Mei 2017, Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Feeling pretty good considering it's 6am.
    It was an easy morning because we hadn't unpacked anything and we had paid so we just quietly left.
    We walked into town but couldn't see a taxi, it seemed as if we would have to walk to the bus station wahhhh
    But out of the mist, a beautiful sight...
    A taxi.
    We jumped in, he was nice and spoke clearly.
    Will got us breakfast from the bakery while we waited for the bus to leave. It was like a feta cheese Pastry thing - was filling.
    Onto the bus we went. I'm always sooooo friggen hot on transport before it leaves. Planes and buses especially. They need to crank up the air con.
    The bus was pretty empty so at the halfway point I kicked Will out so I could have a double seat to myself which was a great idea cause I got some more sleep haha
    It was so misty is was ridiculous. Very horror films inspiring.
    Will said the mist was at its worst when I was sleeping and that you couldn't see 10 meters in front of the bus. Lucky I was asleep or I probably would have been a little scared.
    I hope the next bus is empty so I can kick Will out again. He takes up 1.5 seats with is stupid shoulders so I'm stuck rammed into a corner with a twisted spine all the while dying of heat because he is a fernus.
    We arrived in Skopje around 10:30.
    We bought our tickets to Sofia, Bulgaria. It was only 1900 denars so around 15 euro each. Our bus leaves at 3 so we have some time to kill. It's a long day. It will take another 5 hours to get there.
    We decided to walk to the main square but it was too hot carrying our backpacks with jumpers on so we ducked into the shopping center to eat and hopefully find some ginger tablets for Will.
    And sunscreen - have still remained unsuccessful in this venture. - but hopefully that changes shortly - we were offered insider information - They only sell sunscreen at pharmacies that's why we haven't found it anywhere.
    We are eating at a burgers place without wifi. Boo.
    There is a kindly gym next to me which looks fun, I just keep thinking that the fences are too low, I would have been out in minutes.
    I had a fright on the toilet. I sat down and the whole thing moved and CLANGED so loudly.
    2 of the screws are missing so the whole toilet moved. Didn't expect that when I sat down hahaha.

    Will was successful WOOHOOO!!!!!

    He also got motion sickness tablets. Apparently the worker looked at him like he was a lunatic when he asked for ginger tablets lol. I suppose if you haven't heard of it before that would be an odd request.
    Bulgaria has a different currency so we did our best to spend all of our coinage. I bought lollies at a junk store. The lady was very patient with me and I counted out cent by cent.
    We then bought water for the bus and walked back to the bus station.
    Only 1 hour till we leave now. Will just changed over our Denar to Lev. He has also taken a motion sickness tablet so hopefully it helps.
    I'm drinking the most delicious ice teas ever! It's forest fruits and cranberry flavored. A very pleasant surprise.

    So once again we napped. So did everyone on the bus. The roads are ridiculous. Will made comment in his exasperated, cranky voice "I can't believe this is a national highway"
    It's like being rocked to sleep, you can't fight it, you just become so sleepy.
    I watched as much of the country side as I could. I find the brokenness beautiful. Everyone going on with their daily life's in pits of mud while others go to skyscraper offices in suits.
    I am so hot so I took the big risk and took off my shoes and waited for the smell... but it never came! Woohoo!
    Feeling better now.
    After nearly 3 hours we reached the border. It took so long to get through. There was 3 full buses in front of us and every person needs to be checked and stamped twice - one for exit one for entry. It was the first time in the trip I was bored.
    We got though and to my annoyance, once again Wills passport got stamped before mine so he has bright, clear, readable stamps and mine you can't even see the letters to know what country I was in. Boo hiss.
    I was pretty stamps :( he has a purple one from Thailand.. I want a purple one. Lol
    There was a quick toilet stop just past the border. Will went to the loo and came back in a state of horror. Apparently some girls have used the wrong toilet and left their used pads laying around hahahah he is mortified. Hahaha

