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    • Hari 81

      First Night on Miyajima

      6 Disember 2023, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      After checking out, I left my luggage at my Hiroshima hotel just a little while longer and walked to Hiroshima Castle, which was sadly closed, but thankfully the thoughtful keepers left the castle stamp right in front of the entrance so I could get it. They have just the right size to stamp my passport with, and it looks pretty cool. So I was still happy. Afterwards I collected my luggage, and took a bus to the train station, then a local train to the Miyajima Ferry Station, from there, after paying 100yen Tourist Tax (They made a big deal out of these 63 cents) my second JR Pass fulfilled it's final duty to allow me free passage to the sacred isle of Miyajima. It was a pretty short 10-15 minute crossing, because the isle is not far from the coast. I arrived around 3:30 pm and immediately checked into my Ryokan, one of the few accomodations that cost me more than 100€ per Night, I will make sure to savour my stay. I absolutely love my room, I have a beautiful view towards the ocean between the coast and Miyajima. I'll give you a roomtour tomorrow. Sun was almost setting and the buzzle on the island calms down a lot after 5 pm. I walked less than 300m toward the famous Itsukushima Shrine that looks like it's floating on the water when the tide is high, and shot many pictures in the fast approaching dusk. There are Sika 🦌 Deer Roaming around again, and some are even sleeping right in front of my Ryokan. They are definitely cute with their small voices. Miyajima is such a beautiful place, I look forward to exploring it more thoroughly tomorrow.

      Google Translate:
      Nach dem Auschecken ließ ich mein Gepäck noch eine Weile in meinem Hotel in Hiroshima und ging zu Fuß zur Burg Hiroshima, welche leider geschlossen war, aber zum Glück hinterließen die aufmerksamen Wärter den Stempel der Bueg direkt vor dem Eingang, damit ich ihn bekommen konnte. Diese Stempel haben genau die richtige Größe, um meinen Reisepass zu verschönern, denn sie sehen ziemlich cool darin aus. Ich war also trotzdem glücklich. Danach holte ich mein Gepäck ab und fuhr mit dem Bus zum Bahnhof, dann mit dem Nahverkehrszug zum Fährhafen Miyajima, von wo aus ich nach Zahlung der 100 Yen Touristensteuer (Man machte viel Trara um diese einmaligen 63 Cent) Und dann erfüllte mein zweiter JR-Pass seine letzte Pflicht, und gewährte mir freie Fahrt zur heiligen Insel Miyajima (Stolze 200yen gespart). Die Überfahrt dauerte nur 10 bis 15 Minuten, da die Insel nicht weit von der Küste entfernt ist. Ich kam gegen 15:30 Uhr an und checkte sofort in mein Ryokan ein, eine der wenigen Unterkünfte, die mich mehr als 100 € pro Nacht kostete. Ich werde meinen Aufenthalt also auf jeden Fall genießen. Ich liebe mein Zimmer absolut, ich habe einen wunderschönen Blick auf das Meer zwischen der Küste und Miyajima. Ich gebe euch morgen eine Roomtour. Die Sonne ging fast unter und der Trubel auf der Insel lässt nach 17 Uhr deutlich nach. Ich bin weniger als 300 m zum berühmten Itsukushima-Schrein gelaufen, der bei Flut so aussieht, als würde er auf dem Wasser schwimmen, und habe in der schnell herannahenden Dämmerung viele Bilder geschossen. Es gibt wieder Sika-Hirsche, die umherstreifen, und einige schlafen sogar direkt vor meinem Ryokan. Sie sind auf jeden Fall süß mit ihren kleinen Stimmen. Miyajima ist so ein wunderschöner Ort, ich freue mich darauf, ihn morgen genauer zu erkunden.
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    • Hari 75


