Bassano del Grappa

    • 日6

      5. Etappe nach Bassano 114 km

      2023年7月21日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      1. Die Schlussetappe beginnt steil und natürlich gewittert ⛈️ es nochmal.
      2. Bei Sonnenschein rauschen alle glücklich in Bassano del Grappa ein.
      3. Nach einem von der Partnerstadt spendierten Mezzo-Mezzo-Mix-Getränk genießen wir den letzten Abend - alle gesund & mit AlpenErfahrung!もっと詳しく

    • Bassano del Grappa

      2022年10月6日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, ist diese reizende Kleinstadt ein Grappazentrum und wir haben auch das Grappamuseum besucht, einige Sorten verkostet und etwas für zu Hause eingekauft. Erstmals ist es so warm, dass wir kuzärmelig die Stadtbesichtigung machen konnten.もっと詳しく

    • 日32

      Medieval Marostica

      2023年11月3日, イタリア

      We were awake this morning at 6:30am. Not because we wanted to but because the people next to us in the VW campervan were up early and had to open all there doors to start cooking outside in the rain. To top it off they had a kid that kept on shouting and whistling and running around Wanda.
      It was still raining and had been all night, it was a proper miserable day outside and to top it off our new Wi-Fi aerial that I had fitted last year had sprung a leak and we had water coming through the ceiling into the cupboard.
      By 9am we were both dressed. Ellie had, had her shower and now the inside was just as damp as outside so I googled where we could find a B&Q like store and found a Eurobrico 6 miles away and we decided to head there whilst it was still raining to get the stuff I needed to get the Wi-Fi aerial off and reseal it once the rain stopped.
      I really needed WD40 as this makes silicone rubber just peel off and was so surprised they had it. Then we found some silicone flexi sealant but had to improvise on a spanner because they didn’t have one big enough and opted for plumbers pliers instead. Then we headed back to the Motorhome park up. The roads were more like rivers than roads and the river we crossed over was an absolute torrent of raging white water.
      Back at the park up it was now midday and it was still chucking it down. Our neighbours in the campervan had left and in place of them was a German campervan. Luckily our end space was still available so we could back it in and still have the curtains open on my side of Wanda.
      We had lunch of Wanda toasties and put the tv on and then just chilled in Wanda for a few hours.
      Finally, just before 3pm the rain finally stopped and the cloud abated and blue skies appeared. Infact if the ground wasn’t wet it looked like a summers day outside.
      Taking our chance to explore, we left Wanda and headed right out of the Motorhome park up and straight away we were at the rampart walls of the old city. These ramparts run for 2 miles and have 24 towers built in and go from the lower castle at ground level, 150 meters up the hillside to the upper castle. It was erected in the late 13th century and except for the odd repair it is all original and when it’s open you can walk the entirety of it.
      At the ramparts we turned left and then went under the archway of one of the towers and into the town square. In the Center of the town square is the human chess board made of red and white marble. And at the other end of the chess board is the lower castle itself.
      Posters for the next human chess games were dotted around and they are being held next September but the stage is being set up already and there were giant TV’s dotted around showing past games. It really does look amazing.
      After taking some photos we headed into the lower castle paying €8 each. The castle is 14th century and mostly original except for some parts that have been rebuilt since WW2. This lower castle plays as the backdrop for the human chess games and houses all of clothing worn by the actors. They are all based on original 14th century clothing and to make the games happen over 500 extra people are needed not including backstage production staff or the horses involved. All of the weapons used are original. It really is a fantastic sight and we hope one day to be able to come back and watch it.
      After the castle we headed out of the square to the old 13th century church. We love looking around European churches and the artwork in an Italian church really is unrivalled.
      From that church we went to another older church that used to be part of an old 12th century friary and here we picked up the panoramic pathway to the upper castle.
      The path leading up the 150 meter hillside is unbelievably steep and is made up solely of flint cobblestones. We were actually surprised it was even open. Treacherous wasn’t the word and none of it was level and we were slipping going up.
      At the top we arrived at the upper castle which is closed for the season and to our disappointment the view from the top was crap so we turned around and headed back down trying not to break our necks.
      Back at ground level it had now just gone 5pm and we took a slow walk back to Wanda through the beautiful Italian side streets looking at all the old houses.
      Back at Wanda it was drying out and I got the stuff we had brought from Eurobrico earlier and climbed on the roof and cut away the sealant on the Wi-Fi aerial. Then removing the aerial I gave the roof a good soaking in WD40 left it for a couple of minutes and then scraped it clean with a knife. Then I dried it with kitchen roll and reapplied the silicone binding agent to the base of the aerial and reseated it. Then I climbed off the roof and did the bolt back up with the plumbers pliers and then went back to the roof to run my finger around the seal. It looks like a good job and providing it doesn’t rain tonight it should seal and dry nicely.
      At 6pm Ellie made dinner and then we both decided to get in our pyjamas early and just watch crap in our phones until 8pm and then we put the tv on and chilled out for the rest of the evening. This is another free night, so far we haven’t paid for any park ups. The challenge now is can we complete the trip for free?

