Nāngloi Jāt

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    • Dag 24


      6 augustus 2023, Indië ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      This was our last stop before heading home and what a treat it was. Our hotel was a beautiful building in the Diplomatic Enclave, wide quiet streets and forests nearby and lovely staff and food.
      We went to the Delhi Cathedral for our first English mass in months.
      In the morning, we started with a guided walk through old Delhi which certainly awakened all our senses! We visited a Hindu Jain temple and then walked through the Hindu area, tasting some samosas and Jelibee. Then we walked towards the Islamic section near the magnificent mosque. Our guide was Hindu but had a great respect for all religions so we learned a lot. She also took us to a Sikh temple (one on each day) and saw how they provided meals to anyone, 24 hours a day. We were able to walk through the kitchens too. An amazing service they offer. Some 30,000 meals are served daily and everyone who helps in anyway are all volunteers.
      We walked through the spice markets with a huge selection of spices, chillies and things we’d never seen before, all surrounded by crazy traffic and horns honking. The city is so alive! The evening market, Delhi Haat, was much more sedate and calming.
      Our guides in Delhi were so knowledgeable and balanced so we had great discussions about religion, politics and anything else.
      We said goodbye to Mr Singh, our amazingly patient and caring driver who made us feel safe and comfortable all the time.
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    • Dag 3

      INDIA PART 1

      23 maart, Indië ⋅ 🌩️ 34 °C

      Alright yeah sorry these are getting outta order really struggling to motivate myself to write Vietnam part 2 after I finished writing it and then it got deleted. Last minute India trip wasn’t initially something I intended to do, but thanks to Martin for convincing me to go with him. India was totally surreal. Crazy to finally go to the country I’ve heard so much about. We flew into Delhi and arrived in the afternoon. We took the train to Connaught place where we were staying which is when I had my first classic India encounter, an attempted scam. I had to pay something like 20 rupees for the train, and I gave the man at the kiosk 100. He was going to give me back 80 rupees in change (in 20 rupee bills), and counted it out in front of me, 20, 40, 60, 80. And he gives it to me after a moment and I walk away and when I go to count my change, the fucker only gave me 60 rupees back! I was furious, not because of the lack of money (it was a minuscule amount) but the principle of it. I hadn’t been in India for an HOUR and I was already seeing some of the stereotypes that people always say about India. Not a good look. Anyways I went back to the kiosk and told the man he gave me the wrong change and he sheepishly gave it back to me. He probably thought I wouldn’t notice. Anyway, that started me off on the wrong foot but it was a smooth sailing train ride from there. We got off and walked to our homestay and got harassed by random people asking us for taxis or “telling us which direction to go” which I didn’t really trust. We dropped our stuff off and grabbed our laptops and went to go look for a coffee shop. We had to find a place to do work so we could truly relax for the rest of the trip. I had a delicious biscoff milkshake. They love their biscoff over here and I’m all for it that shit SLAPS. After working we explored the centre of Connaught Place and watched a little water show at sunset and it was gorgeous. The massive Indian flag waving in the breeze was nice. By this point I’m feeling better about India. We got a recommendation from our very chatty innkeeper, which normally wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact check in took forever, so we ended up waiting even longer because of this dudes yap. We went to a less nice area but more authentically Indian for a place that apparently had some great naan. My goal was to eat as much naan and prata as I could and I’m happy to say that it was a success. We tried to order and I had to ask in my classic fashion if there was nuts in our meal, and we were getting nowhere, but luckily this young dude who was in university in Delhi who spoke great English and Hindi clutched up. We ate with him and chatted for awhile. Super nice guy! After we ate we explored the area for a bit but headed back to our inn rather early because we had to get up pretty early for our tour of Delhi. We woke up and had a small breakfast at our inn that consisted of eggs coffee and some ham. Solid enough, it was free too. We took an Uber (feels weird not saying Grab) to where our bus would pick us up. It was not what I expected, it was literally just an old public bus that was now being used as a tour bus. Our first stop was this little Hindi temple that was nice but nothing special. Next up was the Red Fort, an iconic place that was where the royals resided. It was very red, that’s for sure. I bought my Indian fridge magnet here (got one from every country except for Indonesia since I been there before). We explored it for awhile then hopped back on our bus. Not before taking photos with a bunch of locals though, they probably were excited by a Chinese and white guy travelling around together. Next on the list was Humayan’ tomb. Such a cool spot. Gorgeous architecture, and felt like a mini Taj Mahal. I believe it influenced the creation of the Taj Mahal, so almost literally a mini one. We even saw them filming the end of the French Amazing Race. Hella dope. By this point we needed some lunch, so we decided not to go into the next spot and instead find some food, and we made the right call because it was just this big spire thing. We had a nice coffee and sandwich at this surprisingly hip/nice coffee shop. Our next spot was this small little park that was dedicated to some famous Indian dude or something. Probably the least interesting place we went too, but that was alright because the next three places were all bangers. Next up was the Delhi gate, a massive champs élysées type vibe near the parliament buildings of the country. I got some much needed ice cream finally after being picky with everywhere else we had been. Probably my second favourite spot not including Taj Mahal. What one my favourite spot was next up, the Lotus temple. It was a modern spin on the idea of a Hindu temple and it was shaped like a lotus. I don’t really fuck with religious ceremonies but I would’ve loved to sit there for an hour listening to something like that. Would definitely recommend. We headed to our final spot of the day: The Akshardam temple. After a bit of a struggle getting through security we were greeted by an absolutely stunning temple of the likes that I have never seen before. There was a ton of elephant art around it that had little stories explaining how elephants were relevant in past India. Would’ve loved to stay longer but we were pretty burnt out after the entire day of travel. We arrived back at our inn and hung out for a bit before getting picked up for dinner my Joy. It was my first time meeting him! So cool. He took us to this restaurant nearby that me and Martin had walked by the day before thinking it was super fancy. What a coincidence. We ate some great food (the naan is the only part I remember obviously) and then grabbed some (mid) ice cream for dessert. Me and Martin headed back early to prep for our next day: a journey to Agra to see the muffackin Taj Mahal! We woke up early and hopped in our private car and started the drive to Agra. We made a quick pit stop and got some Indian Pizza Hut (average) and after a couple shows and a nap later, we met up with our tour guide, and BOOM Taj Mahal. Yea its as cool as it looks. Super beautiful and absolutely breathtaking. I was stunned. We explored it for awhile taking as many photos as possible then headed out for lunch, where, I can say I had the best naan of the entire trip. Goated spot. We had the option to check out the Mini Taj, but decided against it as we wanted to make it back to Delhi in time for dinner. Before we left, we went to a shop for a little demonstration on how they make art from the same material used in the Taj Mahal. The shopkeeper was super friendly and we both bought little trinkets. We took our drive back to Delhi and went for dinner at this hip little area that reminded me of Vancouver in a way. We ate, and then I had a glorious Alaska cheesecake ice cream sundae that was probably the best dessert I’ve had in Asia. Afterwards, we headed back to our hostel. And that concludes part 1.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Kleider machen Leute