      14 Disember 2023, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      הגענו מאוסקה בשנקנסן (רכבת מהירה 300+ קמש). הייתה חוויה לראות איך הכל מתנהל (לדוגמא עומדים על הרציף וכל כמה דקות עוברת רכבת ללא מרווחי זמן כמו שאנחנו מכירים...). קנינו מראש קפה ומבחר נשנושים ולפני שהספקנו להשתעמם הגענו (330 קמ, שעה וקצת). אכלנו צהריים בתחנה בהירושימה (כן שוב ראמן) ומיד עם המזוודה נסענו לסיור מוזמן מראש במפעל מזדה. היה חביב ומרשים לראות את כל התהליך במלא מפעלים, יותר מאלף מאזדות ביום שישר מהפס עולות על האונייה ליעד (במפעל יש נמל פרטי לאוניות גדולות). ההוסטל שלנו לשלושה לילות הוא לחדר מסורתי יפני (שדרוג בשבילנו מהדורמס של אוסקה). ביום השני התחלנו בסיור מודרך בהירושימה של 3 שעות. היה מעולה. המון היסטוריה וכמובן על ה a-bome שנפלה פה ב 6.8.1945 ב 8:15. אחרי הסיור אכלנו את המאכל המפוסם של המקום אוקונומיאקי (נדב אמר שלא יאכל שבוע אחרי אך הכל היה כרגיל כשאכלנו סושי בערב), היינו בגנים יפנים חמודים (היה צב והאכלנו דגי CARP צבעוניים שמסתבר שיפנים מגדלים כדג מחמד ויכולים להגיע לאלפי דולרים). וכמובן היה שוק קריסטמס ואורות קריסמס ברחבי העיר. את ארוחת השישי שלנו עשינו לראשונה במסעדת סושי שהיתה מעולה כאשר ישבנו על הבר והשף הגיש לנו את המנות ברגע שסיים להרכיבן.Baca lagi

    • Hari 77

      Miyajima island

      16 Disember 2023, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      היום נסענו ליום טיול באי מייאגימה.
      ישר כשירדנו מהפארי ראינו איילים והתרגשנו מהם מאוד אפילו טל הספיקה ללטף אחד.
      הגענו לרחוב החנויות וקנינו שנינו מאצ'ה לאטה חמה להתחיל את היום.
      ראינו את הטורי המפורסם במים (נראה כמו שער אדום במים).
      המשכנו למסלול הליכה למעלה התצפית לפסגה של 535 של האי והיה מסלול של 5 ק"מ מספק ומאוד יפה מלא במקדשים יפנים.
      במקדש האחרון החלטנו לקנות ספר חותמות שבו יחתמו לנו בכל מקדש שנהיה בו ביפן. אז מקווים שהספר יתמלא בקרוב:)
      חזרנו לאכול ארוחת צהריים שחיממה אותנו והיתה בדיוק מה שרצינו, מרק אודון עם טמפורה שרימפס.
      אבא קינח בגריל אוייסטר שמסתבר שמגדלים פה ומפורסם כאן מאוד.
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    • Hari 10


      29 Mac, Jepun ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      So, ich "schulde" euch noch nen Footprint von gestern Abend, den ich jetzt im Shinkansen zurück nach Ōsaka, von wo aus ich weiter nach Kyōto fahre, tippe.
      Um 18 Uhr hab ich mich mit Toshiya getroffen (auf dem 1. Bild vorn), mit dabei war sein Freund Maeda, dem selbst ernannten Kendama-Weltmeister. Zu dritt ging es zunächst zu nem kleinen Gyōza-Laden, anschließend noch woanders was trinken, wo dann die kleine Remi dazukam. Mein grandioser Vorschlag war dann Karaoke und ich bereue nix, es war ein lustiger und schöner Abend, auch wenn Karaoke nicht zu meinen Stärken gehört 😂
      Zu den Gyōza wurde übrigens auch Qualle bestellt. Schmeckt jetzt nicht verkehrt, liegt aber hauptsächlich dran, dass es nach nichts schmeckt. Die Konsistenz ist sehr eigenartig, eine Mischung aus knusprig und gummiartig.
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    • Hari 13–14


      31 Mac, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      The Peace Memorial Park with the Atomic Bomb Dome and the National Peace Memorial Hall were a must see for us on our Japan trip. We are so glad we went. It was deeply moving and a special exhibition about Japanese child soldiers who were among the first responders after the bombing. It was as impressive as it was harrowing. Walking around the park really does show the emphasis the memorial puts on "peace".

      For lunch we had another Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki at Nagataya. From there we bumbled into a street food festival near Hiroshima castle. Those amazing festivals are popping up everywhere to honor the start of sakura season. :-)

      We then made our way to the Shikansen and Fukuoka - but not without delicious Eki Bens (train food boxes). Delicious and fun to eat!

