Playa El Cocal

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    • Tag 58

      Isla Mujeres

      26. November 2016 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Danach ging es weiter zur Isla Mujeres. Ein totaler Kontrast zur Isla Contoy, denn hier ist die Haupteinnahmequelle der Tourismus. Also auf geht's - Golfcart gemietet und die Insel erkundet 😀 und zum Abschluss noch ein Coronita (Coronchen 😅) vor Cancúns más o menos schöner Skyline 😀Weiterlesen

    • Tag 81

      Äntligen sol och strand!

      27. Dezember 2014 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Som vi har längtat! Vi var rejält trötta på berg, städer och kallt. Vi hade tänkt stanna i Cusco över jul, men vi kände att vi inte klarade en dag till, vi ville verkligen ner i höjd och till nått varmt, och framför allt sluta flänga överallt! Men vi fick lida för vårt oplanerande - frihet kostar tydligen:) Vår plan har varit att avsluta i Mexico hela tiden. Men vi visste inte riktigt om vi skulle besöka något land i centralamerika först. Men det var lika dyrt till centralamerika som till Mexico så vi åkte hit direkt. 6000kr kostade biljetten!!:( Så nu får vi leva på vatten och bröd för att spara in! En hel dags flyg, från Cusco till Lima, Lima till San Salvador, San Salvador till Cancun och Cancun med taxi och båt till Isla Mujeres som vi är på nu.

      Vår önskan om sol, bad och en härlig jul blev dock inte långvarig. Första natten här blev Mats riktigt sjuk och vi spenderade min födelsedag på sjukhuset. Julafton blev riktigt misslyckad och tråkig. Nu är Mats bra igen. Han är lite snurrig av antibiotikan och medicinerna men imorn är sista dagen han äter dem som tur är. Det är ganska blåsigt och rätt mulet, så vi har inte legat på stranden mer än en gång. Men vi har hyrt golfbil och åkt runt i, det är det vanligaste transportsättet på den här lilla ön:) Nu i dagarna ska vi plugga och försöka komma ikapp med skolan, sedan vill vi bara bada och sola vid den fina stranden här. Hoppas att vi får va friska nu de sista veckorna - inte långt kvar nu! /Christine

    • Tag 191


      13. November 2015 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We spent the next couple of days doing very little...a ton of reading (Hunger Games trilogy completed in 3 days)...going to the beach in the late afternoon sun...a stroll along the walkway on the West side of the island which is rocky rather than sandy...and of course eating.

      The first day we shared a nutella crepe for breakfast, had ice creams for lunch and then found a place on the beach which does the lime and chili coconuts - sadly Anna's was a hard-fleshed one but mine was just perfect. For dinner we went to Los Comrades, a tiny cheapy place which did mushroom enchiladas with mole sauce especially for me, and Anna had pork tacos, then we shared a truffle ice cream which turned out to be coffee flavoured (220P).

      The second day we survived on copious helpings of coco pops (how I miss cereal) and a banana, and then had dinner at Mamacitos, a lovely place with colourful chairs and loud Mariachi music playing. I had veggie enchiladas while Anna had ribs (270P).

      The nice hotel man reduced our rent to 550P for our future nights.

    • Tag 188

      The Hungry Games

      10. November 2015 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We awoke early and both read for a while. I had started the first of the Hunger Games trilogy last night, which has me gripped already. Anna took advantage of the free coffee in the hotel, then we had breakfast at a little shack: a big plate of fruit, yoghurt and granola each (50P each), followed by a coconut each (30P, talked down from 40).

      We went back to the room and read some more. Anna had cramps and insatiable hunger so she soon sent me out to find chocolate, which was a longer mission than I had anticipated as the first two shops I tried were rammed full of people. A lot of people come for just the day and as our hotel is opposite the ferry and very near the beach the shops seem to get a lot of traffic.

      Once Anna was partially-sated, she slept for quite a while. Then we went to the beautiful white sand beach and lay in the shade of some palm trees until it had cooled down a bit. After a dip in the sea we lay reading in the late sun - perfect temperature! Two guys came over and said something about having too many before putting a can of beer next to each of us and walking away! Anna happily drank both. This was after she’d been ‘phwoared’ at by a different man - I better keep her on a tight lead!

      After the sun set and I'd finished my book, we went for a short walk and then back to the room as I had a tummy ache. We went out for a quick falafel wrap (75P each) at a tiny place called Chahad and listened to some lovely live music from a nearby bar. We then returned to the room as my tummy felt like it might pop! Anna went to the shops to buy more chocolate, which I helped her eat as I felt better once lying down! I finally managed to upload some photos to the blog - wifi here and in Holbox is only available in the common areas and isn't great but at least here we can use it without getting eaten alive!
      Then it was time to start on the second book.

