Gemeente Arnhem

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Gemeente Arnhem
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    • Day 17


      May 31, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Mittwoch 31.5. Arnheim-Gronichem 115km.
      Bis Arnheim haben wir bereits stolze 1170 km geradelt. Heute morgen blauer Himmel, kalt und „ausnahmsweise“ 🤣 Gegenwind .
      Wie die Norddeutschen mögen auch die Holländer Sichtbackstein in x Farbnuancen für Häuschen, Luxusvillen, Stadtbauten, Industrie, Landwirtschaft, wie auch als Strassenbelag. Das strahlt Harmonie aus.
      Sogar Schilfdächer sind wieder ein Hipe . Ausserhalb der Stadt zeigt sich Holland von der hügeligen Seite. Heute verfahren wir uns oft, Beschilderung lässt zu wünschen übrig. Auffallend viele Dämme, Schleusen, Fähren und Schafe, Kühe, und zum ersten mal Windmühlen. Als Entrée fürs Dinner leisten wir uns herrlich fleischige Austern, direkt vor unseren Augen geöffnet, das Weitere überlassen wir des Lesers Phantasie.
      Tschüss !!!morgen gehts auf nach Rotterdam
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    • Day 35


      August 16, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Busy day today! Up early and on the 7.11am train to Arnhem, then Oosterbeek. We were headed for the CWGC of those who fought in Operation Market Garden in the Battle of Arnhem, September 1944. This cemetery of largely of largely airborne men was immaculately kept, as all CWGC, and the flowers at the headstones were beautiful. We spent our journey to Arnhem reading about the battle and its unfolding before visiting the sites here. Up the road from the cemetery is a memorial to the Air Despatchers too.Read more

    • Day 35


      August 16, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Back to Arnhem, we walked from the station to the waterfront, and walked up the river towards the 'bridge too far'. Next to the rebuilt John Frost Bridge is a small Airborne at the Bridge museum - free to enter and with a great animation of the each day of the battle in 1944 amongst other exhibits. We walked up onto the bridge and back through the town before getting a train to Amsterdam...

      ...or not. Because services were reduced due to staff shortages, so we first had to get a rail replacement bus before getting a train, taking us two hours, rather than the one than we had planned.

      Beer Index (Arnhem) - N/A
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    • Day 12

      Burger's Zoo

      March 22, 2023 in the Netherlands

      Heute geht es in den Burger's Zoo. Hier waren wir schon mal auf unserer ersten Fahrt mit dem Campster im Februar 2020 kurz vor dem Lockdown.

      Nach einer warmen Dusche, dem hervorragenden Frühstück am Stellplatz und dem Einkauf im Hofladen brauchen wir nur noch 30 Minuten bis zum Zoo. Wir lassen uns viel Zeit und besuchen diesesmal alle Gehege und Anlagen. Hagenbeck war ein großes Vorbild und überall wird auf den Artenschutz hingewiesen. Sie unterstützen sehr viele Tierauffangstationen vor allem in Belize.

      Am meisten hat mir der Mangrovenwald mit den Seekühen und den vielen Schmetterlingen gefallen.

      Wir verlassen den Zoo erst gegen 17h und machen uns auf nach Amsterdam. Da es kaum Stellplätze gibt und auch die Parksituation sehr bescheiden sein soll, entscheiden wir uns für 2 Nächte auf einem in der Stadt gelegenen Campingplatz. Kostet zwar pro Nacht 36 €, aber dafür können wir alles zu Fuß oder mit Straßenbahn und Metro machen. Und Bailey kann sicher im Auto bleiben. Wir wärmen nur noch die Nudeln auf und essen die restlichen Garnelen. Und dann ein letztes Gassigehen bei Dauerregen und ab ins Bett.
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    • Day 10


      September 24, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Heute sind wir in Arnheim und machen einen Stadtbummel über einen Wochenmarkt mit einigen Käseständen.
      Wir bestaunen die Eusebiuskirche und besichtigen die Gedenkstätte zum Gedenken an die Zerstörung der Brücke von Arnheim.Read more

    • Day 3

      Von Wageningen nach Arnhem

      June 25, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Mit Schiff von Wijk bij Duurstede nach Wageningen weiter mit dem Fahrrad nach Arnhem … 30 Grad, 48 km … extrem heiß … tolle Waldgebiete und Heide. Spontan fanden sich Carla, Detlef und wir zu einem Team zusammen und die Vierer-Runde passte bis zum Schluss 🤷‍♀️ … Rast in einem Fahrradgarten, wo man 3/4 der Schiffsgäste traf 🤗 …
      Besuch des Airborne-Museums in Arnhem der Männer … wir Frauen fuhren direkt weiter zum Schiff.
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    • Day 1

      Welkom in Nederland !

