Wedding and Honeymoon

октября 2022 - января 2023
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  • День 10

    Bryce canyon

    23 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ❄️ -2 °C

    Woke up and went to our free breakfast buffet. We went at the very end so bit scarce. But free is free.

    It snowed A LOT overnight. Our car was completely covered.
    Not a problem we are use to dealing with. 🤔
    We did our best getting it off but I got wet and got lots of snow in the car 😅
    When we went to leave the car censors where freaking out from the snow. Beep beep beeeeeeeeep.
    We decided to do the scenic route except once we got into the park we found that the route was closed from the snow. So we went the other way which had some view points to go to. We went to Bryce viewpoint, Paria viewpoint, Inspiration view point, Sunrise viewpoint and we did Sunset viewpoint again because we figured with the snow it would look different to how it did yesterday.

    All of them STUNNING.
    Love the hoodoos.
    I think Bryce is my favorite and Sunrise is second but all terrific.

    Should write a blog. Everything online is so bloody confusing and the park is literally one long street with viewpoint turnoffs. Once you get to the end you can’t go any further. Not the complicated labyrinth described online. Also parking everywhere. (Technically one fork but also a dead end)

    *British accent*
    Our hands are icicles.
    It’s -6 🥶

    At least I’m able to reuse clothes cause I’m definitely not sweating 😅

    Will still doing a bang up job as my personal photographer. What a good husband.

    Floor was slippery but I had my hiking boots. Feeling semi smug over here cause Will thought I was stupid for bringing them. Muahhaha

    When we got back we went to the Resturant for lunch and it’s the first meal where I’m not mad about paying. $17 for all you can eat buffet and it was gooood. Their was a salad bar and cooked veggies 😍😍😭😭

    Went back to room and I had a big nap, woke up then Will had a big nap. Probably a stupid decision but we shall see 😬 main job is driving tomorrow.

    I AM STRESSED about our flight to New York. Actually beside myself. Had to come up with a plan B of maybe flying from LA instead cause it’s meant to be American Airlines but they have put us on an blue jet plane. I was told I could pick seats. Apparently I can’t pick seats. They are still saying I can add bags 24 hours before flight … but what if I can’t add bags.
    We are totally fucked and it will cost us like $3500 to fix the problem.
    Big prayers tonight.

    I am already so stressed about money I have such a tight chest. We have gone over budget Every. Single. Day and we haven’t even done anything. I hate this country. Will despises Morocco. This is my Morocco.
    We are THOUSANDS of dollars out and that’s even with Dad paying for so much in Vegas.
    If we don’t get our travel insurance refund I don’t know what we are going to do.

    Just down the rabbit hole atm tbh.
    We forgot to check our car for damage before we left. I don’t know why. I think we were flustered because of the price hike and we just drove off and now I’m like omg what if there is damage we haven’t registered. I got insurance but I also have a document full of legal jargon. What if there is a loop hole.
    My chest I can’t even.

    We went to dinner and got some entrees like wings and mozzarella sticks cause buffet was $27 each and I just can’t ok.
    Waiter let us get a salad plate each for free though so I’m less made about his tip.
    Back in the hotel. Golly we make a lot of mess for 2 days haha.
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  • День 11

    Horseshoe Bend

    24 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Slept better than expected considering we both napped. Really like the bed and pillows.
    Went over to have our free breakfast buffet - much better than yesterday it had pancakes and bacon. We both had pancakes - our waiter bothered to mention today that the tip wasn’t included booooo lol. I prefer yesterday when we left without a tip and with a free conscience lol.
    People before us only left a few $1’s so we left $3.
    Went back to our room and packed.
    -7 absolutely dying. Couldn’t be bothered getting undressed to put a bra on so opted to go without and just chucked more layers on.
    It was a very unorganized pack. Will have to redo once at Zion.
    We sat in the car for about 10 mins waiting for the ice to defrost so we could leave. We then just popped across the road to get petrol. Can’t get mad about this part because it’s my oversight and not because America is stupid like most of my other complaints but never considered petrol for the budget. It cost $70AUD for half a tank. Who needs money?
    You have to put your credit card in before you even begin putting petrol in.
    No faith in its citizens.

    We then got on our way towards Horseshoe bend in Arizona which is about a 2.5 hour detour but it’s such a famous spot and we were in vicinity so felt obliged.
    Drive was lovely. Brilliant scenery. Much more exciting than Aussie bush. The rock mountain are divine - especially when covered in snow like they were for the first 45 mins of the drive.
    Lots of little towns I couldn’t live in along the way. Population of 15 but there was one town called Kanab. Could live there, great vibe.
    It also had a Maccas. SOLD.
    I kept checking in on Will cause I was DYING. My eyes were falling out my head so I asked if he’d mind if I had a nap hahah
    Only like a 15 min one cause then we were there.
    Cost $10 to park the car then it was a 2.4km round trip.
    I didn’t realize there would be a walk so I had to sneakily put a bra on in the car park in the back seat haha.
    Relatively flat but lots of people out there with their camel packs and hiking sticks hahah.

