Who Runs The World

октября 2019 - апреля 2020
On 10 Oct 2019, I depart Hawaii on a round the world hashing excursion. Original destination was Trinidad for INTERHASH. This trip was cut short due to COVID 19. Time to quarantine, and get caught up on medical stuff. Next trip . . Even more epic Читать далее
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  • День 67

    Last Week in Bangkok

    15 декабря 2019 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Monday morning we were up early, to catch our 7:45 am flight from Chiang Mai back to Bangkok. The condo we stayed in was only about 1 Km from the airport, so it was an easy walk. The flight back was uneventful, and we returned to the Aspira hotel that has good hot water and stable wifi, and is generally clean and in a quiet area. We got back to soi 13 at 10 am, so had to kill some time before checkin. So had lunch at the Sportsman Pub and watched some football (Pitt vs Buff). Then we ventured off to find the MBK Center to check out new phones and batteries. Big zip, Jo decided no on the phones and cameras . . . and I went the cheaper route on a new battery and just got a class C USB cable and will use an external battery for the remainder of the life of my old cell phone. We got back at 1 pm, and were able to check in then, so unpacked and relaxed for a while. Jo got in a nap, while I went to the Monday Hash.

    BMH3 - We started in a familiar location, and the trail had many familiar aspects, but was not marked very well. I was lucky to stay within vision of the tail end of the pack again, and made it in just after dark. My old friend Bangcock from Tokyo was not so lucky. He actually fell down on trail and got disoriented, and did not return to the finish until after circle and dinner. He came in with a bandage on his head, and a bloody lip. So we gave him some beer, and got him to see some proper medical care. He should be ok. https://www.relive.cc/view/vYvE92dKkGv

    We were going to go out scouting for our trail on Thursday, but ended up just relaxing and recovering from 8 straight days of hashing. Had a nice lunch at the Aussie restaurant, then watched a couple movies (Remember the Titans and We Are Marshall), both are slightly emotional movies, so after that we went out to meet the hash gang at the Kiwi Club. Early evening, good nights sleep. Planning to scout Wednesday morning.

    Wednesday, Jo went for an early morning workout, and then we met at the train station to go out to our run site. We spent a couple hours looking for some good stuff, and then had a beer for lunch. Made our way back to the hotel to rest for a little bit, then repack and head out for the hash with the Harriettes.

    BH - It was a short run at the GM's condo. Mostly pavement, but it was a fun trail. We got called out for it being our last Bangkok Harriettes trail, and said farewell to those we won't see again. The rest, we invited out to the Thursday Hash, to run our trail. Will also see some at the Men's Hash on Saturday, and the Siam Sunday H3. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNN1dwg3q

    BTH3 - We left town at about 1 pm, to make our way to Watthakat to set our hash trail. We arrived a bit before 2, and after some set up with flour and chalk (and a full bag of paper that we ended on not using at all), we started marking. We had a general plan on what we wanted to do, but still changed a few areas up a bit as we moved along. Since it was a night time trail, we over marked it with arrows and drops of flour to ensure no one would get lost. Trail actually followed along the railroad tracks 4 times, but did not cross paths as we worked our way back and forth trough the neighborhoods. In the end, it took us just over 2 hours to set it, and the FRBs finished in just under an hour. The back end of the pack finished in about 90 minutes, all in the dark, so it was a solid success. Well done to Founder Pounder for skillfully setting trail, and letting me help out. :) https://www.relive.cc/view/vevYV3A3PyO

    Friday is a recovery day, I stayed in bed most of the day except for a couple of trips out to get laundry done and a haircut, then out for lunch with Jo. Other than that, I slept many hours. Saturday was more of the same, ended up going back to see the doctor.

    S2H3 - Felt better on Sunday after a good dinner and sleep. The Siam Sunday H3 was an excellent trail through the countryside. In the end, we had to say goodbye to all our friends as this was our last planned hash in Bangkok.
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  • День 75

    Bali Hai

    23 декабря 2019 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    It was an early morning for us, as we scrambled to catch our 3:45 am taxi to the airport. It was time to start the regular movement part of this adventure, after being generally based out of Bangkok. So off to Bali we go. The flight was good, and we landed and got through customs pretty quickly. The taxi ride was short, but took almost half an hour to snake through the narrow streets of Kuta. We were able to check in to the hotel early, and get organized for what turned out to be quite an adventure.

