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Top 10 reisbestemmingen Kiso-gun
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    • Dag 9


      3 mei, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Tout le long du chemin on peut trouver des cloches. Il faut les sonner pour éloigner les ours qui vivent dans la forêt.
      Une belle pause à mi chemin près des cascades avant de boire un thé offert par un habitant.Meer informatie

    • Dag 66


      11 april 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Il Nakasendo é un piccolo valico su una delle tre principali strade antiche che collegavano Tokyo e Osaka. Dopo aver pernottato in una guesthouse in stile giapponese abbiamo percorso a piedi gli 8 chilometri che collegano i due villaggi di Tsumago e Magome attraversando i boschi delle alpi giapponesi.

      Der Nakasendo isch en klina Pass uf d historischi Weg, die Tokyo und Osaka verbunda het. Noch die Übernachtig inere Guesthouse im typische Japanische Stil, simmer die 8km zwüsche Tsumago und Magome uf em Nakasendo gloffe.
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    • Dag 40

      Day 40, Kiso Valley

      19 maart 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      Kiso Valley is an ancient trade route that runs alongside the Japanese Alps. Once the road between Kyoto and Tokyo, it was under the control of the shogun who forced all travelers to make the journey by foot. Part of the route and towns along the way have been preserved to give a visitors a picture of ancient life and natural beauty. We hiked today from Magome to Tsumago, about six miles. Halfway through the hike, we stopped at the Tateba tea house, to meet the tea master and enjoy a cup of warm comfort.Meer informatie

    • Dag 9

      Randonnée entre Nagiso et Magome

      3 mei, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Hier soir nous avons fait quelques heures de route en train pour partir vers la campagne Japonaise, direction Nakatsugawa.
      Ce matin nous sommes partis pour une randonnée le long du chemin de Nakasendo. Nous avons marché 12km dans des paysages plutôt montagneux avec beaucoup de dénivelé. Une vraie épreuve pour nos petits randonneurs qui ont assuré.Meer informatie

    • Dag 35

      Let’s hike today! 🚶‍♀️

      4 september 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Vroeg in de ochtend vertrokken wij vanaf het heerlijke hostel in Nagiso om te beginnen aan een waanzinnige hike (tenminste, als we de foto’s mogen geloven). 📸

      Vroeger, lang geleden werd via deze route tussen Tokyo en Kyoto de post op en neer gebracht. 📮Vandaag de dag kan je delen van deze route nog lopen. Wij kozen voor het mooiste stukje, van Tsumago naar Magome. En inderdaad, dit was waanzinnig mooi! Tsumago is een waanzinnig schilderachtig Japans dorpje met allemaal traditionele huisjes, wow! 🎎

      De hike van ruim 7 km was groen, mooi, soms wat stijl en met bellen langs de weg. Want er schijnen beren in de bergen te wonen. 🐻 Bij elke bel, even bellen om de beren af te schrikken. 🛎️

      Na ongeveer 3 uurtjes wandelen en genieten kwamen wij aan in Magome, nog zo een schilderachtig Japans dorpje met nog meer traditionele huizen. Iets groter dan Tsumago en als bonus prachtig uitzicht op nog meer bergen. En het fijne is, hier blijven wij een nachtje slapen. Wel in een Ryokan, waar onze kamer weer bestaat uit een matje op de grond en een zak rijst als kussen. Gisteren hebben wij er heerlijk op geslapen, zou dit vanavond weer lukken? 😴
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    • Dag 7

      Gifu – Matsumoto

      5 mei 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Another quieter day spent traveling inland and north, so good to catch up on some sleep on the bus trip.
      Today we stopped at two small towns - Nagiso Town & Narai-juku Town.
      Both very ancient and boutiquie.
      We saw our very first bloomed cherry blossom trees! So beautiful and exactly what we came to see!
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    • Dag 34

      We laten de stad achter ons 🏙️

      3 september 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Om 14:00 stapte we op een Limited Express train naar Nagiso. Eigenlijk was het, naar Nederlands begrippen, een sprinter die dwars door de bergen scheurde langs kleine Japanse dorpjes. 🚞 En waar kom je dan uit? In een oase van rust (en mega veel muggen 🦟)

      Onze kamer bestaat uit wanden van bamboe en rijstpapier. 🎋 Ons bed ligt op de grond en extra bonus hebben wij een eigen douche. Rondom ons hebben wij bergen, rijstvelden en krekels. ⛰️ 🌾 🦗 Dit is fanatisch!

      We krijgen een waanzinnig diner voorgeschoteld en onze andere tafelgasten komen uit Zuid-Korea. Deze mensen helpen ons op weg naar een nieuw reisplan naar Zuid-Korea (ooit). ✈️ En we hebben het over cultuurverschillen, en dat zijn er een hoop. En dat is hartstikke leuk om dat te ontdekken! 🔍
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    • Dag 8

      Türkis-Blauer Gebirgsfluss

      13 april, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach der Felsschlucht fuhren wir ein Stück weiter in ein schmales Neben-Tal (Atera Valley), durch das ein wunderschöner, frischer, türkis-blauer Wildwasserstrom fließt … von den abgefahrenen Farben fasziniert konnte ich es nicht lassen, Fotos zu machen und wurde fast süchtig danach!
      Umso schwerer fiel mir es dann am Ende, die Bilder auszusortieren … 😅
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    • Dag 7

      Stepping Back in Time: Tsumago

      23 september 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We said goodbye to Matsumoto with a breakfast of locally made soba noodles and tempura. Stella prefers her noodles less slippery and struck again at the pastry section of the buffet, pilfering more jam packets for ... well.... later.

