Pantai Cenang

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    • Day 2,481

      Gigolo stance

      September 13, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      I'm really struggling with my positivity these past few days. I really just want to be home but my foot is still really swollen and until I get the go ahead from the doctor in 2.5 weeks I'm unable to fly long haul so I guess I should accept this and try and make the most of my final part of my trip. I get a shower and immediately feel better. The plan is to go out today independently but the rain starts at 9 and doesn't finish till 1. I order a pizza as the crew have gone to Kuah and won't be back till early afternoon. I need a few bits of shopping and Rick kindly pushes me to the main road on Pantai Chenang later in the afternoon. I honestly never realised how hard It was to push yourself in a wheelchair and as I travel down the cracked pavements have to take shelter behind the bushes out of the son every 100m or so. I hadn't planned to go all the way to the mall but The black pearl coffee shop on Google maps isn't open anymore so I make the additional effort and wheel myself on to Starbucks where I sit and enjoy coffee and cake. On the last part and hardest,as it's gravel, I'm helped by a total stranger called Alex who pushes me the last 5 minutes back to my room, although it would have taken me 30+ minutes if I was diy'ing it. Back at Ranch I share a few beers and I chat to Rick about something called Hashing. I've never heard of this before but the motto is 'a drinking club with a running problem'. Everyone is going to Cinnamon a little bar around the corner. Nanda drops me off in the car and I've opted for crutches this evening to make life a little easier. In cinnamon we get chatting to a lady called Jay who is not only a Doctor but a vet as well. We all really enjoy her company and make our way back to the guest house to enjoy a few beers in the garden. They all drink a lot although I move onto coffee. The time flies by and before I know it my alarm is going off at 245 to say the Liverpool game is due to kick off. I bid my goodbyes and leave them all to continue. I eventually drift off after the excitement of seeing the squad win our game and show more of our way.Read more

    • Day 2,480

      New set of wheels

      September 12, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      This morning I feel exhausted. Getting around on crutches is one of the hardest things I've done, my underarm and psalms of my hands have blisters on and I struggle to wake with such a negative start. The couple who run the guesthouse are lovely and can't do enough to help me and It's really nice because I also know 4 other people here. My mood changes as all of them come over and offer if I need a lift anywhere or anything else I need picking up just call them. One of my reasons for coming back here was purely for the people, I have a wonderful friends community here. Nanda drops me at Raos where I enjoy a roti and brew coffee. It's nice to sit here and just to chat. A little later Rick and Tom turn up and offer to take me to Kuah to look at wheelchairs. I have hunted high and low for a mobility scooter but there are literally none on the island so my second option is a wheelchair. In the store I try all of them out and opt for the heaviest one as it's more sturdy and feels less flimsy. Its 8 pound a day to rent a chair and £60 to buy one so I purchase my new set of wheels and we head back to Pantai Chenang for me to give them a trial run. In my head I have visions of scooting round like super gran but the reality once again hits hard. After a couple of pushes and a slight incline I'm exhausted. As all who know me well I'm no quitter and I give myself a kick up the arse. The pavements here are not great and they use a lot of gravel to allow the rain to drain away. Twenty minutes in Sy is collecting his laundry and is so pleased to see me. He asks where I'm going and offers me a push. When I arrive at Rainbow Uncle Johnny, Helen and Ralph are there. I sit and have a couple of beers with them, but to be honest I'm not really feeling in the mood to drink. It's pretty busy in the bar, but I'm not really in the mood but I hang around to see Eunice and Michael. I'm ready to leave shortly after and call a cab. Alan insists that he will follow with his bike to lift the wheelchair out and makes sure I get to my room safely. I get out of my chair and onto my crutches and literally crash onto the bed exhausted. Let's hope I can recharge my batteries for tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 2,479

