Fuji Shi

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 13

      Back to Tokio

      16 de novembro de 2023, Japão

      Back to the Roots…zurück nach Tokio.
      Heute haben wir uns am Morgen von unseren beiden Reise-Buddies trennen müssen. Sie gingen in Richtung Süden weiter und wir wieder zurück nach Tokio. Mit dem Shinkansen fuhren wir am eindrücklichen Mount Fuij vorbei, welcher sich in seiner ganzen Pracht zeigte.
      Nach der über dreistündigen Zugfahrt sind wir am Nachmittag in Tokio angekommen und haben im Hotel eingecheckt.
      Am späteren Nachmittag sind ins TeamLab Planets Tokio gegangen. Dies ist ein digitales Kunstmuseum wobei man mit Licht und Projektionen verschiedenes erleben kann. Es war sehr cool und hat spass gemacht.
      Danach sind wir wieder Richtung Midtown Tokio gefahren und haben sehr fein zu Nacht gegessen.
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    • Dia 4

      Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha, JPN

      2 de janeiro de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Der Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha wurde dazumals zum Schutz vor Vulkanausbrüchen erbaut und galt als einer der prächtigsten Schreine seiner Zeit. "Hongū" bedeutet "Haupttempel" und betont die wichtige Rolle dieses Schreins in der Verehrung des Berges Fuji.

      Das Gelände um den Fujisan Sengen Schrein beherbergt zudem etwa 500 Kirschbäume, welche zur Saison (von Ende März bis Anfang April) in voller Pracht blühen.

      Wir lernen auch die verschiedenen Feste und Veranstaltungen vor Ort kennen, die das ganze Jahr über stattfinden, darunter das im Juni stattfindende Sengen Sai Festival. Diese Veranstaltungen bieten die Chance, traditionelle Rituale, Tänze und Aufführungen im Zusammenhang mit der Verehrung des Berges Fuji zu erleben.
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    • Dia 42

      Shiraito Falls

      11 de abril de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Einer der schönsten Wasserfälle, die wir je gesehen haben!
      150m breit mit einem großen und mehreren kleinen Fällen die an einer Felswand herunterbrechen. Drum herum viele Ahornbäume und Sträucher.
      280m weiter, über eine Brücke, einen kleinen Hügel hinauf gab es noch einen weiteren Wasserfall den Otodomeno Waterfall - sehr schön anzusehen, obwohl es hier nur von oben möglich war.
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    • Dia 33


      28 de novembro de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Wir beginnen den Tag, indem wir in unserer Küche beim Anblick des Fuji ein wenig meditieren.
      Der Fuji ist der beherrschende Berg des Tages. Mit seinen 3.800 Metern liegt er einsam und allein im Hügelland. Mit seiner stets wechselnden Wolkenkappe vor blauem Himmel bietet er aus allen Richtungen, nah und fern, einen faszinierenden Anblick.
      Wir besuchen ein Museumsdorf, kriechen durch eine Lavahöhle und sehen große Wasserfälle. Zum Abend geht es wieder an die Küste und in die Stadt, nach Mishima.
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    • Dia 6

      Mt Fuji at high speed

      25 de julho de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heading back to Tokyo from Kyoto today on Nozomi 24, in the Green Car. Nice.

      We got a glimpse of the famous mountain, obscured by cloud as it almost always is.

      Was interesting to see what I estimate to be 10's of thousands of solar panels in fields by the railway.

      Oh, and another video from the Shinkansen at 285kph. (can't get enough of it)
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    • Dia 27

      The Demure Deity

      12 de outubro de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Viking Orion arrived this morning at the port of Shimizu, doorway to Shizuoka. Its name means “clear water,” and with a population of 712,000 it ranks as the 22nd largest city in Japan. The fishermen here roam as far as the Indian Ocean and provide half of Japan’s annual catch of blue-fin tuna. Half of that stays here in Japan to satisfy this nation’s insatiable appetite for fish. This area also leads Japan in the production of strawberries, tangerines and green tea.

