Municipio 1

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    • Tag 55

      The Last Supper

      2. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      One of the most anticipated events of our tour of Italy happened today. Prior to researching every corner of Europe we had no idea that Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper was even a work of art that was open to the public. It's housed in its original location (since it is a fresco and they're kinda hard to move) in a relatively modest church in Milan.

      It's home is the Santa Maria delle Grazie. This church was the private family church of the Sforza family. They invited Da Vinci, from Florence, to paint the Last Supper in the church's refectory (it's not in the church itself).

      We couldn't get tickets, because it seems that tour guides buy up all the tickets, so we did have to book a tour. The tour guide was actually petty insightful. Why is this painting so famous? Apparently it was petty scandalous back in the day. Take a look at the link below. It's probably a better write up than I will, but it shows The Last Supper painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Our tour guide had a photo of the same painting. It was apparently pretty standard for the day. The Apostles showed no animation whatsoever. Also the order of the Apostles depicted was always kept consistent in paintings, showing Judas directly across from Jesus.…

      Da Vinci's painting broke one of those barriers, giving the Apostles life and animation and depth. Jesus' mouth is depicted slightly open as he is supposed to be captured in the exact moment he is stating that one of the Apostles will betray him. One of the more interesting parts of the painting are the three Apostles to the left of Jesus. Judas is seen with his elbow on the table. He is being pushed to the side by Peter. Peter was considered a protector. He is whispering to John, the youngest Apostle, who is closer to Jesus, to ask Jesus who is the betrayer. As he whispers, you can see he's clutching a knife with the hand behind his back. In doing so, he is exposing Judas to us by pushing him into the foreground.

      Also of note, both Judas and Jesus' hands are out-stretched towards pieces of bread on the table. It is meant to show that they shared the Eucharist as friends that night before the betrayal.

      Opposite, the Last Supper there is a painting of the crucifixion of Jesus. It's funny, no one seems to care about that painting.

      Lastly, the Church and its refectory were bombed in WWII thankfully, preparations were made just in case, as shown in one of the pictures of this post. They supported the wall of both the Last Supper and the Crucifixion with scaffolding and sandbags and that fits the trick. Most of the two structures were reconstructed after the war.

    • Tag 108


      29. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nous sommes restés 2 jours à Milan, et ça valait le coup ! Étant arrivé courant d'après-midi, avec le van garé dans un parking relais 🅿️à l'extérieur de la ville, nous avons décidé de nous prendre un petit airBnB 🏨 pour visiter tranquillement sur 2 jours. C'était une très sage décision, surtout qu'il s'est mis à pleuvoir à torrent ☔ toute l'aprem du premier jour, donc ça limite les visites.

      Nous avons commencé par trouver un endroit où manger. Sur Internet, il semblait y avoir une sandwicherie 🥪qui valait le coup, et ça n'a pas manqué : juste à côté du superbe château des Sforza, installé en terrasse, bon rapport qualité/prix, nous nous sommes posés le temps de planifier 🤔 nos 2 jours à Milan et trouver le logement pour la nuit. Seul erreur de notre part : nous avons sur-estimé notre appétit (ou sous-estimé les portions ^^) et les sides de boulettes de fromage 🧀 frits et nuggets nous ont achevés, pas moyen de les terminer, ce n'est pas faute d'avoir donné notre max!

      Comme il était déjà 16h, nous nous sommes juste rendu au musée 🖼️ de la triennale. C'était... intéressant. Il y avait de nombreuses expositions et, l'air de rien, nous avons pas mal marché pour parcourir les différentes ailes. À la sortie du musée, c'était le footing 🏃🏃‍♀️ : il pleuvait à torrents et nous avions 500m à faire pour regagner le métro 🚇.

      On devait à la base retourner à l'hôtel mais on n'avait pas se vêtement propres (et secs par la même occasion) du coup, on rentabilise le ticket de métro avec un detour direction les boutiques. On s'arrête à la station du Duomo, que l'on voit rapidement sous la pluie 😱. On fait vite de tour de la place direction Primark. Au final 1 boutique avant, on voit une marque italienne pas cher donc on y entre et on achète le nécessaire 😅.

      Montre en main, on regagne le métro et heureusement le logement étant à ~20m du métro d'arrivée donc peu de pluie, c'était bien plus simple qu'au depart 😂.