      Right outside our hotel In Fukuoka was yet another street food and music festival going on 😂 and the delicious smells and strange sounds drew us in. We finally had the chance to speak to some locals as well. Beer definitely helped with that!
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    • Hari 31

      Day 30-31

      31 Mac, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Day 30

      We packed our bags and headed towards the bus station today to get on the bus bound for Hiroshima! After gobbling down a quick snack we were quickly rushed onto the bus and set off. The highway buses in Japan are absolutely silent! They ask you not to use your mobile phones in order to not disturb other passengers, so I got my book out and settled in for our 3 1/2 hour bus.

      After 3 long and painful hours we arrived at Hiroshima bus terminal where we grabbed our backpacks and headed off to our hotel. The best way to describe our hotel is like staying inside a cigar, the whole hotel stinks of cigarettes and smoke so not the most welcoming smell after being on a stuffy bus! We were also booked into a smoking room so we left the windows open for a few hours and the smell dissipated.

      We are in a great location right next to the peace park so we thought we’d wander through the peace park for the rest of the afternoon. For those who don’t know, the peace park is MASSIVE and is full of monuments. Wondering around looking at the monuments and seeing the famous dome we found our way to the “peace pond” which was also very close to the centre of the bomb dropping point. I hadn’t felt overwhelmed with emotion until this point when I saw the flowers people had laid out and the eternal fire burning in remembrance of the victims but to also honour the survivors. It was very heavy and a few tears were shed! It’s just unimaginable the horror that Hiroshima faced when the bomb was dropped, we also went to the memorial hall which is full of rotating pictures of the casualties some of which were just children. It’s really heartbreaking and really difficult to see. I’ve been slightly putting off writing about this in my blog as it’s hard to describe how devastating and tragic this event is and how it made me feel, it’s hard to put into words.

      We looked at going into the museum but the queues were insane so we decided we’d get up early to go to beat the crowds a little.

      Day 31

      Alarm blaring we quickly got up and out the door to make it to the memorial museum shortly after it had opened and even so there were still a lot of people! But I’m sure less than if we had gone later in the day. The museum starts with a display of what Hiroshima was like before and then after the bomb. After the bomb literally all that was standing was the famous dome everything was just in complete wreck and ruin with the landscape being purely rubble.

      I think the core facts that stood out to me from the history section of the museum were…

      •the bomb released the equivalent of 16 kilotonnes of TNT, that’s not even a figure I can get my head around.

      •the west disgustingly nicknamed the a bomb used on Hiroshima “little boy” due to its shape and size.

      • ground temperatures near the hypo centre of the bomb reached 4,000 degrees Celsius.

      •the bomb killed an estimated 140,000 people but also causing long term illnesses and suspected genetic cancer so the casualties from the bomb is actually still rising.

      Just those facts alone quite frankly made me feel sick to my stomach, but the exhibition that tipped me over the edge was the children’s exhibition. A tricycle, a pair of shoes, a lunch box, a text book all belonging to children killed in the blast and more distressingly many were not killed instantly and suffered a brutal few days before their bodies eventually gave up. I was in absolute floods and I just can’t comprehend how terrifying it is that we have created weapons like this and have used them. It was a really really hard museum to visit but absolutely the right thing to do.

      I think that’s all I’ll say on the museum but I’m sure you can all imagine that emotions were running very high today.

      We decided in order to lift the mood we should go and do something fun! So we took the boat from the peace park out to Miyajima island! We were hoping to stand outside but we had to sit inside which was a shame, as we cruised the sea we saw the island coming clearer and clearer until we docked and clambered off. It was nice to get the fresh air as we have found Hiroshima has been very smoggy and the island was definitely a breath of fresh air!

      The first thing that took us by surprise was that there were deer everywhere just wondering around and completely unbothered by people which was quite lovely! Trying to leave a decent distance between us and the deer we took a few snaps and then headed around the island to see the Torii gate that was in the sea! Very similar to the one we kayaked to but obviously this one is much more popular. We climbed onto a small rickety boat with no other forgien tourists and were passed the large and rather comical on us bamboo hats! Before heading out for a better view of the torii gate, this time we were actually taken through the gate which I was surprised by as we weren’t allowed to kayak through the last one! But it did mean we got a very close up view of the rustic red gate whilst our guide gave us what I’m sure was a very interesting and in depth description in Japanese!