      Langkawi inbound

      September 11, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I wake this morning and am still undecided about my flight to Langkawi. I've made enquiries about hiring a mobility scooter but with no joy. After a few hours of umming and ahing I make a decision that I'm going to go. I mean how hard can it be to board a plane with a broken ankle? Bloody hard . I get dropped at the airport and to be fair the taxi driver gets me a trolley and I use it to hop into the terminal but it proves a little more difficult than I imagined. Hopping in 1 flip-flop while holding the brake off on a slippery floor is not a good combination. I make my way back to the entrance and attract the attention of one of the security guards. Within minutes a wheelchair is on the scene and they drop me at the Air Asia counter where I moved to a different wheel chair. They check me in and put me in the queue and advise they will take me to the gate an hour before take off. I cruise through security apart from my scissors in my wash bag and I'm boarded on the plane with the captain who is nice enough to have a little chat with me. The flight is only 1 hour but when we arrive in Langkawi I'm asked to stay on the plane until everyone has left and get the special treatment of being taken down in the lift. There is the smallest wheelchair in there and I wonder how anyone bigger than me would fit in it. Once grounded I am put in another wheelchair and wheeled straight through to the exit door. Nanda and Rick are waiting for me and in 10 minutes I'm home. A few people I know stay at Nanda's on a long term basis so when I arrive there is a little welcome party and after dropping my bags we head to rainbow bar. I have a few beers with the local crowd who are very shocked to see me, before getting a grab back to my room.Read more

    • Day 2,407

      Staying local

      July 1, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      My usual breakfast is taken in Raos and I meet a lovely couple called Ell and Damien, we chat for hours about different things and I love the company. Ells makes the most beautiful handmade jewellery and shows me the most beautiful handcrafted pieces that she has made. It's strange how when I meet someone for the very first time within 5 minutes I can get a wonderful connection. They are a wonderful couple and the hours while away as we sit and chat. Sometimes it is good just to do nothing and later in the afternoon I take a cold shower and refresh myself before popping my head into Rainbow Bar. There is a couple in here Wendy and her husband who are from Liverpool UK who have lived here for many years and I can honestly say Langkawi is one of those places I could definitely lay my roots down. They ask me how long I've lived here and when I tell them I was only here for a month and have just returned they say I must have made a big impression as so many people greet me with 'fiona nice to have you back'. In the evening Andrew and Nathan invite me to Bamboo bar to meet with one of Andrew's friends but to be honest I prefer the atmosphere in the Rainbow Bar and when I say I'm heading back Andrew and Nathan join me. I have another couple of beers then hit the sackRead more

    • Day 2,410

      Day with the girls

      July 4, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      I wake this morning and although I'm still in pain and my face swollen I feel a lot better than yesterday. I take myself to Raos and force myself to eat something before taking anymore medication. Lucky has bought me my favourite fruit Rambutan and although I don't feel up to eating them I will keep them for the next few days. I've arranged to meet Nilofar and Evonne for lunch today and after taking my tablets feel up to it. It's also Uncle Johnnys birthday and thanks to Abbie buying me a little printer take some time to make him a homemade card. Nilo picks me up just after 12 and it's nice to be reunited with the girls again. Dinner is short lived as everyone has places to be this afternoon but it's nice to just enjoy a little time. I head home to get ready for uncle Johnny birthday party tonight. I've invited Bobby to join us and when we arrive just after 7 it's pretty busy. The amount of people who know uncle Johnny and turn out to surprise him is wonderful. I'm not drinking with being on Antibiotics and can really feel them kicking in so don't want to affect that. Even the pain has subsided slightly. I enjoy the evening catching up with the rest of Langkawi that I haven't gotten to see yet. I head back to the rainbow bar and the Chinese/Malay guys that were in here earlier are still here. The guy I played earlier is now quite a few beers heavier and so I guess I might be able to beat him at pool no but I'm sadly mistaken. I have to say he's one of the best pool players I've ever played and unfortunately still is a little worse for wear. Me being me I'm relentless and after numerous games concede and admit I've met my match. Time to retire with grace. Let's hope I sleep tonight.Read more