    View both wonderful and not as WOW as I was expecting. I was expecting it further away. You can’t actually see the bottom of the horseshoe with out making a point to look down. I would like to just look forward and see it all?
    Pictures are great because it can do the 0.5 feature.
    Will was cranky and crashing so it wasn’t a happy stop. 😔
    He wants me to delete insta and fb cause I took some selfies.
    1. I have gone the last 2 years without a single photo of us minus when we bought a house. I don’t think I have an addiction problem.
    2. I want evidence I was here.
    3. We have been together 10 years how do you not know the importance of photos to me? Memories are so important.
    4. And most importantly. I don’t want selfies. I want my husband to take candid photos like I do for him but that doesn’t happen does it so Imma take my selfies. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

    The walk back was bad. He was so absent.
    In the car he said he was exhausted. We are going to go to the doctor in Belgium if still isn’t better.
    It’s becoming a bit of a joke now. He hasn’t had a voice for 4-5 days now. We are out of his ibuprofen he got from the doctor but still has sore throat so we bought more lozenges at Walmart. (No bad outfits to our great sadness)
    We have come to these national parks specifically to hike but can’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️😔
    We then did our Walmart trip and found food. We were going to try Denny’s until I realized it’s a Resturant and therefore needs a tip. NOPE. Off to Burger King we went.
    We are en route to Zion now with 1.5 hours to go. I want to drive but I feel so sleepy and also nervous. There isn’t enough stopping bays for my liking.

    Approx 10 mins after I wrote that Will said he wanted to change drivers 😬😬

    So I put on my big girl pants.
    Had a little cry cause I got overwhelmed by all the buttons. It’s a BMW so everything is automatic like moving the chair forward and just 100 more buttons which is scary 😆
    As I pulled out I realized I had forgotten to fix my rear view mirror and was stressed cause I didn’t know what button to press. Busy concentrating on not getting us killed to be fiddling.
    I did well I think :)
    I missed our exit… but I fixed it.
    STAY RIGHT STAY RIGHT STAY RIGHT over and over and over in my head.
    I also nearly hit a deer. I spotted it before Will started frantically signaling but he thinks I was gonna hit it.
    I was A OK until we got to the park. We paid the entry and then it became this skinny windy road with mounting goats appearing from everywhere but I was most stressed in the tunnel. It went for like 2km and it was so dark and I didn’t know which of the 100 buttons turned on my lights became twisting the knob didn’t work. Will yelled at me cause I nearly hit the wall and I yelled back I am trying my best. It was really scary.
    But we made it. He had to fix my park.
    We went to the grocery store and bought some milk and cereal.
    Our room is really weird. Our bath tub is in the middle of the room.
    Had a bath. Changed my mind - great idea I can watch the telly at the same time haha
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  • День 12

    Zion National Park

    25 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Had a wee sleep in this morning which was nice. Can’t do what we had planned so hardly going to take the whole day to see some stuff.
    Had a shower which was deliciously warm cause I was COLD.
    Got cracking.
    There is a shuttle bus stop outside our lodge. It was the wrong bus but long story short the driver took us to where we needed to go. (Visitors centre)
    We then got on the correct bus up the canyon. We decided to start at the top and work our way down so we got off at stop 9.
    I had heard about the boardwalk walk and asked if we could do a little bit.
    To my great surprise Will lasted the whole way.
    It was beautiful. The rock faces go up so high
    Loooove the stream. We had a debate whether it’s a creek, stream or river. I think either but not river. Lol 🤔🤔
    Lots of people wearing special pants and shoes to wade through the stream for part of their hike.
    An old bird took a long while to get 10m. Turn back, love.

    Walked back and got the shuttle down to stop 5 cause I sneakily read on someone’s map while on the bus, that there was a quick walk there too.
    Lower emerald pools walks I believe it was called.
    Beautiful. Stoked we got 2 walks in so it doesn’t feel like a wasted trip.
    We saw a wild tarantula which was pretty cool.
    Spent a solid 5 mins trying to get a good pic of me on a rock but the lighting was a bust. I blend into the trees. Need to wear Fluro.

    Will was done which was a - ok. Still so thankful. We were hungry so decided we would go to the pizza place for lunch then have cereal for dinner to keep costs down except it was closed and didn’t open for another 2 hours 😭

    Checked in AND SUCESSFULLY ADDED BAGS 🎉 thank goodness. Praise God 😭
    I have been so stressed.

    We went next door to the pizza and noodle place (which I think is a great way to say pasta)
    Actually great food. I had a garlic pizza with tomato, spinach and pineapple which was great. Not ingredients I’d normally put together.
    100 yeses to pineapple on pizza 💍😍😍

    We then came back and I literally sat in the bath for 2-3 hours just refilling it when it got a little cold. I had THE BEST TIME 😂😂😂
    Gonna have to get a bath tub in the lounge room when we build a house 👌🏻👌🏻😆😆
    I read a lot of my book.
    It’s called Summer by Audrey Gray. How do you define your favorite author? The author of your favorite series or the author you have read the most books/series from?
    For most of my favorite reads - It’s the only work of the authors I’ve read.
    this is my second series of hers and both are fabulous.
    Does this make her my fav?
    Philosophical bath questions.

