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    • Day 25 - Vatican City & Rome

      3 de agosto de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Today we woke up at 6am, we were feeling rather spiritual and needed our fix! Luckily I had organised an early morning tour of the Vatican before the trip!!
      We headed to the Vatican City where our tour started at 7.30am (public opening isn’t until 8.30am!) The tour was great, it wasn’t in your face religion that I was preparing myself for, instead it was how the Vatican City came to be, the artefacts they have found and saved through the centuries, how each pope decided on different things in the Vatican & mainly about the paintings and their stories behind said paintings. It also was the highlights tour - see everything that should be seen, if you want to brave the crowds after breakfast at 9.30am then do so at your own pace.
      We went into the Sistine Chapel and learnt about how Michelangelo painted the roof, then 25 years later a pope begged him to paint the Last Judgement piece on the wall. He put a lot of himself in this as he didn’t want to do the Last Judgement painting - so he put a pope going to Hell, he also did a self portrait of himself as his face on flayed skin held by St. Bartholomew precariously between heaven & Hell.

      After the provided breakfast at the Vatican (Italians can’t cook eggs but can make a great pancake) we made our way through the masses, we dodge, duck, dived and weaved through the crowd - it was humid too - so we skipped going back through most sites as once you’ve seen a few statues, you’ve seen enough of them in that heat! We went onto St. Peter’s Basilica through an entry point off the Sistine chapel the tour guide told us about so we didn’t have to line up for 3 hours!
      After a walk through that, Katie and I decided we had our fill of churches and religion so we headed back to the BnB (Yes Vatican didn’t disappoint - I saw 3 gift shops on the way out - no bobble head Jesus’s tho unfortunately) Before going back to the BnB, we made a stop to Knight’s of Malta keyhole that looks to a garden and perfectly framed Saint Peter’s Basilica. The keyhole is part of the property owned by the Priory of the Knights of Malta, a Roman Catholic religious order of crusader knights that originated in Jerusalem in the 11th century. It is the oldest surviving chivalric order in the world and is a sovereign entity under international law. The estate also hosts the embassy of the Order of Malta to Italy.

      After that we went back and rested from our travels this morning.

      Once rested and cooled, we made our way over to Trastevere for some lunch - Again a TikTok reviewed place was in order - We went to Trapizzino which is Italian street food, pretty much Pizza base with a filling inside, we also had a Suppli Classico starter that is Mozzarella and risotto style rice Depp fried. Super Healthy lunch - so we had to wash it down with a glass of wine!

      We ventured to Termini to see where we picked the car up as we didn’t feel great about trying to find it with luggage the next morning.

      Dinner was at Il Tagliere Toscano Navona, a sharing board of cheese and meat, we also made light work of of a bottle of Rose! This was another TikTok venture - Dad, this is my secret along with Insta!

      We then walked over to Frigidarium for more Gelato - this time there was a line but it moved quickly. We were served by the owner it seemed, he got Katie her Lemon & Liquorice flavours, I then asked for strawberry, couldn’t decide on the rest so he chose peach and yoghurt to go with it. It was amazing and I was very happy with this!

      We ventured on past the Pantheon again, this time closed so I showed Katie the boards outside and explained what she had missed due to the lines. It is still amazing on the outside as this has stood the test of time since what is presumed 126AD, as it was initially built somewhere between 27BC & 14AD but was made from wood and burnt down.

      We moved onto the Trevi fountain, took some photos and decided we were ready to head to the BnB, public transport doesn’t work like normal transport options it seems, busses turn up on their time and if they turn up. Took us 30-40minutes for a bus to finally go to near where we wanted but we made it back to the BnB safely which we were happy with!.
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    • Día 123

      Cat pancakes and Elisa Blu

      9 de septiembre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Sorry for the no post 🫶🏼
      Here is us back in Rome after I left my dad🥸
      Met scoutyyyy at the train station cuz she was staying close to there and we got the bus !!! Yes the bus the bus me and sara waited for hours and it didn’t come and when it did it dropped us at the bottom of the hill !!! All the way!! Yes yes all the way!!! To Pietro’s house !!! Insane I’m telling you. We met sara there and I hadn’t seen her for agessss so it was very nice 👍🏼

      Elisa Blu bullied us for 2 nights: here is us dressed in our winter outfits as her ‘little darlings’ and then we went out after and had an aperol because oh my we needed one.

