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    • Dag 12

      Vilnius 2

      30. april, Litauen ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Mit free tours geführt durch Vilnius haben wir neue Infos und Einblicke erhalten. Es gab 2 Ghettos und hier in der Region ist der Holocaust überall präsent. In den Wäldern sahen wir schon einige Stelen in Gedenken an die Opfer in den Massengräbern - hoffentlich nie wieder Genozid weltweit!
      Die Führung war kurzweilig und hat uns die bewegte Geschichte und Kultur von Vilnius und Litauen näher gebracht. Schön ist das Tor der Morgenröte - früher Stadttor und heute Marienkapelle. Wir haben die Republik Uzupio besucht - eine Künstlerkolonie mit eigener Verfassung😉. Auch am Punkt (Stebuklas = Wunder), an dem die singende Menschenkette für den baltischen Weg in die Unabhängigkeit startete/endete, sahen wir - und ....
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    • Dag 1


      25. mai, Litauen ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Die Markthalle von Vilnius zieht tagsüber Einheimische an, die saisonales, frisches Obst und Gemüse aus Omas Garten sowie frischen Fisch und Fleisch erwerben. Abends soll sich der vordere Teil in eine lebendige Kneipenecke verwandeln - was wir bei unserem Besuch leider nicht bestätigen können. Aber vielleicht hat das Timing nicht gepasst 😕. Für den kleinen Hunger am Morgen oder zwischendurch können wir die Bagel-Bar empfehlen. Es gibt eine gute Auswahl und alles wird frisch zubereitet.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      A Taste of Lithuania

      8. juni 2019, Litauen ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      I believe I can gauge a feeling for a country by spending a day wandering the streets and carefully watching the people. So that is what I basically spent the day doing.

      Our hotel is conveniently located right outside the city gate. This makes it very convenient for exploring the old town, but it is still far enough away from the hustle and bustle to provide a delightfully quiet sanctuary.

      Near the hotel I discovered a lovely flower and fruit market. As I wandered the aisles, my gaze was quickly drawn to the beautiful looking strawberries and cherries. I have found in previous overseas trips that the standard of these fruits in Australia is very poor when compared to other countries. I ordered a bag of cherries for the grand sum of 3 Euro (about $5 Australian) and spent the next 30 minutes savouring their incredible sweetness and juiciness. They were certainly among the best I have ever tasted and I will certainly return tomorrow for some more.

      My meanderings then took me right into the city, down to the Vilnia and Neris Rivers. As I walked I could see that the city was in a state of transition. While there were still many older, decaying buildings from the Soviet era, there was also a lot of modern development also taking place. It reminded me of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon that it had been trapped in for decades.

      One thing that is also clear is that Soviets had no idea how to make good concrete. Every concrete structure that they built is rapidly crumbling to dust, almost before your very eyes. It is little wonder what happened at Chernobyl, thirty years ago.

      Since the day was rapidly heating up, I decided to spend some time sitting in the park, under the shade of the trees, just watching life passing by. There was a mixture of young mothers with children, middle aged people and a few plump babushkas, some of them in national dress.

      At breakfast time we had received a notice that we had arrived in Vilnius just in time to enjoy a festival of senior dancing and singing. That sounded like a great way to observe .some of the rich culture, so I set off to find where it was being held. Along the way I met Ross & Fran and Lothar and Celia. While we were chatting in the street, we were joined by an uninvited interloper. It was an obviously a very queer Englishman who had apparently come to Vilnius to take part in the gay pride parade. He tried to persuade us to ditch the ladies and join him at the parade. We politely declined. I still cannot understand what actually happened.

      At 3 pm we managed to find the location where the folk dancing was to take place. Unfortunately it was in the full sun and the temperature was souring. I felt sorry for all the dancers dressed in their hot costumes. Whoever designed those clothes did not take global warming into account.

      The dancing was spirited and very colourful, however the baking sun started to make my head feel like I was growing crackling. After 30 minutes we had to leave to seek some shade.

      On days such as this there is nothing better than a lovely ice cream, especially when a heaped double scoop in a cone costs only 2 Euro.

      There are now 17 members of our team in Vilnius. There should have been 20, but Peter & Brigitte and John Mudgway had been delayed at Warsaw airport. At last update the flight was 7 hours late and counting. That meant that they missed dinner and the first briefing with our local guide. Marg's missing luggage is still missing and one of our team is feeling ill. Apart from that, everything is going fine - especially when we heard that Australian Ash Barty had won the French Open tennis championship.

      At 7 pm a young fellow answering to the name "Lucas" introduced himself as our local guide and led us to a nearby restaurant for dinner. After an enjoyable meal I am now back at the hotel. The time is well after 10 pm, but due to the bright light outside, it feels like 7 pm.

      And so ends our first full day in Lithuania.
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    • Dag 266

      Vilnius-Lithuania-Don't look up!

      27. mai 2017, Litauen ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Arrived at 6am in Vilnius this morning fourty minutes ahead of schedule and the temperature a balmy 7 degrees. I don't think I'll ever learn to sleep on buses or trains. I think I managed to sleep for an hour. I booked a room at 5am on the bus and when I got to the hotel they let me in right away so I could get some sleep. So nice! Rise and shine at 9:30 and I hit the coffee shop across the street for a cappuccino, eat my sandwich from the night before and hit the pavement for an all day tour. First thing I notice is the horrible condition of the sidewalk and know that I'm going to have to keep my eyes to the ground so I don't trip. There city is being restored and you can see it everywhere. There are a lot if churches here. I start out by seeing the town hall, cathedral basilica and bell tower, the hill of crosses, Bernardine gardens, and palace of the grand dukes of Lithuania. It's already so hot and the climb to the hill of crosses is steep, boards in the stairs are broken, and the bank is silty. I get to the top sweating but the city view is fantastic. On the way down I step on a step and it gives way and I go falling forward and down the stairs. Ouucccchhhh! I manage not to break any bones but I can feel the stinging and cut on my leg under my tights and I'm covered in silt. I walk to the gardens and regroup under a shady tree while I watch a wedding. I manage to get back to the hotel after finding a great and cheap organic food store, have a shower to clean my wound and vegetate for a few hours. Have to wash my clothes from all the silt. Back out at 6:30 after having a nap and checked out the rest of the old town I missed earlier in the day. Hard to find a grocery store here and after walking 2.5 hours I found one. Bought my water (mint) and headed back to the room to book my trip to Latvia tomorrow. Walking back I noticed women pacing the street and asked the hotel clerk if this was the red light district and after having to explain what it meant, he said yes. Hmm, interesting!Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Halės turgus - Markt zu Corona Zeiten

      19. juli 2020, Litauen ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Unser nächstes Ziel waren die Halės turgus, zu Deutsch die Markthallen. Auch hier hat man sehr wenig von Corona gemerkt. Abstandhalten gab es ein wenig, Maskenpflicht gar nicht. So ganz wohl haben wir uns nicht gefühlt, trotzdem haben wir bedacht eine Runde hier gedreht und bewusst auf Abstand geachtet. Neben der Haupthalle mit Fleisch, Wurst, Käse und Gemüse gab es im Außenbereich noch Obststände und in einer Nebenhalle Kleidung und etwas Media. Bereits im 19ten Jahrhundert stand hier ein Markt, das heutige Gebäude seit 1906.Les mer

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