    I packed before bed cause we are flying tomorrow and wanted to make sure there was some set of order to the madness.
    We don’t have to leave at 4 am to do an early check anymore yewwww so getting up at 7.

    Also fun addition to my American experience that is surely a problem to other woman and a huge oversight.
    Normally wear my period undies but for hygiene has switched back to disposables just for the trip - if you don’t know when you can next wash your stuff .. bit gross.
    ANYWAY - I think I’ve mentioned the toilet water is stupidly high here (and many countries we have been too) but I legit sat on the loo and my tampon string was less than 1cm from touching the water.
    What the actually crap. That is disgusting and has absolutely been an ongoing problem for other people. If I had relaxed a bit it would have touched.
    How is this a thing.
    Imagine your string touching but having no backup and having to keep your dirty toilet water tampon in.
    I don’t want toilet water not only touching, but remaining next to my vagina.
    Omg 🤢🤢🤢🤢

    Can’t wait to read this back in a few years.
    What a ride.
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  • День 13


    26 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Got up at 7, left by 7:30.
    It’s extra good that the clocks go back an hour so we have extra hour wiggle room for fuck ups.
    Will drive the whole way - bless him.
    And I continued reading.
    Full into it hey. Haven’t had a book obsession like this is months.

    We got near the airport but had to return the car with a full tank so we went searching for a petrol station - Will ended up in the wrong lane so we took a wrong turn… and ran a red light. Too busy watching traffic trying to merge. Ah well haha.
    Found a place. $1 more a gallon than literally every place on the way. Booooo
    Wanted to pay in cash but you have to pre pay and giving the exact amount in cash was too confusing so card won lol. $70USD lameeeeee.

    We dropped the car off. Hoping there isn’t a cleaning fee cause it’s a bit dusty and “snow marked”

    Good news is I can get over the cleaning fee if there is one because got an email receipt saying “no new damage” so that’s a plus.

    2/3 things sorted. Just need our claim to be accepted and I can breath again lol.

    Have been trying to organize the delirium beer tour in Belgium for Will - they have 2 tours available - neither convenient because we are in the wrong city but doable. (Was meant to do when staying in Ghent not Brussels but still only an hour train so 🤷🏼‍♀️)
    It’s literally his only request for the whole trip so I will try get us in if I can.

    Dropped car and had to get a bus to terminal 3.
    Then did our bag drop.
    Seamless process. Good job JetBlue. Even asked if I wanted to print boarding passes instead of just using electronic. Yes please.

    Went to TSA.
    Was in the wrong line and wanted to clarify cause it didn’t seem right. It said pre check?
    Didn’t know if that mean it was a pre check before TSA or for people who had been pre checked.
    I asked security dude and he was like have you done your pre check and I said I don’t know what that is and he was all “did you get interviewed by the government”
    Interviewed by the government is a bit excessive to have the only benefit be a slightly shorter line and you don’t have to remove your shoes but ok bud. No we haven’t been pre checked.
    Went to other line lol.
    Checked our passport then we did the tedious bag check. Takes so much more time when everyone has to remove all their clothing.
    One dude kept his belt on and when being scanned was told to remove and he said “it’s plastic”
    Didn’t matter. They got cranky lol.

    Went to Burger King and it was a huuuuuge line but we hungry.

    I think we timed it all perfectly. When we finished eating we had 40 mins til boarding. Wiggle room but not excessive wait time.

    Had to get a tram to our gate. Went loo, Will hot spotted my kindle so I could buy the next book in the series cause I anticipated finishing on the plane then it was pretty much time to board.

    We aren’t siting together. We COULD pick our seats at check in. (My only complain with this airline is that option not on the website earlier) but we were late checking in yesterday so all the seats gone AND only middle row seats available 🙃
    I got the one in front of him so at least we know the person in front of him won’t recline on his legs.

    Sitting on the plane and very impressed.
    1 - entertainment screens with great selection of movies.
    2 - free Wi-Fi
    3 - decent room
    4 - got an email telling me our bags have been loaded onto our plane (included plane/flight number)
    5 - free drink x 2 and a snack

    All in all a great flight.
    Only 4h 15m rather that 4h 50m so I’m pleased.

    15 mins from landing at the moment and I’m in a good mood.
    We are going to decide when we get off depending on how he feels if we get a taxi or try figure out the trains to the hotel.

    20% through the second book already haha.

    Stay tuned.

