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  • Gün 1


    24 Mayıs 2013, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Anytime we're in the Alps, we're in our element, or so it seems. The fresh air, the sun shining, the grass as green as the trees. Trails upon trails to meander. History to be found and memories to be made. Driving down from Germany to Austria was gorgeous. Going through the valleys with mountains on each side, driving along the lakes and driving through tunnels in the mountains. I loved it. The weather hasn't been warm enough for the beach, so Mountains it is :) Downtown Salzburg was quaint and cute. I'll admit, I watched the Sound of Music for the first time right before we went! We walked around the castle grounds, unimpressive to me if I may be honest. Checked out Mozart's house and grabbed some grub.
    Hippie Tips: Travel outside of Salzburg
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  • Gün 2

    Hallein Austria, Salt Mines

    25 Mayıs 2013, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    We decided to hit the Salt mines in Hallein, not to be confused with the ones in Hallstat. We had to get dressed into special outfits to keep our clothes from getting damaged on the slide and the salt. The Salt Mine was kept natural. We took a small train made up of a single board with foot rests, something that would never happen in the US. It makes you almost feel like a rebel! During the walking portion of the tour, you actually cross the line between Germany and Austria. You're in 2 places at once! A boat ride is included in this large underground lake. It's almost eerie but really neat to witness. We were able to taste the brine that was dripping from the pipes made of 27% salt. SALTY!
    Hippie Tips:
    Take time to visit the local towns near the caves. Wish we had!
    Lick the salt wall! Make sure it's real Salt :)
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 3

    Eisriesenwelt, Worlds Largest Ice Cave

    26 Mayıs 2013, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    We were slipping up to the Ice Caves. We curved in and out of the mountain on a 40 minute hike to the short cable car ride. Walking up the exactly what you would imagine. It was steep and it was tough but it was beautiful. Fog came in great layers at times, but once cleared, it was worth the wait. We stopped at the little restaurant, Wimmerhutte at the top of the first hike for some carbs and of course, some beer.
    By the time we finally reached the top of the mountain, summer became winter. Inside the caves, it was cold and it was dark. Every 4th person gets a lantern and it's just enough light to see the stairs. We had 1400 stairs to climb during our time at the caves, 700 up and 700 down. The guide only used magnesium strips to light the caves so you could see them. No flash photography was allowed inside the cave. It was kept in it's natural condition. The tour took about an hour.
    Hippie Tips:
    Take a break and get a snack at the Wimmerhutte.
    Breathe in the fresh air, take in the surroundings, love the Alps. Stop and look around on your hike
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 4

    Eagles Nest, Germany

    27 Mayıs 2013, Almanya ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    On our way home from Austria, we stopped at The Eagles Nest, a house given as a gift to Hitler for his 50th birthday, was purely incredible to visit. Why? Why is it so amazing. I often think this having lived in Germany and learn of the great torture they truly still hold close to their heart. The history is just incredible.The Eagles Nest was built for him as a 50th birthday present but Hitler had only been there about 14 times. The house that he resided in was closer to the bottom of the Mountain but had been torn down after the war.
    Cars are not allowed to drive up the winding roads to the house, so we took an amazing tour with
    Eagle’s Nest Historical Tours.
    Civilians now reside in the white houses that once housed SS guards.
    Once atop the mountain, we were escorted down a tunnel and into the elevator provided for Hitler made of gold and bronze. Once again, summer fell below and winter resided on top of the mountain. Completely covered with snow, overcast allowed for beautiful views but ice created some slippery conditions. Our time was cut short because the mountain had to close for the 5th time since opening just that month by a bad storm coming in that actually dropped an incredible amount of snow very quickly.

    Hippie Tip:
    Hike around the area, or even all the way up to the Eagles Nest.
    Take your time in the Documentation Center, it's amazing
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