      In good news we found another ice cream shop - same brand as in Tulum, but in bad news they don't have the spicy chocolate flavour...still plenty more flavours to try tomorrow :)

    • Tag 192

      Golf carting

      14. November 2015 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      After the remains of some coco pops and a banana, we hired a golf cart (550P) and set off to explore the island. I had wanted to hire a golf cart for a while now but Utila was too small to make it worthwhile and Holbox was too puddly. At 7km long with proper roads, Mujeres is perfect. The lady said that Anna could drive even though she doesn't have a licence which is slightly scary as the roads are quite busy with taxis and mopeds overtaking the slow golf carts all the time. After a close encounter at a roundabout, the driving was left to me.

      First we visited Punta Sur, the southernmost tip of the island which has a tiny Mayan ruin surrounded by some bizarre rusting sculptures. The ruin is barely worth visiting, but the view is stunning, the sea is a magnificent colour, and the 30P fee gives you access to walk below the cliffs along a walkway that gets pounded by the surf.

      Then we drove north up the West side of the island, looking at the sea views and numerous lovely houses. We had a look around the cemetery for a pirate's grave but couldn't find it - they have a lovely view of the sea though! Since the cemetery is on a slope and our cart doesn't seem to have a handbrake I had to guard the cart. Then we found the Shell house, a beautifully designed white house in the shape of a shell. After stopping by the roadside to buy a conch (30P), which Anna assures me is a byproduct and legal to bring back, we went in search of the Crayola house - a funky rainbow coloured place. With no map and only a few vague screenshots of where it is, this took a little while but we were successful.

      After stopping for iced tea and cheetos, we went to the turtle farm (30P) where they remove the eggs from the beaches to protect them and hatch them and then transfer them back to the sea when they are bigger. This all sounds great but there were several small tanks with large animals in which looked plenty big enough to fend for themselves and we got the impression they are kept for tourism purposes. There are also some aquarium tanks and an open tank where a guy kept lifting out various animals for people to hold, which I wasn't keen on. Outside there was a big pen in the sea and we saw a few nurse sharks, some rays and a dozen or so big turtles, all swimming back and forth along the barrier as if they wanted to escape :(

      We got back in our cart and it wouldn't start. It had been making strange noises the last 5 minutes drive to the turtle farm but now it wouldn't move at all. A nice lady phoned the rental company and they promptly delivered us a new one within quarter of an hour but it was time to head back. Sadly we didn't find the bottle island - a self sufficient house floating on the lake made of recycled stuff.

      We had dinner at Jardin Mayan, a slightly more expensive place than usual but it ended up being one of our cheaper meals due to my poor ordering (200P). I ordered pork pibil, probably the most famous Mayan dish, for both of us - I meant 2 portions but only one came out. Anna was initially disgruntled at the potential lack of food but we barely managed it after the free nachos starter. There was tons of pork, beautifully presented on a banana leaf, with pink pickled onions, beans and rice plus a spicy sauce and far too many tacos. Anna finally found her modelo negra beer and I had a Mayan drink: lemonade with chaya, which is like spinach. Delicious meal!

    • Tag 194

      Mucho tequila

      16. November 2015 in Mexiko ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      It was still raining when we woke up, very windy, and with a loud thunderstorm thrown in. The whole strip outside the room was flooded (as the part next to it is open to the skies), as was the doorway of the room, despite towels being laid down by the cleaners. The poor cleaners were trying to brush the water away but it kept on coming all morning.

      In a pause of rain we dashed to the market for pancakes and drinks (115P), during which the rain returned with a vengeance. The already wet roads started filling up even more and turned into rivers. We waited a while until it eased up a bit and decided to just get wet - especially Anna whose cheap Antigua brolly wasn't holding out too well. We stocked up on snacks and coco pops in case the deluge continued and went back to the room.

      By about 4pm it had dried up so we went for a lovely walk along the beach before ending up at a bar with brightly-coloured diving tanks for seats. We had a cocktail each (mojito & margarita) for 105P which came with 2 free, large tequilas. Since I don't like tequila Anna gleefully had both. Then she decided she wanted another cocktail - I only managed half of mine before feeling a bit sick so she finished off mine too plus another 2 shots and a taster of 1800 tequila (which is apparently the best, rather than Don Julio which is widely touted as the best). They also sold scorpion tequila where live scorpions are put in a bottle - thankfully she didn't try any of that. The bar lady plied us with free pretzels, tons of popcorn and someone’s unwanted ceviche for Anna so we didn't bother with dinner.

