Greve in Chianti

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    • Day 3

      Nun aber Toskana - Greve

      May 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute früh noch eine kleine Kiste Wein gekauft. Netter Abschied mit der Bitte bald wieder zu kommen…
      Wir starten spät… es ist so schön. Die Sonne scheint und wir haben blauen Himmel. Das Navi schickt uns durch die Berge. Schöne Strecke. Wären da nicht die Motorradfahrer. Jedesmal wenn wir auf dem Pass sind ist alles voll mit Motorrädern. Nicht schön. Nach 2 Stunden nehmen wir dann die schnellere Strecke und fahren durch Florenz nach Greve. Der Blick auf die Stadt ist wunderschön.
      In Greve bekommen wir einen Stellplatz. Gehen in die Stadt, dort ist Blumenmarkt. Essen Pizza, besuchen den Schlachter Antika Macelleria Fallorni.
      Schlendern zum Aussichtspunkt, besuchen die Kirche. Den Rest des späten Nachmittags oder frühen Abend 🤣 verbringen wir vor dem Womo. Ein schöner Tag geht zu Ende.
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    • Day 11

      Under the Tuscan Sun

      September 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After breakfast in the hotel, we set off in the bus on a tour of the Chianti region of Tuscany, on a beautiful sunny Tuscan morning. We stopped first at a quaint town called Grieve, and spent an hour there in the old centre. I met a man, named Francesco, driving a 1965 Vesper through the town who stopped and parked outside a coffee shop that turned out to be the best in town. Francesco was happy to offer me his Vesper for 5000 euros, but I was not keen on trying to fit it into my luggage. He introduced me to his American wife, Jennifer, who had travelled to Greve 30 years ago for uni and had met Francesco on her first day. That was that.
      After Greve, with its coffee and pastries, we boarded the bus for a winery and olive farm named San Stefano, something that the two Steves on the trip made a bit of a fuss about. We were taken on an enjoyable tour of the wine-making and olive oil- making facilities and learned a great deal about their methods, which reflect some of the centuries-old traditions in the Chianti region.
      The tour was followed by a long-table lunch under the shadow of the vines and olive trees, and with breathtaking views of the nearby regions of Chianti. We periodically pinched ourselves to check we were really in the moment.
      It was a very special experience shared with special friends.
      The bus trip back to Siena was over in a quick time, back by 3pm. We then held a unique memorial meeting in the local Tuscan park, sharing emblems and readings.
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    • Day 35

      Travel day to Greve in Chianti

      April 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today we got up and went to Michalangelos square and that over looks the city. We took some pictures and after this we drove to a vineyard to have a picnic. We took a detour and went and saw a U.S. military graveyard. It flew the American flag and had guards outside. The people buried were from WW2.. After the detour, we drove for a little bit and then we were getting close to the vineyard. We drove for a little bit until there was a fork in the road and then we had to decide which way to go. We picked the right way and we drove for a third of a kilometer even though it did not feel like that. Once we got to the vineyard we walked to our picnic spot and had our picnic and it was delicious. We each had a bag with 3 sandwiches, strawberries and Baci kisses. The strawberries were grown at the vineyard. The picnic was in the backyard of the family’s home who own the vineyard. They dont live there all the time. One of the people who work at the vineyard gave us a short tour and explained a lot about the grape vines and how they make wine. After the picnic we drove straight to our inspirato villa. Once we got to the villa we went and explored the house. It is very big. After we sat around a while we went into town so Mom could pick up her Amazon package. She ordered our summer reading books. We also stopped at the grocery store. We went to dinner and walked in the square. I had some of the best gnoicchi I’ve ever had. After dinner we shot rocket copters out in the square for a little bit and then went home. After we got home we did find penguins and built legos.
      Ciao, Andrew
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    • Day 77

      Videre gennem Toscana. Siena

      November 13, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      “Hvede, vin, oliven eller?” Det var titlen på en artikel vi læste i landbrugsgeografi på første semester - som jeg kan huske endnu! - og som handlede om naturgrundlag og muligheder for landbruget i middelhavsområdet. Titlen er kommet til mig mange gange, mens vi har kørt både på Korsika og Sardinien og nu igen her i Toscana. For i dag startede det med store olivenlunde. Senere blev markerne større, stadig flot bakket, nogle med bar jord, andre med lysegrøn nyspirret hvede. Og sidst på dagen kørte vi ind i Chianti-området, hvor den ene vinmark efter den anden overtog i landskabet. Og det er virkelig de tre afgrøder (hvede, vin og oliven), der er gået igen på vores rejse de sidste 3-4 uger, og så selvfølgelig krydret med forskellige lokale islæt og karakteristika. Her i Toscana er det de slanke cypresser, der vokser i alleer og på højderygge, og så de grå stenhuse med røde tegltage, der udgør landsbyerne.

