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    • Day 16

      Mythology Heaven

      September 2, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      We’re pleased to report that we’ve found an even more applicable Italian phrase for good luck: “in culo alla balena” which roughly translates to “in the butt of the whale,” as it related to the biblical story of Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish and preferable to climb into a whale’s tush than try to home school our own kids. Usually, one pupil is obliging and the other more resistant; the kids shape shift like Maui between those two roles. From what we’ve heard from our teacher friends, recovering from summer slump and getting into a routine takes time in most classrooms. It doesn’t help that we haven’t established a routine and are still getting over jet lag, but we’re hopeful that it will get easier over the coming weeks.

      While we’re still figuring out the homeschooling part, the worldschooling part of the trip has been pretty amazing. We had a Heroes of Olympus/Roman Mythology tour of the Capitoline Museum that Lewis loved (and Andrew too for the first 30 minutes or so). The tour guide was surprised by how much mythology Lewis knew and how eagerly and humbly Lewis probed what he didn’t. We learned about the “hand of doom,” how someone’s relative size showed their importance, how powerful people were often depicted naked (fun times), and like a Roman horse, Andrew must be fed, watered and run if we expect him to listen to a tour for a few hours!

      If you’re anything like Andrew, you’ll be pleased to know that the kids did in fact watch Gladiator and were extra excited to visit the Colosseum. They enjoyed walking around and seeing where Maximus-like gladiators battled.

      We head to Sorrento tomorrow to visit Pompeii & Herculaneum, climb Mt. Vesuvius, and do an amazing hike along the Amalfi coast that our friends recommended.

      FWIW, the proper response to “in culo alla balena” is “speriamo che non caghi” which essentially means: “I hope it doesn’t poop!” Italian is a phenomenal language!
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    • Day 16

      Stow Your Bags

      July 30, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      Who knew luggage storage all over the city was the norm?!? I couldn’t check into the AirBnB after disembarking the ship until 3 PM, but also wanted to maximize our short time in Rome; so I was referred to a company all over Rome called Stow Your Bags. Thankfully, we found a place 0.3 miles from the AirBnB, but I have to say, a little misleading on the size…a Max size says it will hold 4 bags, so I reserved one locker. When we arrived this morning, I was shocked to find that their Max size would only fit 1 of our bags 🤦‍♀️ Thankfully I had the ability to book on site and booked 2 more lockers so we could get to our tours.

      It was pretty comical hauling our 3 large suitcases and 2 backpacks all over the “san peitrini” streets which resemble cobblestones. On the walk to the luggage storage we passed some nice al fresco dining places, shops, and cafés.
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    • Day 2


      October 31, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Immer schon wollte ich einmal in diesem Stadtteil Roms wohnen - und nun ist es soweit!
      Trastevere (von lateinisch trans Tiberim „jenseits des Tiber“) ist der XIII. Rione (Stadtteil) von Rom. Er erstreckt sich vom südlichen Tiberknie bis zum Hügel Gianicolo auf dem rechten, westlichen Ufer des Tibers und gilt als das ursprünglichste und authentischste Viertel der Stadt.
      Trastevere war eines der Arbeiterviertel im alten Rom. Es war das Viertel der Ausländer und Randgruppen. Zunächst lebten dort viele Juden, was sich darin äußerte, dass es hier einst zehn Synagogen gab. Auch die ersten Christen Roms siedelten hier.
      Und hier werde ich mich dem Dolce far niente, dem süßen Nichtstun, widmen (Sightseeing natürlich ausgenommen!).

      Mein Appartement hält was es versprochen hat!
      Innenarchitektur vom Feinsten (dank der Besitzerin die mich auch empfängt). Hier werde ich mich sehr wohl fühlen😊
      Leider merke ich beim frühabendlichen Spaziergang dass ich doch ziemlich müde bin …… werde wohl heute bald schlafen gehen🥱
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    • Day 85

      Rome Day 2

      December 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Ruby seems to have a persistent virus that leaves her tired in the afternoon. She had done 2 Covid test both negative. Ruby reports to be feeling better today, but she's loosing her voice. So to get her to full recovery, we decided to stay in and rest another day. Only went out for pastry and my coffee in the morning, and lunch. I got fish to cook in the apartment for dinner.
      I did go on my own for a little explore of 3 churches in Trastevere in the late afternoon while Ruby rested.
      The churches were beautifully decorated with mosaics and some amazing scupltures.