      Soirée tout confort dans un hôtel ⭐⭐⭐, on profite de l'électricité, du grand lit (un king size 👑, on n'a plus l'habitude avec notre lit de 1m20 dans le van) , petit deliveroo d'un restaurant asiatique🍣, ça fait du bien !

      Le lendemain, le temps était plus de saison, grand soleil et bonnes températures🌞🕶️, parfait pour découvrir Milan. Nous avons pu visiter les principaux lieux touristiques de la ville, en commençant par le Duomo⛪ (la grande cathédrale) ainsi que l'impressionnante Galleria Gittorio Emanuele II et son toit de verre et de métal. Beaucoup plus sympa sous le soleil 😆.

      On continue de se balader dans le centre historique, qui est très agréable, car entièrement en ZTL 🚫🚗 (Zone à Trafic Limité), c'est un régal pour découvrir la ville. Nous avons exploré la ville jusqu'à arriver, le midi, du côté de Navigli (un quartie avec de nombreux canaux aménagés, très agréable). Sur internet, on avait trouvé une bonne pizzeria pas loin, mais sur le chemin, on a eu un coup de cœur en passant devant un resto. La pizza attendra, ce midi, c'est escalope milanaise et pâtes carbonara🍝 :D

      En retournant au van, petite déception 😿: alors qu'on pensait en avoir fini avec les fuites dans le toit (on avait passé, sans encombre, un énorme orage il y 1 mois à Burgos en Espagne), la pluie de la veille s'est infiltré à l'intérieur 💦. Rien de dramatique, car peu d'eau comparé aux pluies abondantes de la veuille, mais il faudra quand même re-re-re-réparer ça.

    • Tag 8

      Mailand: Mehr als nur der Dom

      20. Juli 2022 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Mailand, na klar, was fällt einen zuerst ein? Der Mailänder Dom (okay, der ist wirklich krass) und Shopping (ja, kann man auch machen). Die Festungsanlagen, Triumpfbögen und die berühmte Kirche Santa Maria Delle Grazie, welche das letzte Abendmahl beherbergt sind weitere tolle Sehenswürdigkeiten. Kleine Details, wie die historischen Straßenbahnen runden das Bild ab und eine Menge Symbole, so ist überall eine Schlange zu sehen, welche einen Menschen frisst (ist sogar im Alpha Romeo Logo) und wo um alles in der Welt findet man Kirchen mit Hakenkreuzen (siehe letztes Bild) 😳😳😳… Bei der sehr informativen Walking Tour habe ich Alejandro und Ignacio aus Guatemala kennengelernt, war mega cool, hab mich mit beiden viel über Mittelamerika unterhalten und nach der Tour haben wir noch entspannt ein Bier getrunken ein sehr gelungener Tag in Mailand… Und jetzt die ewige Frage: Was ist besser, Mailand oder Turin… Für mich Turin, aber auch nur ein klein wenig, Mailand ist toll 😊.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Wybory w Mediolanie🇵🇱🇮🇹

      15. Oktober 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Pełna mobilizacja i wycieczka do najbliższej komisji wyborczej. W Mediolanie początkowo miała być tylko jedna komisja lecz w związku z ogromną rejestracja została otworzona druga (na szczęście, kolejka była imponująca!). Od razu po przyjeździe udaliśmy się na wybory. Nastroje ludzi były bojowe i dość jednostronne😉. Następnie udaliśmy się zobaczyć katedrę Duomo oraz Galerie Vittorio Emanuele. Przeszliśmy w sumie 18km zwiedzając jeszcze dzielnicę Brera, pare katedr i zameczków, Chinatown oraz nowoczesną cześć miasta. Poznałam dziś Mediolan od innej strony. Przy poprzedniej wizycie nie przypadł mi do gustu. Tym razem się do niego przekonałam. Zmęczeni po 17 godzinach na nogach wracamy do Werony❤️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12


      25. Mai 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir sind auf der Heimreise 🇩🇪

      Gestern sind wir nach dem letzten Strandbesuch, der sehr windig und dementsprechend sandig war, in die Stadt Bastia gefahren. Von dort aus startete um 20 Uhr die Fähre nach Savona, Italien.

