Río San Juan

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    • Dia 50

      San Juan del Sur (Casa de Olas)

      11 de outubro de 2015, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Coming to San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua for Sunday Funday where people from all the hostels in town party together in 5 different locations. A unique pool party worth seeing once. The only site in town is the gigantic Jesus on the hill watching over it. Highlight was the Australian hostel where you have an amazing view over the town, the ocean and the sunset while sitting in the pool...Leia mais

    • Dia 63

      San Juan del Sur

      28 de fevereiro de 2017, Nicarágua ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      As I needed a "convenient stop" to wash my close and buy toothpaste and sunscreen after a few more secluded stops like Playa Gigante and Isla Ometepe I decided to spend one night in the party & surf spot of Nicaragua before heading to my Surf Camp.
      I actually quite liked the vibe. You have a lot of nice and hipster shops and restaurants here. It's quite pricey but for one night it's fine.
      I also met a lot of people here again. First I ran into my french canadian friends and Kathryn and Matthew who I had also met at Laguna de Apoyo again. They were actually staying in my room!
      Later I wanted to buy a beer to go up to the Jesus de Mercer statue for sunset when I ran into Tina I had met in the Surfing Turtle Lodge. We went up there together and got an irritated view from the guy at the entrance. Apparently you are not supposed to bring alcohol to a holy place. Up there we also met Patrick from the Surfing Turtle.
      Later we had the best burrito in town for dinner - probably not really authentic but for a change really light and fresh with lots of vegetables and a nice salsa instead of the typical rice and beans (sometimes you have to cheat with the local food).
      The next morning I said a final goodbye to my french canadian friends and jumped on the shuttle to Playa Maderas for my Surf Camp.
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    • Dia 5–8

      San Juan del Sur // Nicaragua

      18 de novembro de 2023, Nicarágua ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Ein liebevolles Backpacker Paradies am Ende einer langen Schotterpiste. Surfer hot spot, abgelegene Stände im Dschungel und gutes Essen.

    • Dia 68


      5 de março de 2017, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      When I went to Costa Rica 3 years ago I saw all these people wearing T-shirts saying SUNDAY FUNDAY. I figured out they had all been to the same party in Nicaragua. A pool crawl from hostel to hostel in San Juan del Sur. At that time I imagined it to be a lot less professional but when I came back to Central America 3 years later and still lots of people were wearing these T-shirts I realized it's quite a big party with sometimes even kind of famous DJs happening every week in the same 4 hostels. When I got to the Surf Camp I was quite happy to hear that there was a group of people going to SUNDAY FUNDAY (sundays is surf free anyway) because something like this is always more fun in a group.
      We all agreed you can only do SUNDAY FUNDAY if you go all in. Which means I mixed a bottle of Rum with Fresca to take it with me when we jumped on a shuttle to SJDS around 11am.
      Once we got into town we went straight to Pacha Mama, the first of the 4 hostels, to buy our tickets and choose our T-shirts. The T-shirts still look like 3 years ago when I saw them first in Costa Rica. The only thing changing is the color. Turns out every size has a different color. So there are 2 ways to choose your T-shirt: by size (and I guess a lot of people choose the smallest size they can make fit as everybody knows which size you wear because of the color) or by color. Of course I went for color (dark pink with neon print, yeah). Parts of our group left again afterwards to get food or other stuff but me and Izzy, Nicole and Laura just stuck around till the DJ started playing. From that point on it was all just a funny party which kept on going. The pool at Pacha Mama was pretty small so not a lot of people jumped in. But it was a nice party location as it was quite small and got crowded quickly. At some point the music just turned of and everybody walked over to the second place which was right at the beach. You were welcomed at the door by people pouring rum shots straight into your mouth. But like we said, we go for the whole experience, right?
      The pool here was quite nice so I jumped straight in. After a while a shuttle brought people from here to the third place which was up on a hill and supposed to have a nice view for sunset. But as we were still fouling around and didn't wanna get in line for the shuttle we watched the sunset down at the beach and actually took the last shuttle to get up there.
      I remember being on a slack line here practicing my balance - which is not the easiest thing after a day of Nica Libre. After the shuttles took us down to the last place we figured it was almost 9pm and we had asked at the surfcamp for a pick up at this time. We weren't quite ready to leave but in the end Izzy and I took that chance to get back to the camp before things got to crazy. But going to bed was not an option. So we ordered another Nica Libre there and suddenly realized we hadn't had any food since breakfast - I've never been this happy to have a bag of chips!
      It was hard to get out of bed the next morning at 8 to get ready to surf but it was one of my best sessions and the cold water was the best hang over cure ever!
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    • Dia 83

