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    • Day 8

      Hiking from Corniglia to Manarola

      October 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Our last hiking day, tomorrow we fly home to Berlin. Once again we used the train for the journey to our starting point. We started at Corniglia, the village is on the mountain and we hat to gain 100 meter on altitude before reaching the village Centre. I think Corniglia ist the most picturesque village from the 5 villages on the Cinque Terre Tour. After a small break it was once again a steep accent with one step following the next until we reached the altitude of 433 meters. After that it was a lovely walk through vine yards , with a great view of the coast line and Corniglia. We made a stop in the village of Volastra before we took to the very steep decent into Manarola. The path was steep but the view of the village of Manarola was breathtaking. After a short walk through the village it was back on the train to Bonassola. Well that was a fantastic week in the Ligurien and we visited every village on the Cinque Terre, it was just out of this worldRead more

    • Day 5


      March 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute standen die nächsten beiden Cinque Terre Orte auf unserem Plan: Manarola und Riomaggiore. Corniglia sparen wir uns fürs nächste Mal auf, zwei Orte an einem Tag sind genug.

      Mit der Bahn ging es wieder in schneller Fahrt von unserem Standort in Levante nach Manarole. Der Zug war pünktlich, die gestrige verspätete Heimfahrt war wohl eine Ausnahme. Manarola ist mindestens genauso schön wie Vernazza, vielleicht sogar noch ursprünglicher und da nicht so überlaufen, auch wesentlich gemütlicher.

      Zunächst gings natürlich wie in allen Orten zunächst vom Bahnhof hinunter zum kleinen Hafen. Dann machten wir uns aber auf, ein kleines Stück auf dem Rundweg um den hübschen Ort mitten durch die kleinen Weinberge, die sich immer wieder mit Zitronenplantagen abwechseln.

      In unserem Reiseführer hatten wir von einem sehr empfehlenswerten Restaurant gelesen, etwas abseits und ziemlich weit oben in der Stadt. Das "Dal Billy" war den Aufstieg auf jeden Fall wert, denn meine Riesengarnelen und Monis frischer Fisch waren vom Feinsten. Dazu der lokale Cinque Terre Vino, wir haben hervorragend gegessen :-)
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    • Day 24

      Daytrip to Cinque Terre

      September 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Morning train ride from Firenze via Pisa to La Spezia for a day trip to Cinque Terre. First stop - Manarola for a Pesto class, wine, and lunch at Nessun Dorma. Fantastic experience and it got very messy with the mortar and pestle as we made our own Pesto. Fresh basil, salt, garlic, pecorino cheese, and olive oil...Bellisima. This went perfectly with the prosciutto, breads and Cheeses, not to mention, the perfectly matched wines.
      Now at Montorossi El Mare for a swim and sun time. 30 Euro for an umbrella and 2 chairs for the day. Nowhere near as many staps as yesterday in Tuscany....more relax and foodie time.
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    • Day 33 - 5 Terre

      August 11, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today is planned to be somewhat of a big day, 30 degrees is on the cards and we plan to visit the 5 Cinque Terre villages (We are staying in the fourth village from the South)

      We had our muesli in our room as no breakfast at this hotel provided, headed to the train station to buy our Cinque Terre Card for the train & trails for the day.
      First Village was Manarola, we grabbed a coffee here and a freshly made donut then had a walk around the village. We were waiting for 10.30am as we had a pesto making class at Nessus Dorma. We got to the pesto making class and the view was incredible, overlooked the whole village while you were perched on the edge of the hill.
      We started the pesto class and learnt some new things on making pesto, I’ll still freak out in the kitchen no doubt though!
      Simon the owner and who took the cooking class gave us the story of how this restaurant came to be - the mayor wanted people to email him their visions for the piece of land as it was nicknamed ‘the desert’ by the locals, no one went up there or used the space because it was so hot, despite the lovely views. His vision was a restaurant, not being able to book in months in advance, not paying top dollar for yuck food, pesto making classes with fresh bread and a sharing board to go with. 3 people wrote to the mayor and he got picked. 10 years on and you can book the pesto classes in advance, but for food from 4pm you need to have the app and check in and hope you get a spot to come and eat & drink here.
      The pesto class was amazing, the lunch was great and we all got a small bottle of wine to take away as well.

