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Top 10 Travel Destinations Emilia-Romagna
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    • Day 42

      Piomboni Camping Village

      June 9 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      This wasn’t plan-A but we have come right across to the Rimini coast at Ravenna, staying for one, or possibly two, nights at Piomboni Camping Village. The decision will probably depend on how noisy it gets tonight.

      We spent the first 2 hours here emptying the van completely - I mean completely - spraying ant killer everywhere, then sweeping up the dead bodies and putting everything carefully back into the van after emptying all the bags and so on.

      Hot work.

      It is humid here so we went to the beach, which is, well, pretty horrible - all rented loungers and bars with loud music but the sun is due to shine tomorrow so maybe we’ll get used to it! 😀

      The campsite is nice - with pine trees offering shade - but our pitch is very tight. I very nearly lost a wing mirror on a tree getting into it. Luckily all ok. Phew!

      Plan-A was to stay up in the mountains south of Piacenza but the weather forecast for that area was terrible so we decided to come here instead.

      At the supermarket on the way here we bought a new mat for the van - 2 euros on special offer! Bargain.

      Now sitting drinking a lovely bottle of frizzante wine that we bought for 5 euros in the little shop in Garbagne last night.
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    • Day 31

      Ab in die Heimat

      June 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Aber zuvor noch…….
      Bei 33* und am Pannenstreifen - 3 Std auf den Pannendienst warten
      Rest der Reise war OK
      Den Abend bei den PIpp‘s mit einer sardische Jause und ÖSTERREICHISCHEN SCHWARZBROT 🤗🤗🤗 genossen
      und ein paar 🍻 + a poa 🥃 die Heimreise begossen
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    • Day 41

      Parma Reggiano in Parma Italy

      June 18, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We just arrived in Parma yesterday and did a fun tour today of Caseificii Ugolotti a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese producer a little ways outside of town. It was great, we learned a thing or two about the production process and what makes this cheese so special. This facility is smaller, and these men and women work tirelessly 365 days a year to produce two wheels of cheese per day. A few facts; Parmigiano Reggiano must be from the 5 provinces of Emilia-Romagna and it must be aged a minimum of 12 months. After a year an inspector comes and taps the wheel of cheese and gives it a grade; one two or three. Grades one and two can be stamped Parmesian Reggiano on the sides. Grade 3 cannot get this stamp and instead is served as italian table cheese or grated. Grade 1 wheel sells for 1000 euro, Grade 2 for 500 euro a wheel. There are many other factors and more info here;…Read more

    • Day 42

      Modena; Emilia-Romagna

      June 19, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Modena is world renowned for two things. First, as it is more commonly used, Balsamic Vinegar (any fancy vinegar you have at home may even say "Balsamic Vinegar Di Modena"). Secondly, it is known as the upper class sports car capital of the world. Sports car manufacturers: Ferrari, De Tomaso, Lamborghini, Pagani and Maserati were all based here at one point or another.

      Modena was much less touristy than its neighbor Parma and had less of a metropolitan vibe. Restaurants were busy yet it didn't feel crowded. The piazzas and cute city center was littered with colorful buildings and there was a surprise church that awaited us every few blocks that was always prettier than anticipated. We were pleasantly surprised with this smaller city.

      While scholars do not know the exact founding of the city, one important note about Modena's history is that Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, laid siege to Modena with his elephants, on his way to conquer Rome.
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    • Day 44

      The Porticoes of San Luca

      June 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      The Porticoes of Bologna are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among them, the Porticoes of San Luca are the longest uninterrupted series of Porticoes in the world. These Porticoes start near Porta Saragozza (an arch way) and continues for almost 4 km to the Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca.

      I (Dave) have to confess I didn't research this landmark very well, but Emily really wanted to walk the Porticoes. We waited to the start of the landmark on foot from the center of town. The walk starts off benign enough. It's very level and repetitive with shops besides you. Once you hit Arco Del Meloncello, everything changes. The rest of the walk is straight up. San Luca is on top of a very large hill, and we had no idea.

