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    • Día 15

      La Spezia

      25 de julio de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Vandaag staat de rest van Cinque Terre op het progamma!

      Eigenlijk zou ik vandaag moeten vertrekken, maar ik heb gister mijn verblijf met een dag verlengd.

      Izzy en ik vertrekken vandaag om 08:00 naar Cinque Terre.

      Het eerste dorpje van vandaag is Corniglia.
      Om in het dorpje te lopen moet je een trap van 382 tredes beklimmen. Het koppel uit New York heeft ons verteld dat dit een erg zware wandeling is van 30 minuten lang, zij hebben tussendoor drie keer moeten stoppen.

      Voor de wandeling houdt ik mijn hart vast.
      Uiteindelijk duurde het 10 minuten om naar boven te komen.
      Niets bijzonder aan.

      We wandelen wat door Coniglia en zien de mooiste uitzichten.

      Vervolgens nemen we de trein naar Manarola.
      Ik denk dat dit mijn favoriete plek is in Cinque Terre.
      Hier kan je absoluut prachtige uitzichten vinden.
      In het dorp lunchen we en genieten van het uitzicht.

      (Iets wat mij opvalt is dat de helft van de mensen welke hier rond loopt nederlands spreekt.
      Izzy vind mij maar sociaal tegen iedereen)

      Vervolgens vertrekken we naar Monterosso.
      Hier zwemmen we de rest van de middag.

      Om 19:30 gaan we door naar Riomaggiore.
      Het doel is om de zonsondergang te zien.
      We halen eten, vanavond staat er vis op het progamma.
      We klimmen vervolgens over rotsen om het mooiste uitzicht te krijgen.

      Helaas wordt het precies op dit moment bewolkt dus er valt weinig van de zonsondergang te zien.
      Ondanks dit hebben we een prachtig uitzicht over het dorp en de zee.

      Om 22:00 nemen we aanstalten om naar huis te gaan.
      Op het station komen we nog wat dronken mensen van het hostel tegen waar we mee kletsen terwijl we op de trein wachten.

      Onderweg naar het hostel halen we nog een ijsje. Wie krijgt er nou genoeg van Italiaans ijs?
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    • Día 5

      Cinque Terre, aber nur 4 bereist!!

      4 de mayo, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute starten wir um 9.00 Uhr mit dem Shuttlebus vom Campingplatz nach Levanto. Dort haben wir uns eine Tageskarte für Cinque Terre gekauft. Wir hatten uns überlegt, erstmal bis Riomaggiore zu fahren und dann Etappenweise zurück. Da Reinhard gestern seinen Sweater mit Fett vollgespritzt hatte, haben wir einen Waschsalon gefunden und ihn gewaschen. Nach 30 Minuten haben wir ihn aus der Maschine geholt und über den Rucksack getrocknet. Ich habe auch schnell meine Jacke und mein Tuch, mit in die Maschine getan.😊 Nach einem leckeren Pistaziencrossont und einen Cappu sind wir mit dem Zug nach Manarola gefahren. Auch durch dieses Örtchen sind wir gelaufen und anschließend sind wir mit dem Zug nach Vernazza gefahren. Hier sind wir zum Wanderweg nach Monterosso del Mare aufgestiegen. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein und ca der Mittagszeit haben wir viele Treppen und Aufstiege gemacht. Ich habe weit oben im Wald noch die Begrenzung des Weges gesehen und dachte, da oben hoch und am Ende ja auch wieder runter, das machen meine Knie nicht mit. Für Reinhard war es auch zu anstrengend, so daß wir unsere Wanderung abbrachen und den Weg zurück zum Dorf gingen. Dann sind wir mit dem Zug nach Monterosso al Mare gefahren. Dort habe ich einen Lemonspritz getrunken....das merkte ich dann auch..
      Um 18.00 Uhr waren wir wieder in Lavento und da kam auch schon der Shuttlebus vom Campingplatz. Eigentlich waren wir für 19.00 Uhr in der Liste eingetragen, aber es waren noch 2 Plätze frei. Am Campingplatz wollten wir was aus der Küche essen, aber die machte erst in 1 Std. auf. So habe ich dann schnell Tortellini gemacht und dann sind wir heute früh ins Bett. Muskelkater und lahme Beine nach ca 13.500 Schritten, ist ja kein Wunder!
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    • Día 8