      Here is us the next morning when scout slept over making pancakes ! We hugged the evil deva cat and scout said I was holding it wrong “Alex that’s not how you hold a cat” but when she picked it up it got mad so 🤷🏼‍♀️💅
      Then we made the pancakes which we made into cats - we made a competition on my Instagram as you can make a poll where your friends vote for who they like. I went for a whole body (a bit ambitious) but I did win 😇

      Then I gave scouttyyyy a haircut. We then missed the bus to the Vatican (Vati post coming) cuz I had to even her out a bit. Didn’t get time to do the bangs which may actually be a good thing- I have not cut bangs before. Also coming , the fact that I left those hairdressing scissors in my toiletries bag which did not end amazing but could have been worse …
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    • Día 17

      Chasing our last Rome sunset 🌅

      31 de julio de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      I got a book called 101 Fabulous Things to do in Rome and read that another great sunset was at a place called Janiculum Hill where the Garibaldi Monument is located. Along with alleyways, sunsets are my thing! There were vendors, music, and what looked like a small café at the top of this hill. It was quite the hike to get there, but well worth the 360 degree views of Rome. We identified some of the major sights like the Basilica, Pantheon, and Roman Forum. The sunset was beautiful and we stayed a little after to watch the skies change colors on either side of the monument and shaid cheers to our last Rome sunset.Leer más

    • Día 2

      Erster Tag in Rom ohne Plan

      12 de febrero, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Der Plan ist, einfach ohne Plan in Rom rumzustreunen. Denn jeder von uns war ja schon in Rom und hat alle must-see Lokations schon gesehen und den Eintritt brav gezahlt. Heute also mal nur rumlaufen, Espresso trinken und Atmosphäre aufsaugen. Das hat gut hingehauen, denn das einzige, was gereizt hätte, das archäologische Museum in der Villa Massimo, war am Rosenmontag, wie wohl immer montags?, geschlossen. Hätte man ahnen können… Von da aus also erstmal in den Villa Borghese - Park spazieren gehen. Und dann langsam und zu Fuß zurück durch die Stadt, bis wir wieder am Campo di fiori angekommen sind. Und unterwegs lauern links und rechts dann doch die Sehenswürdigkeiten, an denen man auch dann nicht vorübergehen kann, wenn man sie schon mal gesehen hat: die Spanische Treppe, der Parlamentsplatz, Piazza San Pietro mit der schönen Kirche dazu. Verflixt, heute wollten wir doch eigentlich nix machen, was an Sightseeing erinnert. Freu mich jedenfalls erstmal auf eine ganz einfache Pizza heute Abend.Leer más

    • Día 4

      Rom von oben!

      22 de octubre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nachdem wir uns kurz entspannt hatten sind wir noch einmal auf den Gianicolo Berg hoch(-gefahren).
      Von hier hatte man einen sehr schönen Blick auf Rom. 🌆
      Durch einen kleinen Park sind wir anschließend wieder runtergelaufen nach Trastevere. Einer meiner Lieblingsecken in Rom - und das trotz der vielen Menschen! 😵‍💫

      Ein Viertel aus ganz vielen kleinen süßen Gassen wo in jeder Ecke ein kleiner Krims-Krams Laden ist. Da wir schon relativ spät da waren waren sogar einige Läden schon richtig schön beleuchtet. So typisch italienisch halt!🇮🇹 es hat uns sehr gut gefallen, sodass ein Eis und Apérol natürlich nicht fehlen durften 🙈

      Auf dem Rückweg sind wir dann noch am Tiber entlang und haben auf den ein oder anderen Straßenmusiker getroffen. Der eine ruhige als der andere, manche besser manche schlechter, aber manchmal gab es auch große „Partys“ dabei. Eine schöne Stimmung! 🎶 - es hatte schon fast was von Paris!

      Kurz vor zuhause - wir kamen ja sowieso dran vorbei, hab es dann noch ein kleines Abendessen bei „La Vittoria“. Es hat wie immer mal wieder sehr gut geschmeckt!🍝

      Danach ging es dann aber wirklich auch heim und auf direktem Wege ins Bett.
      Touri sein, ist halt auch anstrengend 🥵

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    • Día 40

      Surviving Rome Heat

      2 de agosto de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today was all about the Coliseum, the Forum, and surviving the heat.

