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    • Dag 40

      Thakhek Loop Tag 2

      13 november 2023, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach unserer erholsamen Nacht und einem leckeren Frühstück hieß es nun zurück auf den Bock für Etappe 2. 🛵
      Die Strecke führt entlang des Nam Theun 2 Staudamms, welcher zum Zweck der Energiegewinnung einige Landschaftsabschnitte unter Wasser gesetzt hat. Das Wetter war dieses Mal etwas ungemütlich und wir wurden sogar ein paar mal nass. Dafür haben wir uns zum Mittag mit einer Suppe aufgewärmt und die Landschaft hat den Rest wettgemacht. 😅
      Im zweiten Abschnitt standen Stopps an der Dragon Cave und dem Cool Pool auf dem Plan - beide wirklich sehenswert.
      Die letzten Kilometer Richtung Nahin haben einen wirklich eindrucksvollen Blick ermöglicht. Leider war die Straße durch den ein oder anderen Erdrutsch nicht mehr existent, wodurch das Fahren mehr Aufmerksamkeit erforderte und die Augen auf die Straße gerichtet wurden. 😅
      In Nahin angekommen gab es nur noch lecker Abendbrot und ein gemütliches Bett. 🛌
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    • Dag 96

      Day 96

      11 maj, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Thakek Loop Day 1

      Right I'm on my flight back home so let's see if I can catch up on a week's worth of posts before touchdown.

      After a chaotic awakening at 3am by some people breaking a fan, I woke up at a more normal time and got some breakfast. I ordered the French baguette with butter and jam but it came as hard as a brick so is definitely up there in one of the worst breakfasts so far. I didn't want the semi automatic bikes to run out so I asked to rent a bike and a very reliable sounding rental company "Pokemon Go" came and deliverer me a beautiful blue Honda Wave. I packed my bag and went to head out on the start of my 4 day journey. I had never ridden a semi automatic bike before but apparently its pretty simple so I thought I could just ride off but turns out I had no idea why I needed a kick starter (turns out I didn't?) and that I needed to take it out of neutral (I'm a genius I know). A quick YouTube video later and I was off. I swapped my helmet for a better one and picked up a strap to keep my bag in the basket and grabbed some snacks from the shop before filling up on fuel.

      Finally, 4 stops later I was actually off and starting on my way out of Thakek at 10am. The first little stint is along a section of road called "Cave Alley" named after having a bazillion caves every couple meters. Another thing this road had was a shit ton of lorries as it was went between borders of Vietnan and Thailand and also joined onto the road up to Vientiane so honestly it wasn't that fun driving alongside these 100x bigger and heavier death machines chugging along. I had already seen alot of caves in Vietnam so I felt like I didn't need to stop at every cave and only the ones I thought would be different enough.

      I ended up skipping quite a few, Elephant Cave (on purpose), Buddha Cave (on accident), and Xiengliab (after meeting a Swedish guy who had just come out and said it was a pretty much just a cave. We rode together to a swimming hole super closeby called Falang. We had come to realise that the reason that the loop was recommended for 4 days wasn't because the length of the driving but the amount of stops. This was fine but honestly I was hoping to relive some of my Cao Bang Loop glory days and cruise through beautiful landscapes. Don't get me wrong, there were some beautiful cliffs about but I felt like I couldn't really get "in" to the driving as there were pretty consistent stops all the way around.

      The swimming spot was nice, a bunch of little huts along the river and it wasn't too busy and felt nice to cool off. As I said before, the thunderstorms yesterday meant we had nothing but beautiful blue skies today so it was quite warm. Unfortunately, after along about a minute of floating around I cut my foot open on a rock and had to pull myself back onto the little hut and patch myself up. Generously, the Swedish guy (I knew his name at one point but it's long gone in my mind now) lent me some heavy duty tape that worked as a makeshift bandage to keep the plaster on my foot. As we were leaving, we were stopped by a couple of monks who asked us to take pictures with them which I think is pretty funny.

      There were 2 more cave closeby that I thought I probably should stop at as I hadn't stopped at any caves so far in Cave Alley. Unfortunately though, the first one Pha Nya In was closed which just left Nong Aen Cave for me to explore. This cave was pretty cool though as it was lit up with lots of different coloured LEDs which made it feel a bit different to the rest of them. There was also a boat ride through it but I think it wasn't running today maybe because of the water level and the season. Plus, there was small viewpoint which was nice.

