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    • Dzień 71

      Miri / Niah National Park & Krank

      4 maja, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Nacheme gmüetlechä (1h) inlandflug, näb öberem wo gschider 2 plätz buechet het ufgrund vor postur, bini in Miri glandet. Vo däm ort hani bis vorere wuche no nie ghört. Ghört isch zwar übertribä, i has eifach if google maps gse, dases ä stadt ir "nöchi" vom Niah Nationaupark isch.
      D stadt säuber isch zwar nid ganz so "spezieu" wie Kuching, aber bietet doch o einiges zum zitvertribä.
      Ha denkt i mues chli pouse machä, damit mini wunde ar Värsä verheilt, leider ischs ging no glich, so dasi nid id schue cha. Aber ha äs Design entwicklet winis vilech glich cha machä, siehe foto😂
      In Miri bini i paarvo dä unzählige aneinandergreihtä restaurants ga ässä sowie am Sunnti bi rägäwätter ines shoppingcenter - wo dinne es basketballtournier stattgfunge het mits näb dä lädä - i chino ga Abigail luege. Ä film überne ballerinavampir😂 rächt amüsant u kreativ gsi. Znacht hani abwächslig brucht vo riis u noodles, so dasi spaghetti gsuecht ha. Di hani o gfunge ire Wii-bar, wo wii aber nur ir fläschä verchouft😂 drfür hani d bsitzer troffä u ihne vo mire ungwüssheit wasi ab mitti mai söu mache verzeut (i ha hüt ca. 4 stung probiert z planä, bi sogar ufne haubgrüenä zweig cho), u si hei du gfunge si chönge mi hurti telefonisch miter presidentin vom tourismus im staat Sabah verbinge zum fragä obsi mir ä tipp heig 😂 di hetmer effektiv 1-2 tipps gä, woni o scho bim schnöiggä drübergstoglet bi. Mau luege, söt gloub gli mau dr nächst internationau flug bueche wiu d priise eher stigä🙈 (ha mir fürd iireis sones "fake" flugticket kouft damit i bir iireis keni problem ha ohni onwardticket)

      Am nächste morge hani scho nid ganz so spriztig gfüut, bi aber ner zum eigentleche Grund gfahre, wiso i da here bi cho. Dr Niah National Park mit sine höhlinä.
      Allgemein bini in Miri ä exot gsi, i ha über 2 tag ke einzigä europäer oder schüsch nid asiat gse😂 zum nationaupark bini mit grab gfahre, 90 minute. D fahrerin het no es selfie wöue mache am schluss, aber di ganzi fahrt kes wort gredt. Gloub si chöi hie o nid so änglisch 😂
      Am 0830 bini aacho, dr park hät am 8i söue ufdue u denn isch mau no gar nüd gloffä😂 d arveiter si langsam iitrudlet u i bi mitere 30 sekü dige bootfahrt zum park bracht worde u ha mini 11km wanderig gstartet. Zersch düre dschungu, ke einzig mönsch gse. När bini zumne ort cho wo wine verlassne zwüscheverpflegigsposte het usgse, gli mau när zur erste höhli. Scho die si beiidruckend gsi. Chli speter isch när dr gross cave cho, wome mit stirnlampe ine mues. Dür holzstägli abe ischme immer töifer ine, wahrlech beiidruckend und es spezieus gfüu 🤩
      Dr gruch isch weniger schöngsi, aus vou flädermuus kacke 🙈 me het o ging müesse ufpasse dasme nid uf so riisechäfer steit 😬
      Nach 90 minute bini dusse gsi u de isch nidr letcht bitz wider düre dschungu zumne letzä cave wos 12'000 jahr auti wandmalerie het gange. Dert si ono aktuelli usgrabigä, si hei dert dr eutist schädu gfunge wome inasiä entdeckt het, 45'000 jährig.
      Bim zrügg ga hei mi mini chräft langsam verla (dasi d schue nid richtig ha chönne alege het si biitrag ono treit), und denn si när o angeri bsuecher entgege cho, total aber nur öba 15. Aso würk ä wenig bsuechte park.
      I ha ner es grab wöue bsteue für hei, aber es het keni fagrer gha 🙈 ha mereine gfragt wini zrüg chume, er het gseit normalerwiis machtme mitem fahrer wo eim härä bringt ä priis ab für das er wartet, wius hie kenitaxis git 🙈 das het die äuä nid gwüsst.. zum glück het er mir närabote mi zrüg z fahre, während är uf angeri am warte isch gsi. Aso heter dopplet gäud wöu verdiene, mir ischs rächt, drfür ischer komplett gstresst gfahre wiuer so schneu wi möglech wider zrüg het wöue si 🙈
      Zrügg im hotel hani müese feststeue dasi fieber ha🥵 u wiui letscht wuche i malaria risikogebietbi gsi, hani ä doktor ufgsuecht. Ha bluet gä u dr doktor hetmer am aabä spät per whatsapp mitteilt, dases nid malaria isch, aber irgend ä bakterielle infekt woni iz mit Antibiotika uf guet glück probiere z behandle 🙈

