United States
Sierra County

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  • Day 185

    White Sand

    September 26, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Nach den Caverns ging es direkt zum White Sands National Monument. Um dort hinzukommen bin ich nicht über El Paso gefahren, sondern habe die 20 Minuten in Kauf genommen und habe die Strecke durch den "Lincoln National Forest" genommen, das sich zum Schluss als richtige Passstraße entpuppte. Somit habe ich Texas vorerst verlassen und befinde mich in New Mexico. Sobald ich in dem Park war und las, dass dieser bis 8 Uhr geöffnet hat, war für mich klar, ich bleib bis zum Sonnenuntergang. Die knapp 4 Stunden, die ich dort verbrachte, haben sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt. Auch wenn ich definitiv kein Fan von Sand-Wanderungen werde. Es ist anstrengender als "normale" Wanderungen, was zusätzlich an der Hitze liegt, aber auch das ständige einsinken und dann die Hügel hoch & runter, hat es auf Dauer in sich.Read more

  • Day 117

    Caballo Lake

    March 18, 2023

    Wo mer verwached send heds vorem fänster liecht gflöckeled...🥶 Das esch doch werklich wie verhäxt, das cheibe wätter da, eifach viiiiill z chalt för d jahrsziit! Mer händ de morge demit verbracht plän z schmiede, wo mer als nächsts dure wennd. Üsi "original" plän, wäg dene mer de roadtrip eigentlich au hend welle mache, send leider immer no unmachbar....bim grand canyon werds ide nacht immer no so stark unter 0, dass mer s wohnmobil müessted winterisiere, de hettemer aber au kei wasser me... Zudem macht campe bi - 12 grad au ned so werklich spass 🤷‍♀️ mer händ entschlosse eifach s beste drus z mache ond fahred jetzt weder rechtig weste, eifach immer möglichst südlich, nöch a de mexikanische gränze wo d temperature akzeptabel sind 🤭
    Freitag ist Fajita tag....höt esch zwar samstig ond au s "old" im name fählt, trotzdem hämmers, womer ume mittag ume dur "el paso" gfahre sind, eifach ned chönne la si ond send ines mexikanischs restaurant go öpis chliises ässe 😅
    Aschlüssend hämmer üs um ne camping för die nacht kümmered. Mer hätted eine gseh in "pancho villa" ond das hed ja scho fast zu fest zu dem tag passt. Aber leider esch üs das nach es bitzli recherche z unheimlich gsi det 🤷‍♀️ so simmer wiitergfahre uf e härzige camping am caballo lake. Mer händ bi de letschte sunnestrahle d ussicht ufd bärge ond de see gnosse ond händ üs aschlüssend amne lagerfüür ufgwärmt 😊
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  • Day 41

    White sand to white snow

    April 1, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

    I capture the 30 minutes of sunshine of the day for another quick visit to White Sands. The next 5 hours I spent in Las Cruces, largest city in the area, in the library and for car maintenance. Then I decide to drive the scenic route to Silver City via the old mining town of Hillsboro - and end up in the snow. Not fun, but I made itRead more

  • Day 10

    Riverbend Hot Springs

    October 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    The Riverbend deserves its own footprint, even though it was only an hour, the view and surroundings were spectacular. Earlier in the day, I did a final soak at Hot Springs Glamp Camp, and took a video that is part of this post…. The mountain views are beautiful!Read more

  • Day 6

    Truth or Consequences

    March 29, 2015 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    After a really long and boring drive we finally reach the one horse town that is T & C what a totally strange place feels like we are the only people here . We sit in the restaurant all on our own ( an alcohol free restaurant) very strange indeed. The best thing was the spa bath with the local mineral waters it just made my skin feel amazing.Read more

