Colle di Val d'Elsa

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    • Rule #17 (Tuscany)

      19. kesäkuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Stick to your guns…If you want to go visit a certain landmark then do it… Don’t let other people talk you into doing something different especially if it involves wine tasting and you don’t drink wine lol (however I will sayTuscany was very a beautiful area)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 14

      Zehnte Etappe

      9. maaliskuuta 2020, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach dem reichhaltigem Frühstück im Hotel, setzten wir uns wieder mit unseren "Bicicleta's" in Bewegung. Relativ schnell ließen wir Siena und den Autolärm hinter uns und genießen wieder auf kleinen Wegen die landschaftliche Idylle. Im Colle di Val d' Elsa angekommen, legten wir eine Pause ein um uns die alten Thermalbecken anzusehen. Eigentlich könnte man hier auch wunderbar übernachten, wir entschieden uns dennoch weiter zu fahren.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 75

      Colle Val d’Elsa 17 miles

      25. syyskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Thanks to my early dinner last night and the absence of wi-fi or phone signal in my room I had the lights out my 9pm. Accordingly I was wide awake by 6.30am, well at least my eyes were sort of open. Usual breakfast and on the road by 7.15am. Lovely morning but the locals were treating it like winter. Well wrapped up and moaning. I was in the same skimpy shorts and t-shirt that I have worn every day for the last 75 days, rain or shine. It felt a little chilly to begin with but it soon heated up when the sun came up.

      Much amused to note later a similarity between here and home. On some of the busier roads the local council had decided to protect wayward pilgrims by erecting wooden barriers at the side of the road and make a rudimentary path behind the barrier. But as soon as the road got a bit narrower so that it was more difficult to fit the barriers they just didn’t bother. Not unlike the provision of cycle lanes at home. Put in when there is no need but not when there is a need.

      Mid-morning I came to a place called San Gimignano that I remembered from last time. It was much the same but not quite so traumatic because I knew what to expect. I think the local tourist board have decided that it is better to concentrate tourists in certain key places so that it is easier to target them with expensive restaurants and shops. And keeps them from wandering about the countryside getting in the way of the locals. This was one of those places. They came by bike (mostly e-bikes, travelling in convoys), by car and by coach. Big packs of them led by an enthusiastic leader with some sort of flag. There was a pile of towers, built years ago but as far as I could tell folk were just interested in the restaurants and shops although they also took photos of everything including themselves. Chaos. Couldn’t wait to make my way through the throng and get back to peaceful isolation. But it would have been foolish not to take advantage of a cafe and toilet in passing.

      Within a mile of the teeming masses I was alone again. Indeed I don’t think I saw anyone after that for well over an hour.

      My ploy to avoid other walkers by starting stupidly early worked reasonably well. I refuse to call them pilgrims just because they happen to be walking some of a pilgrim route. I only saw 2 others. Both single guys, about half my age, and judging by their kit I suspect they aren’t walking that far. I have got quite smug and superior when checking out the gear used by others, especially their choice of footwear. One of the guys was wearing sandals. Wouldn’t be my first choice.

      Can’t start very early tomorrow as breakfast is included but not available until 7.30am. I’m too mean to not bother with it and leave earlier and hope to find a bar on the way out of town.

      Got a little excited tonight when I discovered that a pizzeria just round the corner from the hotel was rated as one of the top pizzerias in Italy, had great reviews and was open already. Headed there straight away only to find it was shut and didn’t look like it was going to open any time soon. Had to hang about waiting for somewhere else to open. Had fusilli with ragu. Incredibly filling. Don’t understand how anyone can manage a second course after having that as a first course. Almost couldn’t manage the half bar of Ritter Sport Fondente chocolate that was in my room. But coped just.
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    • Päivä 6

      Chianti region

      28. elokuuta 2019, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We meandered through the countryside this morning to Petriolo hot springs - not super refreshing on a hot day! Then back to our bnb for a cooking class with the owner Patrizia. We made spinach and cheese ravioli, salty cheese tarts, pork with hazelnut sauce and a Tuscan apple pie. Patrizia was so knowledgeable and entertaining. She lit candles and set the table outside for us and then washed up afterwards 😊 A highlight of our holiday for sure!!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Beach day

      29. elokuuta 2019, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We travelled to the coast in search of some beaches. They were sadly nowhere near as good as ours but water nonetheless! Many beaches are private with a sea of umbrellas and sun lounges. We swam at two different beaches and had lunch at a lovely traditional taverna - best lobster gnocchi ever!
      In the evening an old town nearby had a food fair on - we wandered the streets and for 10€ we tried different food and wine - so yummy 😋
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    • Päivä 6

