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    • Day 34

      Murano and Burano

      July 31, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Determined to make the most of our 1 day ferry pass, we went island hopping to Murano and Burano! We accidentally got a free glass blowing demonstration in Murano because we were a tiny bit late and then they were so keen to get us all into the show room they forgot to charge us so big win! Alfred struggled in the showroom as the €40,000 euro chandeliers were hung at head/hair height 😳 we managed to escape without smashing anything valuable though 🤠 Next up we popped across to Burano where all the houses are painted the brightest colours! It was super pretty and we had fun pretending we were in a Wes Anderson movie while we wondered around. We popped home on the ferry and took some pizzas and Bellini to the edge of the island to see the sun go down over the water. Finally, we used the last of our ferry pass to cruise up the Grand Canal to St Mark's Square again to listen to the orchestras - we arrived to find that it was high tide/global warming is faster than we thought, and the place was flooded which was quite a surreal experience but glorious nonetheless.Read more

    • Day 3

      Boat to Burano

      April 8 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      So we hung up our feet for a day on the water using a one day vaporetto pass. Bloody brilliant. Dropped in on Burano and Murano and popped up and down the grand canal.
      We ended the day with a bit of culture in the form of a violin concerto in Vivaldi's church. 🎶🎻Read more

    • Day 18

      Visit to Burano and Gondola

      June 30 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Beat the crowd with an early visit out to Burano and a great morning it was, this little town has colourful houses so quaint. Bought a tapestry and spoke with a lovely old Italian lady about her work and family. So sweet, reminded me of my Nonna Maria 🩷. She works making lace a very clever lady. Wandered around and looked through the lace museum, then ventured back. The girls stopped in Murano, but John and I came back to the mainland. Had some lunch and relaxed, then booked out Gondala and had a ride late arvo. Tea at Hardrock Cafe with the girls, gelato, game of yahtzee with John now lights out. Another adventurous day, tomorrow we are making masks, and John leaves to go home 🏡.Read more

    • Day 23


      September 14, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Back on land! We dropped our bags and headed off for Murano and Burano. Burano was an absolute highlight - less busy than Venice with brightly coloured houses! In the square some fresh seafood was being cooked up! Later on, we met up with our fellow cruisers for dinner before going our separate ways tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 3


      April 12, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dieser Ort mit seinen kunterbunten Fischerhäuschen ist wirklich süß, allerdings auch ein totaler Hotspot und dementsprechend stellenweise komplett überlaufen (vor allen auf den Brücken, da jeder dort fotografieren will).Wir kamen gegen 13.30 dort an und ich dachte zunächst, mich trifft der Schlag. Ein Sammelsurium an Instagramern, alle fleißig am Posen😱🤦‍♀️. Wenn man ein bisschen abseits der Horden geht und die ein oder andere Gruppe passieren lässt, gelingen aber durchaus Fotos ohne Menschen darauf. Wer nicht auf der Jagd nach schönen Fotos ist, wird es hier lieben. Man kann sich herrlich treiben lassen, essen, trinken und den Trubel auf der Piazza und am Kanal beobachten und einfach die Farbenpracht genießen. Man erreicht die Insel mit dem Vaporetto 12, Fahrzeit etwa 40 Minuten. Würde definitiv wieder dort hin, aber dann mit einer Übernachtung um den Ort mal etwas ruhiger zu erleben…Read more

    • Day 2

      Tag 2 - vormittags Murano & Burano

      May 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Der Tag startete mit einem Ausflug in den Hundepark, einem vorzüglichem Croissant mit Cappuccino und einem anschließenden Ausflug auf die Inseln Murano und Burano.
      In Murano konnten wir eine Glasbläsershow bewundern und die typischen Glassachen ansehen. Die Insel wurde zu Venedigs Glasmanufaktur, nachdem die Glasbläser in der Stadt zu viel in Brand setzten. Nach diesen interessanten Infos ging es weiter auf die bunte Insel Burano. Dort haben wir nicht nur die vielen kleinen Häuser bestaunt sondern auch den typischen furztrockenen Burano biscotti gegegessen. Wieder in der Stadt schnappten wir uns ein Stück Pizza und eine Foccacia und spazierte mit etwas Schinken in der Handtasche zu Tia.Read more