    • Day 2,409

      Tooth ache

      July 3, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      I wake this morning with a massively swollen face and having had very little sleep realise I need some medical assistance. The dentist is closed today but I go to the clinic. I believe that my tooth that I had the root canal surgery in has flared up again but I look like I've got a golf ball in my mouth and the pain is incredible. The clinic is only ten minutes walk and I'm pretty much seen immediately where the doctor prescribes me antibiotics and pain killers. It sets me back over £30 but to be honest I'd pay anything just to get rid of the pain. I take myself back to my room and just sleep most of the day and wake up to a couple of messages seeing if I need anything. I can't take all the medication without food so stroll down to the little restaurant at the end of the road and when I explain to her she suggests she can cook me soft noodles and steam vegetables. I'm actually quite hungry and eat the lot. The pain killers aren't really touching the pain so Bobby offers to drop me off something stronger so at least I can sleep. I eventually drop off but wake at 2 in the morning in horrific pain and sweating profusely. I get in the cold shower and take a double dose of the pain killers I've been prescribed and after an hour they kick in and I drift back off.Read more

    • Day 28


      January 31 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Der Plan ist, erstmal die Insel mit dem Scooter zu erkunden. Dafür muss der besorgt werden. Wie praktisch, der Verleih ist gleich nebenan. Mafiöse Strukturen? Wohl eher eine Symbiose. Nun denn, für 120 Ringgit , 24€, gibt es eine Yamaha 125ccm. Geht gut ab das Gerät. ATM besucht, Konto ein wenig erleichtert und los zum ersten Spot. Der eigentliche Strand ist gesperrt, wohl ein Investor baut hier . Normale Leute, kein Zutritt. Der verbliebene Strand ist ganz nett, das Wasser wirkt nicht sauber, essen was an einer Bude. Kaltes Gemüse mit Shrimps und Reis, lecker war es schon, haben aber schon besser gegessen. Irgendwie ohne Gewürze. Unsere Geschmacksnerven erwarten da mehr. Auf der weiteren Fahrt nach Norden können wir schon die Cabinenbahn erkennen. Ganz schön hoch. Unterwegs, die Straße durch die Berge ist ordentlich, viele Kurven, es geht links rechts auf und ab. Am Ende ein beeindruckender Golfplatz, Hotel für solvente Touris. Nix für Proleten. An einem weiteren Strand halt gemacht, Stand ist hier ein Kompliment, aber, ein Wasserfall gibt es auch. Kurzer Fußweg, leicht bergan mit Treppen in den Berg gebaut. Alles schon älter, aber passt schön in den Wald. Der Wasserfall ist ein Wasserfälltchen , klar, es hat wohl länger nicht geregnet, wo soll das Abwasser den dann herkommen. Ein Rinnsal speist ein Becken, in dem sich schon einige Leute tummeln. Einheimische und Touris. Die Mosleminen baden in Vollmontur, die weiblichen Touris im Stringtanga und knappen Oberteil. Welche ein Kontrast. Überhaupt, wie verträgt sich der, hier gelebte , Glauben Mut dem Verhslten der Gäste. Die wollen Party, Sonne, Freizügigkeit und Kontakte untereinander. Das wollen die Moslems eher nicht. Überall auf der Insel gibt es Modcheen und der Muezin quakte sein Leid mehrmals täglich. Eine feste Uhrzeit haben wir noch nicht ausmachen können. Kommt wohl von woanders her , die Startzeit fürs Gebet. Wie auch immer, eine Weitere Fshrt durchs bergig Land , außer Monkeys am Straßenrand gibt es nicht viel zu sehen. Einen weiteren Stop und wir finden eine schöne Gelegenheit zum Baden. Der Steand ist schön gelegen und mäßig besucht. Machen von unserer Matte Gebrauch, schwimmen im tollen Wasser und machen so ein wenig Yoga im Sand. Am Ende geht es zurück zum Nutshell Chalet, erstmal erholen von der Sonbe und uns vom Sand befreien. Der ist überall. Der Scooter braucht Nahrung , wir suchen und finden eine Tankstelle. Zuerst bezahlen, dann tanken. Da muss man wissen, wieviel on den Tank passt. Wir bezahlen, der Sprit kostet hier sehr, sehr wenig.
      Dann geht es zum besichtigen des hiesigen Puddings, lauter arme Touristen, die hiet in den Hotelbunkern wohnen. Schwer vorstellbar, hier gebucht und festgesetzt zu sein. 2, oder 3 Wochen Langkawi, was machst Du hier? Essen, sollte eigentlich wieder indisch sein, kleben aber bei einem Syrer am der Speisekarte und beschließen kurzerhand dort einzukehren. Der Laden ist rappelvoll, ein paar Tische werden gerade frei. Wir sitzen in der hinteren Ecke, da geht ein Tumult los, eine Großfamilie, arabisch, K meint, die sehen aus wie Tscheschenen, belagern mehrere Tische. Die sind sehr laut, der Gastronom bemüht sich Ordnung zu halten. Ein Lärm, die bestellen und bekommen ihr Essen. Von Manieren kann man nicht sprechen, die benehmen sich schon etwas anders. Stopfen sich das Essen in den Mund und Kauen und reden gleichzeitig. Sehr interessant, wie sich die Menschen doch unterscheiden. Nicht, daß die Leute unangenehm waren, aber schon ein wenig abstoßend. Nun, unser Essen war sehr lecker, besonders die Vorspeise. Müssen wir daheim unbedingt nachkochen. Der Hauptgang, überschaubar und dad Fleisch recht trocken. Insgesamt ok, aber viel zu teuer. Da waren wir bisher verwöhnt. Dann stellen wir fest, wieder zu viel gegessen. Nehmen uns vor, morgen sind wir diszipliniert und essen wenig. Ha, mal sehen. Achja, D war so stolz, die Brille war bisher noch immer gefunden worden, doch jetzt ist sie weg. Brille, die Zweite, geht an den Start.
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    • Day 7