      Heute morgen sind wir nach einer nicht so guten Nacht pünktlich um 7 Uhr in Italien gestrandet.
      Irgendwie konnten wir beide nicht gut schlafen, liegt wohl daran, dass wir wissen dass der Urlaub bald vorbei ist 🤣 und es hat auch ordentlich geschaukelt.

      In Italien angekommen haben wir uns Mailand natürlich angeschaut und geshoppt 😍😎🥰

      Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Dom, die Gallerie Vittorio Emanuele, die Oper und das Castello Sforzesco, sowie die ganzen schönen Gebäude und Kirchen haben wir uns selbstverständlich auch angeschaut.

      Dann ging die Reise auch schon gegen Mittag weiter - Richtung Bodensee. Unser letzter Stopp 🥺😢

    • Tag 2

      Milano - Tag 2

      6. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach einer langen Nacht im Mailänder Club- und Barviertel ging’s auf die Kultur-Touritour. Ja auch Jojo und ich sind zumindest teilweise dafür zu begeistern. Als erstes ging’s zum Castello Sforzesco was eine beeindruckende Verteidigungsburg ist, welche aber ihren Zweck so gar nicht erfüllt hat. Die Spanier, Franzosen oder auch die Habsurger sind über die Jahrhunderte ordentlich drübergeknüppelt. Danach ging’s zur Santa Maria Delle Grazie wo das berühmte Abendmahl hing, jedoch war der nächste freie Termin zur Begutachtung erst im Oktober verfügbar. Nachdem wir noch einige Basilikas abgeklappert hatten gabs einen Aperol und danach entschlossen wir uns die Kunstakademie/ Kunstmuseum zu besuchen. Eindrucksvolle Gemälde die zu 99,9% das gleiche Thema behandeln - Italien halt -. Genug der Kultur, heut wird sich wieder ordentlich einer hinter den Damm gebibert.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 73

      Home sweet home

      17. März 2020 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Eh niente, è finito con 2 mesi di anticipo questo viaggio che mi stava portando in 10 paesi diversi, attraverso tutti i continenti.
      Purtroppo le cose non si possono prevedere e di dal Nepal mi sono ritrovata in Italia!
      Come già sostenuto sono contenta di aver preso questa decisione, stava diventando difficile o meglio quasi impossibile.. ma soprattutto bisogna stare a casa in qualsiasi parte del mondo ci si trovi per cercare di ridurre i contagi il più possibile.
      Sono stata molto fortunata, il mio viaggio di ritorno è andato tutto alla perfezione, ovviamente aerei stra pieni (alla faccia della distanza di sicurezza) di gente che stava rientrando alla propria residenza. La cosa che mi ha sconcertato un po’ è stata la sicurezza, in un momento così terribile da per tutto, dove i contagi sembrano moltiplicarsi ogni giorno sempre di più.. non mi è mai stata misurata la febbre se non a milano (avrei potuto contagiare ben 3 aerei se positiva), la gente in giro senza mascherine che non rispettava minimamente le distanze di sicurezza. Credo che all’estero non sia ancora ben chiara la gravità della situazione! Non so...

      Per fortuna sono arrivata a casa, sana e salva. Mi spetteranno 2 settimane in quarantena senza vedere nessuno e poi potrò vedere il resto della mia famiglia.

      Non mi sento ancora pronta a trarre le conclusioni di questo viaggio perché lo continuerò, esplorerò e continuerò a girare il mondo.

      Quindi é un... to be continued!

      Per ora #stiamoacasa

    • Tag 83

      Milan with Christie

      29. Juli 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I had the best weekend ever!!!! Yesterday I flew to milan to hang out with Christie for the last two days of her holiday, the plane was really empty and I managed to get a full row to myself :). First thing we did was have lunch. We got a margarita pizza and mushroom pasta which were both incredibly delicious. The pasta has a bit more of a taste than normal, I thought it faintly tasted like gingerbread, very subtle but definitely nicer. The pasta sauce was cream based but not as rich as i expected, it tasted amazing but I'd imagine I'd be able to eat way more before I would start to feel sick. Easily up there with some of the best pasta I've had :), the pizza was pretty normal. After lunch we went and saw some landmarks (Duomo di Milano Cathedral & Galleria Vittoria Emanuele) we explored for a couple of hours and got granitas afterwords because it was quite warm. For dinner we were still a little full from lunch so we just got wine and a cheese platter with heaps of sauces and bread. It all tasted so good but I was most surprised by the cherry tomatoes, usually I don't like tomatoes but these ones were really nice. We also got ravioli but were too full to eat it so ended up saving it for breakfast. One weird thing about dinner was that they served us our wine in bowls??? We tried to look up if thats a thing that happens sometimes but couldn't find much, very weird. Yesterday was definitely one of the highlights of my trip so far.