  • Day 28

    Fahrt in Richtung Süden

    April 6, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Langsam wird das zeitige Aufstehen zu unserem Tagesrhythmus. Gegen 9 Uhr fahren wir los nach Albuquerque, was heute unser Ziel ist. Ich habe die Koordinaten eines Parkplatzes von Google ins Navi eingegeben. Er liegt aber nicht dort wo er sein sollte. Irgendwie fehlt die Feinabstimmung zwischen Garmin und Google. Wir finden aber doch einen Parkplatz, sogar kostenlos.
    Leider haben wir keine Karte und gehen auf Verdacht in Richtung Altstadt. Es sind nirgends Hinweisschilder zu sehen und wir laufen wahrscheinlich in die falsche Richtung. Wir sind so gut wie allein auf der Straße, so dass wir niemanden fragen können. Eigentlich haben wir nicht viel Lust, schon wieder eine Stadt zu besichtigen. Deshalb machen wir kurzerhand kehrt und fahren weiter. Die Downtown sehen wir ja zum Glück und so fahren wir wenigstens mal durch die Straßen. Ich filme um einen kleinen Eindruck zu bekommen. Die Innenstädte mit ihren Hochhäusern sehen aber überall fast gleich aus.
    Wir erreichen die Interstate 25 und fahren Richtung Süden. Da wir mal wieder unsere Vorräte auffrischen müssen, lasse ich Susi einen Walmart suchen. In Los Lunas können wir dann einkaufen, Wasser verbrauchen wir jede Menge. Unser Kleiner bekommt ebenfalls wieder Nahrung.
    Es geht weiter nach Süden. Wir kommen an dem Kiva RV Park vorbei, den ich eigentlich für heute Abend als Übernachtungsplatz nach der Stadtbesichtigung vorgesehen hatte. Er liegt direkt an der Interstate, sieht aber nicht sehr einladend aus. Wir wollen heute bis Socorro fahren und dort übernachten.
    Die Fahrt ist abwechslungsreich. Links und rechts kommen Hügel und Berge in Sicht, es geht ständig bergauf und bergab. Überall wachsen Kreosotbüsche, die schön gelb blühen und mit ihrem Grün für Farbtupfer in der recht grauen Landschaft sorgen.
    Wir erreichen Socorro und biegen von der Interstate ab, da wir noch die Post aufsuchen wollen. Norbert ist ein fleißiger Kartenschreiber. Der Ort sieht sehr schön und einladend aus. Nach dem wir die Karten eingesteckt haben, fahren wir zum Campground, der am südlichen Ende liegt. Als wir vor die Rezeption fahren, gewinnen wir einen ersten Eindruck vom Platz. Überall stehen alte Wohnmobile rum und es sieht aus wie auf einer Baustelle. Uns juckt es überall und wir machen schleunigst kehrt und fahren weiter.
    Es geht gleich wieder auf die Interstate und wir fahren noch ca. 70 Meilen weiter. Ich habe inzwischen auf unserem Navi einen Campground bei Elephant Butte herausgesucht. Leider entpuppt sich das wieder als Windei. An der Stelle, zu die uns Susi führt, gibt es gar keinen Campingplatz. Dies bestätigt uns auch eine Postangestellte, die wir zufällig treffen. Nun suche ich den nächsten Platz in unserem Navi, dieser heißt Cielo Vista. Zwischen einem Baumarkt und einer Tankstelle führt der Weg bergauf. Der Platz ist recht gut gefüllt und ich habe etwas Bedenken, da es Freitagnachmittag ist. Wir werden freundlich begrüßt und können zwischen zwei Plätzen wählen. Wir nehmen den, der etwas höher liegt und einen herrlichen Blick auf den Ort und die Umgebung hat. Internet gibt es hier auf diesem Platz leider nicht. Zum Glück hatte ich heute Morgen die Bestätigung der Reservierung bekommen.
    Wir genießen den sonnigen Restnachmittag auf einer Bank mit Blick über den Ort und Campground. Abends kommen unsere Nachbarn zu ihrem Anhänger zurück. Der Mann entpuppt sich als Vielredner. Er redet ununterbrochen laut auf seine Frau ein, hustet, schnieft und rülpst in übertriebener Lautstärke. Vielleicht will er, dass wir nur eine Nacht bleiben. Irgendwann kehrt dann aber Ruhe ein und wir schlafen tief und fest.
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  • Day 7

    Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

    May 13, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Truth or Consequence is a sleepy little town and we saw very little activity there. Apparently it is growing at the moment because of the hot springs.

    The place we stayed had a tank/hot tub in the backyard that you filled each time you wanted to have a soak. Water clear and quite hot. First time we waited for the water to cool for an hour before getting in, second time we put in cold water.

    It was a mobile home, older but comfortable. The only uncomfortable part was the shower, trailer-sized with a shower head that was in your face...literally.
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  • Day 9


    October 20, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Two years ago today mom passed. It was beautiful to see all the prisms and yesterday I worked at a table and an hour later came back and there was a little booklet between the planters that Sue pointed out (called Letting Go). I read it today over coffee.
    We went for a walk and had some crepes and coffee at Passion Cafe, walked about town and explored some of the stores. Meet a man at Junkology who was having a tough time trying to find land for his RV / converted airplane fuselage. Then back to the compound for a soak (while Sue read). We headed to Walmart in the evening to pick up food… and try on Christmas sweaters #peopleofwalmart. Back for salad and charcuterie, then an evening soak before our head hit the pillow in our RV named Sylvia. www.hotspringsglampcamp.com
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  • Day 13

    Today was almost the end of my trip!!

    June 3, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    I arrived at the Airbnb, hot and bothered and was greeted by Diane who was the perfect hostess. Once I got my stuff off the bike she showed me the swimming pool and hot tub in the back garden. I'd landed on my feet here, after a nice dip in the pool to cool down and sorting some of my stuff I decided I should clean the thick clay mud off my bike as it had set like concrete and then head out for something to eat. When I got to the bike I found it had already been cleaned by Rick, Sandra husband!! Now that was totally unexpected. Sandra also told me that breakfast was included and she was happy for me to have it at 7am.

    Again a nice chat with Rick and Sandra over breakfast and I was back on the road just after 8.