      30 de marzo, Italia ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Eine knapp fünf Minuten mit dem Zug entfernte Station - Manarola war unser nächster Halt. Durch einen Tunnel gelangten wir zu Fuss vom Bahnhof zum Dorf. Dort führte uns eine belebte Gasse zum Meer. Wir entschieden uns etwas kleines zu Essen. In einem kleinen Bistro genossen wir ein sehr leckeres und grosses Pesto Bruschetta und zwei Aperol Spritz. Danach spazierten wir über einen Steinweg zum nahegelegenen Viewpoint. Von hier hatten wir einen schönen Ausblick auf Manarola.Leer más

    • Día 3


      29 de abril, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Am frühen Nachmittag verlassen wir die Toskana in Richtung Ligurien. An La Spezia vorbei machen wir uns auf den Weg nach Manarola. Hier angekommen, gönnen wir uns eine Kaffeepause und begutachten die Scharen an Pilgerer auf ihrem unaufhaltsamen Feldzug zur Aussichtsplattform. Das hausgemachte Eis versüßt uns diesen Anblick.

      Um dem mittaglichen Touri-Schwächenanfall entgegenzuwirken, haben wir uns für Brotzeit bei schönstem Blick auf Manarola zur linken und Sonnenuntergang zur rechten Seite entschieden. Die neidischen Blicke geben uns die nötige Bestätigung, etwas abseits der üblichen Ströme zu schwimmen.
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    • Día 35

      Our Epic Day in the Cinque Terre

      28 de julio de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today was one of the days we have been really looking forward to. The Cinque Terre. 5 little villages built into the hills of the Italian Riviera of the Mediterranean. What is there not to love?

      We bought a Cinque Terre Train Card that gives us unlimited travel from La Spezia through all the towns as well as access to the trekking paths (the walk between the towns that we didn't do)

      We started out taking the train to the farthest village, Monterosso. Every village was so different. This one was more spread out so there was very little vertical climbing unless you wanted to get into where the houses were. We walked up and down the marina and then we got into the Mediterranean for a good long swim. It was awesome. It was already 25 C outside by 9 am so we knew it was going to be a hot one and we wanted to start off the day in the water before it got too busy.

      After our swim and a little shopping, we were back in the train to head to the neighbor village of Vernazza. This village was quite a bit smaller that lead down to this circular marina. Very picturesque. It was here we took a little detour up into the trekking trail to get some good shots of the city from up on high. After a little for exploring and relaxing we headed to the next town of Corniglia.

      By now the heat is starting to affect us. This village is unique as it doesn't have a marina and the town is at the top of a hill. You have 2 options, wait for a little bus to take you up...or... do it the Mooney way and take the stairs. So, we took the Mooney way. After the stairs we were hot and tired. The path takes you to a little square that doesn't have much and you have to take some side path to get to the centro or city centre. All the other towns so far just took you there easily so it took us a little bit of time to find the secret entrance.

      Once we found it, our next action was to find food. We stopped at a cute little pizzeria that specializes in pizza and sandwiches on foccaci bread. It was delicious and just what we needed. We kept walking through the town to their scenic terrace at the edge of the town with views of the Mediterranean and the neighboring town. Then it was back through the town and to take the stairs back down (it is the Mooney way) and back in the train. This time, we skipped the next town and got down to the first town of Riomaggiore.

      In this town, you get off the train and walk through a long tunnel to get the town. This town had a marina and the town extended far up the hill. We walked really far up, stopped for some Gelato, and got some great pictures. Then we walked back down and headed to the rocky Marina. Some of the kids wanted to get wet again and a couple wanted to work on their tans. I saw some kids cliff jumping nearby and thought my kids would like to do it. The tanners were not that keen as they didn't want to get wet. So I convinced the swimmers to come check it out with me. Once the tanners saw the swimmers go... then they decided to come to. I think they were nervous but if they all went together and the sacrificial first jumper survived, then maybe they would do it to. So we worked our way up to the top of the Rock, watched some little kids jumping off and I convinced all of them to do it to. So all my kids went cliff jumping in the Cinque Terre. That will be a cool memory for them.

      Afterwards, we made our way back to the town center, got some more Gelato (didn't I already say how hot it was... it was definitely a 2 Gelato day) and then we were off to the last village, Manarola.

