Bagno di Romagna

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    • Day 22


      November 8, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      6.20h - zwar nur 7°C, aber klarer Himmel - ihr wißt was das heißt?: meine Mom geht auf Fotopirsch und ich musste mit ... na gut, bisschen die Pfotis vertreten kann ja nicht schaden, aber gleich wieder steil bergan ... 😅🙄 ... was macht man als liebe Fellnase nicht alles für seine Zweifüßler 😉 ...
      Allerdings hat sich die ganze Mühe nicht wirklich gelohnt, die Sonne hatte richtig dolle Verspätung - keine Ahnung, wann sie es jetzt im November schafft, über die Bergrücken zu blinzeln .
      Zurück im Womo, gab es dann aber reichlich Frühstück für uns ... der Bordküchenservice muss ausdrücklich gelobt werden 😘.
      Anschließend wurde mal wieder alles und jeder verstaut und auf ging es zum nächsten Etappenziel .
      Diesmal dauerte das Geroller aber deutlich länger, war schneller und bei weitem nicht so kurvenreich - da musste ich schon mal nachschauen, was unser Chauffeur vorhat ... upps, keine Berge mehr, alles total flach ... aber irgendwie der Geruch ... 🤔 ... DER kam mir bekannt vor ... und dann viel es mir ein, salzig - fischig : so riecht das Meer ❣️Ca 30 km oberhalb von Ravenna und nur 100m zum muschelreichen Sandstrand parkte die Schnecke und sofort ging es zu einer ersten Bummeltour ans Wasser, nochmal kurz den Parkplatz gewechselt und dann stand all den Liebslingsbeschäftigungen nix mehr im Weg : schnuffeln, toben, buddeln, Stöcke tragen, zernagen und aus dem Wasser fischen ... und schwimmen !!
      Bis zu einer Sandbank bin ich gepaddelt und dann stand ich da wie Robinson auf seiner Insel ... meine Beiden kamen einfach nicht nach , also zurück ... dann hatte ich aber meinen Stock dort vergessen , also wieder hin und her - offensichtlich fanden DAS meine Zweibeiner richtig gut und so ging das mit dem Stöcke werfen und mich zurückholen lassen noch paar mal hin und her. ... war das ein Spaß!!
      Bis zum Sonnenuntergang sind wir am Wasser geblieben, jetzt schlummer ich erstmal und träume von Sommer, Sand & Meer
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    • Day 100

      Eremo di Camaldoli

      June 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      It's the second time I pass this Eremo. It is in the middle of a lovely forest. There is a very nice flair actually. The have a souvenir shop with horrible prices, but you get coffee and panini. :)
      The first time I've passed it on The Via di Francesco (Franziskusweg) on the way to Assisi, about 2 years ago. I really like the area to hike.
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    • Day 21–23


      November 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nachdem meine beiden sich gestern gut gestärkt hatten und wir zurück in Italien waren 😉, haben wir die Schnecke wieder einige Kilometer westwärts zurück in die Berge rollern lassen, um am Eingang des Nationalparkes am Ridracolistausee ihr und uns ein GuteNachtplätzchen zu suchen.
      Nur noch ein deutscher umgebauter LKW mit seinen zwei - und vierbeinigem Insassen leistete uns Gesellschaft und brachten heut morgen selbstgebackene Brötchen für meine Beiden vorbei . 🤗 Diese Mehlteile sind nicht ganz mein Geschmack - ich hab dafür lieber kurz mit der anderen Fellnase gespielt.
      So gestärkt & gut gelaunt holten meine Menschen die Rucksäcke , Wanderschuh und -yippi- die Schleppleine hervor und es ging auf eine wunderschöne Herbsttour .Bis auf knapp 1000m Höhe mussten unsere 👣👣 & 🐾🐾 hinaufsteigen , eh es hinab zum über 90m tiefen Stausee und seiner imposanten 103m hohen Mauer ging. Bis auf eine Schulklasse waren wir heut in dem ganzen Areal weit und breit die einzigen Wanderer ... herrlich, so konnte ich die ganze Zeit mit der langen Leine mir selbst den Weg aussuchen, schnüffeln, Stöcke tragen und zerknabbern, in Wasserläufen die Pfotis kühlen und immer gut auf meine Beiden aufpassen ...
      Jetzt hab ich es mir auf der Kommandobrücke bequem gemacht und werd mich heut auch nicht mehr groß bewegen ... immerhin waren meine Großen über 23000 Schritte unterwegs ...schade, dass ich nicht auch so einen Schrittzähler habe, ich käme bestimmt locker auf das Doppelte ...
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    • Day 149

      Parco Nazionale Delle Foreste Casenti...