      San Juan del Sur 3.0

      20 de março de 2017, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      First of all I apologize for only posting pictures of sunsets all the time. I got lazy taking pictures but sunsets still catch me. I gonna try to change that habit ;)
      I spend another night in SJDS before heading back out to Maderas for the surfcamp. I had booked a night in a hostel which looked nice online and I thought this might be another option for volunteering. But when I got there I realized this place was more about partying than surfing. I walked a little around town and even though I didn't necessarily like SJDS it kind of felt like coming home. Just because it's so familiar now. I had been here not just the nights before and after the surfcamp last time I was there but also on a lot of short stops on the way to surf spots from the camp (we often stopped here to buy lunch or other stuff).
      At night I cooked dinner and hung out at the bar in the hostel and talked to the volunteer there. Her job seemed nice but like I said the hostel was a little to focused on partying - when I went to bed around 10:30 pm everybody else went out. Only one guy also said "I gonna go to bed. Early surf tomorrow.".
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    • Dia 154

      von Ometepe nach San Juan del Sur

      22 de janeiro de 2018, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute sind wir von der Insel Ometepe, aus Moyagalpa nach San Juan del Sur gereist. Das ist immer eine Herausforderung, weil wir hoffen günstig dahinzukommen und nichts vorher wissen, wie es sein wird.
      Mit Mühe bekam ich ein Früchte, Müsli und Joghurt Frühstück statt dem landestypischen Gallo Pinto mit Eiern und Bananen, Fett und viel Colesterin.
      Auf der Fähre lernte ich viele Leute kennen, u.a. Einen Amerikaner mit seiner Tochter die in Costa Rica lebt. Er schließlich hat uns mit seinem Leihwagen in San Jorge nach Rivas umsonst mitgenommen, Andreas musste den Koffer ja noch abholen. Am Busbahnhof wurden wie bequatscht. Aber schließlich landeten wir im Chicken Bus der Einheimischen für 25 Cordoba,(Uns hat Gott geholfen gut und günstig nach SJ zu kommen, auf Weise der Armen Leute, Was die alles einkaufen und mitschleppen, der Bus scheint oft fast umzukippen, was dann?) unbequem heiß uns voll, der vollgepropft über steinige Schottersandpisten durch die Bergdörfer fuhr. Wir kamen nach ner guten Stunde ko an in San Juan und fanden das Hostel. Das Zimmer, düster und nur ein winziges Fenster zum Flur. Ich bat um was anderes und für 3 Dollar mehr haben wir ein 4 Bettzimmer. Gut, Platz. Wir trafen wieder Glaxton und Christina im comedor!! Dort lernten wir auch 4 junge Spanier kennen, die in Berlin lebten. Nett am Strand trafen wir uns wieder. Heute machten wir Batido aus Piña und Bananen und Milch mit Eis selbst!
      Alle fahren hier für 10 Dollar an einen Strand Hermosa. Andreas findet das unnötig, aber ich hätte Lust für 5 D. An einen schönen Strand zu fahren. Mal sehn.
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    • Dia 14

      San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

      18 de agosto de 2018, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      We tendered into San Juan del Sur. Walking in town we viewed its half-moon beach, colorful houses and “interesting” streets.
      We were constantly approached by street vendors but were not harassed since they backed off when we said no thanks.
      The town has a mini Christ the Redeemer statue which was erected to ward off the threat of volcanoes erupting.
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    • Dia 80