      We boarded the morning train to Nakatsugawa, and after missing the connecting bus, took the world's most honest taxi, to Magome. (Noah can tell you the story of the travelling Airbuds: spoiler alert, they were safely returned after being ejected by his Big Boys).

      Magome is a formal postal town that served travellers on the major route between Tokyo and Kyoto during the feudal ages. The town is built on either side of a paved street that weaves up a very steep hill. Poor Paul was carrying our luggage like an absolute beast. I guess life's randomness is what he trains for after all. Thank goodness cos I could barely drag myself up the hill! The tourist information centre was at the top for reasons I still can't understand. This this is where we were leaving our bags to be forwarded on to tonights destination, as we spent the next three hours walking the trail to Tsumago.

      After the number of kilometres we have already walked to date, the 7.5km didn't sound too bad. All in a days work for team Blackford. I mean, I had to retire a pair of shoes already due to stitching coming away.

      Alan our trip planner, described the walk as gentle. Yeah. Nah. We didn't consider it gentle and after 50 mins walking uphill in the searing heat, Alan's popularity was starting to diminish. As the walk progressed however, we entered leafy green forests complete with babbling streams and surprise waterfalls, on the whole, it was a bit like the Bibblumum here at home. Except we don't need to periodically ring bells to scare the drop bears at home. Perhaps they are there to motivate the tourists not to linger, so perhaps that's why it only took us 2.5 hours to get to Tsumago!

      Tsumago was magic; this little village was frozen in time; only open to pedestrians during the day, with hidden power lines and displays of traditional homes from the Edo era. It was a truly immersive experience of what life would have been like decades ago. Time went so fast, just enough to snavel a few souvenirs, our luggage and a quick bite of rice balls and favoured ice.

      24,000 steps, one manic bus ride and three trains later, we arrived at 9pm into Hiroshima. The hotel is well, something. There are knights guarding the entrance of the "Grand Intelligent Hotel" (not a typo. I thought it was International too 😆) plus an oversized plushie in the foyer, which sat at odds against their attempt at opulence. We were thoroughly confused but too tired to care past celebrating the arrival of the rest of our luggage.

      When we walked into our room, initially we thought we had to share two doubles, until we found folded-up mattresses in the cupboard called 'futons'. Paul and I will attempt to share a bed, Stella the other, whilst Noah volunteered to take the floor with the two wafer-thin futons stacked together. The bathroom is set up like the Onsen washing area, where you sit down to shower in front of a mirror. Sitting is good. Sleeping is even better.

      Working the new kettle (which looks like a Dalek) and scoffing more weird snacks rounds out day seven. Tomorrow Noah is absolutely hanging for a skate on his new board, Stella is keen to op-shop and I'm going to try and find a laundromat (as the hotel doesn't wash on a bloody Sunday). 🙄

      Step count to date: 83,000
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    • Dag 23

      Historische Pfad vo Magome uf Tsumago

      11 oktober 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach Ise simer ganz früeh am morge ufe Zug richtig Nagoya. Mir hei aber in Nagoya am Bahnhof nume üses Gepäck ines Schliessfach gleit, z‘ eigetleche Ziel düre Tag isch nämlech Magome gsi. Dert gits e 8km längi Wanderig, wo ‚Nakasendo“ heisst und die 2 Poststädt Magome und Tsumago verbindet. Nakasendo heisst übersetzt „Mitten durch die Berge“, und früecher, also bis zum Bou vor Isebahn im 19. Jh, hetme dä Wäg brucht als Verbindig zwüsche Tokyo und Kyoto. Hüt isch d‘Wanderig zwüsche dene 2 historische Dörfer es Highlight für Touriste, aber zum Glück isches nid so überloffe wie anderi Attraktione bisher, es het eher wenig lüt gha.
      Gstartet heimer auso die Wanderig in Magome. Meh het z‘Gfüehl, i dem Dorf isch d‘Zit blibe stah. Es het keni moderne Gebäude, alles gseht sehr traditionell us. Es japanisches Warnschild miteme Bär druffe hetmer zersch chli Angst gmacht, aber d‘Tatsach dases no anderi Touris het gha hei d‘Chance chli minimiert, das e Bär usgrechnet üs 2 sött agriffe 😂 D‘Wanderig füehrt dürne schöne Wald, a Wasserfäll verbi überne Pass. Underwägs hets überau Glockene wo druff steit „Ring the Bell hard against Bears“. I bi drum de froh gsi womer nach guet 2h in Tsumago si acho, ohni Begägnig miteme Bär. Tsumago isch genau wie Magome o sehr es schöns und traditionells Dörfli, ohni moderne Schnickschnack. Dert heimer när e Nudelsuppe mit ganz viu Gmües gässe, und de Sacha hetsech no e örtlechi Spezialität gönnt: Bratnige Riis amene Stock inere Erdnussbuttersauce. Mit Bus und Zug simer am Nami när wieder zrugg uf Nagoya üses Gepäck am Bahnhof ga hole und hei im Hostel icheckt. Z‘lustige a dem Hostel isch gsi, dasme het chönne e Trennwand ufe tue bide Bett, so hetme auso quasi us 2 Einzelkabine 1 grossi chönne mache. Am Abe simer ga nepalesisch Ässe und derna no ine Bar es paar Bierli ga trinke und Spieli spiele.
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    Kiso-gun, 木曽郡

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