      We kept this one till last because the hope was it was larger then a lot of the other one so we would spend some time there and then have a nice supper. But man..... was it hot. We started at the marina. It was packed with swimmers and sun bathers and there as a cliff side path that would take you to some scenic views of the town and the sea. So we hiked up there, got some great pictures and then made our way back to the city centre. Nobody was interested in swimming again so we walked up the hill into the city. We ended up not finding a suitable place to eat and by now we were all pretty tired and sweaty. So we intended to head back to our place in La Spezia, clean up, change clothes, and head back to the Cinque Terre for supper. In reality, we got all cleaned up and decided to stay in. We cooked some pasta, drank some coke, and spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the place and preparing for our trip to Florence.

      The Cinque Terre was everything we hoped it would be and the kids had fun. I am glad we came. Next is 3 days in Florence so there is still lots to look forward to. And in a week from now we will be heading home. So with that I will sign off. Thanks for being on this journey with us.
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    • Día 41

      Cinque Terre: Corniglia - Manarola Hike

      14 de septiembre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      When people say it's picture perfect, it really is picture perfect. Wow! I spent my day with Julianne :) she's such a cool person, worked in Mexico for 6 months and Hawaii for a year!

      We started our day off early because the weather man said we were expecting rain (never trust the weather man!) Our hike was phenomenal with perfect views. We got to see the water and hike through vineyards. It was HOT. I was drenched in sweat so I was ready for a swim when we got to Manarola!

      (Also met a Canadian guy from Hamilton on the trail! Small world!)
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    • Día 4

      Cinque Terre

      11 de octubre de 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After another lovely breakfast, this time al fresco at Villa Rosmarino, we set off towards Tuscany. On the way we planned to stop to visit the Cinque Terre. After an hour's drive we turned off the motorway and spent about 30 minutes driving down, then up and down again song some very very windy roads before ending up at Monterosso, the first of the 5 villages.

      We found a car park and then wandered along the sea front. It really was very bustling and not for the first time we were glad that we were visiting in October and not July!

      After a pit stop for a small beer and a comfort break, we eventually decided that we would take a ferry along the coast to one of the other villages, in this case Manarola. We travelled along the coast, stopping at Vernazza, and passing Corniglia before arriving at the drop off point.

      The weather had definitely taken a turn for the better from yesterday with warm sun and calm conditions. On arriving at Manarola, we explored the village. Again, the village was very busy with tourists exploring the gift shops and having an Italian version of fish and chips. We didn't have much time, but I had a gelato while Ed had a beer before we headed for the railway station to catch the train back to Monterosso. The train travels right along the coast although mostly in tunnels.

      On getting back to Monterosso we located the car and then started on the journey of about 170 miles to our next stop near San Gimignano in Tuscany, arriving just as the sun was setting.
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    • Día 33

      Cinque Terre (Days 1 & 2)

      7 de septiembre de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      What we did:
      - We arrived at Manarola (the town in which we were staying) at midday after taking a taxi at 6am from our hotel in Taormina, then a flight from Catania to Pisa, and then three trains to get to Manarola. We had reserved a hostel for our stay, but once we checked into the the hostel they informed us that they upgraded us to an apartment. It was awesome! Big apartment with great views of the Main Street and harbor of Manarola, with a washing machine to boot! Safe to say this was one of our favorite lodging situations of the trip thus far!
      - After some brief research, we took off on the hike from Manarola to Corniglia (roughly 2 hours). Halfway through the hike, after climbing through backyards, steep inclines, vines, lots of bugs, rundown paths, no views, and not seeing a single person within the first hour and a half, we discovered we may have taken the wrong route. Not to worry though, we met up with the “right” path and proceeded tn have amazing views of vineyards and the Mediterranean on the remainder of the hike down to Corniglia.
      - After strolling through Corniglia, Trent found an awesome ocean front bar for us to grab a drink at. It was VERY hot that day, temps are 95 degrees, no clouds, and little wind coupled with a good amount of hiking had us really looking forward to this drink. Bar was awesome but there was little shade and lots of sun, so we couldn’t stay too long or we may have left larger puddles of sweat than we already had.
      - Took the bus and train back to Manarola and watched the sunset from our balcony. We then went to a fun pizzeria that Doug and Sally had gone to during their visit, and headed home for an early bedtime!
      - Woke up on day two ready to hike the Blue Trail from Corniglia through Vernazza to Monterosso. Grabbed a quick breakfast from the takeout version of our same pizzeria restaurant from the night before. Hopped on the train to Corniglia and started our hike! Had great views of each of the towns, mountains, and sea this day. Stopped midway between Corniglia and Vernazza at a bar that is located at the highest point of the Blue Trail. Trent grabbed us some smoothies and we had amazing views of a very sparkly Mediterranean Sea!
      - We continued our hike down to Vernazza and walked around the town a bit before grabbing poke bowls to go. We were a bit tired of Italian sandwiches and big Italian meals so decided to switch it up a bit and get poke bowls for lunch and eat them near the Vernazza harbor.
      - We then proceeded to continue our hike from Vernazza to Monterosso. Great hike but not for the faint of heart if you’re not up for some stairs and inclines! Reached Monterosso and grabbed some gelato before jumping on the ferry to take us back to Manarola. Had some good views of the coastline and each of the towns that make up Cinque Terre!
      - We stopped back at the apartment to change and then hit a good swimming spot near Manarola. The very refreshing, salty, and clear Mediterranean Sea strikes again as great for swimming!
      - Trent then picked us up some pizza from the pizzeria that we grabbed dinner at the night before and breakfast that morning, yes very unoriginal but all good. We had pizza and white wine while we watched the sunset from our balcony and people watched until it was dark. Hit the hay early to get up for an early morning train to Nice.