    • 日31

      Roads & Rain

      2023年11月2日, イタリア ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      We woke up at 6:30am this morning. I hadn’t had a bad nights sleep considering I wasn’t overkeen on our park up spot. But Ellie had loved it and once all the cars had gone by 11pm we were joined by a campervan that pulled up directly behind us and I felt a little better about being there overnight.
      When we woke up it was grey skies and looked pretty miserable. The sun kept trying to poke through and the cliffs we could see out of the window turned a golden yellow in the sunlight. Then the black clouds came and that was the last of the sun we saw all day.
      All we had planned for today was driving and hopefully finding a supermarket on route. We couldn’t check anything where we were because we didn’t really have any internet but I knew there was a Lidl near our park up spot for tonight if we didn’t find one on route.
      At 9am sharp we left the marina and the rain was now coming down in buckets. I was a little worried about getting stuck at the marina because we had come down such a big hill but even though the water was gushing down Wanda gripped the road well and pulled us up. Once we reached the top my phone pinged with a weather alert for heavy persistent rain all day until tomorrow lunch time.
      Our next official stop was going to be the mountains and a set of tunnels hand dug and just wide enough to get a mule through in 1917 but we weren’t going to make it all the way there today do I hand found us another free park up in the town of Marostica next the walls of it’s famous castle. It was 120 miles away and we’d already decided not to take any toll roads so it was going to take us 4 hours.
      The journey was a nightmare in the fact that it rained all the way and the roads were like rivers. So far the Italians haven’t lived up to the hype of they’re all crazy drivers which was a blessing today but they do have there quirks. They love to drive right behind you and right on the white line in the middle of the road and it doesn’t matter if you’re already in a roundabout they will quite often just join it anyway. Also when pulling out from a junction it’s ok if there’s a couple of cars coming because they will wait but if there’s lots of cars they won’t wait and they’ll just pull out. It’s ok if you’re expecting it which I was well prepared for, but today I found the Italians flaw. They can’t drive in the rain.
      It didn’t matter how good the road surface was or how far we could see ahead of us the Italians just wouldn’t go over 45mph. Even when we came to a duel carriageway they sat behind Lorries where they couldn’t see a thing because of the spray and still wouldn’t overtake. We just sailed by them all doing 55mph.
      Eventually at around 70 miles into the journey we came across a huge retail park that had a Lidl, Aldi and a Eurospar amongst others. There were also lots of other stores including my favourite, a decathlon.
      We decided to change it up a bit and did today’s shop in the Eurospar which was bigger than Lidl and had a better food selection but not so much fresh food.
      After that we popped into Lidl and got a fresh pizza slice each from the bakery. We also brought pistachio ice cream.
      Then I was allowed to go into decathlon. I wanted to look for extra merino wool socks for cycling but unfortunately they didn’t have what I was looking for and the prices seemed high. I did look at the other cycle clothing but shopping for cycling gear whilst with Ellie is like clothes shopping with a toddler so I just gave up.
      Back outside the rain was really helling it down and we are our pizza slices while waiting for it to calm down. 20 minutes later it was still throwing it down so we just continued.
      It took another one and half hours to do 32 miles and finally get to the free aire in Marostica and it looked to be a great spot.
      We are parked right next to the ramparts of the old walled city and lower castle. The aire has been freshly made and is tarmac with space for 7 motorhomes with a dump station for grey water and supposedly black water and free fresh water. I say supposedly because when we pulled in I emptied our toilet and blocked the drain because it’s tiny so I don’t think that was where I was meant to empty it. Then we tipped off the grey water and backed in.
      It was now 3:30pm and the rain was coming down so hard we couldn’t see across the rest of the car park. The field next to us was rapidly flooding but I wasn’t worried because the drains were pretty good and we could hear the water flooding down.
      In Wanda we could hardly hear ourselves think the rain was so hard so we plugged ourselves into our phones and drank tea whilst waiting for it to stop. Eventually at 7pm the rain finally let up and slowed down. It’s meant to pick up again overnight but we are glad we have a nice spot to sit it out.
      Marostica is an old medieval city and tomorrow if the rain lets off we are going to go and explore. Apparently there is a town square nearby that is made up of squares like a chess board and every 2 years they have human chess games where the knights are dressed as knights on real horses and the kings are queens are dressed up. It dates back to the 14th century where the winner would be awarded the oldest daughter of the monarch and the loser the youngest.
      By 9pm the rain had pretty much stopped but a VW campervan had pulled up next to us with a canvas pop top and we can hear everything going on inside. I actually thought they were outside still.
      After I had my first shower in 3 days which felt really good we settled in for the night finally being able to put the to on and hear it because the rain had stopped. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

