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    • Dia 9


      4 de agosto de 2018, Letônia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Another great night enjoying the long summer evening was followed by an early morning start as I headed out of town to Sigulda for some mountain air. Sigulda is a small town overlooking the picturesque Gautama river in a national park, a heavily forested valley dotted with medieval castles, amazing views and the only bobsled track in the world open to the public, which was the clincher for the early morning effort. The train out to Sigulda went through endless forest, until I was finally deposited in Sigulda where I immediately hired a mountain bike and set off to explore the valley knowing that the bobsled track wasn’t open until after midday. Taking tracks through the forest I made my way down the valley sides until I reached the river and then followed the river upstream until I came across Gutmanis Cave, the largest cave in the Baltic’s and also the oldest tourist attraction in Latvia, evidenced by the huge number of carved inscriptions at its mouth, some dating back to the 17th century. To this day, local legend has it that the waters running out of the cave have healing properties, which explained the huge number of locals filling up water bottles while I was there.

      Ascending the opposite side of the valley, I stopped a a few view points highlighting my final destination, Turaida Castle. Turaida Castle is one of four in the immediate vascinity, but the best preserved and dominates a bluff looking out over the valley. It is also part of the larger Museum Reserve, which included a number of museums and beautiful grounds with various view points. Back on the bike it was time to head back down hill, where I got into a bit of bother following a path, which turned into a series of steep stairs, but I eventually found my way back to town, via a couple of castle ruins and lunch while waiting for the cable car, which I was hoping would allow me to avoid the climb back up the other side of the valley. That hope proved to be dashed as my bike was refused entry and so it was one last hard slog back to town where I immediately headed to the aforementioned bobsled track.

      Being summer there obviously wasn’t any ice, but you can still be taken down in a training sleigh (with wheels). Winter would have also had the added benefit of being able to ride in surplus sleds from the Sarajevo Olympics bobsled track, an abandoned track I had explored four years previously. Sigulda’s bobsled track was built in 1986 and was the only bobsled track in the Soviet Union. It is 1420 metres long, has 6 curves and has a maximum speed of 130km/h. I had heard about it the day before, and while I was sceptical that it was going to be more sedate than it sounded, I couldn’t not live out my Cool Runnings fantasy’s. It definitely wasn’t sedate! The only added safety feature was a loose lap sash and the fact you didn’t have top run and jump into the moving sleigh, but otherwise it’s just 3 tourists and a professional upfront steering. The briefing consisted of a simple command to ‘keep your neck and back strong’ and off we went. Approximately a minute later I was exhilarated, having been thrown about like a rag doll and feeling the sleigh sliding about while we were going round curves on the horizontal. It was awesome!
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    • Dia 6

      Burg Turaida

      24 de julho de 2019, Letônia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Ganz in unserer Nähe befand sich die Burg Turaida. Diese wurde seit ihrer Erbauung im Jahre 1214 bis zur Zerstörung durch einen Brand 1776 bewohnt.
      1953 wurde mit dem Wiederaufbau begonnen. Die Holzkirche aus dem Jahre 1750 blieb erhalten und ist heute eines der ältesten Holzhäuser Lettlands🇱🇻.Leia mais

    • Dia 7

      Engure - Riga - Turaida

      30 de julho de 2019, Letônia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Es soll heute also in die große Stadt gehen: Riga, wir kommen!
      Also früh aufgestanden und klar Schiff gemacht. Frühstück ging auch flott und ab auf die Piste. In Riga haben wir uns einen bewachten Parkplatz gesucht und sind dann Richtung Altstadt gewandert. Wir hatten eigentlich schon die Hälfte der für uns attraktiven Sehenswürdigkeiten gesehen, bis wir bei der Touri-Information im Schwarzhäupterhaus ankamen. Dann noch eine Runde durch die Zeppelinhallen gedreht und dann waren wir ratlos. So richtig umgehauen hat uns die Stadt nicht.
      Ich habe gerade mal die Kids gefragt, was ihnen von Riga in Erinnerung bleibt: es ist die Wachablösung am Friedensdenkmal.
      Somit sind wir dann weiter Richtung Gauja Nationalpark gefahren. Morgen werden wir uns hier eine der vielen Wandermöglichkeiten heraussuchen oder in die Museumsburg gehen. Wir schauen mal. Es wird wieder mal Zeit für ein Abenteuer und eine lustige Geschichte für Euch!
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    • Dia 6

      Burg Turaida

      27 de julho de 2017, Letônia ⋅ 19 °C

      Die Burg Turaida 🏰 ist in seiner heutigen Form eine Rekonstruktion. 1214 erstmals erwähnt ist die Burg 1776 abgebrannt 🔥. Eine Ausnahme bildet der Turm, dieser blieb stehen und ist heute das letzte verbliebene Teil der Originalburg. Seit 1953 wird die Burg Stück für Stück rekonstruiert.Leia mais

    • Dia 65

      Siguldas Cave

      10 de setembro de 2022, Letônia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Went for a walk this morning, through the woods and also to check out the terrifying cave we looked at in the pitch black last night 😂
      We finally got some photos of all 4 of us together!