      Day 6_Casole d'Elsa

      28. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Čas je bil za premik na novo lokacijo, bolj proti notranjosti Toskane in v bližino San Gimignana, od katerega sva oddaljena 30 minut. Seveda pa tudi zaradi Andreje in Andreja, ki pridete jutri. Na poti sva si vzela čas za ogled privat živalskega vrta, kateri ima 3 km vijugaste poti med boksi živali. Tudi Mila je spoznala novega prijatelja, Risa, ki jo je res nadebudno opazoval in hodil pred ograjo, da bi ji bil čisto blizu. Mila sicer ni bila toliko vesela njega, kot on nje. Je bila pa vesela Surikat, ki so se vohali in opazovali skozi ogrado. Nadaljevala sva pot proti nastanitvi - Grecinella, ki je agriturizem, kot tu radi rečejo. A pred tem, sva se peljala čez Volterro, ki leži na vrhu vzpetine s čudovitim razgledom na okoliško pokrajino. Sicer sva jo imela v planu za ogled kakšen drug dan, vendar je na koncu nisva obiskala. Predno pa sva zavila do apartmaja, pa naju je vročina prisila, da sva šla v edini bar na vasi, kjer imata v planu bivanje Andreja in Andrej, da si privoščiva Aperol Spritz. Res malo gostilna, polna motoristov. Aperol zmešan brez kakšnih meric je bil dober in močan, tako da sva morala po 2, počasi proti naatanitvi. Prvi znak, da sva na pravem mestu je bil močan vonj po prašičih in napis "This is a farm, not a hotel" 😅. Sama nastanitev je bila lepa in velika, pred njo pa s streho zaščitena miza s stoli in poleg bazen, ki so ga naslednji dan odkrili.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Colle Val d'Elsa es vegre igazi pizza

      14. heinäkuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Igazából mára csak Monteriggionit terveztük, de mivel az egy hetünk alatt legalább négyszer elmentünk emellett a városka mellett, mondtam Marcinak h utolsónak ezt meg meg kell néznünk, nincs mese. :)

      Éppen a lemenő nap sugaraira értünk oda, csodálatos volt. Itt is szokásos varosfal, és tiszta hegyes volgyes maga a város is (nevében is benne van). Egyenesen be (illetve fel)értünk a foterre, ami itt tényleg a város szíve- egyetlen pizzériaval, ami kipakolja az asztalokat, elfoglalva gyakorlatilag a tér kétharmad reszet és a város apraja nagyja idejött vacsizni- hisz péntek este van.

      Mi azért sétáltunk egyet mielőtt lecsuccsentunk vegyulni, és megrendeltuk a jól megérdemelt pizzankat (Marci egész végig egy igazi, pizzeriaban készült pizza miatt rágta a fulemet, utolso estére sikerült is teljesiteni:)) illetve az elmaradhatatlan Aperolt és Birrat.

      Szuper volt ez így a végére, sajnáltam volna kihagyni.
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    • Päivä 5

      Florence - Day 2 - San Gimignano

      18. kesäkuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Our first part of visiting San Gimignano was in the main city and we bought some fun souvenirs including awesome clothing and earrings. There were beautiful flowers everywhere and the scenery was breathtaking! We met another cat and there were peacocks at the wine tasting as well! :)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 11

      San Gimignano

      25. syyskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach einer kl. Toskana Tour mit der Hyper, dann mit den Fahrrad nach San Gimignano gemacht.
      Einfach ca. 34 km über schöne toskanische Wege. San Gimignano total überlaufen. An zwei Eisdielen je ca.30 Meter Schlange.
      Wollten gerade wieder heim fahren, reißt die Fahrradkette von Christine ihren Rad - Super.
      Kein Fahrradladen in der Nähe und auch kein Taxi für Fahrradtransport gefunden. Also Hundeleine an beide Fahrräder und zum ersten (13 km entfernten) Fahrrad Geschäft geschleppt - war dann aber ein Motorrad Geschäft.
      Also weiter durch den Berufsverkehr mit Christine im Schlepptau zum nächsten Fahrradhändler geschleppt; der konnte es dann Reparieren.
      Also Richtung Stellplatz - plötzlich Straße gesperr; also wieder retour und anderen Weg gefahren.
      Mein Akku war dann zwar leer aber wir waren so um 20 Uhr dann beim Wohni. Schön war's trotzdem 😉👍.
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    • Päivä 8

      Day 8_Kolesarjenje

      30. huhtikuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Današnji plan obsega kolesarsko pot od Castell de San Gimignano - Colle di Val D'Elsa - San Gimignano in nazaj. Krožna pot na kateri smo si želeli videti Toskansko pokrajino, voziti po belih cestah in vmes kaj popiti in samo uživati. Nekajkrat nam je Kamoot pokazal pot, ki je ni bilo, vodil na po enoslednih poteh in prav tako po belih cestah. Uživali smo vse do padca Tamara na blagem spustu, kjer je poškodovala menjalnik in je pot postala malo bolj zahtevna. Z njeno trmo in slabo voljo, smo pot nadaljevali do San Gimignana, kjer smo spili pijačo in sta fanta prijazno šla po avto in nazaj po punci. Vendar smola je zopet udarila, tokrat pa je padec čakal na Andreja, ki se je močno podrgnil po levem komolcu in levi nogi. Lahko svo nadaljevala, vendar je bil tudi konec kolesarjenja za danes. Tamara in Andrej sta še šla v trgovino, Andreja in Miro pa s kolesom nazaj. Kdo bo prej pri apartmaju, no moram priznat, da sta Tamara in Andrej bila hitrejša za kakšno minuto, ampak to je prineslo dodatnega smeha in pijačo v dobri družbi in naslednjih padavin.Lue lisää

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