      After the cooking class and feeling a little bit more joyful from the wine we moved onto the next village - Riomaggiore. I needed to us the restroom at the station and seeing it’s free for the Cinque Terre Card holders we made sure to use the free ones. I told Katie to wait in the shade, and as we left the station we started walking up a hill thinking this is the way to town… weirdly not many people around. Once up the hill we needed to manoeuvre a lot of stairs down. We walked down and found the village’s swimming spot (ours is better) and then headed for the central area of the village. As we walked up the steps of the central area I noticed a tunnel to the station, if we had noticed this at the start it would of saved the long climb up the hill and all the stairs… Katie and I thankfully laughed it off.

      After seeing the central area of the village we trained to Monterosso, the furthest north village of Cinque Terre, this also has the largest beach area of all the villages. There are a-lot of beach beds and umbrellas you can rent here for the day. We got some gelato as the heat was starting to get to us and a walk around the village looking into the occasional shop.

      We left Monterosso and headed back to Vernazza to have a swim and cool off.

      After a swim, a bit of a relax we wanted to see the last Village of Cinque Terre, Corniglia. This is a village with a population of 150 people and unlike other villages not directly adjacent to the sea. We got off the train and tried to catch the bus to the village, this resulted in me seeing favourite tourists being classy as always… everyone for themselves and who cares where you were in line, I am more important than anyone… so we weren’t allowed on the bus as it was full as two people in front of us were about to get on. So we walked up. Great idea until Katie saw the stairs… Katie was thrilled with this, I have never heard her so verbal and passionate about something! By the time we got to the top, Katie made sure she knew where the bus stop was for the ride down.
      We had a quick look through the village, mainly consisting of one lane and at the end an impressive view of the ocean and the other villages.
      We decided we would head back to Vernazza for dinner, we got the bus to the station, yes I made sure we made it on and no stuffs given for others as they were pushing to get on the bus.

      We got back to Vernazza, we ordered some takeaway pizza, I ran up the 64 steps to our room and grabbed the essentials… wine! We went and sat on a look out behind the church and watched the sunset while eating dinner and drinking the wine we brought in Tuscany.

      After dinner I convinced Katie seeing we had the trail card for the day, let’s go see the village from the trail - picture attached and it was an amazing view! We walked back down with phone light helping us to see the steps. We had to have another gelato to say we tried all the gelato (one shop left now!) and headed for our room.
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    • Day 4–5

      Cinque Terre

      February 20 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Früh morgens machten wir uns auf den Weg nach La Spezia. Von unserem hübschen und außerordentlich günstigen Hotel ging es mit der Bahn in 3 der 5 Terre. Als im Fenster der Bahn das Meer erschien ging ein Raunen durch die Menge, wie bei einem Feuerwerk 🎆
      1. Riomaggiore: Erdbeeren snacken, dabei einen kleinen Regenschauer abwarten und die Aussicht genießen
      2. Vernazza: Tolle Fußgängerzone, kleine Gässchen, Focaccia, Gelato und Qwixx spielen am Wasser bei strahlender Sonne
      3. Manarola: Berühmt für Fotos vom Sonnenuntergang den wir von einer geheimen Ecke nach kleinem Aufstieg in Ruhe genießen konnten (es lohnt sich vor den Touris zu flüchten, sagt bescheid wenn ihr den Standort braucht :)
      Nachdem wir, zurück in La Spezia, lange nach dem passenden Ristorante gesucht haben (leider keine Küche in der Unterkunft), die Gesamte Fußgängerzone hoch und runter gelaufen sind, mussten wir uns leider mit mittelmäßiger Pasta zufrieden geben (Ania: 😢). La Spezia ist also kein gastronomische Highlight.
      Jetzt gut ausruhen und morgen den schiefen Turm wieder gerade rücken 🏗️
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    • Day 16