    • Dia 2

      Turaida Castle

      4 de março de 2017, Letônia ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      Before we left London we signed up to an all day winter tour of Sigulda and the surrounding area with a company called Discover Latvia. When organising it we had been told it was unlikely to be snowy and the tour guide at the deer park would be on holidays while we were there. Closer to the date or host alsop told us due to unseasonably warm weather a lot of the parks were very muddy and slippery.

      We didn't quite know what to expect when we got picked up on Saturday morning by Janis in his family van and headed to our first stop, collecting his 12 year old son, Gustav, along the way. Driving out of Riga, the Soviet influence on the city was very apparent in the architecture, especially when compared to the art deco architecture in Riga.

      Our first official stop was Turaida Castle, which was built by the Livonian's in 1214. The weather was pretty dicey and raining. We got out of the car and off we went. We visited the small church, which was one of the oldest surviving wooden churches in Latvia. Around a memorial site next to the church Janis told us the story of the Rose of Turaida. Maija Rose was a little girl when she was found among the wounded after a battle in 1600 and taken to Turaida Castle, where she grew to be a beautiful woman with many suitors. The only one with a place in her heart was Viktors, a gardener at nearby Sigulda Castle, home of a rival group. These two used to secretly meet at Gutmana Cave. One day, a suitor from the Turaida side of the river decides to Lee Maija to the cave under false pretences, to kidnap her for his own. To ensure her escape, Maija promises the suitor the magic scarf around her neck. The scarf would protect her from a blade and to prove it he should swing his axe at her neck. You don't even need to imagine what happened next, but the suitor was captured and hung for his crime. Court documentation had shown this story to be true!

      On approach to the main Castle, Gustav announces that we all have to run to the top of the Tower, counting the steps as we went along. We got there, maybe forgetting to count the steps, and the views out over the valley were pretty nice, although limited by the weather. The small on site museum gave a history of the Livonia. It was interesting that although Turaida and Sigulda were very close together and only separated by the Gauja River they were never part of the same group's territories.

      Back to the car, and to a buffet restaurant in Sigulda. It was tricky to work out what the food was, but we definitely had our fill and it didn't burn a hole in your pocket.

      After lunch we went to a nearby spring to fill up water bottles, as well as get Janis' supply for home in lathe water drums. There were lots of locals, remembering we were in the middle of nowhere, filling up bottles for their own use!
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    • Dia 9

      7. Noc - sjezdovka pod Siguldou

      13 de setembro de 2016, Letônia ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Kemp u mesta Sigulda jsem nasel, ale za noc ve stanu bez sprch a wc se mi 9€ davat nechtelo.

      Spim v aute na konci typicke litevsko-lotysske polnacky (tvrdy prasny povrch, rozryty vetsimi ci mensimi dirami). Prede mnou je takovy svazek, 50 m na vysku? A je z nej sjezdovka :). Za mnou sumi reka Gauja, ktera dala jmeno i prvnimu lotysskemu NP. Ten ocihnu zitra.

      Mimochodem, nocni Sigulda v centrs je naprosto nezajimava a nudna, jinak bych mel chut se i prochazet (v bunde, je 14 stupnu).
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    • Dia 11

      Sigulda & Turaida

      20 de agosto de 2021, Letônia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Journée Nature dans le Parc National de la Gauja avec un aller-retour au départ de Sigulda en direction du Château de Turaida, en passant par la Grotte Gutmanis (une des plus grandes des Pays Baltes).
      Aller en prenant le funiculaire, retour en passant par le pont.
      Journée sportive également étant donné le nombre d'escaliers à monter et descendre.
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    • Dia 36


      6 de agosto de 2019, Letônia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Sigulda est l'entrée du parc national de la Gauja.
      Le poids du tourisme se fait ressentir en voyant le nombre d'autocar sur les parkings et des vacanciers déambulant dans le parc.
      Est-ce dû à ce début du mois d'août ?
      Il est vrai que de nombreuses activités sont au programmes et que plusieurs sites sont intéressants.
      Nous avons parcouru un parc animalier recensant les animaux de la région, ce qui nous a permis d'effectuer une bonne balade de 6 kms, sans en entrevoir beaucoup.
      Le lendemain, nous avons visité le remarquable château de Turaida. Non moins remarquable la facilité avec laquelle nous sommes montés au sommet de la tour!
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