      Edit: i bi wider fasch gsung u de söt am kommende 5 tages-dschungutrip nüm im wäg sta🙌 2 flüg woni no gmacht ha vo Miri nach Kota Kinabalu u Sandakan si mit fieber aber ä chlini tortur gsi🥵🙈
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    • Dzień 2 395

      Festival day 2

      19 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We start the day with breakfast in the Indah cafe and they have homemade lemon curd and homemade peanut butter which I have on toast that's also homemade and contains no sugar. I've always been one for a sweet tooth and pretty much all the bread here is sweet so I really enjoy it. After breakfast the girls and Drew are heading to the festival early because they want to do the Bollywood dancing but James is arriving today at 2pm so I stay back to wait for him. It's so good to see him again and after dumping his bags we make our way to catch the bus. When we get on the bus we ask about paying but the driver tells us to just sit down but when the man comes round he tells us we need tickets. James gets of the bus and comes back with 2 tickets but then the guy tells us that's a return ticket so we have to get off and buy another one. Eventually were on our way. There is a lot more traffic today and it takes us an hour to get there. We have a quick look around before making our way to the food court and meeting the girls. I've got a habit of literally talking to anyone and strike up a conversation with a lady and gentlemen next to me. She's got a stall here and is from Indonesia where she works with indigenous people.The festival is much busier today and already there's nowhere to sit. I'm actually a little disappointed in the music I was expecting to be up dancing constantly but that's not possible. Throughout the evening I have quite a few beers and because it's cheaper to buy 5 that's what we do, the downside to this is there's only 2 of us and you drink faster because they get very warm quickly and there's nothing worse than warm beer. The other mistake is we top them up with grape soju.The next time I'm at the toilet a table of locals invite me to try "holy water" I don't know what it is but it's lethal. The next thing I know I'm in a drinking competition and after numerous shots and lots of free beers I make my way back to the group. I have little memory of the rest of the night but have made a note to myself to never drink holy water again. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 397

      The day after the 3 days before

      21 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      So after a full on day of stress yesterday, I'm ready to do some exploring and me and the crew have decided to explore The Cultural Museum. The Borneo Cultures Museum is a modern five-storey building with a distinctive architectural design that reflects Sarawak’s unique traditional crafts and rich cultural heritage. It Opened on 9 March 2022 and has free entry for the first 3 months. It is spread out over five floors: the first houses an ephemeral exhibition gallery, while the second has a children’s gallery, a Love our Rivers and Arts & Crafts sections. Levels 3, 4, and 5 cover the permanent thematic galleries “In Harmony with Nature” (which exhibits sights from the coasts, rainforests, and highlands of Borneo), “Time Changes” (which showcases cave discoveries and the making of Sarawak), and “Objects of Desire” (which houses relics on trade and craftsmanship, along with spiritual designs of the cultures). I really like the way it's set up and the information is minimal so it doesn't get boring. The only thing I would of liked was the dates of some of the artifacts. We leave the museum and treat ourselves to coffee and cake at the commons before heading back for a swim. It's the first time I've had a pool in forever so I definitely want to make the most of it. In the evening we go to a local restaurant Lepau with Kim and Alex a couple who've lived in Kuching for 8 years. They order really traditional food with ingredients that are picked from the jungle including fish umai, nasi bario and purple rice. We order lots of small plates and all share it's absolutely delicious. Afterwards we head to the secret bar and Drew and Mauri try to trick me but when I see them standing back and filming me I think we're going into a strip bar but the jokes on them as drew gives in and opens the door to the side that looks like a wall. The live music is great and Drew even gets up for a bit of wondewall karaoke before we make our way home to bed. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 398