    Bulgaria looks similar and yet different. I think it might've the foliage. It's got bigger paddocks and dirt.
    70km away now.
    We just came onto a highway and Wills mood changed. He is approves of its condition. Lol
    Got dropped off at the bus station and found a taxi.
    Showed him the address and he asked a few friends, Nobody knew where the bloody address was......
    lunatic driver. He was dodging traffic, on the phone, didn't have working seatbelts and had to rely on our phone data to have a working map which he kept checking over his back shoulder every 3 seconds.
    After this fiasco ended another one started.
    We were in the middle of what seemed a sleeping suburb with nowhere to go. The place we were dropped off at was wrong -.-
    We went searching. Will has the big shits by this time.
    We tried several buildings and asked 5 different people where the address was. The 5th person, bless her cotton socks was able to tell us and finally after 25 minutes of stressful wanderings in a dark, foreign city we found it.
    And it is great.
    It is like a hotel. It has key cards to open the door and keep the electricity on AND a big shower ! Woohoo!
    We popped down to the local dominos for dinner - we didn't want to venture too far until we know the area a bit better.
    First impressions of Bulgaria is that it's a hole and that a strong breeze will knock it over.
    It's a concrete city.. hopefully the city center is better.
    Keen for another good sleep.
    Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 29


    2 Mei 2017, Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Woke to the front door ringing - disaster, we had planned on sleeping in for ages, we didn't even set alarms. I naturally pretended to not hear it so Will got up muaha. The man had to fix something in the bathroom.
    Because Will was awake that meant I had to get up. Will facetimed Jess for a bit but Jaxon was a little sooky so we had to say bye after 10 minutes. I emailed my dad to ask if they wanted to skype but same problem as last time - he didn't get the message because he wasn't at the computer :(
    I had a shower while we waited to see if he would respond.
    The shower is awesome - nice and spacious :)
    Only problem is the drainage. I nearly flooded the bathroom. The drain was clogged with hair and I pulled out some long dark hair so I couldn't even blame Will. It was gross. At least it unclogged one hole so it started to drain even if only slowly. I washed my hair - great feeling and it even dried without knotting today woo!
    When I got out of the shower I though My parents must have called through cause Will was talking to someone but it was Helen and Bill.
    I put some moisturizer on and got dressed. After we were dressed we both realized we probably wouldn't get into the cathedral if we wore shorts.
    Gosh it's hot in the sun. We tried to stay in the shade as much as possible. The walk was soooo long D:
    The start was beautiful though. We walked through this park. I get the feeling that landscaping isn't a high priority for council funding. This thing was so over grown and lush! The paths were only defined by the lack of trees and nothing else lol.
    There was a cute park in the middle though which had gym equipment incorporated into nature so like there was 2 trees holding up a pull-up bar.
    We walked past lots of sports things like tennis courts and an abandoned swimming center that was so long abandoned it was quite artistic.
    Will got cranky at me for taking so many photos cause a person on a bike supposedly nearly hit me.
    I therefore asked permission to take a photo when we saw the most weirdly body shaped person. She had legs for days.
    He said yes. Lol her torso was so amazingly disproportionate.
    I shouldn't laugh but she looked like a daddy long legs.

    So many dandelions. I keep kicking them but really I just want to run through the field with a broom and see what happens.
    We walked through another park and this was definitely of a higher standard. There was statue heads, seats and flower beds.
    As we were walking we past a stadium and I made a HILARIOUS joke that maybe it's their quidditch stadium and then our Conversation went like this
    W: mm maybe that's where he trains
    H: the whole team needs to train not just him. Will, they made it to the finals
    W: yeah where they versed Ireland.
    I have never been so proud.
    My audiobooks have worn off on him hahahah