    BH3 - Google maps said it would be about a 75-90 minute ride to the hash, so we organized a taxi and took off. It was only 30 Kms, but the traffic is killer here. We managed to arrive 10 minutes before the start, in the rain. We quickly dropped our bags in the beer truck and off we went. I have hashed here before, so I knew it was going to be an awesome trail. This is Jo's first time in Bali, so was sceptical. It did not take long for her to realize this was the real deal. The rain tapered off after about 15 minutes, but the trail was soaked good by that time and we had lots of mud. We snaked along many rice paddies, irrigation walls, and muddy single file tracks in the jungle. Jo enjoyed it so much she took home some souvenir mud on her bum. O
    It was only 7 Kms long, but it took every bit of 2 hours to complete the trail as we worked our way through all the natural obstacles. Circle commenced shortly after we got back, and it was short. We met a few friendly hashers, and were invited to a couple events during this Christmas week. Time to head home . . . we were pretty far out of town, where taxis don't run, so the GM organized us an Uber. Poor girl did not know what she got herself into. Traffic was much worse in the evening than in the afternoon, and the 30 Km ride took us nearly 2 1/2 hours of stop and go traffic. The Uber charge was ~$10 . . . So we gave her a $6 tip, which she was shocked to receive, but she deserved it. We had planned to come back, shower up, and go out to dinner, but by this time all we could muster was a hot shower and room service. Pizza seemed easy, but was ~$6, so figured they were small, so ordered two. Two full sized pizzas arrived, and now we have about a whole pie in the fridge. I didn't even mention that when we arrived, the street was normal, but after dark, we are in party central. Live bands, and lots rock music bouncing off every side of the street. We eventually managed to fall asleep, but the music must have gone on well past midnight. https://www.relive.cc/view/vJOKX4n3gw6

    Christmas Eve was very relaxing, as we wandered down to the beach, and found a couple nice restaurants to taste the local delicacies.

    Christmas Day was also a nice slow day, we watched a couple movies and relaxed. Then in the evening we wandered down to the beach for sunset. There were a lot of people on the beach at that time, and the novice surfers were still honing their skills on the low waves. We were getting pestered by a couple old women trying to sell their wares, so we had to get up and move to cut off the chatter. In the end, it was a nice evening, and another good nights sleep.

    On the day after Christmas, we enjoyed our second Bali Hash, this one being the annual Christmas Run. Once again up in the Ubud area, near the Bali Bird Park. The start area looked a bit familiar, so I looked back at my track from when I hashed here in 2013, and yes, nearly the same spot . . . but a completely different trail. Trails in Ubud are some of the most scenic and enjoyable you can find anywhere for hashing. Hashing in KL, Germany, Tokyo, Korea, and several others have many awesome features, but for all around hashing quality, I recommend you check out Bali. https://www.relive.cc/view/vwq17g7pALO
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  • День 79

    Layover in Jakarta

    27 декабря 2019 г., Индонезия ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We had an 8:30 am flight out of Bali, so a fairly early morning. First leg was to Jakarta, where we had a planned 90-minute layover to not only change plans, but move from the domestic to international terminal, check in to a new airline, go through customs and immigration, and several security checks. Things started out ok, as the terminals were actually connected. The first security check they thought they saw a knife in Jo's backpack . . . at the bottom. She ended up having to empty the whole thing, as they searched for a knife. In the end, they took her nail clippers to safe face, and sent her on her way. After that fiasco, we lined up (way at the end of the line) at Citilink Air, for our onward journey to Phnom Penh. The line was long, but it was moving slowly, so that really helped (haha). As our time wasted away, they finally realized they needed to get cracking, and called all the flyers to PP up to the front. Since we were nearly at the front already, we ended up farther away from the desk as the mob surged forward. I know once we had our boarding passes, they would not leave without us, but we still needed to get through Immigration . . . and another dreaded security check. Neither slowed us down too much, and we made our way out to the gate, where we simply boarded a bus and waited for all the other stragglers to get in. We ended up taking off about 20 minutes late, but the flight was fine and we arrived in PP on schedule.Читать далее