      Cat museum

      22 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      I wake in the morning and head down to reception to sort out my booking. I've decided to commit to staying In this place till Monday to wait for my card but when I booked it last night I didn't receive an email notification so I'm worried it didn't go through. They've received my booking for Friday but not for tonight. It's my error, I've booked for Thursday instead of tonight and the confirmation is in my junk folder. Once that's sorted we have breakfast then take a grab to the cat museum. Kuching I'd the Malay word for cat, so it would seem quite apt that the world's first cat museum was opened here. The museum is housed on the ground on the City Hall building, spread over four galleries.There are four galleries containing over 4,000 artefacts including paintings and memorials related to cats. Exhibits include a mummified cat from ancient Egypt, a gallery of feline-related advertising, and the five species of wild cats found in Borneo. The museum is one of the strangest I've been to and literally if it's feline related it's in here , even if something has cat in the name. Some of the stuff is really interesting but one cabinet has a display with various cat foods in it. As we leave we take a walk around the outside and the views are amazing with silver leaf monkeys living in the surrounding trees. We get a grab back to the city and enjoy dinner in the Indian restaurant which is delicious. I'd eat more but have been invited to bronnie and Mag's home tonight so don't want to arrive in a food coma. After dinner it's time to say goodbye to Mauri and Drew they are heading to Penang we've had a ball at the festival and I'm sad to say farewell. I grab a shower and I'm picked up at 7pm by Mags. They have invited a few friends over one of them is also called Fiona, and Bronnie has cooked the most delicious food. We spend the evening talking drinking eating and dancing and learning a lot of Malay swear words and at the end of the evening I'm presented with a Kuching reds Liverpool scarf which I will treasure for the rest of my days. Honestly I know I've said it numerous times but the people of Malaysia are one in a million. Jeffrey kindly drops me back and as it's after 1am I get straight to sleep as I'm heading to Bako early in the morning. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 399

      Bako national park

      23 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      I wake this morning at 630 as I need to check out before heading to Bako national park. I pop round to the 7/11 and by snacks and water ready for leaving at 8 am. It takes just over 40 minutes to arrive to the Jetty and I've managed to share a grab with a couple from Holland but they won't let me share the price of the grab. We arrive at the Jetty and there's a bit of a stress because you have to pay for the boat there and back but because they don't know what time they are coming back they don't want to share a boat but don't tell me till after we've left. The next window is checking in for the national park. I show my entry pass and overnight stay and I'm issued with my pass. We don't have to wait long for our bus and within 20 minutes arrive at the Jetty for the national park. It's been a National park since 1957 and within the park contains a wide range of vegetation – swamp forest, scrub-like padang vegetation, mangrove forest, dipterocarp forest, and delicate cliff vegetation. I'm able to check into my hostel. Im quite impressed when I arrive as I have 4 beds and no-one else is in there. I lighten my rucksack before making my way out on my first trek but as I leave my room I'm greeted by the biggest bearded pig. After a little sidestepping I finally make my way around him As I approach the jetty I realise I haven't signed out at the HQ and with trekking on my own decide it's a wise decision to head back and do so, especially with my luck these past few weeks. I'm heading for trails six five and 3. The first part of the trail is quite intense as I climb up through rocks and tree branches, along the way there are wooden steps to help and the trees are colour coded so you know your following the right path the path takes us through many landscapes and when I reach the clearing at the top there's a sign saying no smoking past this point due to wild fires. Once at the top the path is pretty flat with almost boulder appearance and the walkways lead me to the junction for Telok pandan besar. I walk the 10 mins and reach a clifftop viewpoint that is quite obstructed by trees but still beautiful. I retrace my steps and head down to Telok pandan Kecil. I meet up with the Dutch couple again and we agree to share a boat to the other island to trek back but to my disappointment the boat takes us back to HQ. I pay for the boat as they got the grab and walk back to the restaurant where I meet back up with the crew. I enjoy a good chat then head back to my room to chill for an hour before sunset. The sunset is breathtaking and is made even better by the random boar walking along the beach. We eat dinner in the restaurant and at 8pm all go on the night trek. We see various things from a Borneo black tarantula,catfish and a flying lemur, and even fireflies on the mangroves at the end Borneo never fails in the nature department and exhausted I make my way to bed.u Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 402

      Another day to chill

      26 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I'm woken this morning at 2 am by a call from Amber and she is crying, I panic and turn on my light and she tells me she's engaged. I'm over the moon but mixed feelings of happiness and sadness that I'm not there to give her a huge hug. I struggle to get back to sleep and eventually at 8am get out of bed and shower. I planned on trying to book a couple of Day trips today but nothing is open, you kind of forget what day it is when you're traveling. After breakfast at indah ( I like it here because I can just have toast and lemon curd or peanut butter) I make my way back to the hotel pool to do some more homework for the onward journey. Ideally I'd like to go back to Langkawi for a few days and the flights are really cheap from Kuching but if my card arrives in time I will venture to mulu to do a few days trekking with a stay in a longhouse so we will have to see what happens. The homesickness hits me like a brick this afternoon and I think it's due to the fact that I've stopped and have time to think and the fact I'm missing my family and for the first time in a while I'm on my own. I go onto the landing and for one of the first times go to iron a top one of my favourite tops and the iron burns a big hole in it. It certainly isn't my day today. I treat myself to steak and chips and a gin and tonic and try and be proactive by booking a trip but once again the fact I'm on my own becomes difficult because everything has a subsidy for solo travel. I manage to make contact with a guy who is really helpful and I advises me on different options I have. I go to bed exhausted Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 403