      Having rockingly returned to the beach we walked by the large shrine which at high tide appears to float as it is on stilts! It’s a brillaint red that really shines! Walking around the back of it I yelped in delight when we saw FULLY BLOSSOMED CHERRY BLOSSOMS!!! FINALLY!!! They were absolutely beautiful! It was a great little taster of hopefully what is still to come! They are incredibly delicate little flowers and are actually more white than pink! There are different types and some are more pink than others but a few are very white! I was so over the moon that we finally saw some cherry blossoms as we have been crossing our fingers and toes to see them as the forecast was so wrong! This honestly made my entire day and I didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.

      After catching the boat back we wondered through the peace park to enjoy it at night in the peace and quiet and then headed back to chill in our room.
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    • Hari 33

      Day 32-33

      2 April, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Day 32

      We spent the majority of today continuing to explore Hiroshima city in the beautiful sun and warmth! We strolled through Hiroshima castle grounds and enjoyed the cherry blossoms of several of Hiroshimas parks today. The sky was a brilliant blue and it was just nice to enjoy the peaceful parts of the city that are more hidden away to the main bulk of the tourists. We saw lots of tortoise and koi fish in one of the ponds which Jacob got very excited about and took lots of pictures of whilst I enjoyed a slightly strange. bridge! It was a very steep bridge and after gingerly climbing to the top I had to get a celebratory photo! We also stumbled across another small bamboo forest and so many stunning cherry blossoms it was just nice to finally not be seeing dead trees!!

      Day 33
      Today we decided to head out to one of the islands to explore and get away from the bustle of the city so we hopped on a ferry from Hiroshima port which took us to Ninoshima. Standing outside and enjoying the sea breeze and mountains dotting the horizon we arrived at Ninoshima port. I’m not sure I can call it a port- more of a pontoon! We wandered through the streets and the island was absolutely dead! Jacob and I have nicknamed it pensioners island as everyone else on the ferry was like 75+ and clearly come into Hiroshima for a morning coffee and a bit of shopping! The streets were deadly quiet with a few wondering cats here and there. The corrugated iron houses and slightly falling apart wooden huts lined the narrow streets. Ninoshima island is known for Akinokofuji mountain which is meant to give you stunning views back of the sea of all the islands and also of Hiroshima.

      So we found the start to the trail and began heading up, what started off as a nicely pathed route ended up quite the opposite!! After 20 minutes or so you are weaving through bamboo hoping you are vaguely heading in the right direction. Feeling relieved to leave the bamboo behind I thought the route would be a bit easier from here on, how wrong I was! For a while, you walk through an old very narrow river bed before having to scramble up rocks for the last 400 meters!! It was definitely tiring especially in the humidity but the views did not disappoint!! Reaching the summit I collapsed onto a rock and the view was absolutely breathtaking. The cityscape of Hiroshima in the distance surrounded by deep blue sea with islands jutting out and painting the horizon. It was gorgeous and once I’d stopped huffing and puffing it felt worth the hike!!

      Enjoying the view and having some snacks to help fuel us for the hike down we gingerly made our way back down the trail.

      After wandering back through the streets we discovered that there is only one restaurant on this island that was closed so we headed back to the port to catch the ferry back to mainland Hiroshima where we grabbed some food before turning in for the day. Another fun day exploring!
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    • Hari 10

      Hiroshima - day 1

      3 April, Jepun ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We had an earliest breakfast at the hotel and then caught a taxi to the station at Kurashiki because it was absolutely pouring down with rain.

      We used the local train to go back to okama and then back on the Shinkansen for the 40 minute trip to Hiroshima.

      It was still raining heavily and we caught the tram along for about 10 minutes to get to our hotel. Despite it being only 10:30 we were able to check in. After setting ourselves in Wii, walk the 5 minutes along the peace boulevard to the Hiroshima peace park. We decided that with the rain being so heavy we'd start with the memorial museum. That was a very, very long queue but it seemed to go quite quickly and after about 40 minutes we were inside.

      The museum itself was very busy, but despite that you got a sense of the atmosphere and the horrific scenes immediately and longer term after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

      The museum is dedicated to also calling for the complete eradication of atomic weapons and you can see why having spent time looking at some of the artefacts and pictures and stories from the time.