      What we ate:
      - Airport breakfast: Steph really wanted McDonald’s but it was in the international terminal so had to settle with a Sicilian food - prosciutto sandwich and arancini (Steph was sad because they gave her the wrong type of arancini).
      - McDonald’s at train station for lunch (no other explanation needed…)
      - Marina di Corniglia: Aperol Spritzes and some nuts, olives, and pretzel snackies!
      - Il Porticciolo Dinner: 2 side salads, Trent got a white fish plate and Steph got the Salsiciccia pizza (pesto, sausage, mozzarella, and tomato sauce) and split a bottle of Montelccino red wine. Pizza won this dinner!
      - Il Porticciolo Takeout Breakfast: 2 cappuccinos, one ham sandwich for Trent, and a berry croissant and donut for Steph.
      - Bar Il Gabbiano: two fruit smoothies as a hiking break
      - Organic Poke Vernazza: poke bowls with salmon, tuna, avocado, and mango!
      - Gelateria La Scogliera: strawberry, lemon, and blackberry gelato. Voted out least favorite gelato of the trip, but still very good!
      - Il Porticciolo Takeout Dinner: Prosciutto and Burrata pizza, and Gorgonzola, walnut, truffle pizza. Local bottle of white wine.

      Fun facts:
      - Cinque Terre is a UNESCO protected site.
      - Part of the blue trail (which goes through all 5 towns) was impacted by several landslides over 10 years ago. This was supposed to be fixed by 2023, but as of now you cannot complete the whole blue trail due to closures between Corniglia and Manarola, and Manarola and Riomaggiore and must take “detours” to hike through most of the towns.
      - This may be our favorite Italian destination…
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    • Día 6–8

      Von Prevo nach Manarola

      16 de noviembre de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück sind wir bei der Lodge oberhalb von Corniglia wieder losgestapft. Ziel: Manarola. Das letzte Dörfchen, in dem wir übernachten werden. Über Stock und Stein, viiiiele Stufen, durch einen knorrigen Eichenwald und schließlich entlang der Weinberge an der Küste führte uns der Weg. 2,5 Stunden laut Karte. Wir haben gute 5 gebraucht. Aber das hatten wir schon eingerechnet. Bergab ging es wieder über unzählige Stufen, immer das Meer und Manarola voraus. Sehr hungrig kamen wir an und haben gleich im nächsten Bistro, das trotz Winterpausen reihum offen hatte, ordentlich gefuttert. Jetzt heißt es wieder Beine hoch, Füße entspannen. Und mal sehen, ob wir morgen tatsächlich wie geplant noch eine Tageswanderung nach Riomaggiore machen... Der Zug fährt ja auch.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Cinque Terre , Ligurien

      8 de noviembre de 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Mit dem Zug geht's heute nach Cinque Terre. Fünf alte Dörfer, an die Steilhänge der Riviera di Levante geklebt. Sehr bunt, sehr malerisch, sehr steil. Leider sind die meisten Wanderwege zwischen den Dörfern wegen des Unwetters vor zwei Wochen gesperrt. Wir bewegen uns deshalb mit dem Zug von einem Dorf zum anderen. Echt schade. Trotzdem machen wir so einige Höhenmeter 🥵. Eine traumhaft schöne Küste ☀️Leer más

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