      21 maart 2023, Indië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Als die Festgewänder des Brautpaares eingetütet waren, ging es mitten in die Einkaufsstraßen der Stadt. Dann hieß es Kurtas anprobieren, Stoffe prüfen, in riesigen chaotischen Schuhgeschäften zwischen Unmengen an Plastelatschen ertrinken und einen Zari finden.
      Erfolgreich und sehr sehr müde ging es mit der Auto Riksha durch Delhi. Laura war so erschöpft, dass sie zwischen all dem Lärm einfach eingeschlafen ist. Nach einem leckeren Cross-Sandwich und einem scharfen indischen Abendessen fielen wir todmüde ins Bett.
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    • Dag 29

      28 Hours Later

      17 december 2018, Indië ⋅ 🌫 17 °C

      Well today is going to be fun!! It's our first train and to be honest I'm quite excited. It was really 5am and it was 5 degrees so we were wrapped up to the max. We had booked 2S class seats which are supposedly the lowest... They were perfectly fine! Sure the windows weren't great and so it was pretty cold but to be honest it was better than the Darwen train at home 😂 we arrived only half an hour late in Dehli, which was fine as we gave ourselves plenty of time.

      We had been so excited to get to Dehli mainly for its warmth, I was so wrong. It was still cold! We were only here 3 weeks ago and definitely wasn't like this. I guess I'll have to wait till Mumbai to feel heat.