      We walked back to our hotel trying to avoid the worst of the rain and had a drink before heading to The lounge for afternoon tea. It was still raining heavily and so we decided to retreat to a bar for a few drinks before going back to hotel for some snacks and drinks in the lounge.

      We had a relatively early night and reviewed photos and our activities from the day.
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    • Hari 35

      Day 34-35

      4 April, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Day 34

      Today we woke up to the sound of the rain pounding and a thunderstorm and high winds warning on our phones so we layered up and headed out into the miserable weather! We spent most of today wandering around the shops and doing some thrifting before visiting Hiroshima prefectureral art museum which had some lovely pieces including a beautiful piece by Salvador Dali- so quite the collection! What I like about Japanese art museums is that within one exhibition you can have huge variety, from paintings to pottery to statues to jewellery it’s nice to have lots of different types of art all in the same exhibitions.
      After wandering around in the pouring rain it got to about 5pm and we decided we would be better served wrapped up in some dry clothes in doors so we bought a pot noodle for dinner and headed back in for a chilled evening and managed to escape the worst of the rain.

      Ps for anyone who saw the news about the awful earthquake in Taiwan and the surrounding tsunami warnings, these are not for mainland Japan where we are and we have disaster notifications on our phones for Japan so we are immediately notified if there are any natural disasters so please don’t worry as I have received a few messages from people wanting to check we are safe which is sweet but we don’t want to worry anyone!

      Day 35

      A rather groggy start to this morning when the alarm blared at 6am. Very unamused we got ready and loaded onto the bus to head towards a far away port and then on a ferry to Ōkunoshima or also known as “rabbit island”! The clue is in the name, there are hundreds of thousands of wild rabbits on this island! The island is inhabited apart from one hotel and accommodation for staff who work at the hotel the rest is well run by the rabbits! The second you step off the ferry they are everywhere and they are pretty friendly too! With no predators on the island they’ve learnt not to fear anything so they come running up to you! Why so many rabbits you ask? Well Okunoshima actually has quite a dark history behind it.

      Japan signed the Geneva protocol which banned the use of chemical warfare. However, between 1929 and 1945 Okunoshima was used as a secret poison gas plant island! Japan had to go to great lengths to keep this hidden from the West as this went against the Geneva protocol. They went to extreme lengths such as removing it from all their maps and it became a national secret of Japan. Unfortunately many of the works forced to work in poor conditions and developed awful side affects and many died during this period so it has a very interesting but dark history. Now you may be wondering how this links to rabbits? Well they tested on rabbits during the development of the poison gas and when the development of the gas was eventually stopped they populated the island! As a result there are ruins of the power plant on the island as well as storage ruins and many derelict buildings with one of the only things standing being the small lighthouse! The island is only 5km in circumference so we walked around the island exploring the ruins whilst also being bombarded by rabbits! It was the most surreal experience for such beauty to have such a dark past. It really is a stunning island, crystal clear waters and untouched nature it is an absolute paradise! So much so that when we reached the main beach there was no one there!! So we went around some rocks and found our own little cove where I went for a very quick and VERY cold swim! I was in and out pretty quickly but it was just too beautiful with the islands in the background to not! We spent a few hours relaxing on the beach and collecting shells before catching the last ferry back and then the long bus back to central Hiroshima.

      It was SO worth the early start and long journey each way it was the most wacky island you can imagine and despite it looking very touristy when you arrive we saw barely anyone and the island is relatively untouched apart from a road looping around the whole island. Definitely the most interesting way to spend our last day in Hiroshima. There really was a mixture of everything- beautiful beaches, interesting history, a dip in the sea, and bunny rabbits! Definitely our most surreal day yet we absolutely LOVED it.
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    • Hari 47

      Miyajima ⛩️🌸🦌

      5 April, Jepun ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Hüt simr uf dr Wältkulturerbä Insle gsi wo schiins zu de 3 schönschte Landschafte vo Japan ghört... Näbschtem Schrein hets seeehr viiiiil wunderschöni Chirschblüeteböim ka und sehr zuertoulichi Rehli 🌸⛩️🦌Baca lagi

    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Hiroshima-ken, Hiroshima, 広島県, 히로시마 현

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