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    • Day 17

      Lake Como

      July 3, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today we took a spontaneous trip to Lake Como! Only an hour train ride from Milan. The lake was stunning and we took the funicular railway to the top of Como to see the amazing panoramic views of the lake. We could even see as far as the snow capped Swiss Alps which was hard to believe when stood in 29°C heat! 😎

      We reached different view points at the top (many selfies were taken) 📷.

      Steve managed to leave his phone on the bench at one of them which resulted in an Italian/ German led man hunt for Steve. They were very glad when they found him and reunited him with his phone/ "handi" (in German) 😄

      We had lunch with a view and then took the (long, hot, sweaty) hike up to the lighthouse (only finding out about the 2 minute shuttle bus to and from the top once we got up there!!!! 😥) #steveowesme

      More great views, more selfies, more steps, more sweat but a good time was had 😁.

      We got the shuttle bus down 👍
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    • Day 10

      Como - Lake Como

      September 8, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Well we mastered two trains to make it to Como. I think we are starting to get a hang of the transport system here.

      From here we are catching a bus to Lezzeno, our location for the next three nights, but we decided to store our luggage and check out Como on our way. It is nice location at the end of Lake Como, with a relaxing atmosphere and huge cathedral. I loved the colours of the Como Cathedral, with the use of orange and black stone, it was different to the other churches we have already seen. It was an impressive structure against the vivid blue sky.

      There was a service going on so we were unable to check out the interier of the cathedral, instead opting to enjoy a light and very delicious lunch under the shadow of the cathedral itself. While having lunch the service ended and we watched a procession of clergymen as they left the church. Not sure if they were from the local monastery but it was pretty cool to see.

      Como was a pleasant place to visit and one we could have spent more time in. Maybe next time.
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    • Day 4

      Como überschwemmt

      October 4, 2020 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Heute fuhren wir über die Grenze weiter südlich nach Italia. Erster Kaffeestopp ☕ war in Como auf der Piazza geplant, aber da herrschte pures Chaos, weil der See komplett über die Ufer getreten ist 🚨🙈.

      Wir entschieden uns deshalb weiterzufahren und später eine Pause einzulegen. Der Hunger kam dann aber plötzlich ziemlich unerwartet, so dass wir irgendwo am Strassenrand anhalten mussten und uns Sandwiches 🥪 machten. Danach war die Welt wieder in Ordnung und für uns ging es weiter Richtung Mailand.
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    • Day 2

      Como, Italy

      May 19, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      June 2017

      Overlooked and underrated by travelers arriving on trains from Milan, the town of Como is typically considered nothing more than a gateway to other towns, since this is where you catch ferries to various parts of the lake. Those who do spend time here find it to be worthwhile: there’s a splendid 15th-century cathedral, the Silk Museum, the Romanesque Sant’Abbondio, historic San Fedele, a lovely lakeside promenade, the medieval city center, and more to explore
      My favourite gelato in Como is located just off the main square, right by the waterfront in a small and unassuming little building: Gelateria Lariana. My favourite flavours were Bachi (chocolate hazelnut) and Dark Chocolate (seriously so good that my eyes popped out of my head for the first taste).
      La Vita e’ Bella If you’re looking for a nice little restaurant – not too fancy but great for date night – then I can recommend this great little find on Piazza Domenico Croggi. The menu is typically Italian but with a healthy spin – loads of salads to choose from and great vegetarian options!
      Funicular Railway

      The Funicular Railway has linked Lake Como and Brunate since 1894 and is still the quickest way of travelling between these two towns. A trip on the railway offers stunning views and an opportunity to see panoramic views of rural Como, all whilst having an enjoyable jaunt on a train!

      The Funicular Railway marked the start of an industrial tourism revolution in Como, as it was built at a time when many transport links in the area were expanding to create a network between local towns. In 1911 the traction system changed from steam to electricity and the canon which makes a daily salute at noon possible was installed in 1912. Today the railway is run by ATM and is accords to all environmental and safety regulations despite its age!

