New Zealand
Cape Reinga

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    • Day 5

      Cape Reinga

      November 15, 2022 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir uns die letzten beiden Tage durch die Northlands geschlängelt haben, sind wir nun am nördlichsten Punkt der Insel angekommen - Cape Reinga!

    • Day 6

      Cape Reinga

      January 7 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Es ist nicht in Worte zu fassen, wie magisch und wunderschön dieser Ort ist. Wow! Trotz fiesem Wind.
      Wir sind extra früh raus, um den Sonnenaufgang zu erwischen.

    • Day 56

      Cap Reinga 🇳🇿

      July 8, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      C’est fait, on est allé tout en haut de la Nouvelle Zélande 🤪🤪

    • Day 105

      Cape Reinga

      November 27, 2018 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Cape Reinga au bout du bout...à l'extrême nord de l'île du Nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande! Superbe. Mystique. Magique.
      C'est un lieu sacré pour les Maori. C'est là que les Maori viennent à la mort d'un proche. Ils y déposent une feuille dans l'eau pour qu'elle rejoigne le "homeland". Voilà ce que nous raconte en direct un maori ce matin rencontré par hasard. Et en effet, c'est par ici que les esprits de la mort entrent sur les terres...Read more

    • Day 205

      North coast, Northland

      December 19, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We were excited to make the long drive to the most northerly part of the island; Cape Reinga and Spirits Bay. We pitched up on the DOC site and had the most beautiful sunset on the beach. Day four and finally Cape Reinga where the Tasman sea meets the Pacific Ocean. You can even see the rough waters where the two oceans collide. The Maori see this place as where the spirits depart this world for the next (a place called Hawaiki, the former land of the ancestors). We really felt this was a special, spiritual place and could have sat there for ours. I think we were also quite lucky to go at a relatively quiet time - apparently the place gets overrun with tourists which I think would ruin the atmosphere! The day turned incredibly hot, but we couldn't resist (well me, Andy) a body board down the massive dunes at Te Paki. Maddie was scared at first, but eventually she loved body boarding down the 100ft dunes!Read more

    • Day 116


      January 21, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      So Lynne and I had a few days left, before Lara joined the clan and we decided to drive up Northland! We made a quick stop at the farm I was staying in Kerikeri and drove all the way up to Cape Reinga and Spirits Bay - which as always was stunningly beautiful!

      Unfortunately it was really windy at our stop in Matai Bay, it almost blew us away 🌬

      Our last night we spent in Helensville, which is an hour away from Auckland, as Lara arrived at 6am at the airport! Helensville is supposed to be a great spot for hot springs, spa, welness and just relaxation - well, at least now we know, that Kiwis think a bit differently in terms of spa; it was just horrible and they got 2 A4-pages of feedback, which took me longer to write down than the actualy amount of time we spent in this dirty hub! 💩
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    • Day 7

      Cape Reinga

      February 3, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After the sandboarding we basically were sandy everywhere and brought a lot of sand into the coach. Cape Reinga was not far away - another impressive and awesome place. Though certainly being comparable to Cape of Good Hope, I very much enjoyed its beauty. The different colors of Tasman Sea and Pacific were well to be seen. Well, nevertheless, we had to start our way back to the Bay of Islands - being two hours behind schedule. Our driver had a surprise for us: to indemnify for the inconvenience we had because of the mechanical breakdown the tour company would pay the fish and chips for us. We would have stopped to have it anyway, but it would have been at our own expenses. That was nice and tasty. Back at the hostel I took a long shower to get rid of the sand. Now, I am really tired, but happy. It feels as if now my trip has actually started.

      By the way, today I saw way more sheep than yesterday, but also many cows again. Sheep have definitely overtaken horses now, however, about cows I am not really sure. I think cows are still in the lead...
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    • Day 192

      Day trip to Cape Reinga

      July 20, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      This morning we got up bright and early to drive to Cape Reinga 213km from Paihia. It took us about 3 hours to get there. We had a beautiful costal drive there and the sun started to come out.

      When we arrived at the car park we walked down to Cape Reinga Lighthouse. The sea was turquoise in some places. We had a beautiful view of the Tasman Sea meeting the Pacific Ocean in a spectacular swirl of currents.