  • День 79


    27 декабря 2019 г., Камбоджа ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We had a heck of a time getting out of the airport, but we finally managed. Tell you story over a beer sometime. Anyway, we haled a taxi and off we went to our hotel. The good news is, this is the best hotel we have stayed in so far (we are on a budget after all). Large room, comfy bed, the shower is one of those rain shower heads with plenty of hot water, the wifi is steady. It all may be a bit old, but still quite nice. So Friday night, Jo wanted to find hummus for dinner, and we were in luck. There was a hummus house just two blocks from the hotel (we have since been there three times). So good, plentiful, and fairly inexpensive.

    Saturday we went out for a bit of sightseeing here in the local area. Got some nice photos from Wat Ounalom Monastery and the Royal Palace Park, but the Royal Palace was mostly under construction, so not much to look at. We walked down the riverside park, and had a nice lunch. Later that evening, we went in to meet the hashers, check in, and get our t-shirt. We chatted with several hashers for about 2 hours, then they started on a pub crawl, but by then we were pretty done with it all, so after the first stop, we skipped out and went back to the hummus house for another tasty dinner.
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  • День 81

    Phnom Penh H3 1500th Trail

    29 декабря 2019 г., Камбоджа ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We had a casual morning, gathered up our dirty clothes to turn in on the way . . . and headed out to the designated meeting point for the day's events. Somewhere between 60-90 hashers boarded boats and headed up river to the trail head. After about 90 minutes, we pulled to shore amid some screeching wanna be karaoke singers in what looked like an abandoned house construction. The house looked like it would be awesome if finished, but was just a basic shell. After climbing up a ladder to ground level, we had a quick circle for instructions. There were two trails, runners and walkers, and they were marked in white paint dots, circles, and arrows. The walkers were basically going to do a group walk for about 7 Kms, while the runners had a 12-13 Km actual trail. Easy choice, off we went on the runners trail (even though I am still walking). It was an interesting trail through single file dirt tracks, farmers fields, and dirt roads. We had a bit of scare at one point, when a few cows got spooked and tried to run over a few hashers . . . no injuries reported (Jo had to jump into some pricker bushes, but nothing hurt). At about the 7 Kms point, we had a water stop, where we all gathered up again, and then off into the dust for the remainder of trail. For the next 20 minutes we wandered down this road covered with an inch of dust that felt like walking on the moon. At the 10 Km point, a bunch of runners had gathered having completely lost trail. We all arrived at the same point together, the hare's instructions were just go down this road for 2 kms, when you hit the pavement, turn right and go to the water. I guess some things are to difficult to do . . . like finish marking your trail. So off we went, just like the hare said . . . turn right on the pavement, and 250 meters later we are on the shore, end of trail . . . but not end of story. We hung around the parking lot for about another 30 minutes, when the walkers pulled up in tuk-tuks. Hahahaha . . . seems the hares did not know where the end was. They had all spent 2 hours wandering around, eventually getting lost, and sat waiting for instructions for another hour, when finally they just got a ride. Lots of grumbling as they staggered in. The daylight was getting short, and the food was finally served up. Circle did not get started until the sun was fading in the sky, so most of it was in the dark. Fortunately, it was a short circle, and we soon boarded the boats for the return trip. Overall it was a fun day, a decent trail, and a good time. Beer has a way of making all the little SNAFUs fade away, and easy to remember all the good times. And so it is written. https://www.relive.cc/view/vPv4Jd1PeR6

    Out of curiosity, I looked up the trail from the last time I was in Cambodia (Aug 2012), and it was on the next island over from where we ran this time. Trail was very similar in style, also a good time. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/2146…
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  • День 83

    Layover in Hong Kong - Happy New Year

    31 декабря 2019 г., Гонконг ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We got to sleep in until 8 on this one, so a pleasant morning. Departure from Phnom Penh was uneventful, and we were off to Hong Kong.

