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    • Day 52

      Volcano Bording Cerro Negro

      February 17, 2017 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      The real reason why most backpackers come to Leon are probably the surrounding volcanoes and the fact that you can slide down Volcano Cerro Negro on a wooden board.
      I was pretty freaked out about this activity as I thought people were standing on the board and I had no idea how to do that. But as I didn't wanna miss out I signed up anyway and was pretty happy to find out we were actually sitting on the boards.
      I booked the tour with Big Foot Hostel which I figured later was probably one of the most expensive operators. But they claim to have the fastest boards and included in the price was a T-shirt, a beer, a mojito and a dry and hard cookie :) Oh, and we had music on the truck ride to the volcano. I guess it was the Party Tour operated by the biggest Party Hostel in town but I actually enjoyed the vibe of the tour a lot - this was an activity to not be taken to serious so the whole party atmosphere just worked pretty well with it.
      So after a truck ride with the mentioned music we were dropped of at the foot of the volcano and got out equipment which we had to carry up there. The board is really just a wooden board with a sheet of metal on the back and another special sheet of some material on the backside approximately where you put weight on the board. This is supposed to be the secret that makes you faster. Additionally to the board everybody gets a backpack with the jumpsuit you gonna wear on the way down.
      They made it sound to be a pretty steep walk up the volcano and try to convince you to pay a guide to carry up your board. But after Acatenango the climb up was a fairly easy walk and it took us less than an hour.
      Once up on the volcano you catch a look into the main crater before getting ready to rush down again. The crater was pretty impressive and the earth up here was so hot - not from the sun but from the inside.
      No it was time to go down. We put on our jumpsuits which are one size so I felt like I was wearing one of these "blow-up-sumo-suits".
      We got a short introduction on how to use the boards. The main advice was to not try to brake once you are really fast. It's just gonna throw you over. You could try to just not become to fast by leaving your feet on the ground on both sides next to the board but once you have made the decision to lift your feet you kind have to keep going till the end. You gonna stop there anyway.
      We were over 30 people and even though I didn't wanna be first I knew I wanted to get down there without waiting to long. So I took my space as third in my row and that proofed to be the right decision.
      I hadn't seen anybody crash when I got on my board so I was pretty confident and just went without to much fear. It was probably one of the craziest things I've done so far. As soon as I was on the straight part I just tried to lift my feed and from there it didn't feel like I had a lot of control over what was happening. I rushed down the volcano kind of jumping and sliding and even though I couldn't keep my feet in the air it didn't slow me down that my feet were bouncing to the ground all the time. I even managed to let go with one hand to wave at the camera half way down :)
      I loved it and according to the guy with the speed gun I had 55km/h at the foot of the volcano. Knowing that the record is 95km/h and the record of our group was 71km/h it sounds pretty lame but it definitely didn't feel slow and thinking about a car with 55km/h and then seeing the wooden board and the volcano it was probably fast enough.
      Once I was down there it was great fun to watch the others coming down. Actually a lot of people crashed (but noone got really hurt) or went really slow because something wasn't working for them. So I was pretty happy I went down as one of the firsts because after seeing all this I would have probably thought about it a lot more. And of course it's a far better view from down there to watch people :)
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    • Day 36

      Cerro Negro

      December 10, 2017 in Nicaragua ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Schwarzer Hügel, so schaut er auch aus der schwarze Vulkan inmitten einer grünen Landschaft.

      Wir waren heute Sandboarden. Ähnlich wie Bobfahren nur ohne Schnee☺
      Um 8 gings schon los mit dem Jeep zum Fuße des Cerro Negro. 45 Minuten Aufstieg, ausgerüstet mit Schutzbekleidung und dem Sandboard. Die Aussicht vom Kraterrand - ein Traum.
      Und dann rein in die Schutzkleidung und los gehts, sitzend auf dem Sandboard hinunter. Hatte anfangs richtig Angst, schaut verdammt steil aus. Aber die 25$ haben sich gelohnt, war wirklich lustig.
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    • Day 131

