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    • Hari 110

      Coyoacan walking tour pt2

      19 Februari 2020, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      More of coyoacan quiet neighbourhood, before we got to the main square. Unfortunately we had cut the walking tour short, as we had to book out tickets in advance for the Frida Kahlo House, as its a real tourist attraction all the time 😅. But after visiting Frida Kahlo's House we revisited the main square in Coyoacan and had a small but yummy Mexican meal and made our own self guided tour before heading off for our flight to Puerto Escondido (yet another beach town in the south of Mexico😂😂) 3 days in the city and its all too much it would seem! We loved México City, and wished we'd have booked longer, so we can do alot more.... I'm not sure even a week here would be enough to see everything!Baca lagi

    • Hari 3–4

      Coyoacan and Xochimilco

      12 Februari, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Never skip Crossfit Training 😆

      3. Video: they do not drink their tequila with Salt and Lemon but their Beer. Not approved 🤢👎🏻

      3. Video: sie trinken nicht ihren Tequila mit Salz und Zitrone sondern ihr Bier. Für nicht gut empfunden 🤢👎🏻Baca lagi

    • Hari 5

      Xochimilco, Frida Kahlo museum & Coyocan

      3 Januari, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      First-thing we headed out to the floating gardens of Xochimilco on the fringes of the city. We jumped on a boat for a tour of the canals that meander through this area. Xochimilco is significant as they were once connected to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) by a causeway and is where the Aztecs grew much of their food due to the fertile nature of the land. Now the canals are lined with modern properties and a LOT of tourist boats (although locals also hire them for various parties). The trip was a little underwhelming, we expected to see vibrant colours of flower growers and all kinds of activities going on but there wasn’t much of interest apart from seeing the ancient canals which I am sure have been modified heavily since the Aztecs were about (we’re probably spoilt by previous experiences of floating markets and gardens in SE Asia and India)!

      Moving on we headed to Coyocan, a suburb on the outskirts of Mexico City. The vibe here was completely different! It’s a colonial village which has been absorbed by the city but the Spanish influence was abundant in the architecture. Coyocan is an artsy location, our first visit was to a renowned Mexican artists home, Frida Kahlo. Now a museum it has been left almost as it was the day she died with rooms dedicated to her life and art. She was a real troper, at a young age she contracted Polio and at 18 she was severely injured in a bus accident which left her largely bedridden. Whilst this caused her many challenges through life her love of art persisted. It was nice to slow the pace a little and wonder through the museum. Unusually Bert fell asleep on Marks shoulder so he had to lug the dribbling dead weight about and Elana enjoyed the gardens, self-portraits and paintings of fruit and veg!

      After the museum and a spot of lunch in the local market we had the chance to stroll the streets of Coyocan, whist enjoying a spot of lunch in the local market, taking in the architecture and admiring another Basilica. Elana enjoys going in, looking at the artwork and observing people at prayer. Perhaps it gives her the opportunity to gather her own thoughts! Alas another day complete and back to our hotel in the centre of downtown, tomorrow we head to Oaxaca!
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    • Hari 2

      First day exoloring CDMX

      3 Mac 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Breakfast with terrible tea but great chilaquiles and huevos rancheros.
      Strolling around Coyoacan & Roma.
      Tried to follow the piñata taxi to the the party but we lost it. Insteadwe found some nice tacos and clamato - now i can die in peace 🕊️Baca lagi

    • Hari 29

      Mexico City: Sales & Marketing

      4 Mac 2020, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      After another overnight bus, early morning finds me back at the Terminal Norte in Mexico City. The long-distance buses, while not always being punctual, are generally comfortable and efficiently run. They are classified (this one is first class) and by checking in at the Manzanillo ticket office, I get notification of the vehicle number. Always useful to ensure one gets on the right one. They tend to take breaks only to swap drivers which leaves no time to get food en route but most services provide sandwiches and water as sustenance. At Terminal Norte I deliberately avoid the fast food chains and find a downmarket but perfectly adequate place for the morning fix of huevos rancheros. when they ask for my name to call out when they're ready, I say Alan---quite a common name in Mexico and easier to pronounce than James!

      Back in Roma it's like coming home. Hard to believe I've been away less than a month. I get there via 2 changes of Metro, one of which involves a 5+ minute underground walk. But a bargain for 5 pesos (20p). The empty lot next door to Oaxaca 21 where there was such a commotion on my last stay has been tinned up. Otherwise no changes.