    • Day 79

      Burano Island, Venecian Lagoon

      June 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Burano is an island in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy, near Torcello at the northern end of the lagoon, known for its lace work and brightly coloured homes. The primary economy is tourism.
      The island was probably settled by the Romans, and in the 6th century was occupied by people from Altino, who named it for one of the gates of their former city.
      Although the island soon became a thriving settlement, it was administered from Torcello and had none of the privileges of that island or of Murano. It rose in importance only in the 16th century, when women on the island began making lace with needles, being introduced to such a trade via Venetian-ruled Cyprus.
      Few now make lace in the traditional manner as it is extremely time-consuming and therefore expensive.
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    • Day 72


      July 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Burano is another Venetian island and it is famous for its fishing and coloured houses. It also has a crooked bell tower. Here we had a sensational seafood lunch and also enjoyed the quirky shops which sell the Burano lace work.Read more

    • Day 38 - Murano, Burano, Venice

      August 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today we were up at a time that felt early! 8.30am we had to be at the ferry, a 6 minute walk from our airbnb.
      We caught the ferry over to Murano which is famous for it’s glass blowing factories and small local glass blowers with their shops. We got a coffee once there… I tried the cappuccino and was surprised she put chocolate on top, a westerners dream right there!
      We walked around and it was peaceful before masses of tourists arrived and every shop wasn’t open yet. There were some shops we walked into that the owners wouldn’t even acknowledge our existence so made sure we didn’t hang around in them. We finally found a place that was happy to let you watch their glass blowing at Wave Murano Glass, though you may enter the factory, you must leave via their showroom (some may say gift shop, typical Europe) By this point I had enough of glass and it was getting busy so we got the ferry to Burano… Now I moo’d as we got onto this ferry, but cattle trucks have better conditions than these ferries, we were packed in like sardines and it was hot. Least cattle get water and a feed!
      We got to Burano, it is famous for Lace museum, the bell tower that is leaning (told Katie as we missed Pisa she saw something leaning!) and the colourful houses as this is a fishing island.
      We grabbed lunch, some ice cream and photos and it was starting to get really hot so we opted to take the hour ferry ride back to Venice.

      We got back to the accomodation and had a relax - Katie sorting washing, me going to do the groceries… weird ways to relax!
      I had booked a gondola ride for Katie & I at 6pm so we trotted off to that, it was excellent, Chiara our gondolier took us downtown the back canals of the Jewish Ghetto and surroundings. She let us know about the buildings we were seeing and stories about them, she even sang us a little song at the end that Katie wanted to shrivel up and die at this point! I thought is was hilarious as I knew that was the one thing Katie wanted to avoid! Katie admitted she was nervous how close the gondola was to walls and other boats and had to reframe from saying anything… least it’s not just my driving she wants to use her pretend pedals!

      After the gondola we went back to the apartment and had dinner. After dinner, as we had passes for the Vaporetto ferries for the day, we took a ride on a couple heading for the grand canal to see the sights from the boat and give our legs a break. On the walk home we got our mandatory gelato, probably worst one we’ve had so far but still not bad enough to not eat it!
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    • Day 7

      I Colori di Burano 🏝️🎨🏡

      October 5, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wow, este es el ejemplo práctico de cómo no tener expectativas puede jugar a nuestro favor 🤩

      Había escuchado cosas buenas de Burano, pero nada como lo que me he encontrado. Se trata de una isla en la que viven unas 2000 personas, la mayoría de ellas pescadores 🐠

      Cuenta la leyenda que las casas son de estos colores tan llamativos para que los pescadores pudieran encontrar su casa al volver de trabajar por la noche 🧐 No me quiero imaginar las historias que tuvieron que pasar antes de implementar esta "regla", si es que fue esa la verdadera razón 😅

      El paseo se me hace muy placentero y me fijo en que la isla está sorprendentemente limpia para la cantidad de turismo que recibe. Pizza es el menú de hoy, la primera desde que llegué a Italia y tenía que ser hoy 😃

      Me doy cuenta de que ya pido todo de carrerilla en los restaurantes y los camareros me dicen que hablo demasiado rápido JAJAJAJAJ CAZZO 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🍕🍕🍕
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