Kabupaten Bandung

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    • Dag 3

      Culture performance @ Saung Angklung Udj

      31 augusti 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      This afternoon we went to a cultural performance at Saung Angklung Udjo- it was held at one of the last schools that still teach traditional Indonesian instruments, and we as the audience learnt how to play an Angklung, a type of bamboo instrument we wobble to make the note! They even did a sample of an Indonesian epic puppet show (the full epic normally lasts sometimes day!) amazing.Läs mer

    • Dag 90

      Jakarta -> Bandung

      12 februari 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      10 a.m. - After we got ready for check out we went to the old town to check out the old buildings for the dutch colonialism. On our way to the old town we passed by a shop which sold exotic animals, monkeys, birds etc. The were all in to small cages and definitely not kept in a species-appropriate manner. In the old town we found the café Bativa where we got some breakfast. It was in an old building and the interior gave me the vibe of the colonial time. We had a great view on a square and the museum’s there but it was quite expensive for what you got. After breakfast we wanted to continue our exploring but we got stopped from all the school classes there. They got the assignment to talk to us to improve their english and we had to take a lot of photos and signatures again. Even more than the day before. At some point it got a little bit much and we had to catch a train anyways so we had a good excuse.

      12:15 p.m. - We got a cab to the Gambir train station.

      1:15 p.m. - The train departure to Bandung. It was my first train while traveling and the experience was great. The seats weren’t as comfortable as the ones in the bus but we drove through a beautiful scenery. A scenery of local villages in the nature, gorgeous rice fields, other farms etc.

      5 p.m. - We arrived in Bandung, cab to hostel and met some people we know from Jakarta. Furthermore we did some research of what we want to do and booked a tour for the next day.

      6:30 p.m. - Later we went to a food market close to our accommodation. Unfortunately the had more or less just DimSum and a lot of sneaker stores which sold faked hypebeast sneakers. The food we got there was not the best but better than nothing. The rest of the evening was chilled with the other guys from the hostel.

      P.S.: The traffic in Jakarta is horrible.
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    • Dag 288

      Bandung H3+ #544

      15 oktober 2022, Indonesien ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      I would like to start with the fact that I am so fortunate to be able to visit hash clubs all over the world. For the past 10 days I enjoyed Pan Asia Hash in Pangandaran, and a few days here in Bandung. Bandung is actually a hash megacenter, as you can hash at least 5 days a week. There are so many clubs, as shown

      Bandung H3
      Bandung H3 2
      Bandung H3 +
      Bandung H3 (Monday & Saturday)
      Pelita H3
      Pola H3

      I enjoyed trails with the Pola H3 on Wednesday, Bandung H3 2 on Friday, and Bandung H3 + today. All were amazing trails, with friendly hashers, but today was just one of those special days.

      Start was at 1400, so I jumped in a taxi to the start and made it just in time, but hardly anyone was there yet. On the way, the skies dropped a couple of showers, but when I arrived it was ok. As the pack arrived over the next 45 minutes, we had a point where for about 10 minutes it poured like hell. We all thought the trail had been washed away, but we were soon to find out that the paper held up quite well. OK, back to the start. With all the rain, my expectations for the day were quite low, even the hares thought we might have to just go out and wander around and come back. But the paper held up, and we had what I called, one of the best trails I have run in a long time.

      First off, there were many runners. The Bandung H3 + is a younger crowd, mostly expat, and enthusiastic runners. So I was happy for that and took off in pursuit. We had over 35 hashers in the circle, but we had a solid pack of a dozen runners having a ball running in an off and on drizzle of rain. The local hashers may have run this area many times, but I was loving the new twists and turns, slippery spots, and dirt paths. It was the quintessential old city trail, where you are inside the city, but running through all the hidden shiggy, dirt tracks, and stairs that have been constructed over many decades. If I had a go-pro, I would have liked to record this one, and show it as an example of how amazing hashing really is. I love being out in the farmer’s fields and rice paddies, but I also really enjoy running those back allies and stairs of the old world.

      Drenched from the rain the entire trail, and with all sorts of slippery spots, trail was such a blast to navigate. The pack of runners continuously circulated from first to worst and back again, as we explored many check points. Finishing in just over 8 Kms, the end popped up by total surprise for me, which is another sign of an amazing trail. I took the opportunity to thank the hares in circle for this spectacular day . . . I don’t like the trend of everyone just saying it was a SHITTY TRAIL and abuse the hares. I always thank the hares, no matter what, but on those special occasions, I like to really say thank you. Sorry, no trail photos this time.

      Circle was a rousing affair, lasting over an hour. Everyone stayed engaged, so the RA was doing a great job. And yes, when they appreciate my songs and ask for more, that is always a special circle. Dinner followed, and I got to talk to many of the pack. It was a tremendous and awesome day on the hash . . . but tomorrow it will be time to make a move. Catching the train at 6 am, for Jakarta. On On.
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    • Dag 143

      Teaching in Java

      16 januari 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌩️ 28 °C

      Teaching in Pesona Bukit Bintang. A poor village outside Majelaya (near Bandung). It was a very great experience. Via workaway the owner of the school invited us to come his school. 25 4-6 years old kids come to school every morning from 8 till 11. They do drawing, math, reading, writing, dancing and a lot of singing. They only have 3 hours of school, but the level of all these activities is very high. The children love to go to school and learn.