      I wanted to come here today for a very personal reason. The Tomoe River empties into the ocean right by our ship. The river water is used by several paper plants that make the finest writing paper in the world. Tomoe River Paper is known worldwide by fountain pen enthusiasts as the most perfect writing paper ever made. Unfortunately the hundred-year-old machine used in its production was retired last year, and those of us who still own a few reams of Tomoe River Paper ration it out like the finest caviar.

      Japan is still a male-dominated society and the notion of a female deity is unusual. Nevertheless, Fuji-san is the embodiment of a female goddess, daughter of the chief god. Konohanasakuya-hime is not only the goddess of volcanoes, she is also the goddess of blossoms. In Shinto mythology she shows up as Mount Fuji and as cherry blossoms each spring. In Japan she is a big shot.

      This morning I went out on deck to photograph our sail-in, and there she was. All of her. From top to toe, and I snapped a quick shot. Today Fuji-san has no snow on her crest, though last week she had a brief flurry on her summit. At 9:00 am we started our hour-long bus ride to visit the Shinto shrine at her base, the oldest Shinto shrine in Japan, in the town of Fujinomiya. It dates from the 600’s, but it honors an event that occurred half a millennium earlier. Sometime around 50 B.C. two brothers, both shoguns, were required to avenge the death of their father. They prayed to the mountain goddess for a miracle, which she granted. Details are shrouded in the fog of history, but there may be some historical basis to the story.

      Also shrouded in fog was Mount Fuji. By the time we arrived at the foot of the mountain, the summit was obscured by clouds. By the time we left, she had wrapped herself in her silvery cloak and sat on the horizon, prim and proper as a schoolmarm. The goddess is a big tease.

      The combat between the shoguns actually occurred at majestic Shiraito Falls near the base of the mountain. We visited there first today. A glorious waterfall 70 feet high cascades down, fed from rain and snow melt on the mountain. It is flanked, however, by smaller cascades. Gushing from cracks in the rock, these “stream falls” ooze from a tiny crack separating the rock strata. The water takes 80 years to seep through this crack until it emerges from the cliff. The water I saw today coming out today started its journey from Fuji’s summit during World War II.

      Our guide next showed us the “pool of purification” where pilgrims to the shrine must cleanse themselves before worshipping. She led us through a dense forest, up a steep hill (now a stairway) to an apse in the woods. At its base was a pool with the clearest water I have ever seen. There was not a ripple, just a crystal lens through which I could see rocks at the bottom of the pool. In a few minutes my shipmates finished making their pictures and their noise, but I hung around until everyone had left. I sat alone on a rock for ten minutes and admired one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Dim light filtering through the trees above made the green even more intense. The still water was utterly transparent. And for ten minutes. . .

      I sat.

      Whether you call God “Yahweh,” “Allah,” “Buddha” or “Konohanasakuya-hime,” He/She/It/They were there.

      We boarded the bus again and drove to the Shinto shrine, Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha. Our guide was so knowledgeable about Shinto that I suspect that she is a devout worshipper. The buildings are exquisitely beautiful , and as we entered the holy precincts, she invited us to participate in the Shinto purification ritual. For those of us who chose not to wash our hands and mouth, she performed the ritual on our behalf. Very quickly we saw three young couples who had just presented their newborn babies at the shrine, asking the gods to protect them. Then we saw a young couple in traditional garb who had just been married.

      A young woman and a young man emerged in traditional clothing. She wore baggy orange silk pants. His pants were sky blue. Our guide informed us that they are temple workers. Serious young adherents will sometimes undergo a period of service to the shrine and will reside in its precincts for several months.

      We returned to our ship just in time to get lunch at the World Cafe onboard before it closed at 2:30 pm. Most of the tourists brought back photos and maybe a souvenir or two.