    We opted for a taxi only cause it’s New York at night and might come across as easy targets lol.
    Had a Dunkin’ donut to hold us out until dinner. Donut stale but excellent icing.
    Our taxi dude was an absolute chattabox. Very into languages. He knew a couple languages fluently and then words and phrases of many - didn’t have the heart to tell him his pronunciation was wrong on a lot of words such as thanks as welcome in Hebrew and friend in Chinese.
    Checked in. They at least gave clear guidance of what was going to happen money wise.
    It’s $500 deposit which will be returned to us at checkout. At checkout we will pay the resort fee. I prefer this way so some of the money stays in my bank.
    Our room is an odd shape and our aircon is malfunctioning making such a loud noise that I laughed when we entered the room and said how very New York that they are doing jackhammer construction by or window at 9pm at night.
    Only they weren’t. It’s the air con 😬😬

    I couldn’t find the remote and it was setting me on edge I nearly went to reception and ask them to either come fix it/turn off or switch us rooms.
    It’s like a fire alarm noise. Intolerable and anxiety inducing. Great for a fire always not great for aircon.
    Found the wall switch. Room is cool enough so it shall just remain off.

    We went walking to try find the halal guys food truck.
    We are so content.
    $8 for my meal $10 for Wills large. $1 drink each.

    $20 and we are both fed, watered and full.

    We then walked to time square. Lots of billboards. Very cluttered. Felt a little unsafe tbh. Lots of shady characters out and about.
    Still, New York smashing its American competitors.

    Back at the hotel now and our claim has been approved 😭😭😭😭
    I destressed for about 3 minutes. Now stressed I gave the wrong account details.
    I hate myself 😭😂
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  • День 14

    New York

    27 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Annnnnd New York has saved America.

    We have had a bloody good day.

    We got up and went to go to the Natural History museum - we had to walk through Central Park to get there - bloody beautiful.
    It’s autumn so the leaves are all different colours, and falling off, everyone is rugged up a bit.
    Loved seeing people just walking their dogs or riding their bikes.
    Walked past the carousel and other spots that just look so familiar cause they are in every movie/tv show.
    Love the little ice cream stands about.

    Museum had a great entrance with dinosaurs. We paid a couple dollars extra per ticket to get access to the planetarium show in the dome.
    We first walked through lots of taxidermy animals which was cool but not overly interesting because they weren’t exotic animals it was like zebra and lions and stuff.
    We then walked through a bunch of different cultural exhibits like Africa, Inca, America Indian etc.
    We found Dum Dum from night at the museum. Even Will got a photo 😆
    I like the exhibits most that have little figurines depicting scenes.
    Also found a lot of pornographic kettles and what not. There was an Inca flute of people having anal.
    Felt like I was on a school excursion again calling Will over to have a look hahah.
    The South America sculptures were my clear fave.

    We then went to the planetarium show.
    So cool.
    My pony tail was in the exact wrong spot for lookin up at the ceiling lol.
    It also put me to sleep. I had maybe 4 micro naps. Cold not keep eyes open.
    Immediately woke up once show was over.
    Neat trick should put a projector on my ceiling.

    The show was awesome. It just showed us other planets in our solar system and climates there.
    Loved it.

    We then went up to the dinosaur exhibits.
    Clear favorite for me.
    So many!!
    Loved the T Rex. Loved all of them actually.
    There was a complete triceratops Skelton for sale recently and if I were a mega millionaire it is absolutely something I could justify buying and putting in my lounge room.

    I thought it was interesting that T Rex is the most famous but apparently a rare dinosaur. They only have bits from about 15.
    Google search reckons 32. Don’t know which one to trust lol. Either way not overwhelming amounts from a perceived “common” dinosaur.

    I also like exhibits where they literally only have one bone or a head and they just make up the entire body. 😆

    We then went through other skeleton section of massive turtles, wooly mammoths etc.

    We then did more taxidermy exhibits. The painted backgrounds are wonderful.
    Got the shits and how the donors are labeled “Mr and Mrs Bob Williams.”
    Women, give up your last name and you will also lose your first 🙃👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
    Literally no identity. Pisses me right off.


    Walked back through the park and decided to go to a Applebees. Decent food actually. I got. Strawberry, almond and chicken salad with balsamic glaze. Seemed random but I liked all ingredients so had a try.

    We then walked to Rockefeller centre. Underwhelmed to say the least. It was cool to see them setting up the ice rink but it was so much smaller than I expected. Im baffled where they even fit the tree?

    On we went to find the national library which ended up being a delightful surprise. I just wanted to pop in to the foyer to see Winnie the Poo toys but the building itself ended up being beautiful. We walked up a few levels and found people studying in massive rooms with beautiful ceilings.

    Went hunting for Poo and found an entire exhibition it was apart of that had such important and significant historical stuff like a handwritten copy of the Declaration of Independence, the bill of rights, Shakespearean first folio, Virginia Woolfs walking stick, Charles dickens writing desk and chair, the first printing of King James Bible, and of course Winnie the Poo and friends! 💕
    I would have actually paid for entry but it was free. Yewww.
    We then headed to hotel cause everyone had arrived and met them at the bar.
    My hug with everyone was so good. Long and tight especially with Helen snd George. We spent a long time just chatting before heading to a diner Helen suggested. I got the noodle soup on her recommendation from 12 years ago. Didn’t rate it but was only $12 so I’ll let it slide.
    $30 and her and I would be having some words hahahah.
    More talking.
    Back to the hotel for more talking. A lot was just explaining to each other how each other’s countries work. 😅
    Helen got us coasters from Lichtenstein as a present and George got us chocolate covered blueberries, maple syrup, jam and honey. 🤤🤤🤤

    we didn’t get them anything and we feel bad 😬

    Meeting them all in the foyer at 8am to go to Empire State Building.