      We then attempted to get across Dehli to our next station. Now this wasn't as easy as expected. We ended up asking a bus conductor who took us onto his bus, dropped us off for free at a random bus stand and then we had to take another bus to the station. No one charged us the whole way! I have no idea why...

      We arrived at our train station and as we hadn't eaten all day it was time to eat! We found a guy making fresh puris and then we sat in the waiting area with plenty of reading time to spare. Just before the train we went out again for an early dinner of Aloo Paratha and then jumped on our posh sleeper train. We booked 3AC on this train as was advised by a lot of people as it was affordable still but comfortable. To be honest it was luxury and everyone was very chatty.

      Around 9pm the baby next to us decided it was time to wail and wail it did for what felt like forever so we both popped sleeping tablets and had a pretty good sleep to be honest. I remember at one point I got up needing a wee and as I was on the top bunk I avoided it as long as I physically could. Eventually I couldn't hold it any longer so in a very dreary mess I scrambled down, went and then found it impossible to muster the energy to yet back up! I went as far as I could and had to belly flop and slide my body in a very unflattering manner onto my bed. It was not my finest moment haha
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    • Dag 6

      Whistle Stop Tour of Dehli

      24 november 2018, Indië ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The plan for today... No plan!

      Vindu recommended that we get up at 8:30am for breakfast and then he would take us to the real tourist information centre and there we can discuss what we want to do and how. So we just rolled with it. For breakfast we have paratha (seriously I'm going to get fat...) and then we jumped into the car to to the tourist information. Our very vague plan was to go to Rishikesh and then begin our tour of the Royal state of Rajasthan. Our only aim and need at the Tourist Information was to book our train to Rishikesh as it seems impossible to do online without an Indian Credit Card.

      When we arrived at the centre we were greeted with a warm and grinning Latif. I must admit my scam alert guard was still on. I trusted Vindu but didn't trust anyone else including the driver that took us here. One of the most common scams in Dehli is taking tourists to a fake tourist information and then making them pay for ridiculous things. I checked our location on the map and it seemed legit although very close to our location on were various warning annotations of "fake tourist information", so all I could hope for was that my GPS was right!

      I must admit we soon warmed to Latif and let our guard down completely. He knew his stuff, he knew our requirements, budget, he was happy to help and I must admit we fell for everything! He gave us an incredible deal that I'm praying works out. We have a personal driver for 2 weeks to take us round all the sights of Dehli, Agra and Rajasthan including one night safari in the desert. He convinced us that going to Rishikesh this early is not a good idea as it we go to Rajasthan after it gets very busy and expensive whereas Rishikesh will be a bit easier to book trains etc in 2 weeks time. So we signed our name on the dotted line and we've taken a huge risk. We've paid the full amount, again something I thought I would never do, so I'm really praying it all works out. Sometimes I hate myself for thinking the worst in people, it's something I actively try and disengage from as honestly I truly believe I should always trust in humankind first. This is the biggest risk we have taken, in terms of handing over a wod of money, but only time will tell!

      So I've been in a car a couple of times now and I don't think I've really talked about the traffic and mental driving. Is it as bad as people say and what we see in documentaries? Yes. Do I feel safe? Yes. Are there moments when I hold tight and press my imaginary break? Yes. But honestly, maybe it's because we have been travelling for a while, the traffic and crazy driving doesn't feel or seem as bad as expected. Maybe my expectations are ridiculously low... I don't know. Of course there were points that we were in total grid lock and I genuinely felt like I was in the problem solving game Rush Hour with cars facing and moving in all directions albeit with the addition of a couple of bulls pulling carts, but I have 95% confidence in our driver and am just glad it's him and not me!

      Our first stop was to pick up our bags, we also discussed what we booked with Vindu and seemed happy with it. We then went to the cash machine and after a bit of a debacle with Halifax we were finally able to get out the required amount and paid the centre for our 2 week trip. We had a poori for lunch and then head out with our driver Ajay on our journey.

      First stop was the presidential area. The presidential Palace wasn't open unfortunately but from the outside it looked enormous. Ajay told us that the Prime Minister has 366 personal rooms purely for himself not including governmental rooms! Just across the Palace was the famous Gate of India. The reminded us of an enormous version of The Mall in London. Although the buildings were very impressive it was actually the number of Black Kites, the birds of prey, that was much more impressive. There must have been at least 30 black kites circling the area! It a rare sight to see.