      We had our tour for the Coliseum starting at 10 this morning because we anticipated it would be hot in Italy and we figured to get done our tour before the hottest part of the day hit us. What we didn't expect back then was the whole day would be blazing hot. Before our tour even started it was flirting with 30 degree weather. In Mooney fashion, we decided to walk to the Coliseum from our apartment. About a 2.2 km walk. We got to see the Mouth of Truth and the Circus Maximus on our way so that was a bonus. Then we got to the Coliseum, found our tour guide person, took some pictures of the Coliseum and waited for the tour to start.

      I won't bore you with the details. We walked through the first and second levels, got a great history lesson and the headed over to the Forum where we started up on Palatine Hill and finished in the ruins of the Imperial Forum. So much great information. But.... sooooo hot. Not a lot of relief from the heat. Luckily Rome has water filling stations all through the city so we could always refill our water bottles when we ran out. But by the end we had some kids who weren't feeling well from the heat. So we took some breaks, got everyone nice and cool with water and we made our way back to our apartment to wait out the hottest part of the day.

      After a few hours, when the sun was starting to go down a bit, we set out to explore Trastevere. For the next couple of hours we walked around, went up a hill for some great city views, and then we made our way back home stopping at a great restaurant for supper where Caden decided to try Octopus for supper. That went better than I thought. Then it was back home with a quick stop to enjoy some live music before we went up to our apartment to settle in for the night.

      All in all it was a good day but we all feel the heat and the length of the trip and the mild longing for home starting to creep in is wearing on us a bit. It kind of takes the shine off of what we are experiencing. Not too much... but just a little.

      Ok. Off to bed and tomorrow we go to the Vatican. Thanks for tagging along.
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    • Día 7

      Ein bisschen hier ein bisschen da

      25 de octubre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nachdem der Kaffe wirkte, ging es für uns weiter Richtung Campo di fiori. Ein großer Markplatz an dem auch wirklich Markt war. Eine Mischung aus Touri- und einheimischen Markt.

      Zwischen jede Menge Obst und Gemüse gab es immer wieder Souvenir Stände. Bei dem Obst konnten wir nicht nein sagen und haben uns einen Becher Mango und Erbeere gegönnt. Es hat grandios geschmeckt! Hier im Süden sind die Früchte einfach nochmal leckerer!🥭🍓

      Nachdem wir auf dem Markt alles gesehen hatten und für uns etwas geshoppt hatten ging es dann weiter zur Caracalla Therme. Naja - das was davon noch übrig geblieben ist. Viele alte kaputte Steine eben🤷🏽‍♀️

      Die Caracalla Therme war früher ein riesiger Bade-Tempel. Mit mehreren Swimming-Pools und Schwitzkammern ähnelt es stark einer uns bekannten Therme. - sehr interessant wie ich finde, dass die alten Römer schon die Vorteile von Saunieren etc. kannten!💆🏽‍♀️

      Auf dem Rückweg ging es über den Zirkus Maximus zurück. Hier sind wir Mitten in eine Polizeit Vollsperrung geraten. Da die Polizia sehr frech nur meine „I don’t speak English“ verriet uns Google schließlich, dass der Papst am Kolloseum zum Friedensgebet geladen hatte. 🙏🏽
      Da wir genau an der Einfahrtsschleuse der „wichtigen“ Autos waren, entschlossen wir uns, uns mal wieder hinzusetzten und Menschen zu beobachten. 👀
      Wir hatten auf jeden Fall unseren Spaß - es war wie immer sehr lustig!

      Irgendwann ging es dann aber doch weiter - Diesesmal mit dem E-Scooter! Wir hatten beide keine Lust mehr zu laufen 🥴
      Ruckzuck waren wir dann bei der Santa Sabina.
      Eine mal etwas ganz ganz andere Kirche! Ausnahmsweise mal etwas schlichter und „ruhiger“. Ohne viel Prunk oder sowas. - viel schöner wie wir finden.🫶🏽

      Nach einer kleinen Runden über den Aventin ging es dann nochmal was essen und dann schlussendlich nach Hause. Hier haben wir kleine Baby-Kakteen gesehen, die anscheinend neu gepflanzt wurden! 😍 ich wollte noch fast einen mitnehmen, sie sahen so alleine dort aus 🥹