      During lunch time multiple parents or other villagers come to school to bring us food. Almost every day we got food and sometimes even double. The local Indonesian food they made was an experience itself and most of the time excellent.

      The villagers liked to include us in all the activities that were organised. Peter was the first day assigned as the new soccer coach. So he had to give trainings 3 times a week. I was invited to play volleybal with the woman. In the evenings the older children from the village came by the school for English class. This was also a lot of fun, since they were very motivated.

      The village is like the rest of the Java muslim. This also means they mostly sit, eat and sleep on the floor. So did we. For Peter this wasn’t always most comfortable with his long legs. Also sleeping in the school was an experience. Not only the people in the village liked to keep us company, also the cockroaches, worms and rats liked to visit us at night.
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    • Dag 23


      21 april, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ik ga stoppen op deze app FINDPENGUINS. De gratis versie is verlopen en het is ook gemakkelijker om op 1 app te uploaden. Dus voor de rest;…
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    • Dag 5

      Bandung — Scooter Goes Vroom Vroom

      5 september 2022, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We stopped at Bandung for a single day. As our train approached the city I started looking online for a scooter rental to make the most out of the day. I found this place called "Rental Motor Bandung | NEO" with 5.0 stars on google maps and didn't think twice, as soon as the train stopped off we went to rent our scooter.

      Arriving there with our grab rides it became painfully obvious that these guys bought all the 1660 perfect reviews, because it was a tiny operation — they had just one bike that they'd rent out of the tiny backyard of their family home, at the end of a narrow alleyway. The cherry on top — the bike was Doraemon themed!

      A lovely grandma offered us some fried banana pastries that we devoured while the rental guys hesitantly accepted my Portuguese driving license and prepared the paperwork.

      I jumped on the scooter with Vasco behind me and very clumsily took off under the worried gaze of the rental guys. With my jerky driving, we soon melted into the traffic heading north. The bike was easy enough to maneuver and I was starting to gain confidence on the road when rain started pouring in big fat drops. We got our rain jackets on but couldn't continue driving on the wet asphalt, and so we took refuge under a tree at the side of the road.

      With the weather not giving, we went looking for lunch. After a long time walking back and forth, completely soaked, and not finding a working ATM, we had to have lunch at a KFC as it was the only place around that accepted card payments.

      The rain finally gave in to a hot and sunny day, and in minutes the road, that minutes before was starting to look like a river, became completely dry. There were no signs that it ever rained.

      We continued our journey towards the floating market first, where I had a strange fried banana with cheese and chocolate as a snack, and to the tea plantations after that. Both were very pretty.

      We came back to Bandung already after dark. The family renting the bike was extremely kind. The grandma offered us more food, we took pictures together and the guys even offered us a ride to the train station that we happily accepted.

      Moved by their hospitality, we left the city on an overnight train to Yogyakarta.
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    • Dag 56

      Tag 55 - Kawah Putih

      26 maj 2019, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wir haben uns heute mal wieder dazu entschieden, eine Tour zu buchen, was vor allem daran liegt, dass Bandung selber nicht viel zu bieten hat. Die Sehenswürdigkeiten liegen in der Umgebung und sind für uns nicht ganz so einfach zu erreichen. Da wir hier keinen Roller fahren wollen, haben wir uns also für diese Variante entschieden.

      Der erste Stopp führte und zum White Crater, auch bekannt als Kawah Putih, einem Kratersee und einer der bekanntesten Touristenspotts rund um Bandung 🌋🗻
      Abenteuerlich war schon die 5 Km lange Fahrt im Angkor (so werden hier die Minibusse genannt), in den sich 12 Menschen quetschen und beobachten können, wie der Fahrer die unendlich vielen Schlaglöcher umfährt 🚌
      Oben angekommen ist das wohl auffälligste Merkmal die weiß/blaue Farbe des Sees, die je nach pH-Wert (0,5-1,3) und Sonneneinstrahlung auch bis zu einem Grünton schwanken kann 🏞
      Man könnte außerdem durchgehend aufsteigende Dämpfe sehen, was der Grund dafür ist, dass wir uns am Eingang Atemmasken gekauft haben. Im Nachhinein auf jeden Fall eine Investition, die sich gelohnt hat, da selbst das Einatmen mit Maske gebrannt hat.
      Deswegen soll man sich dort auch nur 15 Minuten aufhalten, was wir aber erst gelesen haben als wir nach einer Dreiviertelstunde wieder auf dem Weg nach unten waren.
      Dort hat uns unser Tourguides noch eine überschaubare Kaffeeplantage gezeigt.
      Als nächstes ging es zu den Teeplantagen, die sich 39 Quadratkilometer über die Berge erstrecken.
      Eigentlich hatten wir erst nicht so viel Lust darauf, da wir in den Cameron Highlands schon welche gesehen haben, aber wir waren dann doch beeindruckt. Alles war noch viel größer und grüner als wir es bisher gesehen haben 🌱🍃🌿
      Nach einer kurzen Wanderung über die Teefelder ging es dann allerdings schon weiter zu den Hotsprings.
      Wir wurden unten an der Hauptstraße abgesetzt und dann auf jeweils auf ein Motorrad verfrachtet, dass uns den restlichen Weg nach oben bringen sollte. Der Weg war so steil und uneben, dass wir niemals auf die Idee gekommen wären, da hochzufahren, aber wir sind sicher angekommen 🏍
      Es gab ein kleines Dorf und weiter unten gelegen die heißen Quellen in Herzform. Man könnte das gesamte Gebiet zu Fuß erkunden, was wir auch getan haben. Dabei mussten wir über Brücken, die nicht ganz so vertrauenswürdig aussahen, aber von der anderen Seite hatte man die beste Aussicht.
      Als letztes ging es noch vorbei an einem kleinen See und dann müde zurück ins Hostel.
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    • Dag 87–89