      Langkawi - Skybridge & Wasserfall

      January 27, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute standen zwei Ausflüge auf der Tagesordnung, daher gabs zum Frühstück einen dicken fetten Pancake mit ordentlich Nutella und extra Schokosoße - natürlich nur für ausreichend Energie! 😅 Mit dem Grab Taxi ging’s zur Seilbahn, welche zur Skybridge führte. Oben angekommen gab es sogar einige Affen, die den Leuten im Bistro das Essen klauten 😅 Die Skybridge war nett anzusehen, jedoch habe ich sie mir etwas länger vorgestellt. Danach ging es zum Telaga Tujuh Wasserfall .. aber um dorthin zu gelangen, musste ich einige Treppenstufen auf mich nehmen und das bei 30 Grad. Ich dachte, ich falle jeden Moment tot um 😅 Das war ein Sportprogramm der Extraklasse! Total durchgeschwitzt und fertig hat sich der Aufstieg jedoch gelohnt. Man hatte einen irre guten Ausblick. Auch am unteren Ende des Wasserfalls hat man was zu sehen gehabt. Nochmal würde ich die Treppen aber nicht laufen .. ich wusste auch vorher gar nicht, dass das so viele sind. Zum Glück, ansonsten hätte ich es direkt sein lassen 😂 Zurück in der Unterkunft gabs dann nur noch eine Dusche und ein wohlverdientes Pad Thai zum Abendessen .. später auch noch einen Videoanruf von Martina und meinen geliebten Neffen ❤️ da bekommt man direkt wieder Sehnsucht nach der Familie .. 🥹Read more

    • Day 8

      Goedkoop eten

      January 17 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      HEEEEL veel goedkoop eten hier! Ook van de eigenaar snacks gekregen (samosa, pisang goreng, nog iets) en ontbijt (spicy coconut rice met visjes, kinda raar als ontbijt maar wel lekker!)

      Gisteren een zak vol lokale snacks gekocht (ziet er beter uit int echt dan op de foto) voor 2rm (40 cent) en avond eten voor 10rm (2eur) dat ik ook ineens als ochtend en middag eten vandaag kon eten omdat het zo veel was!

      Over een uurtje begint de avondmarkt hier, dat ga ik nog doen en dan vertrek ik rond 19u30 naar de luchthaven om naar Kuala Lumpur terug te vliegen..
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    • Day 12

      The end of the day

      August 23, 2019 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Before I headed back to Pantai Chenang, I stoped at a beach on the way where I observed local fishers and enjoyed the atmosphere. Back at Chenang beach I had a yummy cocktail and some fries in the colourful beachbar near my bungalow.Read more

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