      San Juan del Sur, dag 1-3 🏖🍔🍻🍹

      7 de maio de 2022, Nicarágua ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Vrijdagmiddag aangekomen in San Juan del Sur. Een heel klein dorpje aan de zee. Vooral bekend voor het feesten en surfen. Eerst lekker met Fleur (Nederlands) geluncht. Daarna een rondje door de ‘stad’ gelopen. Zaterdagavond met het hostel een strand barbecue en een mooie zonsondergang. Zondag staat er om bekend in Nicaragua dat men naar Sunday Funday gaat in San Juan del Sur. Dus hier waren wij uiteraard ook bij.
      Bianca (Nederlands), Patrick (Frans), Bess (Nederlands), Fabienne (Nederlands), Julia (Nederlands). Ja er waren ontzettend veel Nederlanders haha.
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    • Dia 136

      Nicaragua: crazy border

      19 de setembro de 2015, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      50C = £1. $ also widely accepted.

      Kurt was lovely enough to give us a lift down the hill and we got the 10am bus to Liberia (1,500C; 2 hrs). We met an Argentinian couple (Tati & Sabina) who we agreed to share a cab with the other side of the border and became our travel buddies.

      The landscape was mainly fields with some trees and a few cattle. All was going well until the bus came to an unscheduled stop just as we were nearing our destination. Most people got off, the driver propped open the engine with a broom handle but failed to fix the problem and the rest of us were told it was the end of the line. Luckily we were only a 10 min walk from the bus stop.

      We had a short wait and then boarded a bus to the border (~1,800C; 1.5 hrs) to Penas Blanca. The place was full of lorries, tons of them. Some ladies tried to grab us but we ignored them and went into the migration office and were told we had to pay a $7 departure tax first. They pointed to a machine but nobody could get it to work. So we had to go with the ladies who led us behind some lorries where they fought over us for their $1 commission. Very strange system!

      We got our exit stamp, walked along the road a bit (no river to cross for once) and then paid $1 for something and $12 for something else before we could get our entry stamp - the most expensive border crossing yet! (The Argentinian couple had paid the small fees in Panama which we had somehow escaped!) Then our luggage was scanned and we had to show our passports to at least another 3 people. Crazy border.

      We got a taxi for $5 each to San Juan Del Sur. On the half hour ride we caught our first glimpse of Lake Nicaragua and the twin volcanoes on Ometepe. The roads were really good and there were tons of wind turbines - quite unexpected for what we thought was a less developed country.

      We checked into the same hostel as T&S who said it was the cheapest they'd found for an ensuite - Hostel Suenos del Mar; $16. The staff were uber friendly and the room was basic but clean, with free coffee, drinkable water and wifi good enough to play netflix. Anna managed to scam a welcome coffee.

      We went for a wander to the beach and caught the last of a beautiful sunset, then we checked out the restaurants. SJDS is a small, surfy town (though the surf beaches are a shuttle ride away). The beach is lined with Western, expensive restaurants (though cheaper than CR) while the cheaper eateries are a couple of streets inland. There is a street full of bars - the town has a party reputation - and far more gringos than we've seen in most places.

      We ended up at the Taco Stop, a cheap street-food type place and both had burritos (225C). I was then very excited to find cheap ice cream again (55C, yummy chocolate gelato to rival any Italian one). We watched an amazing Mariachi band play on the streets for a while and then went to the Cevicheria for Anna to have a craft beer which is brewed onsite. A Saturday night and we stayed out beyond 9pm - just!
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    • Dia 273

      San Juan del Sur

      9 de julho de 2019, Nicarágua ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Sobald man raus ist aus den größeren Städten ist es wieder entspannter. So auch in San Juan del Sur, wo die Uhren anders zu ticken scheinen. Nur die Affen in den Bäumen machen zwischendurch Radau und manche "Schilfkünstler" sind schwer abzuwimmeln. Es ist echt toll, was die Jungs aus Schilf so alles basteln können, aber sobald man einem von ihnen etwas spendet, ist man umzingelt von anderen jungen Männern, die einem verschiedenste Schilfkunstwerke auf den Tisch stellen und uns erwartungsvoll angucken. Nun haben wir eine Schilfblume und zwei Schilfboote, die wir nicht im Backpack transportieren können.Leia mais

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    Río San Juan, Rio San Juan

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