      In my head, if I kept going along the route now I would get to my guesthouse for the night way too early. That combined with being sick of seeing other people, I decided to go slightly off route to a town called Mahaxay to find some lunch as a river passed through it and I reckoned I could find a nice spot. The road wasn't long but was a horribly bumpy gravel track which I still don't think my spine has forgiven me for. Plus, when I got there I couldn't find a single restaurant so ended up buying some rice wrapped up in banana leaves and a mango to substitute as a lunch, with some of my snacks. I found a really nice spot along the river in a wooden hut to eat my food. The rice was horrible, it had something inside that I kept trying to convince myself was alright but I kept having to alternate with slices of mango just so I could get it down. I ended up not finishing the rice but the mango was fantastic and I felt like I had mastered cutting slices.

      I did a little photoshoot of my bike and the background before heading back along the terrible road and getting on the main loop. I had gotten used to the semi automatic now and was really enjoying the versatility of gears even if breaking with my foot was weird still. My thinking earlier about needing to waste time was absolutely wrong and turns out if I didn't want to drive in the dark, I'd have to skip some stuff which was fine, I enjoyed my little adventure and it meant I was behind the loose group of people that left this morning from Thakek and felt more solo. I stopped at a viewpoint instead of more caves or a waterfall as I didn't need more caves and I don't think the waterfall would have been as good as the viewpoint this time of year but would have been nice if I had time.

      The viewpoint was at an abandoned waterpark which was really eerie but I paid this random dude and parked up before heading up these red metal stairs. The stairs up were really good to be fair and after briefly passing through a little cave and continuing up, I made it to the top and had enough time to snap a couple pics before having to almost run down as I needed the toilet really bad. When I got to the bottom I had a semi traumatic experience in the abandoned waterpark toilet before heading onwards. I stopped at a café and had some samosas (they didn't have any spring rolls) before realising I had no more time to stop today if I wanted to make it before sun down which was a bit of a shame as there was the "Orchid Path Viewpoint" which sounded nice.

      The place I was staying at was called Thalang and was a town that stood on the edge of a massive artificial lake which was known for its very eerie looking sea of dead tree trunks rising up through the water. All of the environmental and social issues of building a dam and flooding a large amount of land displacing animals and villages aside - when the sun was setting over this lake it was absolutely stunning and I had to keep stopping to take pictures of the beautiful sunset. There were a few guesthouses all in the same area but the main one was called Sabaidee (hello in Lao) and was where everyone went in the evening as they had a well known unlimited barbqueue that I was excited for. After checking in and getting one of the last dorm beds available, I got a beer and got ready to enjoy a nice BBQ.

      The evening was really nice. Lots of people sat around with a beer, lots of really yummy BBQ things (mostly kebab sticks) and we ended the night with a good few rounds of curling without ice (I can't remember the name of the game where you have to throw your balls closest to the smaller ball and whoever is closest wins).
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    • Dag 200

      Thakek Loop

      8 september 2022, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Went up towards the center of the country to do a motorbike loop, where Victor, the french guy accompanied me (even though he did the loop already, he decided to do it again), but since he had to be in Vietnam before the 14th, I decided to take him towards the frontier during the loop and do the other half on my own. The bus ride from Pakse was the longest in my life (they turned a 5 hour ride into 12), so it was also the most productive one I've ever had, watched a movie, called everyone I had to, planned my next steps... and plenty of more things. We arrived to Takhek, and the owner of the hostel, a lovely vietnamese man, was so happy to see Victor again and I also met a dutch guy I had met in Pakse weeks before. So we did the first part slowly, stopping first in a beautiful spot near the river, where we had a beautiful bungalow complex only for ourselves! And the next day we camped in front of a lake in a national park (after having a bit too many beers). On the third day I dropped him at the nearest town to Vietnam, and hoped him for the best (ai was a bit worried because he was quite a disaster, but for my peace of mind he made it with a vietnamese family), and continued on my own until a beautiful town where I slept my last night of the loop. You drive surrounded by limestone mountains, getting the chanxe to stop in beautiful viewpoints and visit fantastic caves. As everything, some sections where beautiful, some other not so much, some where fun to drive and some a bit too long, some caves fantastic and others a bit of waste of money. The last cave though, was absolutely incredible, a boat takes you kilometers and kilometers on a massive cave (biggest I've seen in my life) only with a headtorch (so veryvery dark), while you realise that your life is in this lao's boatman hands (it was a bit more dramatic because I was the only person there and the boat didn't feel so safe, either the amount of rocks everywhere or his illuminating system). on the night before, I slept alone in a beautiful bungalow surrounded by huge mountains and green rice fields, and woke up to buffalos and chickens singing in the garden. Dragon cave was also super nice, I was the only person there, again, and I felt like I was in the horrocrux cave of Harry Potter. After that i climbed a really nice viewpoint (it said trek, but nono it was a climb), and because I made the mistake to do it in flipflops, enjoyed it more time on the ground than actually standing. Finally I was back in the starting point, and got eeady for my long journey to the north, but before, got invited for dinner with the owner and his wife and had some last laughs with them.

