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    • Dag 5

      Padua Markt

      18 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Am heutigen "Ruhetag" haben wir uns mittags in die Innenstadt von Padua aufgemacht. Hier sind wir über - den! - Wochenmarkt auf dem Palazzo della Regionale geschlendert. Der Lebensmittelteil hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Waren aber bissig spät dran. Kleiner Szadtpaziergang für s italienische Flair.Meer informatie

    • Dag 9

      Durch das Podelta nach Padua

      8 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nachdem der Wetterbericht für Wien Schnee und Regen ansagte, zog es uns nicht so schnell nach Hause. Durch das sonnige Podelta mit Zwischenstop im quirlig-entzückenden Chioggia ging es nach Padua. Wir schlenderten mit dem einen oder anderen Leckerbissen durch die hübsche Altstadt. Am Abend erholten wir uns in unserer (upgegradeten) Suite mit Whirlpool.Meer informatie

    • Dag 26

      St. Anthony of Padua

      21 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      On the road this morning to Padua. The Pontifical Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua is a Catholic church and minor basilica in Padua, Veneto, Northern Italy, dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua. So very beautiful inside. We went to mass, and then toured the church. Very interesting, St. Anthony of Padua was exhumed in 1263, 32 years after his death. At that time, his remains had completely decomposed with the curious exception of his tongue, which was taken as a sign of his gift for speaking and teaching about the word of God. The central niche preserves three important relics of St Anthony of Padua. These include his lower jaw, his incorrupt tongue, and cartilage from his larynx. All three of these relics are used in speech and reflect the saint's great ability as a preacher. We received a piece of relic from a garment that had touched his tongue.
      The Franciscan Friars are the order in the church. They answer questions and do confessions after the mass. Enjoyed the day and headed north.
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    • Dag 67

      Deszczowa Padwa!

      13 december 2023, Italië ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      W środę wybrałam się na ostatnią małą podróż po Włoszech w tym roku! Tym razem wybrałam Padwę, która jest raptem około godziny drogi pociągiem od Werony. Cóż, miasto ładne ale pogoda wybitnie nie sprzyjała😅 ale i tak było fajnie! Spoko miasto na jednodniową wycieczkę❤️Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      artsy padova

      16 juli 2022, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      today we visited padova in the morning, again because in the afternoon it was gonna be 34°C☀️

      it is a city full of art🥰

      we explored a little, visited some famous piazzas and a garden. since it's saturday the piazzas were full of markets for us to walk around in🙃

      by lunchtime we returned to our hotel, sadly it was too hot for us to go beyond the centre of the city🥵
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    • Dag 1


      10 april 2023, Italië ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Padua ist eine mega coole Stadt! Heute, am Ostermontag, proppenvoll, aber dennoch total entspannt alles. Ich liebe Italien und die italienische Leichtigkeit sooo sehr🥰! BTW: Sprizz auf der Piazza: 4 Euro 😃
      Um die Basilika di Sant Antonio geht es recht touristisch zu, ansonsten eine kunterbunt gemischte Stadt. Die Basilika kann man umsonst besichtigen, am Grab der Heiligen war eine irre lange Schlange. Keine Ahnung ob das an Ostern lag oder generell so ist. Ich hab es j nicht so mit der Kirche und kenne mich da nicht aus 🤷‍♀️. Beeindruckend war der Prato della Valle,mit rund 90.000 Quadratmetern nicht nur der größte Platz der Stadt, sondern auch einer der größten innerstädtischen Plätze Europas.
      Auf der Piazza vor dem Palazzo della Ragione herrscht reges Treiben, ein Café reiht sich an das nächste. Dort ist es sicherlich an Wochentagen noch toller, wenn Markt ist.
      In Padua kann man definitiv ein Wochenende verbringen, wir sind nur für eine Nacht hier, aber ich bin sicher, hier komme ich mal wieder her und bleibe etwas länger 🥰
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    • Dag 6

      Cappella degli Scrovegni 🎨🔥🍧

      4 oktober 2023, Italië ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Mi visita estrella de hoy, la Capella degli Scrovegni, muy conocida por el conjunto de frescos pintados por el artista italiano Giotto di Bondone 🎨

      💡 En ellos se narran la vida de Jesucristo, desde la Anunciación hasta el Juicio Final. En otros sitios ha sido un poco "sin más", pero reconozco que estas pinturas cuentan con una iconografía y detalles increíbles, como el primer beso y el primer demonio pintados en el Renacimiento, así como el infierno y los pecados capitales, representados también por primera vez en una pintura. YAS! 🔥

      A mi salida visito el Museo Civici Eremitani, con una colección ENORME de pinturas y piezas arquitectónicas de la época del Imperio Romano 🏺

      Antes de despedirme de Padua, visito su Catedral, o Duomo, que no me impresiona, por su estilo minimalista. ¿A quién le importa alrededor de tanto color? 🧐

