diocese of Catania

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    • Day 2

      Essen, essen, essen

      September 7 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nachdem wir zahlreiche Kirchen, Ruinen und Straßen besichtigt haben, haben wir in einem lokalen Restaurant Abend gegessen. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis war etwas zu gut dafür dass es in Italien meistens üblich ist zwei Vorspeisen, Hauptspeise und Nachtisch zu bestellen. Einiges mussten wir uns für „zuhause“ einpacken lassen. Siehe Bilder für wie das ganze Essen aussah - Hinweis: das Fleisch ist Pferdefleisch.
      Auf dem Rückweg waren wir überrascht wie voll die Straßen waren. Tagsüber waren nur wenig Leute zu sehen, da man es durch die Hitze kaum aushält.
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    • Day 14

      Catania - Fischmarkt

      March 15 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Uiuiuiuiuiiiii.... was für ein Tag heute💗.
      Nach einer kurzen Nacht (Italiener hatten auf dem Platz Geburtstag bis Mitternacht gefeiert - der 🐓krähte morgens um 6 Uhr und die Lkws und Flugzeuge taten ihres dazu) machten wir uns gegen 10:30 Uhr zu Fuß auf ins Centro, auf den Fischmarkt.
      Erst loste uns das Handy-Navi in die falsche Richtung. Wir beschlossen, uns durchzufragen.
      Eine Katastrophe an der sehr stark befahrenen Hauptstraße entlang.
      Schmutz, Glasscherben, ein Blick in die Hintergassen, wo sich Müllberge türmen.
      Wir waren genervt und gestresst von diesem Verkehr und Dreck.

      Also, hier vom Tor raus, dann RECHTS, an der Tankstelle vorbei und immer strenge geradeaus. Dann kommt man an den Busbahnhof und durch den Park durch, erkennt man bereits die Stände.
      Was für ein Treiben, diese Geräuschkulisse, Autos fahren, Roller hupen...
      Welche Reizüberflutung😲.

      Irgendwo in einer kleinen Seitenstraße wollte Agathe kurz Kaffee trinken und die Hundies zur Ruhe kommen lassen.
      Den Ätna immer im Hintergrund 🏔️

      Oh-mein-Gott🙏Nach 2 Limocellos brachten wir Catania zum swingen🎼🎶🎵. Der Chefkellner legte einen Lautsprecher mit Musik auf UNSEREN Tisch.
      Wir kamen schnell mit anderen Touris ins Gespräch. Ja, Alkohol lockert die Zunge😆😂 und die Stimmung.
      2 Mädels, 1 aus Italien, 1 aus Thailand, beide sprachen deutsch (1 lebte in D., die andere noch immer in NRW) waren auch so locker drauf, dass wir uns kurzerhand zu ihnen an den Tisch setzten.
      Soooooo schöne Begegnungen.... auch hier wurden wir für den Fußmarsch wieder belohnt 💗🍋🎼
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    • Day 3


      February 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Jutro naju je pričakalo v sivi barvi s pogledom proti vrhu Etne. V pričakovanju obiska Etna, kar hitro preideva v realnost ko nama lastnik apartmaja pove, da so snežne verige obvezne. In tako sva končala z mislijo na ogled Etne od blizu. Prespala sva v At Armando's home, kjer je lastnik pripravil od domačih marmelad, sveže stisnjenega pomarančnega soka do različnih slaščic. Razgled z njegovega apartmaja je bil čudovit in kar predstavljal sem si poletno večerjo na tej terasi.
      Nato naju je pot vodila proti Catanii in pripravi, da vse vredne stvari dava v obtelesno torbico in vse skrijeva od vidnih mest - po nasvetih lastnika apartmaja. Parkirala sva v centru za 4 € in se odpravila po glavnih ulicah, kjer so naju obkrožale stavbe s prečudovito arhitekturo. Našla sva čudovito slaščičarno z "narisanimi" sladicami, Tamara je rekla, "kar tu". Market, to pa je doživetje, vsi se derejo in vabijo stranke, v upanju da zavijejo k njim. Ogromno različnih rib, svežega sadja in zelenjave, da ne omenjam ostalih stvari, s katerimi lahko opremiš tudi celotno stanovanje. Za zaključek ogleda mesta pa še v restavracijo na testenine, hmmm pasta Italiana 🍝.
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    • Day 10