      We then visited Akshardham Mandir, a temple on the outskirts. Wow, just wow. The rules of temple were quite strict and you weren't allowed to take in cameras, mobile phones etc so we left everything with Ajay and went in. What a peaceful, beautiful and mindful experience. Obviously I now don't have any pictures for my blog of the mandir but honestly I'm actually quite thankful for the experience. Sometimes you visit these incredible places and you just get wound up in taking pictures, getting annoyed at others "ruining" your shot or taking too long etc but without all this it was just fantastic. We walked around the whole mandir feeling unbelievably calm. It was such a nice feeling to not have to plan or care where our next stop was and to just enjoy being in the moment. I think this moment made me realise what truly being mindful means. In the guide book it says the Mandir represents the mind becoming still and where the soul connects with the divine and I agree. Obviously if you want to look at this incredible temple, please do on Google! The Mandir was one of the most beautiful temples I've ever seen, and we have seen a lot!

      After the Mandir we began our journey to Agra! Of completely honest I was quite nervous and unexcited to see the Taj Mahal. I heard that actually the experience would be a bit of a nightmare ie getting there, getting a ticket etc but after the events of today I am feeling really excited and calm about visiting my second wonder of the world. I am the luckiest person in the world right now and I just can't believe how fortunate I am and how we really do take everything for granted. I am going to soak in every single moment!

      The journey from Dehli took about 3 hours and I couldn't believe how straight the road was. It was literally one long road for 3 hours and not because of traffic but because it was just a ridiculous straight long road!!

      Another subject I've not touched on is pollution. Obviously Dehli is world famous for being one of the most polluted cities in the world and I must admit you can feel it. Luckily the temperature wasn't so high today but not only can you feel the pollution but you can see it.

      After dark we finally arrived in Agra at our hostel. We had a quick dinner and then went straight to bed ready for our early morning start.

      I'm so excited for tomorrow's blog.
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    • Dag 7


      7 juni 2019, Indië ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Long day travelling.. lovely welcome to Delhi..great group of travellers.

    • Dag 44

      Empieza la vuelta

      12 oktober 2022, Indië ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Después de terminar de recoger mis cosas y del desayuno, mi amiga de la escuela y yo hemos puesto rumbo al aeropuerto de Jaipur para coger nuestro primer vuelo dirección a Delhi.

      En el aeropuerto han sido bastante lentos con la entrega de las maletas, y después el vuelo llevaba un poco de retraso, pero hemos estado juntas así que se ha hecho más ameno.

      El vuelo ha sido una hora aproximadamente, pero la sorpresa ha llegado, cuando esperando las maletas, la de mi amiga no ha aparecido…
      Ha empezado la odisea para averiguar dónde estaba, y resulta que se la han dejado en el aeropuerto de Jaipur porque en teoría llevaba un mechero en la maleta, y en India no se puede llevar en los viajes,
      Por lo menos le han informado que llegaría en el siguiente vuelo y le daría tiempo a no perder el suyo.

      Es grande la desesperación que se crea en situaciones así y más en un país en el que cuesta bastante entenderse… pero mi amiga me ha enseñado a no perder la calma y a aceptar las situaciones como vienen.

      Muchas horas de espera en el aeropuerto, pero una vez entregada la maleta, he podido comer, entrar en las tiendas, pasear y las horas han pasado un poco más rápidas.

      A la 1:50 de la madrugada ha empezado el embarque, y cuando ya estaba encima del avión he podido cambiarme de sitio, en una zona con menos gente donde he podido estar en una fila para mi sola y acostarme.

      Y después del despegue y con casi 10 horas de vuelo por delante, voy a intentar dormir un poquito.
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    • Dag 3

      Inside the old town

      31 maart 2023, Indië

      We continue our tour of Delhi and of course we cannot miss the tour of the old town also known as the seventh city. Narrow streets, tangled and messy cables, markets and women in colourful clothes blend perfectly into the city. Of course we couldn't miss the tuktuk ride, so off we go!Meer informatie

    • Dag 8

      Agra to Delhi

      24 januari 2013, Indië ⋅ 🌫 18 °C

      Back to Delhi the long way, through hundreds of little villages - much more interesting. The roads leave quite a bit to be desired in places - speedhumps on motorways??

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    Nāngloi Jāt, Nangloi Jat

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