Kabupaten Bandung

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    • Day 17

      Kawah Rengganis

      November 1, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌩️ 18 °C

      Nach dem stinkenden Kratersee gibt es herrlich duftendes Essen und die besten Erdbeeren ever (ausgenommen die aus Opa‘s Garten). Danach fahren wir aufgeregt wie kleine Kinder in selbstgebauten go-karts einen seichten Berg hinab, aber eine Kurve lässt uns dann doch fast abfliegen. Danach geht es über eine schwingende Hängebrücke rüber zum Schlammbad und den Hot Springs. Das Hot im Namen brauchten wir auch, nachdem wir grau eingekleistert ein Gewitter abwarten mussten. Danach hingen die Wolken tief in den Bergen drin, aber zum Glück hörte der Regen auf.

      After the stinking crater lake there is wonderfully smelling food and the best strawberries ever (except the ones from grandpa's garden). Then we drive excited like little children down a shallow mountain in self-made go-karts, but a curve almost sends us flying. Then it goes over a swinging suspension bridge over to the mud bath and the hot springs. We also needed the „hot“ after we had to wait out a thunderstorm covered in gray mud. Afterwards the clouds hung deep in the mountains, but luckily the rain stopped.
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    • Day 5


      September 17, 2022 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Aujourd'hui visite de Bandung, une grande ville à 3h de train de Jakarta, rien de spécial à visiter mais c'était sur mon chemin.
      Le samedi tout les indonésiens sont de sortie, ils sont vraiment nombreux. Je les ai suivis toute l'après midi dans les rue bondés, les marchands de glaces et cafés et leurs grands centres commerciaux, ils me font bien rire. Demain 8h de train pour rejoindre Yogyakarta.Read more

    • Day 4

      Omgeving Bandung

      July 27, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We beginnen vandaag bij Anklungschool Pak Udjo. Dat blijkt een echt feestje met traditioneel poppenspel (wayang golek), verschillende Indonesische dansen en samen muziek maken op de anklung en samen dansen.
      Onderweg naar Kawah Putih (bijzonder vulkaanmeer in de bergen) brengen we nog een bliksembezoek aan Gedung Saté (het midden vh gebouw heeft de vorm ve satéstokje). We lunchen op aanraden van onze chauffeur bij een lokaal restaurant vlakbij Kawah Putih. Als we terugrijden vanaf Kawah Putih ziet Nick een Hanoman aap in de boom. Volgens de chauffeur echt een zeldzaamheid: "You are very lucky!" Aan het einde van de middag stoppen we ook nog bij prachtige theeplantages. 's Avonds gaan we opnieuw uit eten bij Braga Premai, want dat beviel gisteren prima qua eten en live-muziek.
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    • Day 6

      Bandung & omstreken

      July 16, 2022 in Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Bandung, net als Jakarta een drukke stad waar het meeste buiten het centrum te beleven valt. Daarom deden we een tour!

      Vrijdag 15 juli
      Fanji, onze gids, nam ons en zes anderen mee buiten Bandung om heel wat te zien. Onderweg stopten we om rijst te oogsten. Heel bijzonder op een prachtige locatie! We maakten daarna nog een stop bij een andere rijstplantage.

      We gingen verder naar kawah Putah, een krater gevuld met sulfur. Een vloeistof met een gele kleur waar je best niet te lang bijstond. Na een kwartier was het best moeilijk om te ademen.

      Na de krater, beklommen we een kleine berg om te genieten van uitzichten, om door te wandelen in theeplantages. Prachtig!

      We stopten aan een mini-restaurant langs een rustige weg om nasi goreng te eten. Het smaakt in Indonesië toch een stuk beter dan in België! Hier konden we ook een bezoek maken aan een koffieplantage en iets verder aan een aardbeiplantage. Smaakte allemaal vrij goed!

