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    • Dag 6


      14 mars 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Sophisticated typical Japanese toilets, butt warmers. 3 hr train to Takayama from Kanazawa. Had amazing Hida beef. My meal was a combo plate that I cooked a little more. Laura grilled hers. "Hida-gyu" (Hida Beef) is the specific name given to beef from a black-haired Japanese cattle breed, that has been raised in Gifu. Other Grades of Hida beef are called "Hida Wagyu" Kobe beef aims for a strict balance between akami (red, leaner meat) and shimofuri (fat marbling), Hida beef tends to have a greater amount of shimofuri, making it extra juicy, tender and giving that true melt-in-the-mouth. Vending machine sake tasting. Shopping!Läs mer

    • Dag 6

      Takayama la città in legno

      31 mars 2023, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Raggiunta Takayama ci dirigiamo in direzione della nostra guest house, dove fortunatamente veniamo accolti da un vecchietto molto carino - oggi sarà il nostro vicino di casa - che chiama per noi il proprietario e ci apre la porta di casa come fosse la sua.A Takayama non si chiude la porta a chiave, ne quando si è dentro e si va a dormire, ne quando si esce… funziona così e ci piace!
      La casa all’interno è molto carina, in loro stile, con porta scarpe all’ingresso e ciabattine personali per girare negli altri ambienti, tranne il bagno chiaramente dotato di ciabatte apposite! La nostra camera è spoglia, con al centro solamente due “sedie” e un tavolino, pareti in legno con spazi per valigie. In uno di questi è pronto il nostro letto, il futon che stenderemo tra qualche ora.
      Usciamo per le viuzze del centro storico, con case totalmente in legno in stile tradizionale, percorriamo Higashiyama Hakusan e visitiamo il santuario di Sakurayama Hachiman.
      Purtroppo qui, come nel resto del Giappone metropoli escluse, la giornata lavorativa finisce alle 5.. in poco tempo la hold town si spegne e tutti i locali, compresi quelli dedicati ai turisti, chiudono per la sera.
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    • Dag 7

      Al mercato del mattino Miyagawa

      1 april 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Dopo la notte nel futon ci alziamo con qualche difficoltà e piuttosto rigidi dal tatami.. fa freddo! La notte appena passata è stata gelida e l’escursione termica con il giorno, sopratutto quando soleggiato, è pazzesca.
      Usciamo per le viuzze in legno di Takayama per scattare qualche ulteriore foto ed assistere al mercato mattutino sul lungofiume.. qui acquistiamo il nostro sarubobo rosso, amuleto giapponese e simbolo della città… scopriamo che i sarubobo sono di tante tonalità ed ognuno porta con se un diverso augurio, il rosso in particolare è legato al bene della famiglia.
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    • Dag 11

      Hida Folk Village

      11 september 2019, Japan ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Hida Folk Village is a skanzen type place 40 minute walk away from Takayama. It is a place to preserve traditional houses, lifestyles and professions. The buildings have been moved from different parts of the Hida region.
      We spent a few hours wandering around learning about Japanese traditional architecture, silk making, wedding traditions and lifestyles.
      No suprise anymore that even in this place you can find a few vending machines (they are literally everywhere) so Tom tried macha (green tea) ice-cream.
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    • Dag 11

      Hida und Takayama

      29 april 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Da wir die letzten zwei Tage noch vom Folgetag an die Strecke drangehängt haben, sind es heute nur knapp 20 Kilometer von Hida bis Takayama. Nach unserem tollen japanischen Frühstück schaue ich mich noch in Hida um. Nach viel Gegenwind erreichen wir Takayama und haben viel Zeit uns die Stadt anzusehen und in Restaursnts und im Café zu sitzen. Das Wetter schlägt um, morgen soll es regnen. Nun, dann freuen wir bzw. unsere Muskeln uns über die fast radfreie Zeit und morgen folgt dann die Strecke mit den meisten Höhenmetern bergauf....Läs mer