      Cinque Terre

      April 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nach dem Gewitter in Genua wird das Wetter besser und an meinem Zielort Levanto scheint schon wieder die Sonne.
      Am nächsten Tag ist das Wetter dann perfekt zum Wandern.
      Die fünf Dörfer der Cinque Terre sind im 20-Minuten-Takt per Zug zu erreichen. Die vielen Zügen sind auch nötig für die vielen Touristen. Für Autos ist kaum Platz in den Dörfern.
      Der Zugstreik in Italien an diesem Tag gilt zum Glück nicht für meinen Zug und so kann ich zum entferntesten Dorf Riomaggiore fahren. Von dort wandere ich an der Küste entlang an allen fünf Dörfer vorbei bis Monterosso. Für das letze Stück nach Levanto nehme ich dann wieder den Zug, 16 km und ca. 1000 Höhenmeter sind erstmal genug. Zwischen und in den Dörfern muss man viel rauf und runter, oft über alte Steintreppe. Zum ersten Mal auf dieser Reise ist es richtig warm und bergauf komme ich ordentlich ins Schwitzen. Nach sechs Stunden wandern kühle ich meine Füße im Mittelmeer.
      Die Wanderwege sind wunderschön und deshalb leider auch gut besucht. Ein bisschen fühle ich mich an Portugal erinnert, aber mit Weinbergen statt roten Klippen.
      Ich höre viel Französisch und Deutsch, aber auch Sprachen die ich nicht zuordnen kann.
      Weil es so schön war und das Wetter stabil bleibt, verlängere ich spontan um eine Nacht, damit ich noch eine Wanderung machen kann.
      Für die zweite Wanderung starte ich von Levanto und laufe nach Vernazza, dem zweiten Dorf der Cinque Terre.
      Hier sind weniger Leute unterwegs, aber einsam ist es nicht. Auf manchen Abschnitten sehe sehr viele Eidechsen bzw ich höre meist nur das Rascheln.
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    • Day 5

      5 terre Lovestory IV

      August 30, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Manarola: hier ist es schon schöner aber auch voller Touristen. Die Sonne saugt unsere Energie vollständig auf und lässt unsere Shirts vollständig nass werden. Nun sitzen wir hier elendig am Bahnhof und fragen uns warum wir das machen. Liebe Fans das ist nur für euch!
      Wir haben kaum noch Wasser, aber uns geht’s ziemlich gut.
      Wenn wir hier so sitzen fällt uns auf, dass wir keine Bilder mit dem Handy gemacht haben also gebt euch mit einem feinen Bild von unseren Füßen zufrieden. Bis gleich (nur noch eine Station!!!)
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    • Day 50

      Cinque Terre

      October 22, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Ever since we saw the pictures of Cinque Terre that have recently become popular on the internet we knew we had to go there even if it meant taking 3 train transfers!

      Consisting of 5 villages on the Italian coast that make up "Cinque Terre" we decided to split our time by staying in Manarola and Corniglia. We enjoyed the beautiful views from the amazing Airbnb we rented in Manarola and got a little sun bathing and swimming in at Corniglia!

      We also hiked to Riomaggiore one day which took about 1.5 hours where we got a panoramic view of Cinque Terre. Exploring the villages was fun as each had its own character and feel.

      Cinque Terre definitely had some amazing sunsets as well which we won't forget!
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    • Day 4

      Gorgeous Cinque Terre

      August 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      After 3 hours sleep we got the train to Cinque Terre and wow what an amazing place!! We were shattered so managed 2/5 of the towns that eve before crashing but still did all the steps up to Corniglia and the beach place Monterosso for a lil pizza and ice cream. Then an amaaaaazing sleep in an air conditioned private room 😍😍😍 next day got up early to go to the shop to get stuff for breakfast and lunch (£4 for it all we are saver queens) then headed back to Monterosso to start our hike. It was sweaaaty and we struggled at first but the views of Vernazza made it definitely worth it!!! A swim was needed before eating our amazing focaccia sandwiches and hopping onto the train to Manarola. This place was again beautiful and we watched people jumping off rocks before we stopped for a coke to cool down (€5 not quite budget queen behaviour :/ ) also got told we couldn’t play cards because it’s illegal in Italy ??? We were baffed just let me play shithead 😭 onto the final town of Riomaggiore for a mooch and a smaller walk to play where’s wallie with the people and colourful umbrellas!! Decided we fancied another meal of bread and cheese (what can beat it) and a sunset swim followed by people watching!! Then it was time to say goodbye to Cinque Terre but we’ll both be back (again with more money- finding there’s a bit of a theme with Italy). Now at the train station where we keep getting told our overnight train is more and more delayed :( will see if we make it to Pompeii!Read more

    • Day 22

      Cinque Terre National Park

      June 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Into Cinque Terre where we went to three towns in a day! So fun and so beautiful! Locals here are nice too, we got lost and wanted food so they walked us 15 mins to their favorite takeaway home stole place an date with us🥹🥹 We all had “local dishes” like octopus pasta and pesto which was invented in this area! So good we watched the sunset and got in the water, then took the train to see a nighttime town. Then it was time to leave, I will come back :(Read more

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