    We have about 5 hours to cool your heels her in Hong Kong, and just found out we can't use the transit desk. We have to go out through customs and immigration, and check into our new flight, then come back through immigration again. Good thing we have 5 hours to kill.

    We managed to kill 5 hours in Hong Kong International without to much effort. I got all my end of year website updates completed, so ready for 2020 to kick off in style. We had a very short acknowledgment of midnight as we were flying up over the Pacific. That was Hong Kong time, and we had already crossed at least one time zone, so no telling when it actually happened for us. 😂😂
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  • День 84


    1 января 2020 г., Северные Марианские острова ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We are now relaxing in Saipan International Airport until at least sunrise, probably later. Not sure what time hotel check in is, but probably not for another 8 hours. May find a restaurant near the hotel later. It is great to finally be on Saipan, have wanted to come here for several years.

    Yes, it was 8 hours later before we could check in. We walked downtown, had breakfast at Bubba Gump Shrimphouse, Then we wandered around town, checked out the beach, and eventually tumbled into the Hard Rock Cafe for an early lunch. Hitting the magic hour, we checked in, showered up, and went straight to sleep. Had to set an alarm so as not to sleep too long, so now we are rested just enough to sleep well tonight.
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  • День 85

    Saipan, to the North

    2 января 2020 г., Северные Марианские острова ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We have conquered sleep, and the New Year, and out on excursion. An interesting day of sightseeing on the northern end of the island of Saipan.

  • День 86

    Saipan Hash Impromptu Trail (SHIT) H3

    3 января 2020 г., Северные Марианские острова ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We had the good luck to be in town when they had a SHIT hash. Anyone can set it up, just need to make the trail, and invite the gang. There were two former Saipan hashers in town for the holidays, and were flying out on Saturday before the hash, so they called a SHIT and about 25 hashers turned up at Bank of Guam (in Garapan) for the meetup From there, we all carpooled up to the Kalabera Cave. They claim there are no rules for a SHIT hash, so totally free wheeling. At the start, the pack is put into a box (chalk on the ground) and the hares get a 10 minute head start. It was pretty dark out, but a half moon provided some good light. Headlights were required to navigate this shiggy trail, and we did some shiggy. Trail was cut right through the jungle, no real paths, just twisting and turning our way through the underbrush. We made it to the end up near suicide cliffs, where several coolers of cold beer, and some snacks awaited. A fire was soon set ablaze, and we sat waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive. Well we waited for over an hour, and one dude had still not made it in. The hares went out in search, but all was futile. Finally, someone called him, and found out he jumped a ride and went home, WTH? :) So, with that knowledge, the hares returned and we commenced with circle (at about 10 pm). It was one of the funniest and most interesting circles I have experienced in a long time. Great stories, jokes, and songs. A long discussion on whether the hares were snared or not, and tales of times past from the long time Saipan hashers. We finally exhausted all the beer and firewood around midnight, so we packed up the empties and headed back to town. A few of us went on to dinner, at an all night Chinese place not far from our hotel, and we heard even more stories of days gone by. A most excellent evening of hashing, and meeting new friends. https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5dg2Rj86Читать далее

  • День 87

    Saipan H3

    4 января 2020 г., Северные Марианские острова ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After many years, I have finally run with the Saipan H3. It has always been one of those exotic looking locations of interest, and now I have finally done it. It was a short trail, but required a great deal of ducking, bobbing, and weaving to navigate this super shiggy trail. I certainly would not want to hash like this every week, as I am too tall (and old) for all that crawling around between branches, rocks, and vines . . . but it was fun to do once. We finished on the beach, with great views, and as darkness settled over us, the camp fire lighted the circle of funny jokes, singing, and all around entertainment. Great time with the Saipan H3. https://www.relive.cc/view/vRO7d9m5GK6Читать далее