Ik rende

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    • Dag 206–207


      8 april, Ik rende ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      we wanted to take a night bus to shiraz, but had to find out that they were all booked out, so although the sun had long set and we were quite tired, we decided to just test our luck and try to hitchhike out. against all expectations, a single woman stopped after a couple of minutes, worried about us. it's (understandably) usually quite rare for women to stop for me, but for two strangers, in the middle of the highway, in the middle of the night, in the middle of iran, i would've never expected it.

      she called a friend to translate and invited us to stay at her house for the night, no tarov. we couldn't refuse. after a bit of driving, we arrived and met her husband and child, before sitting down in the living room to have dinner. it was delicious, but we were quite sure that we were eating their pre-sunrise-meal (mind you it's still ramadan). they didn't accept anything but empty plates though.

      then, to our surprise, they all said goodnight and left the flat entirely, essentially leaving us their whole home. textbook iranian hospitality, absolutely incredible. the next morning, the woman even drove us to a good hitchhiking spot, but not before showing us a viewpoint of her beautiful city and giving us food for the way.
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    • Dag 203

      Iran und Corona

      4 april 2020, Ik rende ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Abwechselnd im Stadtpark von Yazd oder in der Sanddünenwüste ausserhalb Yazd. Weiter geht es wegen den Strassensperren nicht mehr. Glück gehabt, Yazd ist eine sehr interessante Stadt und die Wüste ist ruhig, einsam und erholsam.Meer informatie

    • Dag 16

      Yazd et sa vieille ville en pisé

      25 september 2018, Ik rende ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nous avons passé 3 jours calmes à Yazd, très jolie ville du désert que l'on a beaucoup aimé ! 
      La vielle ville est un labyrinthe d'étroites ruelles entre des maisons en pisé à toits plats, dans laquelle il est très agréable de se perdre. Il y a sur tous les toits des grandes tours avec de longues ouvertures : on les appelle les "windcatcher", elles ont pour vocation de capter la moindre brise et de la redistribuer plus bas dans la maison. C'est une vielle technique de ventilation naturelle et on a pu verifier : ça marche !

      Nous avons visité les quelques monuments à voir : mosquées, bazaar, maisons anciennes et tour du silence des zoroastriens (tour dans laquelle les Zoroastriens déposaient les corps des défunts afin qu'ils se fassent manger par les vautours, car il était jugé impure de mettre un corps dans la terre le feu ou l'eau... Mmmh!), un ancien réservoir d'eau transformé en salle de sport pour la pratique d'une sorte de fitness ancestrale avec des poids en bois en forme d'aubergines... (voir photo)
      Mais surtout, nous avons pris le temps pendant ces 3 jours. Des petites journées, on a bullé à l'auberge et on a bien dormi !!! Bonheur :) 

      Rencontre insolite : 
      Nous avons fait la connaissance de Kares Le Roy, un grand photographe français, qui travaille sur les nomades et la culture perse depuis des années. Il a déjà sorti un très beau livre sur les nomades qui s'appelle Ashayer. Il travaille actuellement sur un nouveau projet sur les traditions perses. Yazd est sa seconde ville, il connaît donc la culture Perse extrêmement bien et a pu nous apprendre pas mal de choses. Et puis Arthur était tout content de pouvoir parler photo avec lui.
      On vous conseille vivement de regarder son travail c'est magnifique! 

      Petit point bouffe :
      C’est toujours aussi bon MAIS nous commençons à sévèrement tourner en rond et avons hâte de découvrir la bouffe japonaise !... Nous français, on ne se refait pas…

      Nous allons ensuite à la belle ville d’Isfahan, des bises à tous.

      Nos visites
      Dowlat Abad Garden +++
      Le Musée de l’eau +
      Le complexe Amir Chaghmagh ++
      La Mosquée Jameh ++
      La grande Mosquée de Yazd ++
      Les tours du silence Zoroastriennes +++
      Saheb AZaman Club Zurkhaneh ++

      Notre hostel
      Kalout Hostel +++
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    • Dag 119

      Merry Christmas from Yazd in Iran!

      26 december 2017, Ik rende ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      What can you expect of Christmas while cycling through Iran? Not that much! At least, Isfahan has a large Christian community in the Armenian quarter where it is celebrated. But we left the city behind us a week ago and didn't expect anything. And so did the unpredictable happen...

      By chance, we met 4 other cyclists from the Netherlands and Spain on our way to Yazd through the desert and cycled together for a few days. And cycling simply connects people... it turned out that there would be 20 cyclists in Yazd these days, so why not having a Christmas party together? Thanks to Silvio & Lena for the spontaneous organization and a great evening! The 20 of us could even enjoy 1.5L of homemade wine :)

      Most of us are staying in the same hostel and we're having a very relaxed time together which makes this Christmas a special and unique experience while temperatures reach 25 degrees during the day.

      Now we're going to hit the road again with a lot of nice group cycling, Persepolis and Shiraz ahead.

      Impressions of our journey from Ghom to Yazd via Kashan and Isfahan will follow.