      Mit dem Zug nach Taormina

      October 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Ca 45 min sind wir mit dem Zug gefahren. Dort angekommen. Haben wir uns in einen kleinen Bus gequatscht. It vielen anderen und wurden in die Altstadt gefahren. Als erstes haben wir uns das Antike Theater angesehen.
      Dann sind wir über die Haupt Einkaufsstraße entlanggelaufen.
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    • Day 17

      Day on the water

      June 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today, we booked a snorkelling trip to a cave system off the coast of Catania. So we made our way on Lime Scooters to the port where we caught up with Hairy and Ben. We chose the morning session, so the sun wasn't so brutal, and we actually enjoyed the morning sun sitting on the front of the catamaran as we sailed for about an hour to the location. The views across the coast of Catania were incredible, but eventually, they put up the sails, and the view was blocked mostly. Eventually, we arrived at our destination, and by this point, we were stinging a swim in the beautifully temperatured water after laying in the sun. For whatever reason, the captain dropped us off about 150m from the swimming spot. I think that most people on the tour rarely do the snorkelling and instead choose to swim off the edge of the boat. We, however, were keen to see what lay around the rock formations. They described them as caves, but they were hardly caves and instead just rocks protruding the water. Given that we were with 2 avid swimmers, Jack and I struggled with the swim and were easily left in the dust. Nonetheless, once we got to the rocks and could manage our breathing a bit better by taking it easy, it was really cool to swim with the fish and jellyfish. There were no massive sized fish, but thousands of little ones. It doesn't compare to the reef dives you can do in Australia, but it was cool just to see how it varies in the Mediterranean. I had forgotten my underwater camera attachment for my phone, but given the swim we had to do, it likely wouldn't have been worth bringing anyway. As such, the number of photos for today is very limited. At the end of the swim, which took about an hour, we started the long trek home, once again being blown out of the water by Hairy and Ben. This time, we were going against the current, and we felt every bit of difference. Eventually, though, we had made it. They then served some food and Proseco while we chatted with others on the boat. The 2 guys running the show were very cool and interesting people to talk to, and so we discussed life in Australia compared to Italy. This then continued as we made our way back to Port.

      On the way home, we found 3 euro aperol spritz, and we made some serious use of that deal. After about 4 of those each, we headed home, taking a detour on the lime scooters, and got dressed to prepare for a big night ahead. We then bought a few bottles of wine and headed to the boys' place to drink them on their rooftop terrace. By the time this was done, we were completely smashed and figured it was time to head out for some food. After some shit talking and some eating, we ran into the girls from the previous night and drank with them until early morning. After this, we were all completely ruined and had to send ourselves to bed, or we'd wake up in a random street in Catania. It was a great night, and it was great to see Hairy. Unfortunately, this would be the last time I see him for another 9 months as he was on his way to Malta and then home shortly after that. It was a shame to say goodbye, but I am lucky to have seen him while over here.
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    • Day 7

      Ankunft im Hafen von Villa San Giovanni

      September 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      In Villa San Giovanni angekommen, dort Tickets (46,00€) gekauft, für die Überfahrt nach Messina, auf Insel Sizilien. Die Fahrt dauert 1/2h. Noch 70 Km bis Catania. Jakob zeigt uns, wo er mit Anne und Lars wohnen wird. ( Via Veniero 15). Die Wohnung ist sehr schön. :)Read more