    At the diner there were plaques all around of famous people who have been - Matt Damon, Paul McCartney, Ricki Martin, Jennifer Love Hewitt etc.
    Apparently The university of Texas cheerleaders have also attended….. cause they are in the same league…

    Currently eating the blueberries and they are so gooooooood.
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  • День 15

    New York

    28 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Met everyone downstairs
    First ones as usual - story of my life.
    Everyone reimbursed us which was great.
    Walked a good decent amount to find the Empire State Building.
    I was put on map duty so naturally we went to the wrong side of the building and had to work back around. 🥴🥴🥴
    The line lady was so rude holy Moly. Just yelling at people. Just wanted to ask a question and just screaming GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE
    “Can I just ask” I SAID GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE

    This whole time (my life) I have though a New York accent was some sort of European/American combo accent hahaha like half Italian or something.. nope.

    Line was so long but people got kicked out of it if they were too early so we went straight to the front cause we had the opening time of 9am which definitely turned out to be a great choice.
    It’s a maze to get to the top. If it was full, I can imagine it’s mayhem. Like the line for a rollerocaster.
    It has exhibits along the way like a King Kong gorilla hand taking a chunk of the building and displays of all the movies featuring the building.
    Can’t imagine the men who built it - They weren’t strapped to anything. Bonkers and straight up ballsy. Stupid, actually. 😆

    Got to the top and it was a big room with views from windows and I was momentarily worried I had booked the wrong thing but did the rounds, got back on the elevator and went up another 8 levels to the outdoor viewing deck.
    Great visibility so we were lucky!
    Got a great group pic!
    2 sides better than the others but all views great.

    Went outside to look for food me and Helen but got accosted on the footpath by a bus tour person and we decided to get it.
    Deal was $89 for 2 day access hop on/off bus. A ferry around Statue of Liberty and access to night tour.
    Other 2 couples paid then our turn. Not 89 - 104 after hidden fees and taxes 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
    Loathe. It’s total BS.
    Would have backed out If the others hadn’t already paid.

    Cranky about that then even more cranky when we got on the bus and there was no live guide - just shitty headphones with audio that doesn’t always match where the bus is actually located.. and only spouts occasional facts anyway. 85% of the time it’s music. 😑😑😑😑😑😑

    Saw nothing of note on the way as we went to stop 9 trying to find little Italy or little China. Couldn’t find anything but dirty streets.

    Literally walked for ages and everyone is just so indecisive.
    Found a Chinese place eventually. Not overly fussed by options but had sweet and sour pork which i at least recognized so herded everyone in.

    Food was crap lol but appreciated they only asked for 15% tip.
    Ate in Chinatown though so that’s a bucket list tick.

    There was this high guy that used the toilet and was in there for 20 mins. He Is ok, but was concerned for his welfare for a wee bit. 😅

    Walked to find the bus.
    Next stop we agreed to get out was at Wall Street. We walked through battery park and I saw the Statue of Liberty from the distance. She is small.
    We then went to see the raging bull.
    Got a pic with its balls. The line was really long because we are a mature society.
    Vicki (George’s wife is so negative about everything. No fun) hard to describe, just shakes her head and makes faces a lot. I don’t think she means to. Not a bad person but also not a vibe.
    We then walked to the 911 memorial. It was beautiful.
    George silently pointed out on of the firefighters who died had RET next to his name. I don’t know why this specifically upset me but I walked away do I didn’t start obviously crying. He had no obligate but helped anyway.
    It was a very moving place. Very tasteful. The pools are on the footprints of were the building were. The new world trade building is super tall and next door.
    Helen showed us a pub covered in emergency services badges - was full so we just popped our head in and a globe statue that was between the two buildings that survived. It originally represented world peace it now represents resilient and hope.
    Had a look in the door at the local fire brigade too, they are/were obviously the first first responders.
    Dude on the corner yelling some speech over and over again. Loved him hahah
    We then walked until next bus stop.
    They over sell tickets. And don’t have enough buses. Lucky we got on. Only ones that did. Big line and a 30 min wait and probs not getting on the next one because of the size of their group.
    Got angry about the bus situation once I got back on. Waste of money for transportation.
    I’ll need to let it go hahah

    Once back we went to our room for a shower before walking to Resturant with everyone to meet Anita and her husband Glenn.

    Took a gamble on that Anita might pay so bought pot pies which were expensive at $29 each.
    Cha Ching! Hahahaha yewwwwwww.

    Best Anita quote was “oh you both can’t eat gluten thats cute”

    She also gave us a present with a bit of money bless them. They have nearly covered our stupid bus money 😆

    Just really enjoyed talking with everyone but it was a happening place so hard to hear.