      León , Vulcanboarding - Cerró Negro

      December 30, 2017 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Ich hatte eigentlich ziemlich Schiss auf den Vulkan zu steigen bei Hitze und dann da runter zu sausen auf Holzboards, aber es scheint allen cool zu erscheinen. Mit dem Operator unserer zukünftigen Sprachfamilie mit Manuel und dem Studenten Israel als Führer fuhren wir wegen ner Panne erst ne std. Später zum Vulkan. Die Bretter bei starkem Wind den 726 m. hohen Vulkan hochzutragen ist schwer. Jeder trägt seinen Rucksack mit Overall, Tauerbrille und Schutz und Wasser. Schon ziemlich bald bat ich Israel mir mein Board zu tragen es ist schwer bei Wind zu halten. Der Aufstieg war anstrengend, aber nicht unendlich. Wunderschön hoben sich auf der Berg Kuppe die winzigen Menschen ab, die auch den Aufstieg machen , viele Gruppen. Oben sahen wir uns den Krater an, der sehr tief ist und schaurig qualmt, das Gestein ist ganz heiß, darauf kann man kochen. Schließlich wurde es ernst, ich könnte bei Angst auch runterrennen durch die Asche. Es warteten zuviele oben um endlich an die Reihe zu kommen abzufahren. Es sah sehr steil aus, ich sah nicht einmal die ganze Abfahrt, ich wurde kurz schwach vor Angst. Dann sah ich aber Frauen langsam runterfahren, man bremst mit den Füßen. Manche fuhren auch unkontrolliert runter. Jedenfalls schwitzen wir enorm im Overall, durch die Brille konnte ich kaum was sehen, aber keine wollte tauschen. Endlich kam ich an die Reihe und fuhr einigermaßen kontrolliert langsam runter, Israel rannte daneben fast schneller runter. Glücklich unten angekommen, geschafft. Die nette Familie aus Costa Rica auch, obwohl der 20jährige Sohn sich den Arm aufgeschrammt hatte, weil er zu schnell fahren wollte . Aber gute Laune alle. Wir kamen rechtzeitig um 1 zum Hostel und fuhren mit dem Shuttle endlich um 3 zum Strand Las Penitas, zum Hotel Belga Loca. Leider ohne Strom. Zum Glück nur bis 19 Uhr. Schönes Zimmer und sind im Comedor Berta super Essen gegangen.Read more

    • Day 102

      Cero Negro - Tagesausf. Vulcano Boarding

      December 6, 2018 in Nicaragua

      Cero Negro liegt eine Stunde entfernt von Leon und ist beruht für das Vulcano Boarding.

      Heißt Mann wandert einen Vulcan hoch und rodelt ihn dann auf einem Brett wieder runter. Die kleinen Lava-Steine sind so klein, dass das geht.

      Macht auch richtig Spass und die Aussicht ist der Hammer. Der Vulkan dämpft auch noch und wenn man bisschen gräbt ist die Erde heiß. Schöner Ausflug in dem Fall.

      Fun Fact:

      Auch bei der Tour merkt man die Auswirkungen der letzten Unruhen.
      Unser Guide z.B konnte früher gut von den Touren leben - heute arbeitet er 3 Jobs. Mit unter 18h am Tag. So geht es sehr vielen.

      Bei allem was aber los ist in dem Land die Nachrichten haben nur zwei Themen.

      1. Ein paar Konserven im Supermarkt waren falsch beschriftet. Ohhhhhhh

      Und viel wichtiger.... Dauerbrenner auf alles Kanälen.

      2. Die momentane Miss España war früher mal ein Mann.
      Ohhhhhh - super wichtig ! Und ich dachte RTL sei scheiße.
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    • Day 595

      Volcano Boarding

      August 16, 2021 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Nicaragua is a volcanic country hence one of the most ultimate adventures is volcano boarding from Cerro Negro near the city of Leon.

      Cerro Negro is the youngest volcano in Central America, it is also one of the most active volcanoes in Nicaragua, erupting approximately every twenty years. Cerro Negro last time erupted in 1999.

      It certainly was a nice experience to sledge down this hot black slope. It needs some more practice and probably another type of board to gain more speed though.
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    • Day 88

      Cerro Negro 🇳🇮

      March 31, 2022 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Volcano boarding isn’t something I ever imagined myself doing but I’m so glad I did! We got driven to the bottom of Cerro Negro with a group from our hostel and hiked up to the top! The hike doesn’t take long but was a difficult one due to me still not feeling well. The volcano boarding itself doesn’t last very long but is definitely a cool experience to have (even if you do fall off 👀👍🏼)Read more

    • Day 5


      August 28, 2021 in Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wemmer kei Schnee het, mues mer halt Alternative sueche zum Schlittle. Zum Bispil ufeme Vulkan wo vor 20 Jahre s letztmol usbroche isch. Mer het d Wärmi am Bode no voll gspürt vode Magmakammere.

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