      Along the walk are 15 "chapels" retelling serves from the life of Jesus and Mary. Good places to catch your breath. The view from San Luca was beautiful and with the walk. I don't recommend doing it on a 95° day like we did. 😆

      Between the trip up, and down and walking assertions bologna that day, we must have walked 18 km total that day.
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    • Day 44

      Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio

      June 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Emily as Dave didn't quite know what we were walking into with this landmark. A library and a courtyard said to once be one of the most important buildings of Bologna. It was also the main building of the University of Bologna, the oldest university in continuous operation in the world.

      Inside the library, the walls and ceilings are lined with small family crests of students who attended the University (as well as other art). Also on display were old books from the 15th and 16th century. Trying to understand what we were looking at was a little overwhelming, because there was SO MUCH history on the walls and ceiling. Many of the plaques were in Latin or Italian.

      From wikipedia:
      The library was founded in 1801 at the convent of San Domenico to collect the book heritage of the religious orders suppressed by Napoleon.
      The library has about 850,000 volumes and pamphlets, about 2,500 incunabula , about 15,000 sixteenth -century books and about 120,000 old books (up to 1830). The periodicals section includes 7,500 publications, of which over 1,300 are in progress.
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    • Day 45

      Foodie heaven; The city of Bologna

      June 22, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Bologna’s Italian nickname “La Dotta, la Grassa e la Rossa” ("The Educated, the Fat, and the Red") may seem odd but it sums up the very best of what this central Italian city has to offer. The educated as it has the oldest continuously operated university in the world. The fat not because of the people but the city itself is known as the foodie capital of italy. And the red because of the terracotta red roofs that adorn the homes and buildings. Known as an underated city in Italy it was easy to tell why. It for me (Emily) is almost my favorite large city. The metropolitan was clean, lined with restaurants and shops and the city itself had many historical attractions. There also were very few tourists which made Bologna a true winner. This city is truly foodie heaven, we got to sample a few local dishes like lasagna, mortadella sandwhiches, and we had our best gellato of the trip a melon (Cantaloupe) gellato scenza latte (without milk). We even watched part of the "Warriors" movie in the main piazza at night. This city does not disappoint.Read more

    • Day 1


      July 16, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Die Räder liefen rund ond so fuhr ich etwas mehr als geplant, nämlich direkt bis ans Meer in einem Chutz - am Afang voll drischiesse chani.💪 Etwa 120km später liege ich nun mit gefühlten 100‘000 Italiener:innen bei lauter Musik und Bier etwas nördlicher als Rimini endlich am Meer - Zeit für eine kleine Erholung! 🤪Read more

    • Day 2

      Porto Garibaldi

      July 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Nach einer durchzechten und heissen Nacht in Rimini (34 Grad im Zimmer, Klimaanlage kabutt🥵) ging der Start etwas langsamer. Jedoch habe ich nicht viel gelernt aus gestern und gleich nochmals 90km zurückgelegt. Kafi in Cervia, eine kräftige Tagliatelle al salmone in Casalborsetti sowie der obligate Powerriegel haben mich gerettet.Read more

    • Day 9

      Der schiefe Turm von… Bologna

      July 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Nach meinem Aufenthalt in Mailand führte mich der nächste Weg nach Bologna. Die Stadt ist vor allem für die älteste Universität weltweit bekannt. Diese ist auch sehr sehenswert und vor allem der Sezierungssaal ist jeden Besuch wert! Die Stadt hat zwei große Türme, mir ist aufgefallen, dass einer sehr schief ist (ja, daher die Überschrift 😄) und auch sonst schöne Plätze und eine besondere Kirche, welche eigentlich größer werden sollte, als der Petersdom, aber es wurde nur das Mittelschiff fertig, weil der Papst andere Gebäude in den Weg bauen ließ und der Rest blieb unvollständig, was man noch heute sehr gut erkennen kann. Zum Schluss bin ich etwas höher auf die Hügel gefahren und habe noch die Santuario della Madonna di San Luca Kirche besucht, ein tolles Panorama! Und…. es gab die ersten Cannolo, die Saison ist eingeläutet, ab jetzt wird es etliche mehr geben 😋Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Emilia-Romagna, Emília-Romanya, Emilia-Romaña, Émilie-Romagne, 에밀리아로마냐 주

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