      Today the mood was a lot more sombre. We woke up and explored a Saturday food market, ate some figs, and then slowly made our way to the airport. Christies flight was a few hours before mine so we both ended up waiting at her gate saying goodbye for quite a long time, it wasn't very nice :/.

    • Day 41 - The Road to Milano

      19. August 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Today we leave Bardolino and start making our way to Milan, our final destination for Italy.

      We were tossing up heading north around Lake Garda and seeing a small town called Limone Sul Garda or head to the South and see Sirmione. Seeing the traffic we encountered yesterday, we played it safe and headed for Sirmione.

      The drive was nice going through lake side towns, as it was a Saturday it seemed very busy. We got outside of Sirmione and noticed traffic building up trying to get in the central car parks, we saw some free ones on a side road and thought suckers… we stopped for a coffee and a toilet pit stop, this is when I looked at google maps, reason everyone is willing to wait in massive lines is the 40 minute walk from where we were having coffee to the castle of Sirmione, Who’s the suckers now… well Katie took the backpack to save me so lets say Katie!
      We got into Sirmione is now a resort town, it is known for its thermal baths & Roccas Scaligera, the medieval castle over looking the lake. At the tip of the peninsula of Sirmione is the site, Grotte di Catullo which is ruins of an old Roman Villa some 2000 years old, also the best beach in the area we were told. We grabbed some lunch and then opted for something we hadn’t really researched much, a 10euro boat tour of the peninsula for 25minutes. The company drives your around the peninsula, a couple of facts along the way, nice pictures and then gives the boat a wee bit of gas before the end for some fun. You come back under the draw bridge to the castle which was tight but awesome to see.

      After this I had seen local busses running, found that for 1.50euro each we could catch the bus 5 minutes away from the car! So we opted for that instead of being sweaty messes.
      Once back at the car we headed for Milan, a hour and half drive, as it is Italians main time to Holiday we found the Autostrada to have ‘Traffico Intenso’ - or in plain English, a heap of traffic so 130km wasn’t on the cards.
      We got into Milan, got into the AirBnb and dropped our bags off and I went to take the car back alone to save Katie’s feet! Now I am not saying that I missed Katie in that short 10minute drive, but my phone decided to not connect to apple CarPlay, I did run a red light, I did get tooted and yelled at an intersection, for not going on a green when cars were blocking me and I got yelled at by the Europcar lady for parking in a taxi zone while trying to work out where she wanted the car parked. So Katie will now not be allowed to stay back doing the washing in future.

      I opted to walk back as it was a 25minute walk and grabbed some supplies from the supermarket.

      We had always planned to go to QC Terme, a tranquil Spa in Milan with lush gardens with saunas and spa pools. The spa is famous for its sensory rooms - such as a sauna set at 50degrees with soothing music and smells like roses, a rain room with screens around and when a storm comes on the screen it starts raining from the ceiling. They also have different kinds of relaxation rooms.
      Katie & I found this great after the stress of the Metro - I brought a MilanoCard which no one can tell me how to activate it, (I even researched this massively) so I now have a dud card & had to buy a day metro pass. Also have the MilanoCard people emailing me saying activate through the app, the app says I need to pick it up… all in all, a massive stuff around. Also had scammers trying to sell us metro tickets while I was working out the MilanCard, by the third one I wasn’t replying that politely!
      But the spa was amazing and very nice in the evening.

    • Tag 16

      Milan (rain day)

      13. April 2023 in Italien ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      So I’ve got Ben’s cold (which was Clare’s cold and which was somebody else’s before that…) so had a quiet day.
      Made it out for a tram ride to the canals of Navigli - and a proper Italian pasta lunch. We get really solid pasta in Australia but the bolognese sauce was top class.
      Wandered that part of Milan and then came back and chilled in the Airbnb and caught up on Ted Lasso.
      Heading to Venice tomorrow - so will need to head back to the horrid Milan train station! 😬

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