      I dag fortsatte vi mod nord forbi de gamle romerske bade i Bagno Vignoni, landsbyen Buonconvento og endelig den flotte, historiske by Siena. Her dannede den grå himmel en flot kontrast til de brændte, røde farver på mure, facader og fliser på den store plads; Piazza del Campo, og den sort-hvide marmor i kirken; Duomo di Siena.

      Vi overnatter på en parkering i den lille by Greve in Chianti - der har Greve Strand som venskabsby i Danmark!
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    • Day 39

      Greve in Chianti Day 4

      April 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Gabe cooked us a nice breakfast of bacon, eggs with ricotta and toast with the best crust less bread. We sat outside for awhile enjoying the view. After a nice relaxing morning Gabe and I got dressed for a wine tasting. We are meeting Mike and Nicole Rose, Bill and Annika Bennett and another couple at a vineyard. Mike and Bill are in Gabes EO forum. They have been in Tuscany for the week. We saw them in Florence for an hour or so a few days before. They are staying in a Villa in Cortona. After being here for a few days, we realize that Tuscany is huge. Cortona is 2 hours away from us.. So we picked a vineyard to meet at in the middle We are meeting at the Colle Bereto vineyard. They are a fairly large producer of Chianti Classico for Tuscany. And 80% of their production stays in Italy! Bernardo the winemaker met us outside and started us on a history lesson. He is super passionate about the Chianti region and getting the wine to Texas. Rick Perry has been to the vineyard before and he gets wine shipped to him often. We are also having lunch in their amazing 12th century building. It was the original winery from the 70;s but they have since added other buildings to the property. They were also able to expand the underground facility to have gravity fed grapes during harvest. The owners bought the vineyard in the 70’s for nothing. The owners also own a business in Florence that makes the metal chains used for most all designer handbags. The owner uses the chains in other designs such as placemats, chargers, and candle holders. It’s really cool. Bernardo has been the winemaker for 23 years at Colle Bereto. He has received some very honorable awards he is proud of. In 2020, 3 of their wines made the top 3 spots on the wine spectator list for Chianti Classico. The day before we arrived he found out that another wine just made the list for this year. 95 points! The lunch was simple, homemade and fantastic. Fresh vegetables from their garden. Ravioli and of course wine. We tried 1 sparking, 1 white and 5 reds.
      After the tasting we are excited to get back to the house because we are having a pizza dough making class and making our own pizzas in the pizza oven. Chef Nando and his assistant Illyria are the best! They of course made everything look so easy and taste amazing. Our pizzas were so good. We were stuffed!! We even had Nutella pizza. We are so sad to leave in the morning.
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    • Day 6

      Venice to Chianti, as told by ChatGPT

      June 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Editors note: the following post was written by ChatGPT from some bullet points, and then has a little editing.

      As we bid farewell to the enchanting canals of Venice, our adventure continued as we ventured into the captivating Italian countryside. From recovering quickly from jet lag to savoring mouthwatering culinary delights, our journey unfolded with delightful surprises at every turn. Join us as we recount our experiences, from a gondola ride in Venice to a luxurious stay in Grieve, Chianti.

      1. A Gondola Ride to Remember:
      One of our most cherished memories of Venice was a serene morning gondola ride. Gliding through the picturesque canals, we embraced the unique ambiance of the city. Our gondolier, a font of knowledge, shared intriguing stories and historical tidbits, although some of it was lost in the moment. Stay tuned for Carrie’s insights in a future post!
      2. Getting Lost in Venice’s Charm:
      We indulged in leisurely strolls through the labyrinthine streets of Venice, relishing the absence of straight lines. In our quest for Birkenstocks, we discovered hidden nooks and crannies, uncovering the city’s captivating charm. However, Dave’s search for the perfect pair ended with an unconventional verdict – he “didn’t like the vibe” of the ones he found.
      3. Reflections on Venice’s Vibrant Soul:
      Venice emanated a cool vibe, captivating us with its unique character. Its meandering streets, canals, and bridges offered an invitation to wander aimlessly. Our Gen X comrade may have struggled with digital maps, but this only enhanced our experience of getting blissfully lost in the city’s mesmerizing atmosphere.
      4. Farewell Venice, Hello Chianti:
      After bidding adieu to Venice, we embarked on a new chapter of our journey. A short water and bus ride later, we found ourselves behind the wheel of our rental car (a Jaguar, for good measure), traversing the scenic Italian countryside. As the landscape unfolded before us, we couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty that surrounded us.
      5. Culinary Surprises and the Joy of Road Trips:
      During our long drive, we made a memorable pit stop at a gas station. To our surprise, the culinary offering surpassed our expectations. We relished the flavors of the “Very Italian Panino” (VIP) – a delectable combination of Italian meats and cheeses that put American gas stations to shame. To keep the road trip entertaining, we turned to ChatGPT for a round of 20 questions, although Carrie’s reminder to appreciate the countryside kept us grounded.
      6. Grieve in Chianti: A Slice of Paradise:
      Our anticipation grew as we arrived at our Airbnb, Podere Campriano, in Grieve, Chianti. The breathtaking view and inviting pool provided the perfect backdrop for relaxation and tranquility. We eagerly settled in, excited for the upcoming days of blissful indulgence.
      7. A Culinary Masterpiece at La Terrazza:
      Dinner at La Terrazza proved to be a culinary highlight of our trip thus far. Located on a second-story terrace overlooking a charming piazza, this hidden gem offered a gastronomic feast for the senses. From fried bread balls with burrata and prosciutto to olive oil tasting, our taste buds reveled in the flavors of Tuscany. The wild boar tagliatelle, truffle taglionne, and the pièce de résistance – a colossal Florentine steak – left us in awe of the chef’s culinary prowess.
      8. Dave: The Drink Connoisseur:
      Throughout our journey, Dave showcased his knack for ordering exceptional drinks. With each sip, he delighted in the art of mixology, leaving us in awe of his prowess. From that point on, “my man will order my drink”” was a common phrase I uttered.