      I brought back something much better.
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    • Dia 17

      Going back to Tokyo

      14 de abril, Japão ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      The Shikansen back to Tokyo takes only 3:50 for what would be a 10 hour car ride. And it has a great highlight up its sleeve: due to the great weather and my seat by the window, I finally get a perfect view of Fuji-san, Mount Fuji 🗻😍Leia mais

    • Mount Fuji und Umgebung

      8 de outubro de 2019, Japão ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Leider war der Mount Fuji lange verdeckt und erst auf der Rückreise sichtbar. Weiter waren wir:
      - am Kawaguchi See mit Ausblick auf Fuji
      - Arakurayama Sengen Park mit Ausblick auf Fuji
      - Oishi Park mit vielen Blumen
      - Freilichtmuseum Saiko Iyashi no Sato Nenba

      Abendessen im Himawari Sushi mit Running Sushi
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    • Dia 336

      Hitchhiking deluxe

      20 de junho de 2018, Japão ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Nun, wenn Geldsparen immer so einfach wäre... der Wettergott hat sich für meinen Reisetag wohl gedacht "Die ist im Auto, da kann ich auch den ganzen Tag kräftig die Blumen gießen. " Tja lieber Wettergott, wenn man versucht zu trampen, ist es nicht so hilfreich wenn es dabei aus Eimern gießt.

      Natürlich hat niemand angehalten & 2 Stunden später hab ich es dann aufgegeben und bin zum Bahnhof gelaufen. Bus in die nächste Stadt (es regnet immer noch) & die Bahnpreise nach Kyoto checken. Na, 40€ geht grad noch - hab ich so gedacht - aber als ich mit dem Ticket nicht durch die Schranke kam, mir ein freundlicher Wachmann auf japanisch zu erklären versucht, dass ich 2 Tickets brauche & sich damit der Ticketpreis auf 100€ erhöhte, da hab ich mich schon ganzschön geärgert.

      Naja, immerhin war es der weltberühmte Shinkansen Express und ich kam schnell (320 km/h), komfortabel und trocken in Kyoto an.

      Und mein Couchsurfer ist das typische Klischee. Die Wohnung ist ein Schuhkarton und er zittert vor Schüchternheit wenn er sich mit mir unterhält ^^ aber hey, Kyoto ist schön :)
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    • Dia 2


      8 de maio de 2019, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Travelling down to Osaka this morning, only an hours flight and then we will be done with airports for a couple of weeks thank goodness.
      We’d just taken off and Graham had the window seat, and he says to me “ There’s a big snow covered Mountian coming up, looks volcanic, could be Mt Fuji? “ and then suddenly there it was right outside the window Such a clear day and so close, Amazing!

      We’ve managed to make it tomOsaka with everything in tact. Dropped our bags at the motel and after a couple of wrong turns found the nearest subway and with the help of a lovely man on the counter managed to buy ourselves a IC card and we were on our way.

      First stop is Osaka Castle. Beautiful big park right in the center of the city. Amazing to come out of the subway and there it is! Eight stories high and set up as a museum. We spent quite a while there wandering the gardens and the eight floors of the castle looking at scrolls, tapestries, armour and other artefacts.

      It’s getting late and we’re hungry again by now so after checking out our subway map we headed down to Dotombori! I’ve seen photos of this section of Osaka so was keen to see it lit up at night. I’ve never seen so many food places and all so busy. We had a drink, beer for Graham and hot Sake for me in a little cafe, with some octopus balls they were cooking out the front. Umm Graham liked them , but not for me. Found a jape ese Barbeque place next, cooking all sorts of meat on skewers. Yum much more my thing, although they did have some choice one, Gizzards, chicken intestines, beef heart. Had a great chat to a Canadian couple in there next to us while we all had more drinks and more skewers.

      It should have been well and truly dark but it didn’t seem to be and when we came out we could see why, so many neon lights everywhere.!

      I think we walked a million miles today and we’ve yet to get back to the motel to check in.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Fuji Shi, 富士市

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