      🏠 Accomodation: ThongDam Guesthouse (really cheap and nice, hammoks and nice view super close to the cave, and they make very nice breakfasts, the place is run by like a 13 year old which is weird but she speaks a bit of english (I swear I didn't see a single adult during the whole time, she cleaned, cooked, did the check in...), Rent a tent from Phosy Talang (they prepare everything and you can sleep in front of the lake so nice, if not apparently Sabaidee guesthouse is also nice), Thafalang (really pretty cabins, we where there completely alone) , Naga Hostel (supersupersuper nice owner, very nice place to stay in)
      📍Essentials: Kong Lor Cave, Dragon Cave, drive near the Nakai-Nam Theun National Park
      📢 Travelling tips: tuktuk drivers will try to overcharge your from the bus station because its your only way out, ot should be 20 kips per person, no more.
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    • Dag 315


      25 februari, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Am morgen bin ich losgegangen um mein Motorroller abzuholen. War etwas nervös, da ich mir nicht sicher war, wie schwierig die Strecke nun wirklich ist und was für ein Bike ich bekommen werde. Mir wurde nur gesagt, dass es ein 125cc Automatik sein wird, was mir ungefähr gar nichts gesagt hat 😅.
      Wie es sich herausgestellt hat, ist es ungefähr das selbe Modell, wie das Motorrad das ich in Kambodscha gefahren bin. Also kein Problem.
      Nachdem ich die Route aus dem Ort genommen habe, die die Polizeikontrollen umgeht (🤫😅), ging es also los auf die eigentliche Strecke.
      Und wider erwartet war es ein super entspanntes Fahren auf 1A Straßen (Ich glaube meine erste Fahrt in Kambodscha war im Nachhinein doch abenteuerlicher als ich dachte 😆). Wunderschöne Landschaft und wenig Verkehr.
      Als Zwischenstopp habe ich mir die Höhle Tham Nang Aen ausgesucht. Ne schön beleuchtet Höhle mit einem kleinem See/Fluss, in dem ich dann auch eine Mini Kajaktour gemacht habe. Wir kamen dann auf die glorreiche Idee aus dem Kajak aussteigen zu wollen um Fotos zumachen und standen dann aufeinmal knietief in (wahrscheinlich) Guano. Also alte Fledermauskacke 🙃.
      War aber alles sehr witzig und nach einer kurzen Pause im Park bin ich dann weitergefahren.
      Da ich absolut nicht einschätzen konnte wie lang ich unterwegs sein werde, bin ich dann ohne großen Zwischenstopp bis nach Thalang gefahren und war dann schon recht früh dort. Ein gutes Gasthaus gefunden, etwas gegessen und ein wenig den Ort erkundet.
      Morgen ist die Strecke evtl. etwas länger, aber jetzt kann ich schon eher abschätzen wie lange ich brauche. Werde dann bestimmt häufiger mal halten um Fotos von der wirklich schönen Landschaft zu machen.
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    • Dag 8

      Thakhek Loop / Etappe 1

      23 januari, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Thakhek nach Thalang - 110km:

      Der Morgen startet früh, denn heute geht es auf eine 4-tägige Roller Tour - den Thakhek Loop. Dieser startet und endet in Thakhek, sodass ich meinen Backpack im Hostel gelassen und nur das Wichtigste eingepackt habe.
      Mit Eduardo, den ich im Hostel kennengelernt habe, startet die erste Etappe der Tour, 110km bis nach Thalang. Raus aus der Stadt erwartet uns eine schöne Landschaft, umgeben von Karstfelsen und Wäldern. Auf dem Weg halten wir an diversen Höhlen an, unter anderem die Karsthöhle 'Tham Aen'. Sie ist bekannt für ihre riesigen Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten und besonders schön mit der bunten Beleuchtung.
      Mittags wurde es immer kälter und mittlerweile waren es nur noch 14 Grad und eisig auf dem Roller. Auf dem Weg haben wir noch Jay getroffen, der mit uns das letzte Stück zur ersten Unterkunft gefahren ist. Etwas verkalkuliert, sind wir die letzte Stunde im Dunklen gefahren und schließlich abends bei 11 Grad, frierend im Gasthaus angekommen. Wir hatten Glück und haben das letzte Dreibettzimmer bekommen. In dem Ort gibt es nur zwei Gasthäuser, sodass sich hier alle Rollerfahrer treffen und bei einem gemeinsamen Lagerfeuer und BBQ den Abend ausklingen lassen.
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    • Dag 184–185

      Thakhek Loop Tag 1

      1 oktober 2023, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute haben wir den Thakek Loop gestartet (:
      Wir haben uns 2 Höhlen angeschaut und sind danach in einen Regenschauer gekommen. Nach einer kurzen Zwangspause ging es dann weiter zu einem Wasserfall, den wir etwas suchen mussten und dann unsere Unterkunft für die Nacht. (:Läs mer

    • Dag 90

      Final Leg

      15 januari 2023, Laos

      8:50am After a decent night’s sleep, we are up waiting for breakfast. Craig is plotting some stops along the way back to Thakhek to return our bikes and check into our hotel.

      As we made our way back, we stopped at a few caves, saw some amazing views of rivers, mountains, and villages. The weather was perfect. Nothing like opening up the throttle with the sun on your back as you drive through beautiful country!Läs mer

    • Dag 39

      Thakhek Laos - Loop Tag 1

      16 december 2022, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Tag 1 des Loops. Gleich um 7.30 Uhr ging es los. Der erste Teil der Strecke wird sehr viel von LKWs befahren die von Vietnam kommen. Straßen waren meist sehr gut. Die erste Sehenswürdigkeit wae leider geschlossen. Danach klappte aber alles wie geplant. Höhlen, Wasserfälle und kleine Tempel konnten ich mehr als genug sehen. Leider ging die Sonne schon langsam unter, daher reichte es nur kurz für die Füße ins zu Wasser halten. Pünktlich zur Einbruch der Dunkelheit erreichte ich die Unterkunft.Läs mer

    • Dag 24

      4. Tag Thakhek Loop

      21 november 2019, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Früh geht es los Richtung Thalang zum Phonsy Guesthouse, wo wir die erste Nacht vom Thakhek Loop übernachtet haben. Unterwegs besuchen wir das Dragon Cave. Könnt ihr den Drachen auf meinen Fotos finden?😀Läs mer

    • Dag 22

      2. Tag Thakhek Loop

      19 november 2019, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Slowly slowly...😂 wir sind die Letzten, die das Guesthouse verlassen, um die Weiterfahrt auf dem Loop zu machen😆 wie gesagt, wir nehmen es gerne gemütlich. Wir verlassen das Dorf Thalang und fahren auf der Strasse entlang vom Nam Theun Fluss. Wir geniessen das Wasser rundherum, in diesem viele abgestorbene Bäume herrausragen, was ein bisschen traurig ist und dennoch ein schöner Anblick bietet.
      Die Natur rund um den Thakhek Loop ist so vielseitig und wunderschön. Wir fahren vorbei an den Sandstone Buddha Rock Skulptuen, zu unserem heute einzigen Stop, dem Cool Pool. Während der Fahrt ist es kalt und wird immer kälter, so dass ich mir meine lange Hose und eine Jacke anziehen muss. Da es mein Körper nicht schafft, sich aufzuwärmen, verzichte ich auf das Schwimmen in dem türkisblauen Cool Pool. Wir geniessen die Aussicht, schiessen Fotos und fahren zu unserem nächsten Ziel, das Konglor Village, wo wir übernachten.
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