    After we walked to bar nine which was a hoot and a half cause no one wanted to be there but Anita and hubby - having a great time bopping along.
    Will got it in one - a great spot if I was 5 years younger, drunk and single. But we’re not haha
    It was live singers taking requests. Neither particularly good but when they did a song you could belt with them I enjoyed. Vicki and George jut sat down by themselves looking miserable haha

    Finally got out of there said goodbye and parted ways.

    Will dying to poo so we rushed ahead - Had to organize toilet paper for Will cause we were out.
    He had to sit there for ages but it did eventually come lol.

    They don’t have sanitary bins here.

    I will always be cranky we didn’t go to 911 museum. Was top of my list but no one else interested. 😢😪

    Nothing better than going to bed when actually tired.
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  • День 16

    New York

    29 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Met everyone in the foyer at 9. We were both dying. Not getting enough sleep. We went down the street to a diner place. Will needs to stop ordering eggs Benedict’s cause they aren’t the same and each time is confused by this 😆
    Service tip/charge was $30 for the table. Non optional amount.
    I’ve said once and I’ll say it again - entire country is a scam. 🙃
    I had pancakes which were average. Served with fruits which I asked before I ordered “what type” - they said strawberries and pineapple - terrific - ordered. Came with 1 pineapple piece 3 strawberry bits at 47 melons. Ugh.
    We went back to hotel for a 30 min nap but room service called halfway through to ask about towels😭😭😭
    Walking zombie back to foyer at 11 to meet everyone to walk to the bus. Lots of standing around waiting. Not enough buses again.
    Got on and took the bus down to stop 11. Cutting it fine 😬😬😬😬 was told to be at dock at 12:30. 12:30 we were still on the bus not at our stop. Was getting a little stressed cause it’s a lot of effort for no result and a completely wasted day.
    We RAN. Me and Will dodged some traffic and we ran in the direction of a crossing 😅😆
    Made it.

    Got on the boat and found some window seats downstairs. Bought some popcorn and we were ready to go. Got great views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridges as we drove/floated under. Can’t see the green trees in the picture well but they really beautied it up.
    Could hear our guide over the engine but at least we had a live guide so far less cranky than when given a headset with rubbish recordings. Someone is actually working.
    Saw the famous skyline where the twin towers were and just other great views from the boat. We did two trips past the Statue of Liberty so both sides of the boat could see. She is small. 92m or something all up but that includes her base. She is still obviously big but not obnoxious big like every movie. She doesn’t command the Harbour.
    Love being with Helen, she like photos 😆😆
    Had to stall in the Harbour a while cause our dock wasn’t ready.
    Walked to our bus and amazingly got a seat. On way to hopefully get theatre tickets :)

    Got tickets to Aladdin. George and Vicki coming too which I’m not overly fussed about. Don’t mind them coming but they both just seem cranky. If you don’t want to come then don’t come??
    I hope I’m just misreading them.

    We got the halal guys again. So bloody goooooood.
    Having us time in the hotel. We are all socialed

    Walked to the theatre. It’s currently half time. It’s good but I’m not LOVING it. Maybe cause ive seen it before but I also think Sydney’s was better - Sydney theaters do it better cause they don’t have the limitation of space like the older theatres do. I felt the same with BIlly Eliot on the west end.

    2nd half killed it. Everything improved and the magic carpet ride scene was amazing.
    I will change my answer and say broadway has a slight edge because of sets and costume.
    Actors still Sydney. The Genie is the same as Sydney one.
    I enjoyed looking over at George and seeing him laugh. Not that funny but ok George 😆

    Totally forgot to mention we had to change seats. Will couldn’t fit in the seats. Couldn’t even sit down let alone sit down and be uncomfortable. They were designed for 8 year old children. Even I nearly was too tall.
    Got put to the side and sat on what looked like stand alone dinning room chairs hahaha
    We walked back together to the hotel. Don’t like broadway at night and don’t like the racist accusations thrown at you.
    Scam artists being like “why are you ignoring a black man” “ohhhh I see, you scared of a black man”
    No. I just don’t want to give you money you clown.
    Racism is rampant but you are not helping your cause accusing people when it’s not the reason.

    Had a street hot dog went inside and crashed. Alarm set for in 5 hours time 😭😭😭😭

    Love all the fire escapes on the outside of buildings.
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  • День 17

    Washington DC

    30 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    4:30 am alarm 😭😭😭😭
    Though horrendous, we are better than expected. I’m having really good sleeps in this bed.
    After a few attempts the taxi dude managed to flag one down for us which took us to the station.
    Arrived with time to spare which is great for my anxiety haha
    You don’t get a platform number until 15 mins before your train though so we just waited around. Same problem as usual, they don’t like public seating.

    Got some Starbucks and boarded. Very nice trains. Maybe best we have been on. Ample leg room, slight recline, foot holder thing and padding on seat.
    We slept most of the way. Woke up with a neck crink.
    An announcement on the train that passengers could get off the train for their first smoke stop then get back on the train 🧐

    Wowza what a day.
    We first walked out of the station and over to Capitol Hill.
    Then around and down to the Washington monument.
    We tried going to the air and space Smithsonian museum on the way but it was booked out so we were told to try book for the afternoon session at 12:30 exactly.