      Bandung - white Crater

      19 oktober 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      As I was still suffering from a sore throat from Jakarta's A/C, I needed some rest for recovery in Bandung.
      But finally it was time to visit the other volcano at Bandung.
      Went there with two other travelers by scooter, had a nice ride and some fun with some guys and some kids at a random shop on the way, we've chosen for rest place.
      Unfortunately we were not able to go up to the crater on our own scooters, but the 4km bus ride was a nice experience, too. 😎
      White crater has less activities, so people can walk directly into it, it also is very well developed for tourists and some, mostly local, tourists were around.
      As we're still in dry season, here, there was not too much water in the crater, so the sulfate soaked grounds of the crater was very good visible.
      Walking up to the view point was a nice little hike, view was amazing and Jasper, Inge and me had a lot of fun. 😊
      While having a quick dinner at the base of the volcano two cute girls made a lot of fun with us, enjoying the attention. As both of them were deaf-mute it was amazing to see, how they communicated with each other in sign language and trying it with us, too. Showed again, that there's always a way to communicate, if you're willing and if you try hard.
      Riding back to the hostel during darkness was another experience, on these roads and with some crazy driving styles from locals.😅
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    • Dag 44


      12 januari 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Teil 1/2
      Die letzten 3 Tage hab ich in Bandung verbracht, die zweitgrößte Metropole des Landes, die für die Mode Outlets, die Art Deco Gebäude aus der Kolonialzeit, die asiatisch-afrikanische Konferenz, und die gebirgige Umgebung voller Teeplantagen und Vulkanen bekannt ist. Bei mir hat die Stadt vor allem aber auch mit dem sundanesischen Essen und dem breiten Angebot an Street-food punkten können. Von hier aus habe ich auch einen Tagesausflug nach Ciwidey gemacht, eine traumhafte Stadt in den Bergen, die umgeben ist von Teeplantagen und Erdbeerfeldern.Läs mer

    • Dag 103–105

      White Crater

      22 februari, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hallo Indonesien 🇮🇩

      Von Saigon sind wir nach Jakarta geflogen. Von dort ging es direkt ohne Pause weiter nach Bandung, denn von hier aus werden wir unsere ersten Ausflüge machen.

      Als wir abends ankommen sind wir einfach nur erschöpft und bestellen uns essen. Da Bandung riesig ist, haben wir wenig Lust uns hier noch durch den Verkehr zu kämpfen und außerdem wollen wir am nächsten Tag gleich früh los.

      Unsere Unterkunft hat uns schon einen Roller bereit gestellt und so können wir am nächsten Morgen gleich losdüsen. 2h müssen wir fahren bis zum Kawah Putih. Es sind zwar nur 40km aber bis wir aus Bandung raus sind, ist schon über eine Stunde rum. Der Verkehr ist zwar nicht so wild wie in Vietnam, alles ist irgendwie geordneter, aber es gibt so viel Verkehr, dass wir oft nur mit 20km/h voran kommen.

      Angekommen beim Parkplatz müssen wir warten, bis das Sammeltaxi voll ist, um uns die letzten 5km bis zum Eingang hochzufahren. Von dort aus laufen wir zum Kratersee und je näher wir kommen, desto intensiver wird der Schwefelgeruch. Wir holen unsere Masken raus, damit wir die Gase nicht zu sehr einatmen.

      Der See ist wirklich wahnsinnig blau und es dampft aus verschiedenen Stellen der umliegenden Kraterwand. Durch die tiefhängenden Wolken ist die Stimmung wirklich mystisch und etwas ganz anderes als wir bisher erlebt haben.

      Auf dem Rückweg machen wir einen kleinen Umweg, um uns die umliegenden Teeplantagen anzuschauen. Ein wunderschöner Anblick, der auf den Bildern leider garnicht so gut zur Geltung kommt. Wir sind auf jeden Fall schon am ersten Tag mega beeindruckt von Indonesiens Natur.
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