      June 28, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Das wir DAS noch erleben heute! 🧡

      ....fijne dag nog... wie jetzt 😳 der soll NOCH besser werden??? 😉

    • Day 1

      Ankunft im Arnheim

      October 23, 2021 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Gegen 13 Uhr sind wir in Arnheim angekommen. Check in ohne Probleme, Corona App vorzeigen war die einzige merkbare Coronasache. Ansonsten keine Masken, nix. Hotelzimmer sehr schön mit Aussicht auf den Rhein.
      Dann ging es erst mal flott einkaufen und was essen.
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    • Day 7

      Sep 26 - Arnhem to Nijmegen

      September 26, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      It was another 8:00 a.m. rising. The soft motion of the this ship is making me sleep like a baby parked on top of a vibrating clothes dryer. One of these days, we are going to be relegated to the "Late Risers Breakfast" area!

      We sailed all night, having left Veere around 4:30 p.m. It's now 9:30 a.m., and we are sailing past Nijmegen on our way to Arnhem. Any of you who have watched the movie, "A Bridge Too Far" will recognize those names. There was a ferocious battle for control of the Arnhem's bridge during the Allied liberation of the Netherlands in 1944. The British and American forces were fought off by the retreating Germans who then destroyed the bridge to hamper the Allied advance. Operation Market Garden was a crushing defeat. The current arched bridge, named the John Frost Bridge in honour of the allied commander who tried to capture it, is a copy of the one destroyed during the war.

      The Waal River that we are on right now is a busy shipping channel. There is a barge loaded with coal passing us right now. Most of these barges have at least one car parked on the rear deck (this one has two) - these barges double as the operators' homes. There is a hoist that can pick up the car and deposit on the road at any port. We saw one barge on our last cruise with a play pen tied onto the upper deck!

      Andreea did an “All Things Dutch” talk for us in the morning - talking about tulips, cheese, wooden shoes and windmills. She gave a special nod to Canada for its role in helping the Dutch Royal Family during the war. Princess Margriet was born in 1943 in the Ottawa Civic Hospital. A federal proclamation declared the maternity ward extraterritorial, ensuring that the new princess would only be a Dutch — and not also a Canadian — citizen. Canada also led the liberation of the Netherlands. From September 1944 to April 1945, the First Canadian Army fought German forces on the Scheldt estuary — opening the port of Antwerp for Allied use — and then cleared northern and western Netherlands of Germans, allowing food and other relief to reach millions of desperate people. Since 1945, the Netherlands have sent 100,000 tulip bulbs to Canada every year in deep thanks for its help during desperate times.

      We should be in Arnhem around 1:00 p.m. The ship will loop back to Nijmegen after doing a refuelling/restocking/pump out stop.

      There are three activity choices for this afternoon - an open air history museum, the airborne museum at Arnhem or a bike tour from Arnhem to Nijmegen (20 km/12 miles). We enjoyed the bike tour (and the associated exercise) so much yesterday, that we decided to try another one. The weather might be our foe today - the Netherlands regularly offers up "liquid sunshine" to its many visitors.

      Arnhem was the home during WWII of Audrey Hepburn who walked the streets with messages for the Dutch Resistance hidden in her shoes.

      Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands and is built on seven hills, just like Rome. The city dates from 11 B.C. In 1940, Nijmegen was one fo the first cities captured by the Germans. Four years later, Nijmegen was heavily bombed by the Americans, who thought it was Germany. A few bits of the old town survived the war or were reconstructed.

      We are now in Arnhem and have had lunch. We leave on our bike tour in 30 minutes. It's pouring rain. I think we are both certifiably crazy. Will post more after this little adventure!

      The five crazy bike people met up at about 2:00 p.m. with our guide Astrid and her partner Sander who rode at the back of the pack to ensure that no one got lost. Andreea, the tour director, was along for the ride also. Because of the rain, Andreea and Astrid had hatched a hybrid route - we would ride around Arnhem and neighbouring village of Oosterbeek and then rendezvous with the bus at the Open Air Museum for a drive back to the ship. We set off in light rain which stopped almost immediately. We saw a few sights in Arnhem and then rode to Oosterbeek on fabulous bike paths where we stopped at the Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cemetery which contains the graves of most of those killed during the September landings, and many of those killed in later fighting in the area. There are now 1,684 Commonwealth servicemen of the Second World War buried or commemorated in the cemetery. The 75th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem was held last Sunday so all the graves were decorated and there were wreaths of flowers at the monument cross. It was a sombre moment.

      We continued on our journey, through peaceful forests and huge parks all the while on excellent bike paths. After almost two hours, we were back in Arnhem. The rain had stopped, so in a fit of energy, we all agreed to ride the original route of 21 km to Nijmegen. Thank goodness for electric-assist bikes! Off we went. One and half hours later we were safely back at the ship. We estimate that we rode ~40 km/25 miles. It was a lovely ride with really nice people.

      After a hot shower, we gathered with our fellow travellers win the lounge and enjoyed a classical music concert presented by three young people playing piano, cello and violin. Yesterday’s entertainment was a Dixie Land Band. We had dinner afterwards - I had the best salmon I’ve ever tasted and Doug raved about the pasta.

      We are sailing right now and will be in Maastricht (still in the Netherlands) tomorrow morning.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Gemeente Arnhem, Arnhem

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