      September 17, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      ...nesi - Monte Falterona - Campigna
      Von San Marino fuhren wir kleine Bergstraßen auf und ab in Richtung Toskana. Eine abenteuerliche Fahrt mit wunderschöner Aussicht.
      Bei San Pietro in Bagno machten wir auf einem Naturcampinging (nur Italiener hier) eine Nacht stop und fuhren am Tag drauf in den Nationalpark mit dem unendlich langen Namen. In diesem liegt der wunderschöne Stausee Lago di Ridracoli. Vor Ort hatten wir freie Platzwahl zum parken, da auch wirklich gar nichts los war. Im Sommer bei normalen Tourismus fahren hier Shuttlebuse regelmäßig auf und ab. Die Toskana und ihre weiten Felder haben uns schon jetzt in ihren Bann gezogen.Read more

    • Day 99

      Badia Prataglia

      June 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Mostly a walk thru the forest. 70% good trail. Other parts are a bit overgrown. Strangely I have not seen anybody. There are no long distance trails hiker here in the area. Yesterday I have seen quite a few Via di Francesco hikers.
      Weather is cooler today. Often cloudy and sometimes a light rain. The soft forest ground with a cooler temperatures was ideal for Lupo.. He ran well. Km 30 at 14:00 is really fine.
      We've waited for the opening of the shops and realized now, that they are all closed Wednesday afternoon. And NO shops the next DAYS !!! So we need to stop here and wait. At least, they open at 7:30am.
      So I need to find a place to sleep here. It is cloudy again... So a roof would be nice.
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    • Day 99

      Rifugio Campo dell'Agio

      June 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We've found a very quiet place close to the town. Just uphill. A huge BBQ area with toilets and a small room with fireplace. It is mild tonight and only s little bit wind. The food store opens tomorrow at 7:30am. So we can go to bed now and sleep longer than usual. And do not have to worry about rain.

      Just before I have thrown away the first pair of shoes. Hard decision. I will wear a different model now and hope I will not get into trouble and get used to it.
      The Altra Superior 5 later incredibly long. Probably about 2900km. But at the end, the stones just pressed too much through the sole and on hard ground walking was just as hard and tiring. So from now on I will wear an Altra Lone Peak 6.

      Lucky's me, I got the Superior on sale for 60 Eur.

      60 € / 2900 = 2.1 ¢ each km

      If you think about that calculation, that standard prices of trail runners are above 100 € and often get thrown away after 800-1000km ... That's quiet a lot of money just for the foot protection each mile.

      45.400 steps - 33.1km
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    • Day 85

      Emilia Romagna

      August 24, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach einer wunderschönen Abfahrt von San Marino bin ich Richtung Florenz in Italien eingetaucht. Kilometer für Kilometer. Zwischenzeitlich hatte ich keine Lust mehr. Hier habe ich erneut mit den Gedanken gespielt ob ich die Schnauze voll habe. Aber so lange wie ich keine Antwort darauf habe fahre ich weiter.Read more

    • Day 8

      Speaking of Fault…

      June 27, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      We aren’t here to blame anyone, but it might feel better if we could.

      Today we arrived in Camadoli. As we walked into the front desk of our hotel, Borgo I Tre Baroni (The Hotel of the 3 Barons, or in this case, brothers who run this with their wives), something didn’t feel right. There was a full bar to our left, and a lovely dining room with a full library to our right. This place felt a bit fancier than anywhere we’d stayed yet (including the villa). When we asked Martha, the hotel’s co-owner and person checking us in, if there were other hikers from the same route staying here, she gently replied, “On no, madames, that is the OTHER Baroni, only 10 kilometers (that would be “only” another 6.2 miles UPHILL) away. I believe that you thought that this was on the trail you’re following?”