    • Dag 11

      Gastgeschenke+unser spezieller Zeltplatz

      29 april 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Wir sitzen in unserem Café und kurz nach dem Gehen kommen die Besitzer mit einer Tüte voller Geschenke, Kekse, Chips und verschiedene Süßigkeiten - Wahnsinn! Zur Erinnerung machen wir ein Foto. Später kommt die Frau und steckt mir noch eine Tüte Bonbons zu, weil ihr Mann Jens auch eine gegeben hat. Das sind sooo nette Begebenheiten und Begegnungen.
      Zeit mal nach dem ausgewählten Zeltplatz im Park Ausschau zu halten. Dafür geht es "etwas" den Berg rauf. Aber dort erwartet uns ein toller Unterstand, so dass wir beim sicherlich heute Nacht einsetzenden Regen geschützt sein werden. Nach dem Zeltaufbau radeln wir zum Abendausklang (Essen, Akkus laden nebenbei und Einkauf im Supermarkt fürs Frühstück) wieder Downtown Takayama.
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    • Dag 12


      18 maj 2019, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After our train hiccup yesterday we finally made it to Takayama just after 7. So much for the fast trains of Japan, We were on the stage coach the whole way here, took about four hours to go between two places 100 kms apart. On the plus side the last part of the trip was quite scenic. It’s a much bigger place then I was expecting and the trip from the train station to our accomodation and then out again to look for some dinner wasn’t too inspiring either. Very modern, wide streets, looks just like Brisbane.

      Staying at another Ryokan here with its own Onsen. Tried it out a couple of times, and it’s nice but lying around in a hot bath for too long is not really my thing. Might be different if it was outside under the stars or trees. No dark curtain here, so we are up early and set off to find Takayama’s charms, if she has any. Turned out to have quite a few.

      There are several things I wanted to do here but they all involve and hour and a half on a bus and we’re a bit over trains and busses so we’re having a day wandering the town.

      We started with the morning market, which is on the other side of the train line from us and it’s obviously an older part of town then where we’re staying. It’s a bit like a local farmers market with some interesting stuff, not many people about yet. After getting a coffee we decided we’d better go see the famous narrow streets of its Sanmachi Suji historic district before it got too busy. They are lined with wooden merchants’ houses dating to the Edo Period, along with many small museums.

      They are lovely, like all the old towns in Japan. So well restored, clean and tidy. They all turn into shops later in the day and there are a few people out getting ready, washing windows doing a bit of pruning. Every bit of spare ground in Japan is turned into a beautiful garden even if it’s only a few meters square. They are always flowers and sculptured trees, topiaries, statues, lanterns. Hard to distribute but so pretty.

      Our walk took us past another little market at the entrance to Takayama Jinya and as it was opening we went in for a look. No it’s not a shrine or a temple. This was a local governor’s office during the Edo period. There were once lots of these buildings all over Japan however Takayama Jinya is the only one left today. It included residential area and storehouses for rice paid as tax. Not to mention a courthouse and torture room.

      Walking back towards to market, we saw about four or five tourist buses pulling in. Glad we got up early today. Found another good coffee vendor here and as a couple of those busses were full of Australians he was doing a roaring trade.

      Takayama has turned out to be a surprisingly lovely little city. Pretty streets and gardens, nice shops, and restaurants. We found a great Ramen restaurant for lunch, first time for it too. It never looks too appetising but it was delicious.

      We headed out to Hida Folk Village after lunch, its more like one of our historical village, not commercial at all and very rustic. It’s more about the arts and crafts and the history of the ares. They had quite a few people there demonstrating pottery, painting ceramics, braided cord.