      Afsluiten deden we midden in de stad, waar we eten kregen bij enkele locals. We zijn hier als toerist enorm populair en worden heel vaak aangesproken toen we tussen de locals aan het wandelen waren. We maakten ook kennis met het huis(je) van Fanji. Heel klein, maar fijn om te zien. Het was heel bijzonder om met hem op stap te gaan!

      Zaterdag 16 juli
      Emma en ik maakten een stadswandeling, waar we kleine wegen gebruikten. Een andere kijk op de stad dan de miljoenen brommers.

      Raar maar waar, we vinden hier geen riolering terug, geen zebrapaden en zo goed als geen voetpaden. Is er dan een voetpad, staan er veel streetfood karretjes waardoor je niet anders kan dan op straat lopen. Hoe langer ik hier verblijf, hoe meer ik van alles geniet, zelf van dingen die zo anders zijn

      We hebben lekker gegeten, ik heb eindelijk geld kunnen afhalen uit een ATM (zelf in Suriname had ik geen problemen, waarom in zo'n toeristisch land wel??) en rustig genoten op ons dakterras.

      Morgen een rit van 7 uur op de trein, naar Yogyakarta, waar enkele prachtige plaatsen op de planning staan.

      Tot de volgende!
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    • Day 4

      First days in Bandung

      October 7, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The first days of my journey have passed - time for an update 😌:

      I have spent the last days in Bandung in the D&D Backpackers Hostel where I met many fellow travellers from the Netherlands 🇳🇱, Germany 🇩🇪 and even one guy from Norway 🇳🇴
      The staff was super friendly, took us to many local food places in the city and arranged a full day tour (14 hours) for us to explore the southern region. The tour was really exciting. Early in the morning we slipped through the heavy Bandung traffic (piggybacking on the motorbikes 🏍️ of our drivers). After approximately 2 hours we reached „white crater“ (the very visible trace of an active volcano 🌋 in that region) which offers some unusually colourful and beautiful views due to the high sulphur concentration in that area. I was also surprised that I would find mountains with such high altitudes here in Indonesia 🇮🇩 (the area is about 2300 m above sea level). This also allows people here to grow tea leaves 🍃 for green and black tea on one of the many fields nearby (over all they cover up to 3500 hectares).
      After some mei goreng (fried noodles) for lunch 🥗 we visited a leisure park where we hiked to a waterfall and got some much needed refreshment in its cold water 💦 (probably not more than 20 degrees Celsius).
      Next up were the hot springs which are also very common for this volcanic area. Getting into the water required a little bit of will power since it’s temperature was around 40 degrees Celsius. But once I was in, it felt pretty good 😊
      We were in for a treat that day. So before getting into the hot springs, we took a mud bath (which is supposed to be good for your skin). However, removing the mud was anything else than easy since it pretty much stuck to my skin. It would not even surprise me if I did not completely got rid of it by now. 😅
      After sunset we drove for an hour back towards our hostel and went for dinner 🍲 at another local place which served many little dishes on small plates to share among our group (perhaps the Indonesian version of tapas). The food was again excellent. My favourites were the coconut flavoured chicken wings 🥘 and the curry style jackfruit 🍈.
      After dinner we again had to squeeze us (for another hour or so) through the now even heavier Bandung Saturday night traffic. I really don’t know how our drivers can put up with this day in day out. Traffic is really horrible here (at least for Europeans, I guess). I wouldn’t even think in my dreams about driving here 😂
      Anyways, at around 9pm we were back in the hostel. And that gave me at least a little time to arrange my onward travel to and accommodation in Yogyakarta. After some beers with my fellow travellers, I went packing/preparing everything for today’s journey. The night was short (only 4-5 hours) but that way I could catch the early 7am train and I will be approx. at 3pm in Yogyakarta. I wonder what I will encounter there during the next 4 days … I will keep you posted ☺️
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    • Day 16