      And now, we leave dinner to get back to the Airbnb. It includes a massive hill and supposedly there are wild boar, so if you don’t hear from us again, we got tired halfway up and our dinner decided to take revenge.

      Carries update: after we finished our dessert if tiramisu and chocolate mousse, we wandered by a separate town area to see what was going on. To our delight, we came across a group rehearsing for an opera. As many of my friends and family know, I love stumbling upon an opera in a foreign country. It was so magical!

      Also: walking tally: 22,099 steps, 9.79 miles, 35 flights of stairs.
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    • Day 8

      I can’t eat anymore!

      June 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today was a glorious relaxing day on the vineyard. Despite intermittent thunderstorms, we enjoyed a chill day in the beautiful countryside.

      We slept late (8:30!) and had a leisurely breakfast courtesy of our hosts. As we ate eggs, homemade bread and jams, pastries and fruit in the farmhouse, we were surrounded by bottles of wine, farm tools (torture devices?), and most importantly 3 Bernese mountain dogs peaking in through the door. After our post-breakfast dog petting session, Dave retaught us all how to play euchre (card game) while we waited for the days main event….

      Our fantastic cooking class/wine tasting/lunch! With our new Australian friends in our group, we cooked an amazing meal - focaccia with sliced meats, bread with bruschetta and pate, taglietelle with vegetable ragu sauce, and pork with potatoes, apricots, and onions from the stone oven - finished off with Noni’s cake (custard with crust). We made all the food for our meal (ok Mike and Carrie made more than Dave and me but we helped).

      Because of the weather, we cooked inside rather than outside, but that was a special treat too. Inside their home, there were hundreds of decorative plates on the walls that belonged to our hosts grandfather. Each plate showcased a different meal from a different restaurant that he had eaten.

      While our food was cooking, we had a winery tour. This is a family owned winery so they “only” make 12-15 thousand bottles of wine. We saw the steel drums and the wood barrels where they make the wine from their 2.5 acres of vineyards. While the land has been in their family since 1939 (they paid 35 euros at the time), the original wine making was for themselves and for bartering. Only in the last 20 or so years have they been producing and distributing it commercially. After the tour, we stuffed ourselves to the brim on our meal and had a wine tasting with various ages and styles paired with our meal.

      With VERY full bellies, we sat outside for a second dog petting session and a little more euchre. We had the intent to lay by the pool and read/nap but alas the weather had different plans so we retreated inside where everyone napped (including Mr. I don’t like to nap Mike).

      Once refreshed, we made our way down to the town to stroll through different shops and check the hours of the gelato place. We ate some charcuterie and pizza which left the table looking like a war zone with all the crumbs and crust. We were lucky for dinner that we ended up at one of only three outdoor tables that was shielded from the torrential rain (the other 9 tables all got drenched). After dinner we of course made a quick gelato stop before heading back up to our accommodations.

      We ended our evening with some more rounds of euchre. Mike is generally very good at games to the point where I typically root against him just to keep it interesting. He was uncharacteristically bad at it tonight which was problematic since we’re on a team together. Carrie and Dave wiped the floor with us. Repeatedly. Oh well, there was lots of laughter and fun anyway. And tomorrow is another day.

      Tomorrow we leave for Rome. Our hosts, Elena, her son Pietro, and her husband Luca, have been excellent. From making our dinner reservations to ensuring we know where to park in Florence to our fabulous cooking class/wine experience to doing our laundry, they have been amazing. Excellent find on Dave’s part (have to give credit).