      As you glide along the cliff sides on the railway you will be able to see for miles, glancing over the epic azure lake, clusters of traditional Italian houses and sweeping mountainsides. The journey itself lasts just over ten minutes and once you reach Brunate you have the choice of sitting down with a drink from the little bar to take in the glorious views or alternatively you can go for a bit of an explore.
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    • Day 2

      Province Como

      May 20, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Como is easy to get to from Milano by regional train and is worth a day trip. The Train Station is a five-minute walk to the centre.

      Piazza Cavour is the gateway to downtown Como. In Piazza Cavour you can find some cafés and restaurants,the prices are reasonable. There are also souvenir shops
      Piazza Cavour is where the Ferry and come and go. All private boats too. This is the centre of Como.

      My recommendations

      Breakfeast - Bar Touring at Piazza Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour
      Caffe Alessandro Volta at Piazza Alessandro Volta
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    • Day 36

      Ankunft Como See

      May 12, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ankunft am Como See gegen 18 Uhr. George Clooney war leider nicht in seiner Villa......, aber wir haben ja mit Alex so etwas wie den George dabei. Grandioses aber auch sehr, sehr teures Abendessen.

      Wenn Mr. Clooney ruft, fragt man nicht wohin es geht und was es kostet. Man steigt aufs Moped und sagt aber Logo, si si, alles gut... 😂
      Und so eine Damenkarte ist schon was feines... Hab noch nie so nobel gegessen bisher 🤗☺️

      Don Passo und Mr. Clooney das dreamteam
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    • Day 2

      Einmal am Comer See

      April 17, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Nach einer ruhigen Nacht geht es früh weiter. Der Verkehr rollt und wir kommen sehr gut vorwärts.
      Es wechseln sich frühlingshafte Landschaften in strahlenden grün mit blühenden Bäumen ab mit gerade dem Winter entkommenden Grauen Wiesen.
      Es geht zügig durch die Schweiz. Auf dem San Bernardino haben wir noch Schnee mit strahlendem Sonnenschein.
      Aus der Schweiz raus nutzen wir einen...naja, sagen wir eher Parkplatz zum übernachten. Über 700 km haben wir heute ganz entspannt geschafft.
      In Como laufen wir durch die Altstadt zum See um direkt an selbigen teuer zu speisen.
      Noch ein Gelatti zum Abschluss und dann zurück um Wohnmobil, mal gucken was die Nacht bringt.
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    • Day 16


      July 25, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Und schon haben wir auch die letzte große Tagestour unseres Urlaubes hinter uns. Die Zeit am Iseosee war wunderschön und es war schon etwas traurig, dass wir Predore verlassen mussten. Durch die 5 Tage Entspannung hatten wir ausgeruhte Beine und konnten relativ zügig fahren. Leider verlor Adis Hinterreifen immer wieder Luft, sodass wir regelmäßig aufpumpen mussten. Nach knapp 700 Kilometern und den holprigen Straßen in Italien kann das schon mal passieren.
      Auch diese Strecke, vor allem um Bergamo, war extrem löchrig und schlecht mit dem Rennrad zu fahren, das hat irgendwann keinen Spaß mehr gemacht.
      Nach 90 Kilometern hatten wir den Ort Como erreicht und sind durch Zufall an einem sehr professionellen Fahrradladen vorbeigefahren. Sofort hatte der Mechaniker die Ursache gefunden und stellte fest, dass die Tubeless-Milch aufgebraucht war.
      Somit hatte Adi nach 10 Minuten und 5 Euro einen mit Tubeless-Milch gefüllten Reifen, war wieder bestens gelaunt und wir konnten die letzten Meter zum See runterfahren. Im Vergleich zum Iseosee ist es in Como deutlich voller! Trotzdem hatten wir einen schönen Abend mit zweimal Eis und Burgern!
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    • Day 16

      Como, Italy

      April 20, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Day 16 Lake Como

      Today i went to the famous Lake Como.
      It's about an hour out from Milan.
      Its really beautiful.
      I took a boat ride tour for 1.5 hours.
      Would be an amazing summer holiday escape.

      In the afternoon i had a classic italian snack.
      It's an Aperol Spritz and appetizers.
      For some reason italians have this after work before dinner.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Como, Комо, Côme, QCM, コモ, Novum Comum, Còm, 科莫

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