Erg Merzouga

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    • Dag 7

      Nomad Camp

      5 oktober 2023, Marocko ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We continue on and go around the end of the high dunes, which are 25 km long by about 5 km wide. We go east onto a huge windswept plain, only 7km from the Algerian border, and visit one of the nomad families. There are many other nomad family tents dotted around, all well spaced. They have about ten tents circled around which are the kitchen, bedrooms, larder, toilet, playroom for the kids and dining open sided tent.
      They are very welcoming giving us some tea and their Moroccan pizza equivalent. Little three year old Omar is a character and we meet six month old Smile as well.
      We give them some spare clothes and food.
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    • Dag 6


      6 maj 2019, Marocko ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      When necessary, only 90 minutes sleep seems to be enough but even so I think we all had to heave ourselves out of bed and force ourselves to get going. I suspect not many of us got dressed either, not because we spent the morning running ‘round stark naked but simply because we slept in our clothes.

      We headed out from the camp and into the dunes where we’d been last night and from here we had a clear view towards where the sun would rise. There’s not much to say about all this really, it was a sunrise after all, so just enjoy the three photos I took as the sun brought the new day to life. It doesn’t look too bad does it - the colours are nice and it’s a bit moody I guess, but I was hoping for more earlier on to be honest, when sometimes the clouds can be a blaze of purples and reds. This didn’t happen today but it was really calming to watch the light change as the sun slowly climbed above the Algerian border.

      Once sunrise was over we all looked for compositions in the golden tones of this first hour or two of the day. After I’d taken photo four in this footprint I really struggled to be honest. I’d come here with a vision of an image I wanted to capture, of the long sweeping curves of sand dunes of the sort vaguely like photo four but much more striking and dramatic. In that photo the large dunes were too far away and nothing like that was on offer where we were so I found it really hard to find alternatives to what I’d fixed in my mind. I needed to learn from this: my mind needs to be more flexible and mould more easily to the situation on hand. Then Katrina arrived and having checked everyone else was okay, she then spent some time with me giving me ideas on how to look for something different ... without the tripod. This was just what I needed and in no time I’d captured an image that made the day a photographic success. You’ll get to see it in the final footprint of this trip - it’s of some grass in the sand ... sounds stunning doesn’t it so I bet you can’t wait to see it!

      The last two photos are of our up-market camp site which I took after breakfast just before we left. We’ve only been here one night but seem to have seen and experienced so much in that short time. It was definitely the highlight of the trip, so different to our normal routines and awe inspiring to spend the night in a location such as this. That sky was truly amazing.
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    • Dag 9


      19 mars 2022, Marocko ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Ein weiterer Tag den ich fast nur im Bus verbringe. Hin und wieder ein unbedeutender Stop, doch das ist alles nichts im Vergleich zum Highlight dieser Tour. Gegen 18 Uhr kommen wir endlich an unserem Ziel an... der Sahara. Und ich bin überwältigt von diesem Anblick. Ich habe allerdings nicht genügend Zeit um mich daran satt zu sehen, denn nach gerade einmal fünfzehn Minuten ist es auch schon wieder Zeit um aufzubrechen. Damit wir das Wüsten Camp noch rechtzeitig erreichen bevor es dunkel wird, müssen wir pünktlich los. Schnell packe ich das Nötigste für eine Übernachtung zusammen, und mache mich dann mit den anderen Reisenden auf zum Treffpunkt. Hier werden wir schon von unserem Guide und den Kamelen erwartet. Nach ein paar ersten Schnappschüssen bekommt jeder von uns ein Kamel zugeteilt. Etwas umständlich ist es schon, auf dem Tier Platz zu nehmen, doch mit etwas Hilfe klappt es ganz gut, und kurz darauf bewegt sich unsere Karawane langsam durch die Dünen. Es ist ein unglaublich schöner Moment. Diese Umgebung strahlt so eine Ruhe aus, es ist vollkommen windstill und absolut leise. Mehr als eine Stunde sind wir unterwegs, als es langsam beginnt dunkel zu werden. Es ist ein bißchen surreal, so weit weg von der Zivilisation zu sein. Umgeben von nichts anderem als Sand sind wir komplett auf unseren Guide angewiesen. Ich bin überrascht, wie er uns ohne jegliche Hilfe nur anhand von Erfahrung durch die Sahara führt. Hinter jedem Hügel vermute ich das Camp, doch erst kurz vor halb acht, als es schon richtig dunkel ist erreichen wir unsere Unterkunft für diese Nacht.Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      There Were "Billions of Stars"

