Fall 2022

Oktober - November 2022
Adventuring to New Mexico, Colorado and Calgary. Baca lagi
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  • Hari 10

    Riverbend Hot Springs

    21 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    The Riverbend deserves its own footprint, even though it was only an hour, the view and surroundings were spectacular. Earlier in the day, I did a final soak at Hot Springs Glamp Camp, and took a video that is part of this post…. The mountain views are beautiful!Baca lagi

  • Hari 10

    His name is Mitchell

    21 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    We loved Glamp Camp and were sad to leave Sylvia! I cleaned up and then headed for a final soak in the big tub and a shower, before check out. Sue came to dip her toes. I was thinking that I would offer a yoga class, but then found out that the owner is a Kundalini yoga teacher and co-hosting a retreat over the weekend. It would have been so cool to stay and participate!
    Andrea had go to prep for the retreat and I chatted with Robert. I bought a long sleeve shirt from him and then talked to him about the prism in the washroom/ shower area. I told him about mom and asked if I could buy it, but he gave it to me instead 🤍!
    We left the camp and went towards Passion Pie…. But got distracted by a Jeep pulling up behind us and seemingly video taping us. We decided to go to the other side of the street and look at the gallery. When we went in, we saw the camper we stayed in and both of us bought prints of the original art. Then off to walk around a few shops and to the Riverbend for another hot springs soak.
    We went to El Foro for some temallies for Sue and sitting outside we chatted with a family beside us. Soon and older gentleman, who talked a mile a minute, came along to speak to the other family about purchasing property. Then he offer to give us a tour around. I said sure, and Sue was less enthused. Mitchell Brown, aged 77, came back to the restaurant and took us on an adventure that included driving through the Rio Grande to cross the river, visiting his apartment behind a gallery and going to Elephant Butte. Although the photo of Sue and I looks lovely, her first words (when out of Michell’s earshot) were “I’m going to murder you.” She has since forgiven me for taking her on an unplanned joy ride.
    We left Truth or Consequences (there is an s), and headed to Albuquerque. We checked into Fairfield Inn shortly after 6pm and didn’t leave. Sue had bought a metal bird, a blanket and the art print that all had to be packed up. It was a left over Walmart snacks evening.
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  • Hari 11


    22 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Sue was up and off to the airport at 5:45am. I tried everything (playing music, counting sheep) to get back to sleep but it wouldn’t come. Instead…. Anxiety! I was now alone, and heading to Santa Fe. I got a late check out, took my time at the free breakfast, and stocked up on bananas and grabbed and extra GF bagel.
    Headed to Santa Fe and listened to Brene Brown along the way, which calmed me down.
    I had arranged to go on a hike and hang with horses on a CS ranch and then head to another CS for two nights. Unfortunately, my overnight got Covid and cancelled, so I was scrambling to figure out what to do. Once I got to the ranch I tried to make arrangements, but nothing was available on air miles and the hotel that Andrew suggested was full. Luckily, he let me stay at the house, and we had a nice super. He had a hottub, so we went for a quick soak and then I went to bed.
    Was planning to stay in SF for two nights but I am going to head to Durango tomorrow.
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  • Hari 12


    23 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    Up early and offered to take Andrew to Breakfast before leaving. He is a naturopathic doctor who founded and runs Global Outreach Doctors. He drove me through the small village of Galisteo and then went to Cafe Fina. Had great conversation and a delicious pesto omelette and coffee. Back at his ranch, I said goodbye to the horses and ventured towards the horseback riding I had booked at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu. Sadly, when I was half hour away, they called to cancel due to weather. It was starting to drizzle.
    I stopped at the O’Keoffe Welcome centre but it was closed… so I wandered around the cafe & gallery, grabbed a coffee to go (bought a Christmas ornament) and back in the car.
    The drive through the mountains was beautiful but I had close to an hour of snow on my drive. Once I hit Colorado the landscape changed and it was horses and ranches everywhere. I saw dead deer every few miles, and lots of deer and wild turkey on the road side.
    I saw and neat peak on a mountain and decided to explore. Sadly, chimney peak was also closed.
    I stopped in Pagosa Springs and contemplated dipping into the free springs beside the river. However, it was really cold, no one else was in the springs and the smell of sulphur was repugnant!
    I continued on to Durgango with a quick stop for coffee, and found the CouchSurfing home before dark. Daudi was not home, but left the door open. The house sits on the rim of a valley and small airport.
    Once he came home we enjoyed some curry and interesting conversation. He is the founder and president of Agile Space Industries, and grew up in Kenya. He also has a cat named Marco.
    My room is upstairs and I’ll be here for a few days!
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  • Hari 13