      Distance walked 5.8km
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    • Day 87

      Rome Day 3 National Gallery Modern Art

      December 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      We visited the oldest pharmacy in Rome. The pharmacy was run by more than a hundred Carmalite Friars, making lotions, potions and even alcoholic beverages since the 15th century. It was a working pharmacy right up to 1957 until they closed but the fittings, furnishings, herbs, medicines and frescoes were still intact.
      We had one of the Carmalite Friars do the tour in English.
      We then went to the National Gallery of Modern Art. Artworks were displayed in themes and not chronologically. There was a Klimt, a Degas, a Hayez, a Van Gogh, a Pollack and other wonderful artists, beautiful sculptures of Antonio Cavona and Alfonso Balzico. Then there were also some bizarre installations.

      Distance walked 7.1km
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    • Day 2

      Dinner and music

      August 25, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Dinner at Gianicolo Terrace, the home of Barbara and ?
      Bruschetta, vegetable lasagna with pesto, saltimbocca Romana (typical Sunday meal in Rome) and tiramisu with lemoncello that was so strong!
      Karaoke: they made us all sing That's Amore before dessert and Arrivederci Roma at the end of the night
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    • Day 2


      May 14, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Stayed here for my trip in Rome!! Ate some of the best food!
      The place of the “last real Romans” and you must cross the river everyday to enter and exit this area!! Trastevere =across the river!
      This area features Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere which is one of the older churches and the first devoted to Mary in Rome!
      My favorite gelato shop ever was here!
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    • Day 13

      Trastevere Viertel

      September 26, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Wenn man an Italien denkt, dann haben die meisten folgendes Bild vor Augen: Man sitzt auf der Terrasse eines Restaurants, mit einer knusprigen Pizza, leckerer Eiscreme oder einem schönen Glas Wein und lauscht der Musik die aus den umliegenden Gassen schallt. Der perfekte Ort dafür ist das Viertel Trastevere. Mit seinem holprigen Kopfsteinpflaster, den kleinen alten Häusern und den schmalen Gassen herrscht hier ein fast dörflicher Charme.Read more

    • Day 16

      More Vatican Museum and 🍕

      July 30, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

      After a long morning touring St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, and the Sistine Chapel (where pictures weren't allowed), we were famished! We began the 30-minute walk back to Trastevere to find the AirBnB and retrieve our luggage. Again, we stumbled upon a Pizzeria and enjoyed our second suppli.Read more

    • Day 86

      Rome Day 3 Villa Farnesina

      December 5, 2023 in Italy

      It rained all morning and poor Ruby had been cooped up in the accommodation most of yesterday, and today she finally felt better from the symptoms.
      We wore our wet weather gear of rain coat and rain pants and got to Villa Farnesina. This is where Raphael was commissioned to do the frescoes of the Greek legend of Psyche and Cupid. There was also The Nude Gioconda painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
      Came back to the accommodation for lunch and a rest before venturing to the old Giovanni Montemartini Thermoelectric Power House that's turned into an extension of the Museo Capitoline.
      This gallery was most interesting because of the contrast of the industrial machines and turbines displayed with the ancient sculptures, mosaics and sarcophagus. There was even an interesting exhibit of a girl's grave goods that were found in her sarcophagus. It was so detailed that the doll wore a ring that was the key to get own trinket box.
      We then met up with a lovely couple for drinks and dinner. They were wonderful company and they took us to a beautiful restaurant called Angelina's.

      Distance walked 9.3km
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Trastevere, Trastévere, טרסטוורה, トラステヴェレ, Regio Transtiberina, Zatybrze, Трастевере, 特拉斯提弗列

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