Dublin Castle

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    • Dag 93

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 28

      15. juli 2022, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a bit of a rocky start today. When we woke up, I noticed a reference to an Alaska Airlines alert to a schedule change. Most of these changes have been trivial, but we learned from the agent that British Airways had canceled the Dublin to London flight, our first leg of our trip home tomorrow.

      We tried calling British Airways to explore other back-up options, and we heard recorded announcements to call back later. We decided to take an Uber to the airport to see if we could talk to a live person. 30€ later, we discovered that no one was at the BA ticket counter upon our arrival at the terminal. At this point, I kept trying to call Alaska Airlines back and the call dropped several times until we discovered that British Airways had rebooked flights from Saturday to Tuesday.

      I should note that we know that air travel this summer in Europe and some cities in the U.S. have been quite a trial for many travelers. We don't expect to have some magical exemption to protect a cancellation from happening to us. But I did have a bit of a meltdown when there was just no one to talk with about a remedy. British Airways is complete "shite" 💩 as they say over here.

      In the scheme of things, we're fine. We've booked a hotel for three more nights at a reasonable price in the heart of a really great city. The weather is expected be sunny and warm. We're not missing an important family event or an important work meeting. We will likely be reimbursed for most or all of our expenses caused by the delay.

      My childish side still claims the right to some sulking and fuming time. I was happy to embrace my inner twelve-year-old. And admittedly I did revert to a few hours of life not being fair.

      Jim C chose a walk in a park and reading a new book as a coping strategy. I chose being holed up in our bedroom and an eventual walk around the city with a quick culinary diversion of Dutch Apple pie.

      Jim snd and I had a rendezvous at The George, and we has a great Asian meal of stuffed dumplings and noodles. We met up with an online acquaintance, and we had a great conversation with him. It was fun hearing about his hiking travels in Wyoming and Montana

      When we returned to the flat, we had a great conversation with our gracious hosts.

      In reflection, when I'm in a deficit mind frame, I have learned that a good cure is to make gratitude lists. That shift was catalyzed by a walk through Love Alley, a space where the walls were decorated with hearts and various affirmations and excerpt from song lyrics. One in particular caught my eye:

      "We have enough.
      We have each other.
      We have everything."

      Indeed we do.
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    • Dag 5

      Unterwegs in Dublin

      20. mars, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Tja, leider hat es mich bei der Küstenwanderung erwischt: Jacke aus, Jacke an … Folge: Hals angeschwollen. In eine Apotheke haben wir erstmal ein Medikament geholt und dann ging zu Fuß auf Tour. Es ging an bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei (Samuel-Backett-Bridge; Auswandererdenkmal, den neuen Docklands mit altem Hausbestand, einer Arbeitersiedlung beim Gasometer, Villen, zur Residenz des Parlaments) und durch die Stadt zurück und bei Molly Malone vorbei. Den Rundgang haben wir nach einem leckeren Essen (Irish Stew) bei Quays (im Temple-Bar-Viertel) dann um 16.00 beendet. Die Erkältung forderte Ruhe (😢- also auch kein Pub). Aber morgen geht es weiter.Les mer

    • Dag 32

      Day trip into Dublin

      22. mai, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we are off to a Dublin for the day. Marl and Millie are going on the hop on hop off bus and visiting the Guinness Stonehouse and Graham and I are going to visit Trinity college and wander around the city for a bit.
      The train ride in was a bit of a squeeze but didn’t last too long thank goodness. The girls went off to find were to catch their bus and Graham and I found the college. What beautiful building they have here the college is so pretty. We bought tickets for the long room and the book of Kells. There was an audio app you could download which was good, gave you a run down of every point along the way. We didn’t have any headphones so we had to go hide in the corner and listen to each chapter, luckily they only lasted a couple of minutes.

      The book of Kells was very impressive. Well the actually book was in a dark room under dim lights but the story of writing it and the animations and reproductions of the pages was amazing. The penmanship of the monks is so beautiful and all the intricate designs and paintings in that book, incredible.

      The main chamber of the Old Library is the Long Room; at nearly 65 metres in length, it is normally filled with 200,000 of the Library’s oldest books and is one of the most impressive libraries in the world. They are cleaning all the books at the moments so all the shelves weren’t full but such a beautiful room and so vast.

      Time for a coffee and the information centre recommended Bewleys which was just around the corner. Another pretty old building. Bangers and mash and an apple pie and coffee. All the pastries are made on site and they have a viewing room we’re you can watch the staff making them. Just while we were ordering an older made sat down beside us, he was up for a chat with anyone I think. Richard his name was, he keep us amused while we finished our brunch.

      Trip down memory lane then as we wandered along the Templar bar area. There is a football match on today between Italy and Germany and the crowds are filling up all the bars early, lots of police around too so they must be expecting it get a bit exciting.

