Almost ending
June 8, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 34 °CWe headed to Rome for a great day, it’s nice to revisit places you’ve been before and then just enjoy wandering about and seeing where you end up. The huge statue near the port is calledRead more
We headed to Rome for a great day, it’s nice to revisit places you’ve been before and then just enjoy wandering about and seeing where you end up. The huge statue near the port is calledRead more
Un célèbre romain à dit un jour "le véritable cœur de Rome n'est pas dans le marbre du sénat mais dans le sable du colisee" (big up a ceux qui trouvent la réf 😘)
Et maaaaan Dieu que c'est beau !
Irre. Diese Stadt macht uns sprachlos. Mit dem Sightseeing Bus bekommt man die volle Dröhnung an Kultur. An jeder Ecke gibt es etwas zu sehen. Hinter jeder Kurve wartet ein noch schöneres BauwerkRead more
La leyenda de Rómulo y Remo
Dice la leyenda que Ascanio, hijo del héroe troyano Eneas (hijo de Venus y de Anquises), habría fundado la ciudad de Alba Longa sobre la orilla derecha del río Tíber.Read more
In Rom angekommen, geht es für uns zunächst einmal zum ersten Pflichthalt unseres Landausfluges – zum Kolosseum.
Dabei ist es faszinierend, den Ausführungen unserer heutigen Reiseleiterin zuRead more
This arch was built in 70 A.D. After the Romans defeated the Israelites and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. They brought 50,000 Israelites back to Rome as slaves and made them build this arch andRead more
When we were in Rome last year we visited the Colosseum but it was extremely busy and we had little time to view and appreciate the surrounding areas. This time we enjoyed walking around the entireRead more
Heute haben wir uns ein wenig vorbereitet und den Vorortzug gleich zum Kolosseum genommen. Genauer, es waren noch zwei Metrostationen ab dem Bahnhof. Raus aus der Metro und rein in die Händler undRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Tempio di Venere e Roma, Temple of Venus and Rome, Templo de Venus y Roma, Templum Veneris et Romae
Traveler Safe travels home Don and Natalie. I hope the passionate embraces continue once you are back in Perth! XX
Natalie Terry I live in hope 😆
How cool is the train! Hope you enjoyed your day at sea and Barcelona 🥰 [Emma]
Natalie Terry We actually loved the sea days- ridiculously it felt like a rest day! The ocean was vaguely bumpy but we’ve had way worse on the way to Rotto! X