      A siesta to recover from the journey charges me up for the markets. The nearest one is Mercado Medellin, where stalls specialise in products from around the continent. By a coincidence I find Chile and Cuba next to each other both here and on street names in the city centre. The biggest one in the centre is Mercado Merced, at least 10 times the size of a football pitch and every conceivable item is sold, all assembled with microscopic precision. But how will they---both stallholders and customers---manage when the virus strikes?
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    • Hari 136

      Mexiko - Mexiko City 5

      22 Januari 2023, Mexico

      No mames = what the hell lernt man mal eben am Frühstückstisch 😅

      Es ist Sonntag. Sontage sind zum Entspannen da wenn man schon den Lebensstil der Einheimischen lebt.
      Wir wollten aber um 10 zum Parque Mexicana uns zum Frühstück mit der Freundin von Irma treffen für das sie auch die Kirche sausen ließ.

      Da sie aber bis halb 10 noch nicht auf war und aus ihrem Zimmer kam rief ich meine Tante an und hatte ein richtig tolles 90minütiges Gespräch. Es ist immer sehr erfrischend mit ihr zu reden und wir machen es viel zu selten ❤.

      Dann hörte ich das sich draußen was tat und ich kam aus meinem Zimmer. Ihre Freundin hatte wohl abgesagt und sie fühlte sich nicht so gut. Kopfschmerzen und co.

      Wir saßen also einfach an dem Tisch und frühstückten. Eigentlich wollten wir auch nördlich in die Weinregion fahren.
      Aber Amy ein anderer fruherer Gast hatte ihren Koffer noch bei Irma und sie kam heute aus dem Schweigekloster zurück, sodass wir leider nicht fahren konnten.

      Es wurde während des Retreats leider komplett alles geklaut von Amy sodass sie jetzt eine Anlaufstelle brauchte. Gegen 13 Uhr kam sie dann wir redeten alle miteinander.

      Sie versuchte mit ihrem Laptop und den Sachen die sie noch bei Irma gelassen hatte online zu gehen und alles zu organisieren. Gegen 17 Uhr haben wir einen Uber Richtung Coyacan genommen, wo ihr neuer Host war. Irma und ich trafen uns mit Irmas Freund Mario zum essen.
      Da ich noch einiges probieren musste, gingen wir in einen Markt und bestellten uns Tastados und einen Jamaika Saft (hibiskus).

      Danach ging es weiter zum Dessert. Es gab süße Empanadas mit Milchreis gefüllt. Dann sind wir noch was trinken gegangen, haben gequatscht und als es spät wurde noch ein Eis gegessen.

      Dann ein Uber nach Hause bestellt, wo ich noch etwas am Laptop gearbeitet habe. Dann wurde es wieder Zeit fürs Bett.

      Gute Nacht ❤
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    • Hari 27

      Day 4 in Coyoacán

      9 Mei, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      So, we only finished half of the walking tour yesterday. It seems around every corner there is something more delightful than before. Today we returned to a couple of places I had already visited with Sheryl. No importa. I loved going again.

      Our apartment was half a block from the Casa de la Malinche. The story is that when the conquistador Cortes made his way to the Mexico City area, he had either taken her as his slave or married this indigenous woman who helped him both navigate his way and then aided him is his conquests. Hence her name, Malinche or traitor. She is universally reviled and depicted in several of the murals we saw. One can never really be sure of her position as willing or unwilling partner.

      We returned to the Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares. Even though I had visited just last week, I was still so struck by the artistry and vibrant colours of the beadwork, fibre arts, and clay sculptures. They had added an exhibit that was about the role and wisdom of mid-wives that are practicing today in Mexico City. It has always struck me that the most magnificent thing that humans do is to create new life. There is scant art and glorification of this noble, arduous, loving, powerful act of creation. Don’t get me started on the “we’re pregnant” thing.

      Last time I was here, they were setting up to begin the tourist season with booths selling art, crafts, and jewelry. The work was amazing. Gail got gifts for each of her kids here - one more perfect than the next. It was as if Gail divined them to be here. A gorgeous black and white snake necklace and earrings for Alexis; Jeremy, the chef, got a volcanic rock mortar and pestle; and for Jordan, a coyote figurine that doubled as a whistle with a dolorous sound. I got myself a beautiful pair of earrings. Couldn’t resist.