      Wait? There’s a trail? (Just kidding. We knew that.)

      “Do we have a reservation?” We asked hopefully, verging on desperately.

      “Well, madames, no, no you do not. There is a room available, it has no air conditioning, but there are twin beds. Interessanta?”

      The look on her face captured what she probably saw on ours. Horror. Worry. Exhaustion.

      She stopped, held up her hands, and said, “Basta! This is no problem, madames. We will find you something that will make a wonderful night for you. In my language we have a saying that goes something like this, ‘the soul has energy and motivation for what the body does not.’”

      “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry...” were the only words in our heads at that particular moment. Until we closed the door to our room.

      Once we got ourselves together (because there’s no crying on the trail!) we wondered about the next stages of the hike’s lodging, since these were booked for us by a travel agent/company.

      “Should we check?” We asked each other.
      “Nah, let’s wait until tomorrow!”

      Later that night…

      Who can sleep with thoughts about lodging dancing in their heads? Not us. So, we got online and began double-checking the dates against our itinerary. Unbelievably, the lodging was off in ways that made no sense. How did we miss this? The booking agent was not available that late, so we started looking online at substitute lodging options. Even with our limited Italian skills, we knew what “tutto completo”” (“no vacancy”) means at Every. Single. One.

      Then, we had an epiphany. Let’s get into some of those hiker chat room/Facebook groups and find out what other hikers do for last-minute lodging: “knock on a door, most citizens are so generous and will let you stay with them!” (true, but not willing to find out, thank you very much) , or “sleep in a park or whenever you become exhausted!” (ummmmm, also no thank you. Plus camping is illegal in Italy unless in very designated spaces), and, finally, “keep walking until you find someone willing to help!” (also a hard no).

      So, what do we do? “What could go wrong?” we have often asked ourselves these past few weeks. Short of getting lost in the forest for weeks, losing our identifications or access to funds, or becoming very sick - actually, having no lodging for the next 3+ weeks could very well be the answer to that question.

      However, we decided not to overreact and, instead, paused for a moment and said out loud, “we are ‘accidentale’ booked into a fabulous resort in Tuscany - what could go RIGHT?!!!”

      So, here is what DID go right today… Martha ended up putting us into a big room WITH air conditioning. And, then, as we were getting ourselves together the next morning, she came to tell us that there had been a cancellation and the bigger, air-conditioned room we were in would be available for another night. “Interessante?” “SI!”we nearly screamed.

      So, for today, we are safe, VERY comfortable and loving every view we take in. Tomorrow, we plan….

      Ciao for now!
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    • Day 17

      Day 17. A dismal day.

      September 10, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      We woke to thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Our thoughts were with those walking. A good day to be indoors.
      A lazy morning , resting and planning.
      After lunch we caught up with some fellow pilgrims we had seen in Stia. Isa and her dog, Kira, Francis and Annimie.
      They walked today and the forest gave them some protection. It was a short walk and they started late.
      In the evening they had a Choral concert in the church opposite. 3 groups from Pistoia. The first group were the best by far. An enjoyable concert followed by a pleasant meal with the other pilgrims.
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    • Day 16

      Day 16. Badia Prataglia.

      September 9, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today's journey to Badia involved two buses as it's out of the way. This was where we were suppose to walk to. Shirl's back is much better and tomorrow we might walk part of the track, without packs, to see how she goes.
      We don't plan to do a full day's walk for 4 days. It will give her back a good rest. After that we had planned to miss 3 long stages so hopefully by the time we reach Assisi all should be well.
      Well tonight in Badia Prataglia is the Festa dei Fochi. (Fie Festival). Their version of bonfire night. Quite spectacular but dangerous. With Italian precision it started 45 mins late.
      Then the fireworks until 2 pm.
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    Bagno di Romagna

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