    The autumn tree colours are beautiful.
    There was a marathon going on with loads of runner and their families. It was nearly 3 hours in and I saw very very little walking 💪🏻💪🏻

    Washington has Canberra vibes. Spacious, clean, abandoned. 80 resident tops.
    We walked past some police horses in their carriage and did the smart thing and patted them.

    We then walked in the direction of the White House. Pretty cool to see. Building has huge significance obviously. It looked different to how I thought it looked and have felt really dumb all day until we saw the back later on and I was like AH HA! that’s what I think it looks like and its the way more famous viewpoint.
    You get closer to it from the front however.

    Then walked through the WW2 memorial. They had a lovely one with 4000 stars. Each represented 100 fallen soldiers.
    Simple is often best.
    We then walked down past the reflective pools and up in to the Lincoln memorial.
    It’s a bloody big walk. 6km at least by now to get to Lincoln.
    I liked Lincoln. He was the size I envisioned.
    Got some photos of the big penis as my mature husband calls it with the water reflection. It was 12:30 so tried to book the Smithsonian and got in for 3pm.

    Then headed for lunch. Found a pizza place and it was terrific. Got a buffalo wing pizza with buffalo sauce, chicken, blue cheese etc. sooo good, and cheap!

    Then started walking to try find a taxi to take us to the cemetery and pentagon. An impossible task. The city is abandoned. Even went to the emergency department and nada. Security was likeee uhhmmmm maybe inside can call one for you but then I pointed our the problem of yes we can get there but we can’t get back.
    So we walked the 6 km back to the Smithsonian for the museum.
    And only just made it for 3pm.
    Very cool stuff inside but the highlights were the Wright brothers exhibits with their plane - The Wright Flyer (there was also their first/the worlds first military plane in another exhibit) a bike they made and some of their stuff that went on flights.
    The other was the space exhibit with Neil Armstrong’s space suit and the Apollo 11 capsule which returned to earth with them.
    Also the last shoes worn in space - Eugene Cernan’s from Apollo 17 and the door from Apollo 11 but from the attempt before where 3 astronauts died in a fire cause they couldn’t get out the hatch.

    The other thing Will wanted to see was part of an exhibit that was closed.
    Win some you lose some. At least he saw the space stuff. 1/2 is better than none.
    And free entry can’t complain haha.
    We then tried to find a taxi and got one on the agreement he would stay with us to drive us back.
    Appalling English.
    Didn’t feel safe with him at all. Couldn’t see his ID and kept arguing with us and not listening.
    Took us to the pentagon which was underwhelming and then back to the train station. I did see some of the graves in the cemetery as we drove past but not many. He couldn’t explain properly why he couldn’t take us so we gave up. Too hard basket.
    Ate in the food court then boarded the train. We’re not sitting together and this train is not nearly as nice. Ok seat room (still less) but no foot rest or recline.
    1 hour to go.

    Helen just said her Fitbit reckons we did at least 20km. Probably more.
    Definitely feels like it.

    Home now after another 2km walk.
    Got halal guys again. 😆 SA GOood.

    Really enjoy traveling with Helen - she will go source info so I don’t have to do it. Very police of her.
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  • День 18


    31 октября 2022 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Slept In until about 11:30. Had check out at 12. It was such a good sleep.😭😭
    We dropped our bags off at the hotel bag holding place and went walking towards grand central station. We went the long way because we both just couldn’t do time square again haha.
    It’s not so much the amount of people but trying to avoid the scams and the annoying pestering people.
    Found the station. Very grand, looks like Gringotts. Inside recognizable from movies. I suppose The ceiling and walls were not as detailed as I was expecting but still lovely especially for a train station. Chandeliers were niiiice.
    Walked around for ages trying to find food. Will wanted to do a lot from his food list we got from his friend like delis and stuff which we just haven’t had an opportunity to do because we have been stuck with everyone. But most were in Brooklyn so we have had to skip this time. NY Traffic is so unpredictable, not risking not getting back in time.
    Still walk walk walk with no food to be found.
    Eventually found a Starbucks and stole their Wi-Fi while I was lining up for a drink for Will cause he was really thirsty - service is so poor in this country. Waited waited. Only person in line.. Had time to research one of the places Will friend said which was shake shack - so walked away and went there instead.
    Astonishing really.

    Shake shack was pricey considering the size of the food. Small even for Australian portions. Must outrage the Americans 😆
    This country is cooked. Dude just with his kid smoking a joint at the table (outside table)
    Then a couple of workers came outside to have a hit 😆😆😆😭😭😭 WHAAT. You are literally at work on shift. Bruh. What is this.
    Walked past a legal weed van “hey you guys wanna get high”

    Went to get a magnet found one BUT THEN

    we found an NYPD dog jacket which was not in budget but somehow made its way into our shopping bag 👀👀👀

    Returned to hotel and sat behind reception (
    only place we have stayed in America with seating in hotel - not big on it ANYWHERE 🙃)
    Eventually joined by Helen and Tom then got our taxi. Took over an hour, nearly an hour and a half - Felt bad for taxi guy really. Airport is a set price so only $65 but he wasted a lot of his time on one trip! He did watch videos the whole way though 😆
    Check in was tedious.
    And electronic which I hate. I want to talk to someone. Name still not matching passport but had to scan passport and it was accepted so 🤷🏼‍♀️
    I put the wrong day in for both of us for when we are apparently leaving Belgium. Ah well lol.