      Con todos mis respetos, me hacen más gracia los niños jugando en la plaza del Duomo dando gritos mientras los abuelos y abuelas los miran y los juzgan. Yo por mi parte me compro un helado y juzgo a ambos mientras me relamo el pistacho que se me cae por todos lados 🍧😋
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    • Dag 57

      Padova Day 2

      6 november 2023, Italië ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      It was very difficult to book online for the visit to Scrovegni Chapel to see Giotto's frescoes. Firstly it was not available to book till late October and when it was opened, the site kept switching from the English option back to Italian.
      We finally got the tickets and visited the Scrovegni Chapel today and it was worth all the hassle.
      We began the visit in a room to the side of the chapel and were made to wait whilst they equalised the pressure and removed pollutants from the air. Whilst waiting, there was a documentary in Italian with English subtitles about the history and the explanation of interpretations of Giotto's frescoes. We booked 2 time slots at 9am and 9.15am which meant that we could stay till 930am in the chapel. I highly recommend the booking of back to back time slots. The frescos were magnificent. I can't do justice in the pictures nor describing the frescoes in words as to how wonderful it was.

      Then we visited Church of Eremitani and the Basilica of St Anthony. The Basilica of St Anthony left me speechless. St Anthony's remains were placed in gold gilded monstrances and at his sarcophagus, there was much devotion and veneration.The architecture, the art and scupltures were stunning and overwhelming.

      Following from yesterday's complaint, we came back to the apartment to find more toilet paper, an additional roll of paper towel, dish washing tablets and extra laundry detergent. I think it's to appease us so that we won't leave a scathing review. Unfortunately there wasn't any extra coffee nor handwashing liquid soap.

      Distance walked 13.7km
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    • Dag 10

      Padua Altstadt

      20 september 2021, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Nach einem italienischen Frühstück an der Basilika geht es weiter in die Innenstadt.

      Padua gefällt uns gut, mit vielen Laubengassen und vielen Palazzo.

      Heute scheint eine Abschlussfeier von Studenten zu sein. Viele laufen schick und die Studentinnen mit Blumenschmuck im Haar herum.

      Der Dom hat einige moderne Elemente die uns gut gefallen, ansonsten ist er eher schlicht im Gegensatz zu den Basilica‘s.

      Die Markthalle ist sehr schön, leider ist heute Montag und der große Saal darüber hat zu.

      Auch der botanische Garten ist heute geschlossen. Er ist einer der ältesten der Welt. Schade.

      So müssen wir wohl noch mal wieder kommen.
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    • Dag 17

      The Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua

      15 september 2018, Italië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      In my research of things to experience and see in Italy I came across the Scrovegni Chapel in Padova, Padua. It looked amazing and so close to Venice that it was worth a trip to see it.

      The Cappella degli Scrovegni, the Scrovegni Chapel (also known as the Arena Chapel), is a small church, adjacent to the Augustinian monastery, the Monastero degli Eremitani in Padua. The chapel and monastery are now part of the complex of the Museo Civico of Padua. The chapel contains a fresco cycle by Giotto, completed about 1305 and considered to be an important masterpiece of Western art.

      The chapel was built in 1305 by wealthy Italian banker Enrico Scrovegni. The young Scrovegni’s father had been a notorious userer, or purveyor of bad loans, charging so much interest as to crush those that owed him money. At the time this practice was considered so vile as to end someone’s soul in hell. Scrovegni’s father was so well-known for his illegal interest that he is even name-checked in Dante’s Divine Comedy as one of the souls in the Seventh Circle of Hell.

      The Scrovegni Chapel was built as a measure to atone for his father’s sins, and while the building itself is architecturally unremarkable, Scrovegni was able to retain the services of one of the most renowned artists of the time to decorate the interior. And the result is truly breathtaking. The largest element is extensive cycles showing the Life of Christ and the Life of the Virgin. The wall at the rear of the church, through which the chapel is entered, has a large Last Judgement. There are also panels in grisaille (monochrome) showing the Vices and Virtues.

      Like the Last Supper in Milan, the Scrovegni Chapel can only be visited under strict guidelines in order to protect this amazing work of art. We were unaware that we needed to prebook and were lucky enough to show up when there was a place available.

      The vivid colours, the stories told in the frescos, the beauty and depth of the “heavenly” combined with the “hellish” pieces, the contrasts, even the feeling whilst standing in the Chapel, all of it really made an impact on me. It was definitely worth the trip and is a place I will always remember.
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    Padova, Padua, بادوفا, Падуа, Pàdua, Padovo, Padoue, פאדובה, QPA, パドヴァ, პადუა, 파도바, Patavium, Padwa, Pádua, Падуя, Падова, Padoa, 帕多瓦

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