      Living in hope

      27 czerwca 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I wake early and head straight to the tour agency to see if I can occupy myself for a few days. She arranges to get back to me via watts app and after dropping my washing off I make my way to black bean coffee. As I'm walking along the street a Malaysian girl in one of the shops shouts Fifi and when I turn round she ask "do you not remember me?" I recognise her face and when she says Penang I realise it's Hermine who I shared a hostel room with in Georgetown. After a brief chat we arrange to meet for dinner this evening and my heart is a lot lighter at the fact I won't be alone again tonight. I make my way to the coffee bar and get chatting to a lady Jacquie and a guy called Greg. It's so nice speaking with people of my own age. We share a few coffees before they set off to explore the city.When I arrive back there's a glimmer of hope, my cash card has been received at customs at Kuala Lumpur so hopefully should be here by the end of the week if not before. I get a message this afternoon from a beautiful lady Cynthia I met in Singapore but is originally from Kuching. She puts me in touch with her mum who offers to take me to Benogh dam tomorrow. Things are starting to look up and when I receive the message back from the tour agency to say they can't do it I'm relieved I've made other plans. I give Margaret a call and after a brief chat make our plans for the next morning. An early night is had in preparation. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 82

      Bako Nationalpark

      23 września 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Der älteste Nationalpark Malaysias ist der Bako Nationalpark bei Kuching, gegründet 1957, dem Unabhängigkeitsjahr.
      Hier gibt es drei Affenarten, Bartschweine, verschiedene Vogelarten, verschiedene Arten fleischfressender Pflanzen und giftige Schlangen wie die Borneo Green Pit Viper.
      Ein markanter Felsen, der aussieht wie eine Kobra ist das Wahrzeichen des Parks.
      Due Felsen im Park bestehen aus Sandstein, welcher auch Eisen enthält. An einer exponierten Stelle ist der Sandstein stark erodiert. Zurückgeblieben ist das beständigere Eisen, welches pilzartige Formationen bildet.
      Wir übernachten eine Nacht im Park in einer einfachen Unterkunft.
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    • Dzień 82

      Fleischfressende Pflanzen

      23 września 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Die fleischfressenden Pflanzen im Bako Nationalpark bekommen einen eigenen Footprint.
      Eine Kannenpflanzenart hier ist sogar die zweitgrößte die es gibt.
      Kannenpflanzen gibt es hier in vielen verschiedenen Unterarten und Größen.
      Manchen fangen sogar kleine Säugetiere wie Mäuse.
      Eine andere fleischfressende Pflanze ähnelt unserem Sonnentau. Mit klebrigen, durchsichtigem Sekret fängt sie Insekten.
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    • Dzień 84

      Vorläufiges Fazit Sabbatical-Reise

      25 września 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Wir waren heute im Sarawak-Museum, um noch ein paar Hintergründe der Region kennen zu lernen.
      Davon evt. später noch mehr.
      Nichts ist wirklich schief gegangen in den 3 Monaten. Wir waren zwar nicht auf den Togian-Inseln in Zentral-Sulawesi wie ursprünglich gedacht, dafür waren wir auf einer abgelegenen Insel in den Nord-Molukken. Die Anreise war einfach einfacher. Und wir hatten schnell guten Kontakt zum Schweizer Tauchresortleiter. Das weckte Vertrauen.
      Ein paar Flüge waren verspätet, aber nirgends ein verpasster Anschluss.
      Die seltsamen Gepäckbeschränkungen eines Bus-Unternehmens in Malaysia kamen praktisch nicht zum Tragen, alles lief glatt.
      Corona-Beschränkungen haben uns nirgends zu schaffen gemacht. Malaysia liess immer mehr Bürokratie fallen, Indonesien verschärfte. Aber mit Booster-Impfung alles kein Problem.
      Flughafenchaos zu Ferienbeginn gab es hier nirgends. In Singapur wurden wir komisch angeguckt, weil wir bereits 3h vor internationalem Flug am Flughafen waren. 2h hätten locker gereicht.
      Für Indonesien, Malaysia und Singapur können wir als Reisebuchungs-App Traveloka uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Für lokalen Kurzstreckentransport die App Grab in Malaysia und Indonesien. In Singapur mangels lokaler SIM-Karte nicht ausprobiert.
      Sicher haben wir uns überall gefühlt.
      In Indonesien war es von Vorteil, dass ich etwas Indonesisch spreche. Wirklich schwierige Situationen gab es aber nicht.
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