    TSA was a joke “the line from here will take 55 mins”
    And it did.

    Tom and Helen were flying premium economy so got whizzed through. Met them at the bar on the other side. Wi-Fi was sketchy so very lucky got their message about where to find them.
    We sat at the bar for about an hour together. They bought us drinks as a wedding present. I got a cocktail and I really didn’t like but finished it cause it was $20USD.
    She offered a glass of wine but a glass was the same price so I went cocktail. I said coke but she either forgot or ignored and got me the cocktail.
    The bar tender was probs the worse service I’ve recieved for the entire country. Big call I know.
    Took 3 attempts to finish an order
    “Could I have 2 beers” then he walks off - doesn’t acknowledge that he has heard you mind you, then doesn’t return for 10 minutes
    “And a cocktail”
    Leaves again to not return
    “AND a glass of wine” fuck me.

    said our byes 😭 we have been invited to see them at Christmas. Helen is going to do the research to see if that’s plausible. They are an hour above Manchester so not overly convenient.
    Flight was boarding so we couldn’t eat 😬a machine took our picture and we walked on the plane.
    Flight was 10 minutes late to depart because some people didn’t turn up for the flight so they had to remove their bags.
    As our tickets weren’t scanned to get on the plane….. we are hoping it’s not our stuff 😆
    Either way it’s there fuck up so in theory they will need to fix the problem, not us.
    I wouldn’t trust a machine to match me to my passport photo alone when I didn’t actually look at the camera I just walked through.
    We shall seeeee.

    Dinner is not crash hot. Small and ingredients I don’t eat like cooked spinach (maybe it’s Kale? tastes weird) , lentils and olives. I’m rather hungry.

    Currently the entire planes screens are fucking up so no one has entertainment lol

    Technically tomorrow but still awake so still today.

    Not impressed with Delta. Our domestic with JetBlue was significantly better. We did get the extra leg room I paid a bazillion dollars for but the seats where still tiny. And the food was crap.
    Didn’t crash though so can’t fault it in the main thing.
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  • День 19


    1 ноября 2022 г., Бельгия ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    What a crap day hahahah
    Landed at 7am. Waited in the customs line for 40 mins. Seems practical to have 2 officers for an entire plane but sure. Got stamped 🕺🏻 then went and got our bags which did show up thank goodness.
    We decided to get the train rather than a taxi because it was peak hour so direct trains to central were possible.
    18€ so not bad. Definitely better than a taxi. Only the 2nd stop too. It was about a 900m walk so not too bad though our bags are not nearly as comfy as our backpacking backpacks. I’d like a hip buckle to help take some of the weight.
    Hotel was easy to find and in a great location.
    Love Brussels 😭😭😭😭
    It’s abandoned today though as it’s a public holiday. Probably our first of many. They loved their holidays haha.

    Arrived at hotel about 8:30 and couldn’t check in so we dumped our bags.
    All workers minus bag guy was a douche canoe. But even bag guy annoyed me when he wouldn’t give me the luggage ticket.
    No problem you giving it to Will (duh) but please don’t walk around me when I have my hand out trying to take it from you to give it to the man. Thanks 🙃
    It’s been very noticeable to me while he hasn’t bee able to talk how many people - all - will speak directly to him even when I’m the one trying to talk.
    For instance trying to check in “hello I’d like to check in”
    turns to Will “can you confirm your booking details?
    only for him to say “I don’t know I didn’t book them”
    Small things all the time. 😪

    Anyway. Couldn’t check in so went for a walk. Streets are beautiful. Love the cobbles and store fronts, hanging flowers etc.
    Saw mannequin pis which was smaller than I remembered but also the grand place. LOVE.
    We ended up in maccas cause literally everything closed.
    Paying for the toilet BS has started again but I’ll take it over tipping haha.
    Cheeseburger meals don’t exists. Disaster.

    It was then a very very long 6 hour wait. We were dying. Checked around midday to see if room was ready. Same douche canoe acting like I’m bothering him said no rooms ready until 3.
    Then I watched as other people checked in… there is no early check in option online so feeling like I’m being lied to while absolutely exhausted isn’t fun.
    Went for another walk to pass time but we didn’t get far. We are done.
    We found a side section of the hotel with couches that we don’t know if we were actually allowed there but had a lay down anyway. Thankgoodness for that.

    Somehow made it to 3.
    It’s currently 9pm and I’m awake. Will stilll snoring. I’m in the bath and very hungry but don’t feel comfortable going for a walk by myself so I’m waiting for him.
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