      5 maj 2019, Marocko ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Those of you who have watched Professor Brian Cox talking about the solar system and the universe on the BBC will understand why I’ve chosen that particular title for this footprint. Okay, it’s not possible for the human eye to actually see that many stars, but when you look skywards from the inky black of a desert night you will believe you see that many. As the night progressed the Milky Way, our galaxy, rose from the horizon to become a magnificent spectacle spanning the entire heavens, its core majestically ablaze with the light from the billions of stars within it. That view, that awesome sight, is the reason I wanted to be here and the opportunity to try to photograph it was simply a bonus.

      The first photo of this footprint, all from my big camera of course, was taken from the campsite looking outwards to the south. The Milky Way is still low in the sky even though it’s not far off midnight, but from this position you also get the tents and the water tower to give a foreground perspective.

      Monique, Nigel and I ventured out from the camp into the dunes where we found the camels resting for the night. I must admit I’d be pretty fed up if my sleep was interrupted by people setting up three legged gadgets, talking while they did that, clipping funny looking things to the three legged things, talking, shining lights and going click every now and then. If it were me I think I’d have engaged full-on spit mode, but they didn’t. No, they remained calm, quiet and tolerant and watched these stupid people sitting in the sand amongst billions of camel droppings, for that’s exactly what we were doing and they were probably creating even more if truth be known. The second photo, then, is of one of those camels in the night and the only camel who chose to remain standing the entire time.

      Photographing a camel, at night, in the pitch dark is not the easiest of tasks on a score of one to ten, with ten being pretty much impossible. This was a ten! Why? Because the camel was alive, not stuffed, so it had a tendency to do what living things do, which is move! The camel’s body stayed remarkably still but its head kept moving, perhaps due to a combination if general inquisitiveness, frequent “tutting” at having its sleep interrupted or maybe an inner turmoil as to whether or not the odd spit, even a small one, would damage the excellent reputation the camels had carefully nurtured in the eyes of these very idiots. Anyway, it’s not the clearest photo in the universe, but this is what I managed to get. The second camel shot worked better because the camels were sitting - you can see that camel in the background still standing up.

      The fourth photo is the Milky Way in all its glory taken around 2am with the final one of this set taken about half an hour later when we got back to the camp. We eventually went to bed around 3am for a hour and a half because we wanted to be up again for sunrise. We should have stayed up however, because when we left our tents at just after 4.30am the predawn light was already bright and we’d missed that special time when darkness gradually fades towards the blue light we’d experienced yesterday evening. Hopefully we’ll get to see a brilliant sunrise.
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    • Dag 10

      Erg Chebbi Wüste

      15 november 2019, Marocko ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Um 17 Uhr ging es dann los und Mohammed holte uns vor der Unterkunft ab, um uns Richtung Wüste zu fahren. Dort wartete dann schon unser Wüstenguide mit 2 Kamelen/Dromedaren, welche wir aber nicht benutzten.
      Wir wanderten zu Fuß den 1,5 Stunden Weg zum Wüstencamp, da wir gegen "Tier-Tourismus" sind, obwohl die beiden glücklich aussahen und mit ihnen auch gut und respektvoll auf dem Weg umgegangen wurde.
      Trotzdem war der Weg zu Fuß wahrscheinlich ein noch größeres Abenteuer und forderte uns noch ein wenig, da es nicht so einfach ist durch den weichen Sand zu laufen!
      Nach einigen Minuten waren wir dann mittendrin, um uns herum nur Sand und Dünen, absolut spektakulär. Die Erg Chebbi Wüste ist zwar nur ein Wüstenstreifen und man kann von höheren Dünen schon bis Merzouga oder zur algerischen Grenze schauen, dennoch ist es ein absolut geiles Erlebnis, wenn man das erste Mal drin ist.
      Wir hatten Glück, sodass wir auf dem Weg auch alleine waren und einen echt coolen Guide hatten, der uns noch ein bisschen was erzählte etc.
      Kurz vorm Camp machten wir dann noch einen Stopp und genossen auf einer Düne den Sonnenuntergang.
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    • Dag 12

      Probleme der Welt

      24 maj 2023, Marocko ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Auch hier ganz weit weg von zu Hause kann man die Probleme der Welt sehen. Schaut selbst. Die Strecke waren ca. 200m entlang vom Riad nach Merzouga.

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