    We bought a drink cause by this stage we had walked over 5km. I'm enjoying trying all the different Fanta flavors. Today's was peach and I think lychee mix. It was quite sweet.
    I then got something caught in my eye. I've never had it this bad before. Normally when something is in my eye I've had to try and make my eye water or move my eye around but my left eye was balling by itself. Tears were dripping everywhere I had to sit down to try get it out.
    I don't know what it was but it eventually came out.
    I took some photos of statues I don't know the significance of then we found a McDonald's to eat in.
    Will did a good deed and gave out order code to an old man so he could use the toilet without buying something. Good job William.
    The bread was burnt as it has been in every country so far by it was a passable Big Mac.
    Once again though, THEY NEED TO PUT SALT ON THEIR CHIPS. I think I'm going to do an Aunty Noeline and keep a salt shaker in my bag.
    It's making me cranky.
    We then made it to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
    Woah! It's brilliant! The building is such a statement in what until now has appeared like a run down city.
    The colours and shape really make it exquisite.
    We took some selfies out front and then went in. Entry is free but it costs 10 Lev (5€) to take photos. We also bought a candle each and didn't communicate it, but both lit them for Pete.
    INSIDE WAS SPECTACULAR. I've seen a lot of churches but this one was splendid. I think it being so new and complete probably played a big part.
    The church was build to commemorate the soliders from several nations who laid down their life to liberate Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire.
    They policed the photo taking rule like ninjas. We think a few people were asked to leave so we ended up paying. We got a ticket and everything which 2 separate people checked. #ninjas
    The wall paintings were awesome.
    We got more photos outside, then, as it was only 4pm and we had no other plans we decided to go for a walk.
    We came across the monument of the unknown soldier which had a lion out front that everyone was getting photos of. I wanted one to so I jumped on. Doubt I was allowed to but someone else did it to soooo...
    On our stroll we came across the rememants of a Turkish barracks that was used as a prison for Bulgarian rebels.
    I love they have such significant historical stuff in the middle of nowhere, just casually next to some cafe.
    There were art markets I wanted to have a look at but Will had to rescue me because when people talk to me I can't be rude so I talk back and end up getting stuck.
    We had to leave quickly after the second store due to my incompetence haha
    We then came across a building that we both thought looked like the Kremlin. We went to see what it was and turns out it was Moscow's patriarchy Russian Saint Nicholas Church.
    Popped in, nothing special. We then saw a sign for some dudes crypt so we thought we would have a look.
    First we had to walk over a floor that was in the process of being mopped with our dirty shoes then walked along this corridor type room to get to the crypt at the end which inside had one man and he was in the middle of doing some like voodoo dance to the Crypt. We backed away as quickly and quietly as possible.
    It was So Unbelievably Awkward.
    We intruded something very private there ha
    Ha hahah
    We carried on and walked past the archaeological museum which had some remains out front. I love that they have so many left over things they can just pop them out the front in all climates with graffiti artists on the lose lol. If they get destroyed, no biggy.
    There were lots of impressive buildings (this section of Bulgaria has really picked up its game)
    We kept guessing which one was parliament cause any of them could have Been.
    One place he guards in uniform. There uniform is less stupid than Greeces but they still have a big feather on their hats.
    We came to this like walking boulevard area lined with cafes and street performers.
    We needed to get money out to we found an ATM we were super impressed - the ATM said hi William Pickering and knew to appear in English.

    Walking down the boulevard was the most whipped male indervidual I have ever seen in my life. In a pram was his SON which makes his shirt even less acceptable.
    It read: My girl is my Queen. With a picture of a crown underneath. The lady he was holding hands with didn't look particularly phyco but she must be. No man would wear that willingly.
    I laughed loud.
    We kept walking and I saw a man with th most amount of tumors/growth ever. He reminded me of the squid dude from pirates of the Caribbean. It was literal tentacles on half his face. Will said I wasn't allowed to take a sly photo which is fair enough but it was so incredible.
    Everyone has Yorkshire terriers or chihuahuas..
    The square we walked into was beautiful and full of tulips.
    We sat at a cafe and had a drink then walked back down the lane for dinner.
    My spag bowl had the taco flavor again D:

    The Bulgarians seem nicer than the Greeks but not as nice as the Macedonias.
    I like the city city part a lot.
    On our stroll home we walked over the bridge with billboards of impacting photos. I was impressed to see gay kisses displayed. I didn't think they were so progressive.
    Will walked too quickly so I didn't get to properly take them in but hopefully we cross it again on the tour we plan to do.
    2hour walk home booooo.
    I plan to message the Bnb guy and ask for tips on the public transport because I refuse to walk it everyday. It's silly.