    • Day 17

      Catania and Sinagra

      July 3 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Day 17
      Today was special. We woke early, secured a hire car and completed a 320 km round trip to a village called Sinagra, the birth place or my maternal grandfather.
      The name Fogliani is well entrenched in this village. Managed to locate a cousin of my grandfather by the name of Giuseppe. As you will see in a couple of the photos, a gentleman of pride (not just because he also rocks a good tash). He has been to Australia a number of times and could name suburbs, streets and other Italian families I had heard of.
      He also showed me a couple of documents, that when translated into English gave a little bit more detail about the family.
      The journey (particularly on the way there) was like a Leyland brother adventure but made it in the end.
      Upon our return, it was a quick change and back out on the streets of Catania for another street food adventure, with yet again gastronomic local delights.
      Now I know where my love of fresh bread, buttered, with vanilla ice cream comes from.
      The history of Catania runs deep, very very deep. Our street food tour guide took a quick detour through a restaurant (picture attached) which by pure accident discovered a fracture in the solidified lava some 10 metres underground, that revealed a river that had been completely covered by the 7th layer of lava to consume the city of Catania.
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    • Day 15

      Catania Reunited

      June 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today was a throw-away day. We had nothing planned except for an extended train trip to Catania and eventual drinks with Liam Hair and Ben Grebert. We had originally planned to fly but Jack booked tickets for the wrong month and so we were forced to go on the train and hope that we could get some of our money back by changing the flight to a different time and place. In the end, we got some value back but had to invest more money to change the flight and catch a second one to make it worth it. This was a use it or lose it scenario.

      The only slightly interesting part of this trip was that the train had to traverse the Strait between Sicily and the Italian mainland. We thought this may be an underground tunnel, but it turned out to be a ferry for trains. Then, I literally got put on the boat, in a train, and ferried across to Sicily to disembark and continue on their rail system. This would have been cool if we hadn't lost 2 hours due to technical issues with getting the train on and off the ferry. Meaning we were suppose to arrive at midday to catch up with Hairy and Ben, but then it turned into 6 o'clock because we had to catch a train, then it became 8 o'clock due to the delays. This was slightly annoying, but we eventually caught up with them for a while. We got sloppy drunk off Aperols and shots before meeting some girls from Arizona. We spoke with them for a while before heading home for the night. It was great to see Hairy again after 11 months a part - it was especially good to see him knowing it may be another 9 months until I'm home. After this, we headed to our accommodations to sleep.
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    • Day 78

      Osteria Il Bell Antonio, Catania

      June 10, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We have ended our European adventure with dinner at a local Sicilian fish restaurant, Osteria Il Bell Antonio. Such a pretty looking restaurant tucked away in a side street which gave it an intimate feel.

      While our order got lost on translation and we ended up with a mixed salad for our entree instead of the mixed starters which had a sample of all the starters, the salad was probably better for our bellies anyway. Our mains were what we ordered and Brad had the risotto of the fisherman which was risotto with seafood. Brad was very happy with his choice. I am not a big seafood lover so I had the Mezzi paccheri di Gragnano "Norma", which translates to pasta with eggplant with pecorino cheese and it was also very tasty.

      For dessert we found a gelateria near our apartment and both enjoyed our favourite Italian gelato, amarena.

      Not wanting our last night to end, we walked some more to admire the streets at night. Catania has changed so much since we were last here and it has flourished. There are so many more bars and restaurants and they are all busy. It has such a vibe.

      We ended our night with our last Italian limoncello spritz and complimentary snacks (which we did not need), while sat in front of the Duomo lit up at night. While we are so sad our travels are over, we are looking forward to seeing our family, furry family and friends.
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    • Day 1

      Unser erstes Nachtessen

      April 1, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Es ist kurz vor halb elf, als die Antipasti serviert werden. Sie schmecken uns sehr gut, ebenso wie die Primi Piatti, alles super köstlich, mjaaam!

      Unsere Unterkunft in Catania liegt mitten in einem Ausgeh-Quartier. Es ist laut, von überall her drönt Musik. Der Altersdurchschnitt liegt vermutlich nur knapp über volljährig, aber vielleicht täuscht das auch, weil sich für Samstagnacht alle so herausgeputzt haben.Read more

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    diocese of Catania

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