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    • Día 5

      4. TAG Rom

      25 de noviembre de 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Heute wirds herbstlich. Zwar Sonne und teilweise blauer Himmel, aber es weht ein kalter böiger Wind. Eine gute Ausrede um öfter mal in eins der unzähligen Caffee's und kleinen Restaurantes zu gehen. Der erste Stopp war aber ein Gemüsemarkt. Trotz des Windes ließen wir uns von einem netten Inder zu frisch gepressten O- und Granatapfelsaft überreden. Vorher wurden wir sehr gerne Opfer zweier geschäftstüchtiger Marktleuten, die uns allerlei lokalen Käse und Salami kredenzten. Gott sei Dank ist unsere Transportkapazität aufgrund des Rucksackes der am Münchner Bahnsteig zurückgelassen wurde, begrenzt. Der Weg führt uns weiter vorbei an geschichtsträchtigen Bauten, in die kulinarische Gegenwart: zu ein Bauernmarkt mit lokalen Produkten. Ohne Cappuccino und Frühstück ein fataler Plan. Nachdem wir uns durch die ersten Stände mit Rollbraten Panini, Fucacca und Dolce durchgefressen haben, war Olivenöl Verkostung angesagt. Dank 2x5 Liter war Julias Lenkerkörbchen randvoll und der Weg zu unserem Domizil unumgänglich. Dort wurde natürlich gleich das eben erstandene
      probiert. Weißwein stand ja noch im Kühlschrank und so hätte der Vormittag schön enden können. Meine gnadenlose Frau drängt aber schon wieder weiter.
      Die geplante Cappuccino Fahrt zum gestern Abend entdecken alten Gasspeicher, was wir als Graffiti Area hielten, war nur eine lange Radtour mit vielen Umwegen. Zurück on der Innenstadt wurde erst mal Ausschau nach einem Rucksack gehalten. Der äußerst beeindruckende Brunnen Fontana di Trevi, welcher so mitten in der Stadt, umgeben vom strahlend weißen Marmor eher einem Wasserfall gleicht, war eine Belohnung. Die vielen kleinen Kirchen verlocken immer wieder einen Blick ins Innere zu werfen und sich auf zu wärmen. Zum Abschluss wird der Rucksack gleich auf Größe und Tauglichkeit getestet. Heute wird daheim gekocht - hoff ich. Ich versteck vorsichtshalber den Wein, langsam krieg ich Hunger.
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    • Día 39

      It's Off to Rome We Go

      1 de agosto de 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Today was the day we go to Rome. The final leg of our journey. The last stretch.

      To be honest, the day wasn't looking so good. We got up, finished packing, went to the train station, ate some breakfast, caught our train and headed to Rome. Pretty standard. We were worried our train was going to be late because another train coming out of Rome hit a "large animal " and it was causing major delays. But our train was coming from the Milan direction and so it was only a few minutes behind schedule.

      We had made arrangements with the apartment people that we would be at the place between 1:30 and 2 to check in. We were supposed to arrive in Rome at 12:30 so I thought I had factored in enough buffer time to account for any delays. In the end, we arrived just after 1 and with the time it took to figure out transport, then take the transport, and the walk the 10 minutes to our place, we got there just before 2.

      The apartment is huge. It is located in the Trastevere neighborhood which is a cool little neighborhood but not super accessible via public transport. And once again it was hot. After we got checked in and unpacked, everyone was already tired. We still had to run out to a grocery store to get some supplies so Jen, Caden and I made the trek in the heat to get the necessities.

      It was so hot I started to wonder.... is that it for today? What a waste.

      We stayed in the apartment for awhile and when the sun had started to go down, we decided to head into the heart of the city. Jen planned a route and we just stared walking. And can I say this turned out to be the most fun we have had. We would walk and then pop out at some super famous landmark. Then walk some more and poof, there is another one. We stopped at McDonald's to get drinks and use the bathroom and then more walking. The heat was fine when you are in the shade of all the buildings. In the end we saw the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain the Spanish steps, Piazza Navona, and lots more. Really good street musicians, saw cool street artists, had great Gelato, and it was wonderful just to take in the energy of the city at night.

      So in the end it was one of our best days. And just for fun, I turned on the GPS of my watch to see our path. I wish I would have done it more. It was cool to see.

      So now it's off to bed with our coliseum tour tomorrow. Chow for now.
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    • Día 12

      Rom Trastevere

      23 de agosto de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute sind wir erst gegen Mittag losgekommen. Erst mal zum Circo Massimo (größter Circus im antiken Rom) und dann zum Pantheon. gegen Abend sind wir nach Trasteverere gefahren, dem flippigen Boheme-Viertel mit traditionellen und trendigen Trattorias und Kunsthandwerksläden. hier hat es uns dann noch öfters hingezogen. Auf dem Nachhauseweg lauschten wir den Klängen eines guten Straßenmusikers.Leer más

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