    Europes safety standards are hilarious. We walked past a go kart place with an attached bar. Lol
    We stopped at a super market on the way home and bought juice.

    Overall I'm liking it, not loving it. I do like the city though, its cleaner more modern and has nice architectural designs.
    Looking forward to the tour.
    We are soooo happy to be home with our feet up!!
    I'm eating some gummy bears and watch Bulgarian Cartoon Network and loving it.

    I have only seen a hand few of strays so that's good.
    Will is currently talking to himself in the shower?
    He tickled me this morning and I fell over in a panic. Not nice.
    It's bed time!
    Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 30


    3 Mei 2017, Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It's 1:30am and Will just asked me if I have ever had a grape...
    Correction, grapefruit.
    It's now 2am and he has discovered His pillow is a triangle.
    And he calls me the retard?

    We slept in until the beautiful hour of 12:30. I had my shower and then started the washing.
    I did 4 loads with the scrubba until we ran out of hanging space because I think I must have left the clothes Line in Skopje but we can always get another one or some rope.
    Shockingly, Will hasn't done any washing. I've told him he is to to all of it next time which he has agreed to.
    Sachin and Day care messaged us to say their postcards had arrived. Yay. Sachin put his on the fridge :) it's a picture of some Greek erotica hahahah. Apparently it has prompted some conversations with his housemates lol.
    I'm getting better at this washing business, I've still got to work on my wringing out skills though.
    It's 2 o'clock and we're both hungry so we chucked on some shorts and thongs and went to find some lunch. People stared at us but I'm getting use to it now. It's still nothing like the attention being white in Kenya brought me.
    We went to club 35. Gosh Europe have the best drink menus! It's such a stressful process. I can't decided I have over 40 cheap mocktail options!
    We both got cheese burgers and they were delicious!! But so messy we had food all over our faces. On the walk back we got drinks - we need to go to the supermarket later to get toilet paper. As if one roll of 0.5 paper was going to suffice.

    Will is downloading movies while I do my paper journal which I've been stapling tickets into and doing research.
    We've booked our accommodation for 2 more nights here so that I'll be able to Skype Mum and Dad on Saturday and hopefully we can do a proper tour of something cool. There is a monastery and mountains that look good.
    I need the computer not just my phone to look properly.
    We have decided instead of doing the night tour tonight we are having a movie day and will do the tour tomorrow morning which means we can spent more time in the city before dark.
    We watched "the late bloomer" which i quite liked actually.
    Had some funny bits and the "complication" that every movie has, wasn't too stressful for me hahaha
    I did 2 more loads of washing then we went out to get dinner. We decided on Indian. On our walk we came across a man losing his shit at a group of people - he had stopped his car in the middle of the street and had 15 odd cars behind him. They were so patient, he only got honked twice but was yelling for a good few minutes. He then drove away.
    The nightlife is quite strong here. There's lots of bars packed and nargile is big. Every club has it. Smells delicious as we walked past.
    They need better street lights it's so dark. And not a single street has a sign.
    Made it to Indian and my oh my the butter chicken was goooood. Still not as good as the stuff I had in London before/after seeing the mousetrap.
    Walked home and crawled into bed. Turbo wasn't showing up on our hard drive so we watched the count of monte cristo which was great!!
    It's way past bedtime and we have to be in the city by 11 which isn't that early only we need to figure out the bus system too!
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