      Next we drove down the road Tapotupotu Bay for lunch. (In the 4th and 5th picture) It was a stunning beach.

      Next we drove to 90 mile beach. A wide sand beach. Popular for driving on. The sand dunes there were so white. Unfortunately we couldn't drive on it with our car. Shame we didn't have silver lining!

      On the way back we stopped at Mangonui fish and chip shop. We sat in the restaurant overlooking the sunset in the harbour. What a great way to end the day!
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    • Day 49

      Cape Reinga Part 2

      March 19, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌫 20 °C

      Part Zwei meines Blogeintrags über den Norden beginnt mit einem Lunchbreak.
      Eine 5-Minuten Fahrt entfernt lag die Hahoura Bay wo wir im Sand sitzend unseren Reis aßen. Der warme Sand, die Sonne und das kühle Meer erinnerten mich wieder daran, dass wir eigentlich im Urlaub sind und so war der Reis gar nicht so schlimm. Dies kann aber auch daran liegen, dass einer der nächsten Stops einer der berühmtesten Fish and Chips ( hier: Fish and Chops) Läden ist und wie für $8 anstatt $12 essen bekommen*.*

      Omg das Essen war so gut! Richtig viel Fett, aber die Allioli, der Fisch und die Pommes waren ein Genuss!!*.*
      Als wir reinkamen haben wir direkt unser Essen bekommen und mussten dann zahlen. Alles ohne Anstehen, was hier ganz nützlich ist. Das kleine Restaurant in so einer Fischerstadt Namens Montonui ist richtig gefragt....

      Als Abschluss waren wir noch für einen 5 Minuten Walk in den Puketi Kauri Forest, einen Nationalpark.
      Fun Fact: in diesem Park steht der älteste Baum von Neuseeland, der auch als Baum des Lichts und Lebens angesehen wird. Der Film Avatar ( von einem Neuseeländer ) enthält den Baum des Lichts, der sich genau auf diesen Baum bezieht.
      Wenn man so viel über die Kultur der Maoris gelernt hat und weiß wie wichtig für die Menschen hier der Erhalt der Natur ist, kann man deutlich die Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem Film erkennen, quasi eine versteckte Botschaft...

      Das Ende des Abends war leider nicht so schön. Schon den ganzen Tag sind bei Carla immer wieder rote Stiche aufgetaucht, die dann angeschwollen sind. Wieder im Hostel waren wir dann an der Rezeption und haben mit dem Besitzer geredet, der uns dann gesagt hat, dass es wahrscheinlich Bettwanzen sind. Carla hat diese Stiche am ganzen Körper, wirklich am ganzen Körper. Sogar im Gesicht. Er hat erstmal unsere Betten gecheckt, aber nichts gefunden. Anschließend hat er uns gesagt, dass die Stiche bis zu 14 Tage später auftauchen können und so erinnerten wir uns wieder an das Bettwanzennest in Rotorua über Carlas Bett.
      Richtig lieb hat er sich dann um uns gekümmert und uns Tips gegeben. Zum Beispiel hat er uns einen Liter Essig gegeben, mit dem ich Carlas Körper eingerieben habe.
      Das Gute ist, wir wissen jetzt wie wir sie zuhause loswerden: zuhause alle Klamotten in einen Sack und mehrmals mit kochendem Wasser über 50Grad übergießen. Das Gleiche mit dem Rucksack machen!
      Hoffentlich wird es morgen wieder besser.....
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    • Day 55

      Cape Reinga - King of the North

      November 21, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      So I drove all the way up to the top of the top of the island, the northernest point of New Zealand: Cape Reinga.
      Its a really cool place, as you drive up there and suddenly you find yourself surrounded by sanddunes and youre asking yourself how the heck you ended up in the desert? And you keep driving and eventually you reach cape reinga, all green again, ocean on one side, hills on the other! So a really diverse but beautiful spot!

      And yes, of course I had to take one of these famous pictures with those signs around the world - couldnt resist! But to be honest I didnt find it that special and I was surrounded by tons of tourists that wanted to do the same so we left pretty quickly again...

      Oh and yes, I do look like a red tomato as I got a horrible sunburn on matai beach as I forgot my suncream at home and here in New Zealand you cant really leave the house without it! 🔥
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