      Travel to Indonesia

      October 31, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Zu der Tagesreise nach Indonesien rüber schreib ich lieber nicht so viel. Erster Flug mit Air Asia war eine Kühlschrankerfahrung 🥶, die zweite okay. Kuala Lumpur Airport eignet sich als Austragungsort für einen Marathon. Bei meiner Experimentierfreude beim Essen wurde ich eingebremst, als McDonalds (alternativlos um die Uhrzeit) mir um 6 Uhr morgens getrockneten Fisch servierte zum Kaffee. 🤢 Jakarta war heiss und eingesmogt. Schnell weg - nach Bandung. Schnell ist relativ, wenn dein Fahrer dich durch den Nachmittagsstau zum entgegengesetzten Ende der Stadt fährt (zumindest zum Fixpreis, bitte). Ich hatte also völlig übernächtigt für 6,48 Euro eine 90min Stadtrundfahrt. So ein Dodel. Kann also nur besser werden. Gewitter und Muezzine sind gerade durch, schnell einschlafen! 😴

      I prefer not to write too much about the day trip to Indonesia. The first flight with Air Asia was a very „cool“ experience 🥶, the second flight was okay. Kuala Lumpur Airport is a suitable venue for a marathon. My enthusiasm for experimenting with food was put in check when McDonalds (no alternative at that early morning time) served me dried fish with my coffee at 6 a.m. 🤢 Jakarta was hot and smoggy. Got away quickly - to Bandung. „quickly“ is relative when your driver takes you through the afternoon traffic jam to the opposite end of the city (at a fixed price, please). So, completely overnighted, I had a 90-minute city tour for 6.48 euros. So it can only get better. Thunder and muezzines have just passed, I guess I’ll fall asleep quickly! j
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    • Day 33

      Bandung, West-Java, Indonesië

      February 17, 2020 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Knal in het regenseizoen.. 🤣... we voelen mee met jullie thuis 😘
      We maken er Gwn het beste van!

      Vanavond met locals op pad en vanaf morgen op ontdekking#benieuwd

      Guesthouse is al een dikke check 🤗😋

      De eerst avond verliep alleszins vlotjes; Beetje streetfood ontdekt en genoten van het gezelschap 😄

      Vandaag het zuiden bezocht 🤗 van kratermeren en hete bronnen tot aan de theeplantages 🥰
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    • Day 17

      Kawah Putih - White Crater

      November 1, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌩️ 17 °C

      2 Stunden herrlich aufregende Scooter-Fahrt entfernt liegt Kawah Putih, ein Kratersee in einem Vulkankrater etwa 50 Kilometer südlich von Bandung. Der Kawah-Putih-See ist einer der beiden Krater, aus denen der Mount Patuha besteht, einer von zahlreichen Vulkanen auf Java. Ich glaube, um 1970 rum das letzte Mal ausgebrochen, ohne große Schäden zu hinterlassen.

      2 hours of wonderfully exciting scooter ride away is Kawah Putih, a crater lake in a volcanic crater about 50 kilometers south of Bandung. Lake Kawah Putih is one of the two craters that make up Mount Patuha, one of Java's numerous volcanoes. I think it last erupted around 1970 without causing any major damage.
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    • Day 285

      Pola H3 #1926

      October 12, 2022 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Here I am in Bandung, Indonesia . . . and what a day it was. I departed Pan Asia Hash on Monday morning, and the plan was to come to Bandung and see the sights . . . and find a couple hash clubs. Well, we arrived too late on Monday (after the 10 hour bus ride) to catch the Bandung Monday Hash, but I set out to find any other clubs in the city. There has never been a country page of hash contacts for Indonesia, but my plan on coming here was to figure one out. So scanning the HHH Genealogy, I found most of the clubs that were once here, had passed on to join G at the big old on-home in the sky. Fortunately, I did find a few hash clubs still active, and with a presence of some sort on the WWW. Case in point, today I was able to run with the Pola H3.