      Gail really wanted to see the Leon Trotsky house, so we walked to the edge of the Coyoacán neighbourhood and went in. I had read much of the history panels already - but there is always more to read and reread. I also got a better look at all the bookshelves. Trotsky was not a meticulous fellow. His series books were not kept in order, and he was missing several editions. He also had some in upside down? I’m sure this was not the work of a museum curator. Who would put books in the wrong order and all cattywampus?

      Many museums and art spaces here have these very detailed history calendars. They often include what was going on in Mexico and then all over the world at the same time. This includes pre-colonial times too. The Cultural Populares museum had a calendar of the colours that were used in pottery as they were in fashion or as they discovered how to use different elements of plants, bugs, and minerals to create new colours. The Soumaya Museum had another timeline that filled a long corridor ramp that led to the top floor. Super interesting. I have learned soooo much on this trip.
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    • Hari 20

      Day Seven - Coyoacán

      2 Mei, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We bussed down to a new neighbourhood today, Coyoacán. Gail and I will be staying here for six nights later in our trip. What a pretty town square and shops. First stop was the Leo Trotsky home. While he was briefly Frida Kahlo’s lover, his history is brutal. His troops were stationed away from the front lines to capture and kill any Russian soldier who tried to escape. His home displays his personal life, office and a good history of his involvement and then escape from Stalin’s wrath (although not successfully as he was killed in Mexico City by Stalin’s henchmen). In any case, it was a great spot to visit.

      Next we visited a Mexican cultural arts museum. The items were considered “craft” which is usually reserved for women’s art. Ceramics, textiles, beadwork demonstrated incredible artistry and skill - and a bit of whimsy too. I loved the giant elephant covered with seed-beads. This was an homage to the Africans living in Mexico. It was unclear if this was about slavery or just diaspora. It seems like there is a concerted effort to celebrate the rich indigenous heritage here.

      We found a taco place to die for. All over Mexico City tacos are the main show. The trick is to only eat at the ones that are busy with customers - they know what is good. Since all the tortillas are made just with corn, Sheryl can eat them all and she has.

      Next stop were the lines for the Frida Kahlo family home. There were scant examples of her artwork except drawings on her body casts and prosthetic legs. They had her bed with the mirror above so she could paint/draw her self-portraits. I didn’t realize that in addition to her catastrophic trolley crash that impaled her body, she also had polio as a child. It is a miracle she lived. Like many homes, she and her family had a beautiful central garden allowing airflow and privacy from the street. It was pretty packed as museums go. It’s not a very large house and the narratives were detailed. If you were patient enough, it was super fun and informative.

      Tomorrow, we head over to the historic center of Mexico City where we will spend three nights with Gail Gabler. Can’t wait!
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    • Hari 4


      29 Oktober 2023, Mexico

      Heute gings in der Früh mit dem Bus nach Coyoacan. Vorbei am Coyotenbrunnen haben wir uns die Kirche im Ort angesehen, wo gerade eine Messe stattfand. Außerhalb hat uns eine Dame Heuschrecken angeboten. Die mussten wir natürlich kosten. Mein Geschmack waren sie nicht. Auch die Konsistenz fand ich nicht so gut. Weiter gings in den Markt, wo es gefühlt alles zum Kaufen gab. Unser Bus holte uns dann beim blauen Haus von Frida Kalo wieder ab.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3


      11 Januari, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      I took an Uber from Xochimilco to Coyoacán to meet up with old Madagascar friends - POW and Andrés. I arrived a little early so wandered through the market and to Frida Khalo's blue house (tickets to go inside have to be booked in advance and I wasn't organised enough). I then wandered across the museum of popular culture and took a look inside.

      The first exhibition was the most wonderful display of pottery I think I've ever seen. Most were by a Oaxacan potter called Dolores Porras. In other rooms there were beautiful tapestries and figurines and a dinosaur skeleton intricately decorated with beads. There was a room dedicated to different depictions of the Nativity and another showing death in it many forms - my favourite being the drunk grim reapers.

      I met up with POW and Andrés in a little café and we spent lots of time reminiscing and catching up. We then walked around the town and took a look in the Parroquia San Juan Bautista, catholic church. POW and I drove up to Condesa neighbourhood and had pasta for dinner at Nonna.
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    Coyoacán, Coyoacan, コヨアカン

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