      Graham is going to visit a Luthier this afternoon so we got ourselves back to Sandyford in time for that. Lovely old fellow who wasn’t feeling the best really but we had a nice chat to him for an hour or so.

      Back to Blue light for our last night there. Another great dinner and totally different music than the night before but just as good.
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    • Dag 3

      Creando recuerdos con nuevas amistades

      26. juni 2022, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Lo mejor que nos llevamos de Dublín es una bonita amistad con una pareja excepcional: Dariuz y TJ.

      Nuestra última noche en la capital decidimos pasarla con ellos. Conversión, pub de leyenda y un rato para el recuerdo.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Der letzte (volle) Tag

      21. mars, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nach einem ausgiebigen und reichhaltigen Frühstück entschlossen wir uns -ganz spießig- zu einer Hop-on-Hop-off-Tour, da es doch frisch (und windig) und wir einfach auch zu faul waren 😜. Allerdings sind wir nicht ins Guinness-Storehouse gegangen, denn Brauereien hab ich schon genug besichtigt und ich bezweifelte, dass mir eine Führung in irischem Englisch neue Erkenntnisse liefern würde; aber schon ein beeindruckender Gebäudekomplex. Danach ging es noch zu Fuß weiter zum ersten Guinness des Tages ins „The Brazen Head“ (ältestes Pub Dublins). Hier waren wir schon versucht, uns zu stärken, sind dann aber nördlich des Flusses weitergegangen. Bei „Thai Basil“ haben wir dann lecker gegessen, bevor wir zu einem Zwischenstock kurz ins Hotel gingen. Um 18.30 -so der Plan - gehts auf zu einer letzten kleinen Pubrunde.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Start in FaM - Landung in Dublin

      17. mars, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Wir kamen pünktlich in Frankfurt weg. Aber ehrlich? Ich hatte nicht mehr auf dem Schirm, dass es sooo laut im Flieger sein kann (Airbus A 320). Nach der Landung ging es mit dem DublinExpress in die Stadt. Allerdings waren die Hauptstraßen wegen St. Patrick Day gesperrt. Und nicht nur dass: Sichtschutzzäune verhinderten die Beobachtung des Umzugs ( wie Karneval bei uns). Und der Weg von dem Busstopp zum Hard-Rock-Hotel, der sonst in 15 Minuten machbar ist, dauerte ungelogen zwei Stunden. OK ein Guinness musste auf dem Weg sein und auch eine Pause bei einem Straßenmusiker. Nach dem Einchecken ging es dann um 17.00 ins Getümmel. Im Merchant‘s Arch war Live- Musik. Um 24.00 war es dann aber auch Zeit fürs Bett.Les mer

    • Dag 76

      A taste of Dublin

      18. november 2023, Irland ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Well our night's sleep was pretty horrible, with the club music stopping at ~2am and highlights such as someone knocking and bashing on doors in our hallways at some godforsaken time, as well as the fire alarm going off for a few moments... Great stuff.

      Today we got to start the day by taking a cruise in the amphibious WWII DUKW vehicle. The tour drove us around the city centre, where the guide told us many different facts about the city and its people. We then donned some life jackets and the engineering marvel drove headfirst into the canal. Fortunately we floated, no leaks or anything! After a while of jetting up and down the canal, we rolled back onto land and went to our drop off point.

      Up next was a coffee stop, then a trip to the nearby "Little Museum of Dublin" which was a fantastic museum in a Georgian townhouse. The tour guide was very entertaining and gave us a rundown of Ireland over the last ~200,000 years (hint: for ~199,000) years not much happened.

      While we were in the neighbourhood, we then decided to visit the famous Trinity college, which was indeed very impressive! Inside the college they also have the famous Book of Kells, a 9th century manuscript, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament. It was pretty cool for more Jesus stuff. At the collage there was also "The Long Room" which is an extra famous library, considered one of the most beautiful in the world. We can definitely agree with that now!

      With the collage behind us, we were getting quite hungry so we went and got some lunch/early dinner before the next saga to our day, the Irish Whiskey Museum! It was another guided tour, this time (unsurprisingly) focusing on the glorious creation and journey of the "water of life" as part of Ireland's history. The host was a very excitable Irish fella with a lot to say. The tour was great and finished with 3 different whiskeys. Depending on which one of us you ask, you may hear different opinions!

      And if that wasn't enough for today, we then went to the bar of a fancy hotel which served some great cocktails. This is because one of Bec's bosses very, very kindly gave us a voucher to go there!

      After getting sauced up in this upper class establishment, we then started heading in the general direction of our accommodation, but we got caught in a horrible trap and found ourselves in a wine bar... So once we had a glass of wine (and accompanying cheeses, of course!) We managed to find the door out and made our way back to our beds.

      Fingers crossed for a good sleep tonight.