      By 9pm I decided the squiffy one should be taken home as I've never seen her so drunk! The lovely hotel man asked what was wrong as it was taking some effort to get her walking anywhere so I told him ‘mucho tequila’ to which he laughed. After getting her showered and into bed, she threw up a lot, fell over a few times, and then passed out - this from a girl who never acts drunk or throws up from drinking - she's getting old!!!

    • Tag 165

      Strand, Meer und Sonnenuntergang

      16. September 2018 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Zurück auf Isla Mujeres ziehe ich mit meinen sieben Sachen in Josh‘s Boot Tish ein. Max kommt wieder im Hostel Azucar unter und lernt dort ein paar jüngere Reisende kennen, mit denen er auch mal Party machen kann😋. Wir treffen auch alte Bekannte wieder und alles trifft sich wie gewohnt am 420 Beach.🏝
      Trotzdem ist es merklich ruhiger geworden auf der Insel, die Nebensaison hat begonnen und auch das Wetter hat umgeschlagen, es regnet ab und zu und es ist etwas kühler.😅
      Das Sargasso (Meeresalge) macht auch vor dem Playa Norte nicht mehr halt und hat den schönen Strand etwas „versaut“.😔

    • Tag 120

      Mit dem "Partyboot" zur Isla Mujeres

      5. Dezember 2017 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Also die Tour ging dann am Morgen mega früh los (halb9) :-D und nach kleiner Verwirrung gings dann zum Bus.
      Nachdem man uns aber am Abend zuvor noch 3x versichert hatte, dass alles im Preis inklusive sei, sollte wir zuerstmal den Bus zur Fähre zahlen..?!?! (12$MX = 60ct) War jetzt nicht die Welt, aber naja.. WIR HABEN 3x GEFRAGT! Bissle blöd dann gewesen.
      Anzahlung haben wir schon 600$MX geleistet und durften damit aufs Boot. Hat sich dann herausgestellt, dass auf dem Boot mit Musik und "Stimmungsanheizern" e bissle Feschd war 😂 war iwie witzig 😂 DANN hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Schorcheltour, die laut der Agentur inkluiert war, die genannte Summe betragen würde ABER in bauchhohem Wasser an 'nem Strand stattfinden würde.. Haben dann gesagt, wir lassens und machen 'nen Strandtag :-)
      S hat dann auch Getränke gegeben und Essen mittags 😂 bissle später hat' s dann wieder kurz bissle geregnet leider..Aber auch wieder schnell aufgehört ;-) warm wars und isses trotzdem also alles net so wild :-P

      ABER das Wasser da ist so! klar (wie in La Paz/Los Cabos vor paar Wochen auch).
      Bin aber ja dieses Mal schließlich auf der karibischen Seite von Mexiko. 😍
      Hab wegen der Tour noch eine Nacht im Mayan Monkey Hostel verlängert und morgen geht's dann ab nach Playa del Carmen :-)

      ... Sorry für die Fotos. Sind nur die vom Handy. Hab leider keinen PC zur Verfügung, von wo ich die Fotos hier zeigen könnte :-) ABER ihr kriegt die dann schon noch zu sehen ;-)

    • Tag 251

      Terminal zur Fähre

      1. Oktober 2016 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Auch dieser schöne Tag ist mal zu Ende und wir müssen zurück.

      Erst mit der Fähre dann mit dem Taxi zur Collectivo. Die Taxis im Terminal verlangten 100 Pesos, die davor 80, und der auf der Strasse nur 40 Pesos. Touristen Abzocker, dreckige! Und beim Herfahren hatte der Taxifahrer nur 35 EUR verlangt. Den von der Strasse hatten wir genommen, weil das war fair.

      Anschliessend mit dem Collectivo nach Playa del Carmen. Da waren nur mehr 2 Plätze ganz hinten frei. Wir beschlossen den nächsten, der dahinter stand zu nehmen. Der war aber auch schon so voll, und viel älter. Also zurück zum ersten der war neuer und viel mehr Platz.

      Die Rückfahrt war zwar lange, aber relativ entspannt.

    • Tag 251

      Playa Norte

      1. Oktober 2016 in Mexiko ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Noch ein Strand, mit vielen Palmen und mehr Leuten als im Paradies. Aber um die Zeit sind schon viele weg.

      Der Strand ist extrem flach und man muss weit hinauslaufen. Draussen ist mit Bojen der Bereich für die Badenden abgesperrt. Dahinter ankern viele Jachten, mit viel Bier und noch mehr Musikboxen...Weiterlesen

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