    Hot yoga - high altitude

    24 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    Had an 8am meeting so got out of bed at 7:30am. Had FTHS meeting and then through working discovered that website inquires (47 in total) had not been responded too. That took the rest of my day.
    Decided to leave the house and go to a 6pm yoga class (75min). It was a fast paced, in a full hot room, and I was wiped by the end of it. Garrett was the instructor. The studio had one shower 🤷🏻‍♀️, so waited my turn and took one as there is not a lot of water available where I am staying.
    Went to the grocery store (with rubber legs) and picked up a few items, then back to the house. Daudi was arriving at the same time. He started a fire and I grabbed something to eat. We chatted for a little while and then off to bed. Each night I add more layers as it gets cold!!
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  • Hari 14

    Horse Gulch Road

    25 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

    Up early to make pancakes for Daudi. I had read on CS (from reviews) that he likes pancakes so I made two different types. He had to leave by 7:30am so it was another early morning. Got to learn more about him and his company Agile Space Industries.
    Did some work, had a zoom call with Richard Jackson and crew from First Baptist and surfer social media. Daudi had recommended a trail so I thought I would go for a hike before trying yoga studio #2 (Pause Yoga and Pilates).
    I plugged Horse Gulch trail into maps and it took me 20 miles away. I drove all around the area and didn’t see a trail. I stopped at a horse ranch on my way back as it said horse rides (all the ones I found on Google were closed for the season). I chatted with them for a few minutes and they told me about the trail END. Most people pick it up in Durango.
    I headed back and did a 30 min mini hike before rushing off to yoga.
    Lauren at Pause, taught a beautiful class and she texted me her playlist. Then I stayed for Judy’s restorative class. Headed home around 8pm to hang with the cat and grab some food and off to sleep!
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  • Hari 15

    Durango Hot Springs

    26 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Sadly, it was time to leave Daudi’s cosy home on the mountain and venture to a new place where I would be dog sitting 3 wolf hounds! Before I left, I had a great conversation with my all time favorite travel companion (Ashlynn).
    Between the two I went to a yoga class at Pause and enjoyed a nice Americano at the market then went to the Durango hot springs and had a wonderful soak. The first pool I got in, I chatted with the couple who love to hunt elk in NM using there Tennesse Walker horses. The man had his daughters name tattooed on his side: Ashlyn. The final pool I soaked in was with three lovely women originally from Texas, who had gone to highschool together (Anne - the one waving - has a second home in Durango/ Rockport that they were staying). I told them about Tanque Verde as another potential adventure, shared that I was dog sitting and gave them my card.
    The dog sitting home has a gorgeous view, and in it's time was likely an amazing home. Now it is a bit run down and unclean....and a tad creepy, but I am adjusting.
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  • Hari 16

    Wolf Hounds

    27 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 -2 °C

    Up early to the sound of dogs howling. Got up with Jill and learned the dogs routine. Worked for a few hours and then headed out in the afternoon to explore. I went to Nomads consignment store and then to a yoga class at Pause. After I went to Daudi’s to pick up a prism (that I got from glamp camp) and had a quick bit to eat with him (squash, kale and mushrooms) using chopsticks.
    A long drive back (the last 2.5 miles is straight uphill on a dirt road). As a result of earlier conversation, I decided to hang with the dogs and watch My Octopus Teacher on Netflix before heading to bed.
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  • Hari 17

    Riding Zandy

    28 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Decided to get outta my funk, walked the dogs around the property and then head to Overthe Hill Outfitters for a 2hr ride. Another couple joined and Maddie, our guide, took us to the top of the mountain and back down. My horse, Zandy, was great! She liked to run up hills (and I fully supported, and perhaps held her back and encouraged this forbidden behavior). It was a beautiful sunny day and I missed riding so much! There is a state of flow between rider and horse that merges the two!
    Already have a ride booked for when I am back in Moncton, and toying with going to Tanque Verde again.
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  • Hari 17

    Downtown Durango

    28 Oktober 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    After Riding, I came into Main Street Durango and explored some shops and another consignment store (Rose Duds). Had some amazing hot chocolate sample and bought chocolate nibs and coffee. Then to Grassburger for a hamburger and fries. Not a fancy place, but food was good and I was stuffed. Meant the couple I rode with (but didn't chat much) coming in for a burger too.
    Then back to the dogs. Driving (especially at night) needs to be done with LOTS of caution as many deer's are on the road.
    Ended the day will lots of dog snuggles!
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