      Step count: 16.7k
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    • Dag 75

      Back to the shoelace express

      17. november 2023, Irland ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      This morning we said goodbye to our transient 3rd member of the trip: Tillie. We gave her a clean, both inside and out and drove back to the airport where we waited patiently to hand over the keys. Eventually the man came to collect her and we headed off to the bus to take us into the centre of Dublin. (It felt quite strange to go to an airport without dropping off, picking up, or boarding a plane...)

      In 30 minutes we found ourselves in the middle of the city, near our accommodation. Even though it was much too early to check in we headed over in the hopes that we could drop off our bags. Fortune smiled upon us! As it turned out, our room was already ready, so we could head straight up! We have much more space than a campervan, which is great. But the building is part of the main drag and so is very noisy. Sleeping will be interesting tonight.

      Once we got ourselves set up, we headed to a falafel place for lunch which was delicious. It was then time to start off Dublin strong with a trip to the Guinness storehouse! The two of us walked over with only some minor distractions and before we knew it, we were inside!

      Unsurprisingly, our tour followed a similar thread to the Heineken museum where they taught us the manufacturing process. It also ended with us up at the top of the storehouse a UFO looking building with 360° views of Dublin, with a pint of Guinness!

      On our way home we wandered the streets looking at stores before retiring for the night.

      Here's hoping for a midnight curfew!

      Step count: 20.1k
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    • Dag 63

      Dublin - die Stadt

      7. juli 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Einen weiteren Regentag verbrachten wir gestern im Randbereich Dublins auf einem Parkplatz eines riesigen Freizeitareals und hier setzten wir uns heute Morgen in den Bus - eine knappe Stunde später fanden wir uns mitten im Zentrum dieser Metropole mit ihren ca. 550.000 EW (in etwa identisch mit Dresden) wieder. Das war gut so! Kein Stress im Verkehr, keine Parkplatzsuche und keine Sorgen wegen der Sicherheit!
      Über die ha'penny Bridge (frühere Maut: a half penny) gings zur O'Connell Street, DER Shoppingmeile, wo wir Dublins jüngstem Wahrzeichen, dieser 120 m hohen Stahlnadel "Monument of Light" (für uns etwas fragwürdig) begegneten. Später wieder über den River Liffey in Richtung Altstadt, vorbei an einem hübschen Zweimaster, erreichten wir bald den Merrion Square mit seinen (damals teuren, aber wegen strenger Bauvorschriften) ziemlich langweilig einheitlichen Häusern. Nur bei den Haustüren konnte man seinen finanziellen Stand und seine Individualität zum Ausdruck bringen.
      Vorbei an der Bank von Irland mit einem Blick ins Whiskey-Museum, welches sich aber als Bar und Shop erwies, näherten wir uns der Temple Bar. Das ist aber keine Bar, sondern ein ganzer Stadtteil, der in den 1980-er Jahren nur knapp dem Flächenabriss entkam. Junge Architekten restaurierten ihn, Künstler, Kunsthandwerker und Studenten ließen eine lebhafte Kneipenszene erblühen und es gibt noch immer eine ganze Reihe angesagter Pubs, Musikclubs und Restaurants. Natürlich ging der alternative Tuch mit der Zeit verloren, heute lockt das Viertel in erster Linie Touristen an.
      Nach dem Dublin Castle statteten wir auch der Christ Church Cathedral einen Besuch ab. Hier errichteten die Wikinger 1038 ein erstes Gotteshaus aus Holz. 1172 wurde der Bau unter dem normannischem Eroberer Richard Strongbow durch eine steinerne Kirche ersetzt und 1533 leitete König Heinrich der VIII. hier seine irische Reformation ein. Er brach mit der katholischen Kirche und gründete die angloamerikanische Staatskirche.
      Nun zog es uns weiter westwärts zu einem weiteren Höhepunkt, doch darüber gibt's im nächsten Beitrag mehr...
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    • Dag 8

      Dublin - Ireland

      23. mars 2020, Irland ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      Kurz vor den Reiseverboten war ich ja noch in Dublin. Auch wenn der Aufenthalt kurz war - zum Frühstück im Starbucks hatte es gereicht. Außen einen super Eindruck von der Stadt und Leuten habe ich nicht viel mitbekommen. Sicherlich noch einmal eine Reise wert.Les mer

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    Dublin Castle, Difelinburg, Дублінскі замак, Дъблински замък, Castell de Dublín, Castillo de Dublín, Dublingo gaztelua, Château de Dublin, Caisleán Bhaile Átha Cliath, Castelo de Dublín, טירת דבלין, Dublini vár, Castello di Dublino, ダブリン城, 더블린 성, Dublinas pils, Zamek Dubliński, Castelo de Dublin, Дублинский замок, Dublin Kalesi, Дублінський замок, Lâu đài Dublin, 都柏林城堡

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