      We managed to fill our day in quite nicely and are ready to tackle another train trip back tomTokyo. We’ve been down to buy the tickets and This time we will be there early!
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    • Dag 22

      Takayama - Kunsthandwerk und Sake

      26 april 2018, Japan ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Takayama liegt schon fast in den japanischen Alpen und es fühlt sich auch ein bisschen an wie im Voralpenland, nur dass die Häuser und Menschen anders aussehen.
      Man fährt hierhin, weil die Innenstadt noch sehr tradionell aussieht, es viele Kunst-Handwerksbetriebe gibt und natürlich auch einige Sakebrauereien. Außerhalb der Innenstadt geht es ländlich zu. Überall wird Gemüse in Folienhäusern angebaut, dazwischen liegen immer wieder kleine Reisfelder.
      Mein Tag begann entsprechend gemütlich. Ich besichtigte ein ehemaliges Verwaltungsgebäude aus der Edozeit, wo man auch Innenaufnahmen machen durfte! So könnt ihr euch von der luftig, schlichten Architektur nun ein Bild machen. Dann machte ich (wie so oft, aber immer wieder gerne) einen Spaziergang durch einen Wald und entlang von Schreinen und Tempeln. Nachdem ich irgendwie doof umgeknickt war, beschloss ich es so zu machen, wie alle anderen Touristen auch: chillen am Fluss, Souveniershoppen, Matcha-Eis essen und Sake probieren. Das war doch sehr entspannend. Lustig wurde es dann in der Sakebrauerei. Ein älterer, bereits angesäuselter Japaner wollte mich unbedingt von der Qualität des japanischen Sakes überzeugen und gab mir ein großes Glas Sake aus. Ich wurde zum Tisch seiner Frau dazugebeten, dann musste ich noch einen Sake probieren. Als ich versuchte klar zu machen, dass ich um 15.00 h noch nicht so viel trinken wolle, verstanden die beiden, dass ich nicht viel Zeit hätte und schleppten mich für nur "1 Min." in die benachbarte Brauerei, wo wir dann weiter testeten. Tatsächlich gelang es mir, mich mit meinen 3 Sätzen Japanisch mich mit der Frau zu unterhalten! Nachdem ich das Missverständnis nutzte, um mich aus dem Staub zu machen, ehe ich noch mehr trinken musste, bekam ich dann auch noch eine Flasche Sake geschenkt. Wenn das nicht großzügig und gastfreundlich ist! Arigato sai mas(u). Vielen Dank!
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    • Dag 11

      Magome to Tsumago walk

      17 maj 2019, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Walking across Magome pass between these two post towns. Some of it on the original paved roads they used in the Edo period. We had another coffee at Keiko’s sons shop before we left and talked to a young Australian guy who walked across yesterday but in the opposite direction, big mistake apparently.

      The first Thirty or forty minutes is a bit steep in places and while it was a bit cool this morning we soon worked up a sweat. Most people come to this ares to see these two lovely restored towns and to do this hike so we except to have a lot of fellows travellers. They is a few around us but mostly everyone spreads out very quickly.

      Cedar forest, bamboo groves, waterfalls, cobbled pathways, little villages, lovely gardens and of course temples and shrines. About half way across we came to a resthouse staffed by volunteers where you serve you tea and lollies to keep you energised for the rest of the trip. It is an original two hundred year old farmhouse.

      It is a very picturesque, fairly easy walk, although we did meet quite a few people going the other way and they looked like they were suffering. Thank goodness for some research beforehand.

      Tsumago is a nice little village too, much quieter and more residential. We had some soba noodles for lunch, picked up our bags from the tourist information and missed our train by 1 minute. 🥴
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    • Dag 155


      15 augusti 2017, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Spend two days in Takayama with my sister and her boyfriend. It was a bit rainy, but not as hot as in the rest of Japan :) We walked around the old town, did a temple walk and bought peaches from the morning market.Läs mer

    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Takayama, تاكاياما, تاکایاما، گیفو, Takajama, たかやま, 다카야마 시, Takayama-chhī, Такаяма, ทะกะยะมะ, 高山市

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