      We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a great time with your beloved ones!
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    • Dag 16

      Towers of Silence

      25 januari 2017, Ik rende ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Na lekker uitgeslapen te hebben ben ik naar de Towers of Silence gegaan. Dit is een tempelcomplex en pelgrimsoord van het Zoroastrian geloof. Op die plek worden dode mensen neergelegd en opgegeten door gieren zodat de vier elementen niet vervuild worden. Want bij het begraven vervuil je de aarde en bij crematie de lucht. Het idee dat je wordt opgegeten door de gieren is wat luguber, maar tegelijkertijd geeft het ook iets weer van de vroegere cultuur van de tijd voor de Islamitische overheersing in Iran.
      Later in de middag ben ik door het historische centrum van Yazd gewandeld wat ook op de UNESCO werelderfgoedlijst staat. Een heerlijke stad om lekker in rond te kunnen dwalen. Er zijn veel kleine steegjes, donkere tunneltjes en vooral mooie gebouwen. Ik heb er van genoten.
      In de avond heb ik een interview gegeven aan twee middelbare school studenten. Ze wilden graag een toerist interviewen en ik vond het leuk om ze te kunnen helpen. 's Avonds ben ik vroeg naar bed gegaan want de wekker staat om 4.45.
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    • Dag 15

      Yazd, Iran

      24 januari 2017, Ik rende ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Na een bijzonder korte nacht ben ik met de bus naar Yazd gereisd, een reis van ongeveer vijf uur. Tijdens de busreis had ik een hostel gereserveerd. Maar toen ik aankwam vertelde een taxichauffeur mij over een nieuw hostel in het midden van de stad. Omdat hij de eigenaar kende zei ik dat ik voor 7 usd per nacht er wel zou willen slapen. Na wat heen en weer gebel heb ik een plekje in een top hostel in her midden van het oude centrum voor een spotprijs.
      In de avond heb ik wat door de straatjes gedwaald en schapenlever en schapenhart (een lokale delicatesse) gegeten.
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    • Dag 8


      27 september 2016, Ik rende ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Sightseeing in de grote woestijnstad, met Laura die poseert voor haar dagelijkse portie foto's met giechelende meiden. Ook de hoogste windtoren (natuurlijke airco) ter wereld bezocht en genoten van de zonsondergang bij de Towers of Silence.Meer informatie

    • Dag 123

      From Yazd to Shiraz

      30 december 2017, Ik rende ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      When you find a nice spot for the night with other cyclists it can be quite amusing to watch everyone performing their after-cycling rituals, like yoga, stretching, gathering wood for a fire, doing a quick wash and so on. Gabriel usually sleeps outside and just puts his sleeping mat on the ground, builds his 'kitchen' around so that he can sit and relax in the middle, cook food and tea without moving. And from time to time, everyone disappears in stellar directions to relieve oneself.

      Stopping by in a village with such an amazing group to grab some food and stock up provisions usually attracts the whole village, it rains invitations, selfies and we have difficulties to continue. We sometimes ask ourselves if these people have no job and nothing else to do? And also class times seem to be very short in the countryside... instead even 10-year-old kids know how to ride a motorbike (not scooter!) - with 2 or 3 younger brothers behind! But there are many kids who like to follow us on their mountain bikes as well :)

      We had chosen quiet side roads to get to Shiraz and were once again impressed by the beauty of the landscape and how fast it could change, from beige sandy deserts to sharp grey mountains, from steep canyons to red soil and reddish hills, to greenish vegetated mountain slopes and back and forth - wow!
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    • Dag 118

      Desert town Yazd

      25 december 2017, Ik rende ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Life works different in desert towns like Yazd and it did not only happen once that somebody went out to buy some staff and returned with empty hands. The city literally falls asleep in the afternoon while temperatures usually reach unthinkable highs. The roller shutters come off, people disappear (you'll mainly see tourists wondering what's going on) and traffic comes to a halt. If you go back out a few hours after dark, it is surprising how feasty and vivid it is then - like nothing had happened in the afternoon. Everyday's life takes place in the mornings and nights.

      Although we've smacked our way through Iran quite well during the last weeks, there is still so much food to discover: Sesame paste mixed with grape syrup on bread has become a fancied, energy-rich cyclists breakfast for us and we finally learnt what to use saffron for, how it looks like before and after cooking and how it should taste. The endless variety of pastry betrays us to stop at the bakeries again and again. We can smell them far in advance... Not to forget the ubiquity of fresh, juicy fruits and vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, food is our fuel!

      It has been the first time we stayed in a hostel in Iran and would definitely not be the last time. There were 10 fellow cyclists and we loved to hang out in the cosy courtyard, shared fruits, drank liters of tea and coffee and plundered the breakfast buffet together :)

      The cityscape is characterized by narrow alleys between low houses typically built of ochre mud. Wind catchers and minarets rise above and several roof terraces offer great views over the roofscape and at the surrounding mountains. Some Zoroastrian architecture is remaining and so does a fire temple contain a holy fire which is kept burning since almost 1000 years. Don't expect an overwhelming fire, a visit of the temple is more about a glimpse at Zoroastrian history.
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    • Dag 145


      28 september 2018, Ik rende ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Heute ging es durch die Kavir-Wüste nach Tabas.

      Auf der Strecke ging es an imposanten Felsformationen vorbei. Insgesamt sind wir heute 560 km gefahren und haben dabei die 25.000 km geknackt. Temperatur: 30 Grad.

      An der Mautstelle hat der Beamte gefragt wo wir herkommen, als wir Germany gesagt haben, ließ er uns ohne Bezahlung weiterfahren.

      Kurz vor Tabas ging es in die Berge zu einem Palmendorf, wo auch Reis angebaut wird. Das ist hier in der Wüste was aussergewöhnliches.

      Bei Sonnenuntergang sind wir in Tabas angekommen. Nun stehen wir an einem Motel und schauen uns das Lichtermeer der Stadt an.
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    Yazd, اُستانِ يَزد

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