      Far fewer steps today, obviously: 9,374 steps, 4.6 miles, 17 flights of stairs…It’s a giant hill to get back up to our apartment.

      Baggage update: we’re tracking it on our airtag and it’s made it to Lisbon! No one has notified us that it’s moved, so who knows where it is going to end up and when…
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    • Day 8


      July 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      A day spent driving through Tuscany, visiting wineries and staying at the most gorgeous villa. We had a great night out in the nearby village of Greve with a delicious dinner and too many wines. A highlight of the trip so far!Read more

    • Day 15

      Greve in Chianti

      October 17, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nachdem wir Castellina besichtigt haben,sind wir weiter nach Greve gefahren.Haben einen schönen Stellplatz gefunden.Da es sehr warm war,haben wir erst eine Pause gemacht und sind nachmittags in den Ort gegangen.Sehr schöner Marktplatz.Read more

    • Day 75

      Tuscany, Italy

      October 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      What we did:
      - Got up early for 9am tour of the Tuscan countryside! Ran through Florence to find our tour company and bus and met our very friendly guide, Leo! We were in a group of about 25, many of who struggled to get to the tour on time due to the public transit strikes happening all over Italy. Took a while to get out to the countryside because of all the cars on the road, far more than normal since a lot of trains and busses weren’t running. No worries though, Leo had lots of great history and personal anecdotes to keep us entertained!
      - After a very scenic drive through the countryside we arrived at our first winery, San Michele A Torr. We had a tour of the grounds, the cellar, and the winemaking process before starting our tasting of olive oil and Chianti wines! Delicious! We met some nice people from Omaha, and figured out that one of them had actually worked with Doc! Leo ended our visit here with a few songs on the guitar.
      - After more beautiful sites of the rolling Tuscan hills, we made a pit stop in the small town of Greve. We walked around the square and had just enough time to get a couple of cappuccinos and delicious prosciutto that came highly recommended from Leo. Back on the bus for our second winery stop!
      - Next winery was Casa Emma! They hosted us in a separate event room high up on one of the hills for our wine tasting and lunch. We sat with two Aussies, two young Americans from Ann Arbor, and two Americans from North Carolina! All very friendly people who had been traveling in similar areas to us, so we were able to get some good takes/recommendations for our next few cities! Although a little toasty, lunch was delicious and wine was great - well on our way to a healthy wine buzz!
      - The scenery just seems to keep getting better! Vineyards everywhere with beautiful cypress trees lining the roads and driveways. We arrived at our final winery Chateau Poggio Torselli. The grounds here were absolutely stunning! The most picturesque Italian estate straight out of a movie. We were given a tour of the estate and the opportunity to try 4 wines. This was the favorite of all three wineries, mainly due to the beautiful setting!
      - We were dropped back at the train station in Florence and tried to figure out what to do with our night. We walked near the river and got gelato at one of Jennas favorite places. We then made our way up to Abbazia di San Miniato Al Monte for a better and less crowded view of the city for sunset! This is where Nick Dolce proposed to Ang a few weeks prior. What a great spot!! Our sunset viewing ended early when we got a message from Amy (the coordinator at Gordon Lodge) letting us know she had time to talk to us in 45 minutes. We rushed home and prepped our questions for Amy. After chatting with the Moms, we decided to move forward with the wedding venue! Woohoo!
      - Headed out to Quattro Leoni for a celebratory dinner. After finishing our late dinner we headed home to get some sleep.
      - Brunch that morning at Rooster Cafe before hopping on the train to Venice!

      What we ate:
      - Croissants and coffees from a coffee shop.
      - Michele a Tor: 3 different red wines. A Chianti, and Chianti Classico Riserva. We also tried some DOP Olive Oil with some classic unsalted Florentine bread!
      - Antica Macelleria Falorni in Greve: Dare I say Trents favorite “sciutto ” of the whole trip?
      - Casa Emma: Tasting of 3 chiantis with charcuterie and pasta with red sauce for lunch.
      - Poggio Torselli; Tasting of 3 chiantis, with the option to try the Blue label Chianti Riserva and the rose.
      - Gelato on the Arno River from Gelateria Santa Trinita.
      - The famous Florentine Pear pasta at Quattro Leoni and a cheesecake to top it all off!
      - Rooster Cafe: Coffees and a skillet for Trent and chicken and waffles for Steph. Nice to find a place with American brunch!

      Fun facts:
      - The Chianti Classico is the most refined variety of the Chianti region. In order to identify if the wine you are drinking is in fact a “Chianti Classico” it must say “Chianti Classico” on the label and also have a black rooster on the neck of the wine label.
      - A lot of the wineries hosted civilians and soldiers in the wine cellars during the Second World War.
      - For Chiantis, if the label includes “Riserva” it means that the bottle was aged at least one additional year in the bottle before being sold.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Greve in Chianti, Greve

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