    • 日58

      Bassano del Grappa

      2019年8月16日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We were so excited to return to Italy today and arriving in the old walled town of Bassano del Grappa was glorious. Our room looked straight out onto the piazza and it was a beautiful warm evening with everything bathed in golden light - we fell in love with this place immediately. It is the home of Grappa (and many other delicious food and drinks) and it left us with no other choice but to feast and drink from one end of town to the other.もっと詳しく

    • 日13

      Familienausflug nach Bassano

      2021年8月18日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nachdem wir bei unserem Radl Ausflug nur ganz kurz Zeit in Bassano hatten, fuhren wir heute mit allen Kids und Omas und Opas nochmals mit dem Ital Treno und Bus in den tollen Ort am Ausgang des Brenta Tals.

      Wir schlenderten durch die Altstadt, fanden ein kleines Lokal fürs Mittagessen und kauften an der Ponte Vecchio leckeren Gin und natürlich besten Grappa.

      Nach einem weiteren kurzen Stopp am Castello gings auf gleichem Weg zurück zu unserem CP in Caldonazzo.

    • 日1

      Bassano del Grappa

      2021年8月21日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Mit dem Radl gings die wenigen Kilometer auf kleinen Straßen und dann entlang der Brenta nach Bassano, das wir jetzt schon ganz gut kennen.. Am Platz vor der Burg gabs in der kleinen Trattoria "Bigoli mit Venezianischer Sauce" und dazu leckeren Vino Bianca di Casa. So gestärkt liefen wir noch ein wenig durch die Gassen von Bassano. In der bekannten Bar an der Ponte Veccio bekamen wir tatsächlich die letzten zwei Plätze auf dem winzigen Balkon und genossen die Aussicht auf die Brücke und die Burg am Ufer der Brenta.


      Dann gings wieder zurück auf den Campingplatz. Heute Abend haben wir im nebenanliegenden Restaurant "L'Antia Abbazia" einen Tisch reserviert, wir lassen uns überraschen..

    • 日19

      Bassano del Grappa

      2021年10月22日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Hier mache ich Station. Es gibt eine malerische italienische Altstadt (dt.: viele Gebäude mit Erhaltungsrückstand), die Sonne scheint und die Menschen sitzen auf den Plätzen in den Cafés. Ich setze mich dazu. Nur zu essen gibt es nichts, die Restaurants õffnen frühestens um 19:30 Uhr.もっと詳しく

    • 日1

      Camping Santa Felicita

      2021年8月21日, イタリア ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Vom Caldonazzo See gings weiter nach Bassano del Grappa. Der Stellplatz in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums gefiel uns überhaupt nicht und der nächste Stellplatz auf dem Bauernhof musste leider letztes Jahr - vermutlich Corona bedingt - geschlossen werden. Also machten wir uns auf den Weg zum kleinen aber sehr netten Campingplatz in Semonzo, auch nur 7 Km von Bassano entfernt. Der freundliche Campingplatz (und Restaurant) Mitarbeiter sperrte uns trotz Mittagspause den Platz auf und so haben wir unsere Bleibe für diese Nacht gefunden..もっと詳しく

    • 日11

      Valsugana bis Bassano del Grappa

      2021年8月16日, イタリア ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Der Wettervorhersage zum Trotz starteten Wir heute zur geplanten Radtour nochmals durchs Brenta Tal. Und wir würden nicht enttäuscht. Das Wetter blieb den ganzen Tag wunderschön und die Radl Tour gehört zu den schönsten Tagestouren die wir jemals gemacht haben.

      Bis zum Bici Grill in Tezze kannten wir die Strecke ja schon. Und nach der Einkehr wurde die Tour tatsächlich noch einmal schöner, denn es ging auf wieder traumhaften Radweg en und kleinen Sträßchen durch die enge Brenta Schlucht bis Bassano.

      In der hübschen Altstadt fanden wir ein Café für ein Lemonsoda, bevor es bald zum Bahnhof und dann mit dem Treno zurück nach Caldonazzo ging.



    Bassano del Grappa


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