Sop Hia village

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    • Day 9

      Le rêve d'Icare

      January 3, 2016 in Laos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      On les reluquait depuis le début ces 3 superbes montgolfières qui décollaient à l'aube et au crépuscule.
      Et on a sauté le pas : on a réservé. Il faut dire que pour 70 euros, la question ne s'est pas posée longtemps!
      16h30 : rendez-vous au terrain de décollage. Une vingtaine de bon hommes s'affairent au décollage. Les montgolfières sont d'abord étendues par terre. 3 maxi ventilo équipés de moteur de tondeuse à gazon sont activés à sa base. Les gars tirent de tous les côtés, rentrent à l'intérieur... La montgolfière est gonflée partiellement sur le côté quand les gaz sont activés. Ça dégage une chaleur folle! La nacelle est alors redressée et il faut vite embarquer pendant que les gars la cramponnent pour que l'on reste à terre.
      Et puis ils la lâchent et c'est parti. C'est fou de voler sans aucun bruit. On survole la ville assez bas. Les gamins nous font coucou. Puis on survole la ville et les montagnes. 40 minutes enchanteresses !
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    • Day 9

      Vang Vieng : balade en scoot

      January 3, 2016 in Laos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Location de scooter pour la journée. Yorick au guidon. Balade sur les pistes, entre les montagnes, les grottes, les piscines naturelles.
      Sensation de liberté au milieu de ces paysages sublimes. Les enfant nous hèlent le long de la route à coup de "Sabaidee" (bonjour).Read more

    • Day 315

      Auf dem Mekong entlang

      April 18, 2018 in Laos ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Wir sind in Laos!
      Laos ist in Deutschland nicht so bekannt und wahrscheinlich deshalb auch nicht so von Touristen überrannt! Auf der Landkarte sieht das kleine Land irgendwie etwas eingeklemmt zwischen Thailand Vietnam und Kambodscha aus.
      Eingereist sind wir mit Bus und Tuktuk und kamen nass in Houay Xay an. Wir bekamen die Nachwehen von Sonkran zu spüren. Das wird auch in Laos gefeiert und auch wenn es eigentlich schon vorbei war, haben die Einheimischen trotzdem noch Spaß daran Menschen mit Wasser zu beschütten, besonders Touristen.
      Am nächsten Morgen nahmen wir ein "slow boat" was seinem Namen alle Ehre machte. So tuckerten wir die nächsten zwei Tage den Mekong hinunter nach Luang Prabang. An ersten Tag sechs und am anderen sieben Stunden, alle Insassen übernachten in einem Dorf am Mekong. Die Infrastruktur in Laos ist nicht gut ausgebaut als Alternative hätte es einen 14+ Stunden Bus gegeben oder ein Speed boat. Kleine Boote die wie verrückt auf dem Mekong herum rasen und nur die Fahrer zur Sicherheit Helme tragen. Das wollten wir uns nicht unbedingt antun. Dann lieber ein gemütliches slow boat. Eigentlich ist das ein Linienboot, doch es fuhren hauptsächlich Touristen mit, nur ab und zu hielten wir um laotische Familien aufzusammeln oder raus zu lassen. Der Mekong River entspringt in China und fließt durch ganz Laos. Ein mächtiger großer Fluss, der ziemlich schlammig aussieht. Ab und zu gibt es ein paar Felsinseln und ziemlich viele Strömungen und Stromschnellen. Rechts und links vom Mekong sind Berge und Dschungel. Ab und zu sieht man Wasserbüffel, ein paar Hütten und ein paar Menschen, sonst unberührte Natur. Es war schön die Natur zu betrachten, doch nach dem zweiten Tag hatten wir dann auch erstmal genug vom Boot fahren!
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    • Day 16


      March 22, 2015 in Laos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Lunch im Taj Mahal. In einer Stunde fährt unser Bus ab nach Hue, ein 24 Stunden Trip nach Vietnam.