    Today I'd decided to do the last section of the 5 Tribes Route, this was the route I'd originally planned to take across Texas, until the weather scuppered this plan. The route would take me to Carrizozo NM and from there I could pick up the New Mexico BDR. I wasn't sure once I got to Carrizozo if I'd then push on to Elephant Butte and stay there for the night or to stay at Carrizozo for the night.

    The temperature was comfortable but it was soon going to climb. I headed out of Roswell on tarmac and after about 15 miles I turned off the tarmac on to a dirt road. It was nice to get off the tarmac roads and start to get a feel for the bike. I soon settled into it and the track was easy riding and quite fast. I went through a small ranch and had to get off the bike and open and close a gate. As soon as I stopped I could feel the heat. The track got a bit more tricky but nothing of concern. I pushed on and after 16 miles I came to a gate which was padlocked closed. This was a county road therefore should be open to traffic but the rights and wrongs of the situation weren't going to help me right now. I quickly looked at the map, there was another potential route, but I didn't know if that would be gated so I decided the best option was to back track and then follow the road to Carrizozo.

    Once I got to Carrizozo I stopped to refuel and get something to eat and then found a great campground just down the road, called the valley of fire recreation ground.

    It was a perfectly laid out campground with tables and shelter and a place to pitch your tent. I decided to do some maintenance on the bike and then noticed a scuff mark on the underside of the rear fuel tank, which I guessed was probably made by the back tyre when I hit a bump. I decided to adjust the preload on the rear spring but ideally I needed a hammer to knock the collars round. Someone was camping next to me so I went for a chat to see if he had one. No but he knew the camp warden so he headed off to go and ask. 10 minutes later, Daniel turned up in his golf cart. It turned out he used to race cars so knew all about adjusting suspension. He set about adjusting it for me as I stood by and asked various questions about him and the area. Turned out he's been living on the road in his RV for the last 20+ years and spends 6 months a year looking after this camp ground before heading back to Arizona.

    I tinkered with the bike a bit more, had a little explore, made some food, checked the route for the following day and that was the end of another day, this was turning out to be a full on trip.

    The next day I got up fairly early, packed up and was on the road by about 7.30. This was my first day on a Backcountry Discovery Route (BDR). The BDRs are off road routes going through about 14 different states, I was planning to use the BDRs on my trip to Vancouver.

    Today I was headed to Elephant Butte about 160 miles away. And I was aiming to get there by early afternoon.

    I headed down the highway for about 16 miles and then turned off on to a dirt road roughly following the main highway. I then followed this for about 50 miles, nothing particularly difficult not a little rocky in places. Once back on the highway I headed to San Antonio for a coffee and some breakfast. I knew that there was a cafe/bar that opened at 9 am and I rolled into their car park at 8.58. For someone who's not really on a schedule I was rather pleased with myself.

    Breakfast finished I headed back the way I'd come for about 6 miles crossing the Rio Grande as I went. I turned right off the highway and I now had about 80 miles of off road tracks going alongside the White Sands Missile Range. This is where the carried out the testing of the first Atomic Bomb! Again the tracks were good, there was some soft sand but nothing too problematic.

    I arrived at a gate and parked too close to it. I got off the bike and tried to pull it back but it was too rocky so the best thing to do was to remount, turn it round, and park further away. As I got back on I over balanced the bike and it fell trapping my leg. Nightmare. After much struggling I eventually managed to free myself cursing myself for being so stupid.

    I lifted the bike, carefully remounted and this time turned the bike round, opened the gate and carried on.

    I headed off once again making good progress. The track was easy going and I was doing a steady 40 mph. At this rate I'd definitely be in Elephant Butte by about 1pm. Wishful thinking!!

    I was going down the trail and then at the last moment I noticed that there were 3 lines of barbed wire going across the track. Too late, I scrubbed as much speed as possible but still hit it and I was back on the floor. Fortunately I wasn't hurt, the bike wasn't damaged, I couldn't believe that they had just strung some barbed wire across the trail with no warning. I picked myself up untangled the bike from the barbed wire and continued in my way. That could have been so much worse and it could easily have been the end of my trip, I was now being super vigilant for a make shift barbed wire gate across the trail!

    I still made it to Elephant Butte by about 1.30 and after something to eat and refueling the bike I headed down to the beach by the side of the reservoir. I found a lovely little camping spot and then sat in the shade sorting a variety of things.

    Again I was in bed by about 9.30 but for no particular reason I didn't have a good night's sleep.
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You might also know this place by the following names:

Sierra County, مقاطعة سيرا, সিয়েরা কাউন্টি, Condado de Sierra, Sierra maakond, Sierra konderria, شهرستان سیرا، نیومکزیکو, Comté de Sierra, Contae Sierra, Sierra, okrug, Sierra megye, Սիերա շրջան, Contea di Sierra, シエラ郡, 시에라 군, Sierra Kūn, Hrabstwo Sierra, سیرا کاؤنٹی، نیو میکسیکو, Comitatul Sierra, Сьерра, Округ Сијера, Сьєрра, سیئرا کاؤنٹی، نیو میکسیکو, Quận Sierra, Condado han Sierra, 謝拉縣

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