      It was not easy to get to the start, as I had spent two days trolling their FB page in order to get a specific start location. After two day so of no luck, I extended my reach by friending the hasher that posted the most info, and asked her. Priscilla got back to me very quickly, and gave me a street address. Google Maps showed it was about 15 Kms to the north, on the edge of the city. Unable to read those directions, I just made a little placard of the address, and took it to the taxi stand in front of the hotel. I showed it to him, and hoped for the best in the true spirit of hashing adventure.

      About 45 minutes to an hour later, and only 15 kms away, through the tiny streets and heavy traffic, we pull up this road until I see some people on the side of the road in brightly colored shirts. Ahhh, I figured these must be hashers. Good guess, well, at least one of them was. He spoke just enough English that he understood why I was there, and he told me he was just finishing trail, and on his way to the end. He took me down the hill until we hit the out trail, and he pointed me to it. Fortunately, at that moment I saw two hashers ahead in the distance, and ran forward to catch them. I told them I was just there to hash, and would follow along as I had no idea how the trail would be marked. They looked at me as some sort of Martian, and waved me along. 😊

      What I could understand of the instructions on FB, were that there was three trails . . . short (5K), medium (8K), and long (12K). It was just starting to drizzle, so when they said they were planning to do the medium trail, I quickly agreed. They didn’t say much for the first couple KMs, but eventually one of these fine gentlemen started asking me a few questions. We chatted off and on throughout the trail, and by the end we had made enough headway that he offered to drive me back into town. Now that was good fortune, because we were so far off the beaten path that I had wondered how I would ever find a taxi this far out of town.

      Fly the medium 8K trail along with us . . .

      Anyway, we finished trail, and found a few hashers gathered at the on-in. Now, I should tell you that the Pola Hash is still following the COVID standard of setting trail in the morning, and allowing hashers to follow trail at anytime during the day. This explains why there were so few hashers seen on trail, and so few at the end. I paid my hash cash (~US $1.25), and had a few snacks, and some water. They serve no beer due to the current set up, but my new friend Nanang, said we would stop for a beer and dinner on the way back to town. Talk about the power of meeting and befriending local/visiting hashers. I should also add here, that within 10 minutes of us finishing trail, the skies opened up and it poured like Noah was just about finished with the ark. This gave me a chance to talk to a few other hashers, while we waited for the rain to settle before heading back to town.

      After about a 45 minute drive back towards city center, as the streets are flooding from the downpour, Nanang pulls into a side street and parks. By this time, the rain has tapered off, but the flooding continued. We saunter into a happy looking pub, and order up the first round of beers. Looking at the menu, I respond to his questions with . . . I would just like some local food. I ended up with a lovely feast of soup and rice, along with some chips. We chatted for a while, and after a few more beers, he asks if I want to go hiking on Friday. BING, I waste no time in saying that would be awesome . . . so dropping me off at my hotel, he says he’ll send me a note on Friday for around a 1 pm departure for a hike in the mountains, along with one of his friends.

      This is the power of the hash . . . and the wonderful friendships that form between hashers that were recent strangers, that a bond quickly forms. It’s a beautiful thing. Come back and see the pictures after the hike on Friday. On On.
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    • Day 4


      September 7, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Next stop: Bandung
      Vanmorgen om 08:00 zijn we vertrokken vanaf het hotel. Na een busrit van ongeveer 4 uur komen we aan bij onze lunch spot 'Saung empang'. Een schattige eetplek op het water. Even getoiletteerd in een gat in de grond en we kunnen weer door naar de thee plantage, thee fabriek en een waterval. Na een tour en een kopje thee zijn we door gereden naar de hot springs, een paar baden met warm water vanuit de vulkaan (nog altijd actief en rokend). Vanavond overnachten we in het Mutiara hotel in Bandung. De beste stad in java om te stappen. Die kans kunnen we natuurlijk niet laten lopen, we gingen naar de black mockingbird..Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kabupaten Bandung, Kabupaten de Bandung, Reggenza di Bandung, Kabupatèn Bandhung, Bandung, Kabupatén Bandung

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