    • Day 22

      laos begins

      October 25, 2016 in Laos ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Dear travel journal,
      So today was awesome. Up early for breaky and then we piled into a minivan, across the friendship bridge (yes, that's its actual name) that joins thailand to laod and landed at the border. Check point A - leave Thailand, jump on a bus for 5 minutes and get off at check point B. Welcome to Laos. Everyone else waited in line for evers and got their visas (I already have one), then we all exchanged some monies and headed into Laos. We met our laos tour guide toi who will be with us for the next leg of our adventure and jumped into another minivan and headed to the pier. Everything is green, with cows just chilling on the side of the road. When we got to the pier there were long boats everywhere. I'm not talking Borneo long boats. I mean decent size boats that are about 2m wide and 20m long with long day beds behind the driver section and tables and chairs behind that (8 - winning, one for each of us). And a small free area with a TV behind that, a small bar behind that, followed by the toilets and then a closed off area for the owners/kitchen. It was so amazing just chilling on the water, looking at the amazing scenery. Its green mountains everywhere, water buffalo, goats, cows, herons, locals in fishing boats with nets, traditional and more modern towns. We made two stops on the way up river, the first was a boat check point for the driver, the second was to see a traditional village. With houses made of natural products themselves, the grandparents and wives looking after the children while the men where away at work. Pigs, goats, cows, water Buffalo's and chickens everywhere and one water tap as the main source of fresh water for the town. Laos has everything from those who live very traditionally through to very modern, for example the new western style houses directly across from the village. It was super interesting to see. Then back on the boat. At one point we went past a ridge and the boat mans wife threw some sticky rice over board. Apparently its believed that there are spirits in the pass who they pay respects to for safe passage and travels. And then we arrived at Pak beng. Again there were boats everywhere but the boat man managed to squeeze us in. Off the end of the boat and up the hill and the bags went in the tray of a truck and we walked through the little town and checked into our hotel. Its quite nice. I'm sharing for with Dana again tonight and once we settled in we all went through a little tour through town. Its a mix of old school and slightly more modern. We walked past dogs, cats, chickens and kids playing everywhere, walked through the food markets and the temple in town. The view over the river from the top of the hill is amazing. The town and is cute and busy and everyone is so friendly. On the way back to the hotel a local offered to shake hands with Dana and then pulled her in for a huge and sniffed her shoulder and then walked away. Apparently there is a boy in town who is a bit slow mentally and it was probably him our tour guide said that he is harmless but sometimes does that to foreigners. Once back at the hotel we had dinner and and cupcakes for micheals birthday and most people had a few drinks. After dinner we headed to the only place in town still open late - the happy bar. Where all the foreigners go apparently. We played cards, and chatted and danced and met some peoples from the UK and Canada. And Micheal, euan, and dana got drunk and we had the best time. Nicola and Nadine decided to head back after a little bit and headed to bed. Once back we snuck in the slightly open roller door which usually locks at 10pm (its 11.45pm by this point), tiptoed up the stairs and fell into ours rooms. It was he best fun. Good thing we can sleep on the boat though - we are up at 6am tomorrow, lol. Night xoRead more

    • Day 82


      February 2, 2018 in Laos


      This is our second visit to Madrid. We came in Nov 2015, as the first stop of our first ever Europe experience, Spain and Portugal. This time, it will be the last stop of our second Europe experience, Italy and Spain. Both visits included 5 nights in Madrid.

      We loved Madrid the first time round, and the love deepened this second visit. Our favourite churros and chocolate cafe, Chocolat in Calle Santa Maria is still as good, with additional "heart attack in a cup" combinations on their menu. Kai and I swoon over Bora Bora, a mocha made with their dreamily thick fudgy hot chocolate, strong coffee, condensed milk and whipped cream. Talk about swooning, Alfonso the owner was eye candy swoon worthy 2 years ago, and he is every bit so 2 years on. He does not speak any English, so we communicate through his staff who translates for us. I have watched Alfonso interact with his staff and customers and have concluded that he is just the nicest, sweetest man ever. When he found out that it was Kai's birthday, he played "Happy Birthday" over the music system as he presented her with an enormous slice of his yummy chocolate cake with a candle. Kai was horrified that happy birthday played in every conceivable language, and was left playing all the time she was in the café. Most hilarious.

      We also revisited our other foodie haunt, Mas El Sur, for dinner. Again just as delicious as we remembered, and the staff are lovely, although they are all different from 2015. Whilst having dinner there on our second last night, we met John, a gay guy from Philippines who now lives in Munich. He and his friend sat at the table next to us, and as the tables are quite close together, we got chatting. Within half an hour, we got the life story of him and his entire family. It was most entertaining, and he was delightful dinner company. "Darlings, I've been to Perth, but what is there to do in Perth for a gay guy? So I had to, Had to, visit my friends in Melbourne and Sydney. Perth. It's so quiet, I can hear the birds!"

      We also paid our respects to our other Madrid acquaintances (the artworks) in the Museo Reina Sofia, Museo Sorolla, and Museo del Prado, all art galleries. Some familiar faces were there, and it was lovely to meet new ones. They were all still as captivating in their beauty and composition. The big change that we noticed that was that photography was not allowed anymore in the Prado. All the attendants said that it was only allowed in the main gallery, but no one seems to agree on where the main gallery was. Some said that it was in the basement, whilst others said that it was on the first level. So, we did not take any photos. Grace thought that we did progress through the gallery much faster not taking any photos. We were all there from 10am till 6pm, with about an hour for lunch. Grace and I retired after to a food court on the 9th floor of El Cortes Inglese to watch the last sun set on our wonderful 82 day holiday, and to await the girls who still had stamina to shop.
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