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    • Päivä 84

      Glaciar Pastoruri

      4. tammikuuta 2016, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      There are loads of treks, hikes and other exhausting adventures available around Huaraz, we chose one which we'd been reliably informed was the easiest. Glad we didn't try the 'challenging' ones.
      We jumped on a minibus with about a dozen others in the morning and started the journey to the Pastoruri glacier. Our guide stopped us at a little restaurant for some coca tea, which was surprisingly nice, in preparation for our ascent to 5200 metres.
      Once inside the national park we stopped off a few times. First we saw a mysterious little pond, amazingly blue and very deep, called The Puma's Footprint. Then a funny shaped cactus and a huge rock overhanging the road with old paintings on. Vera befriended a baby alpaca and then it was time to start the last part of the journey on foot up to the glacier.
      The change in temperature was massive as we got closer, as was the difficulty in breathing as the air got thinner. We couldn't even light a fag because our lighter didn't work with so little oxygen! The glacier was definitely worth it though. It wasn't something we'd expected to see on this trip but it was a great thing to do. The place is really eerie and this huge white mass of ice makes for a very weird feeling.
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    • Päivä 403

      Gletscher Pastoruri

      25. toukokuuta 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Heute soll es nochmal hoch hinaus zum Gletscher gehen, da dieser eigentlich nur mit einer Tour zu erreichen ist buchen wir diese und werden ganz entspannt morgens um 9 eingesammelt....wir merken direkt organisierte Touren sind einfach nicht so ganz unser Ding 😂

      Nachdem wir einen Stop an einem Restaurant eingelegt haben kann es dann auch losgehen und wir fahren in den Nationalpark Huascaran, hier gibt es eine Lagune an der viele unterschiedliche Wasservögel leben, sogar Flamingos 😍🦩
      Leider ist nach 10 min. Schluss und es geht schon weiter, dafür enttäuscht der nächste kurze halt nicht, von einem Plateau kann man tief in das "Moor" schauen, glasklares Wasser fließt hier quer durch die Landschaft und ein paar Meter weiter sieht man auch das Phänomen wie das kalte Wasser sprudelt da Gase, die umliegende Pflanzen bilden, hinaufkommt.

      Interessant bevor es dann endlich zum Gletscher geht sind auch die typischen Pflanzen hier wachsen , Riesenbromilien, sogenannte Puyas sie werden bis zu 15 hoch um bis zu 100 Jahre alt.

      Nun aber wirklich, wir sind nur noch ein paar hundert Meter entfernt, die zu Fuß auf einer Höhe von 5000hm aber erstmal überwunden werden müssen 😜

      Aber angekommen sind wir überwältigt , Schnee liegt auf der sich darunter liegenden Lagune, das blau glitzert in den Eisspalten und die Eiszapfen Tropfen vor sich hin, immerhin scheint heute auch die Sonne für uns ☀️

      Wir können gar nicht genug Fotos machen bevor es wieder bergab zum Heimweg geht.

      Leider hab ich diesmal die Höhe nicht ganz so gut vertragen und bin froh nach der Rückfahrt im Bett liegen zu können.

      Niklas ist mit Robin und Mandana los in die Stadt für ein Abendessen, allerdings sind alle froh glücklich und müde die Beine hochlegen zu können 😴
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    • Päivä 130

      Pastoruri (PER)

      14. maaliskuuta 2017, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Toch maar terug de Andes in. Dagje geduld voor de vierdaagse trekking van start gaat. Als opwarmer maken we een daguitstap naar een gletsjer op vijf kilometer hoog. Poseren naast de reuzencactussen en de gezonnebrilde lama's slaan we over. Korte klim naar de eeuwige sneeuw, maar wel bevroren vingers en tenen. Mooi meegenomen, en helemaal de moeite waard.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 467

      Glaciar Pastoruri

      10. huhtikuuta 2021, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      I wanted to visit one of the valleys where you can spot the mighty mountain Huascarán. The agency sold me a tour to Los Lagunas de Llanganuco at the foot of the mountain.

      Instead of this Lagunas the agency swapped my tour to Pastouri Glacier. The agency sold me to tours whereas both tours didn’t take place, sequitur, ut I was not really happy with this agency. Neither photos of Huascarán nor Alpamayo, another photogenic 6k beast.

      PERO, el glaciar Pastouri fue vale la pena. 😎
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    • Päivä 659

      Snowed In - At 4,800m!

      6. maaliskuuta 2018, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We were on our way up to the Pastoruri Glacier when we spotted another Dodge van, which is super rare (think the last one we saw was in Mexico) at the side of the dirt road. A French couple had a flat and their jack didn't give sufficient lift, but fortunately ours did and an hour later we convoyed up to the Glacier parking lot. Good deed done for the day, and hopefully karma in the bank.

      A few years back it would have been a short walk up to the glacier, but it's retreating around 15m every year so it took us about 45 minutes to get from the 1983 point to the 2018 one. Although we've seen a few glaciers over the past week in the stunning Cordillera Blanca range, we haven't been able to walk up to one so this was an awesome experience. Particularly as our delay meant all the tour buses had left and we had the place to ourselves, and we could skip the rope and actually creep inside some of the ice crevasses.

      The delay also meant a bit of cloud came in and we didn't get the stunning views up the glacier we were hoping for, so we decided to camp the night at 4,800m - a new record for us, but we were reasonably well acclimatised. Incidentally it was also a new record high for Elvis, but it was actually a relatively easy drive up.

      As we started to set off back down to camp a bit of light hail started, but we thought nothing of it as its been similar at every high point this week. What we didn't expect was when we went to cook at 6ish was that it had turned to snow and Elvis had an inch or two covering. We definitely weren't leaving now!

      We weren't that nervous, although we had skipped the supermarket earlier today thinking we would be back in civilisation by the morning, we still have enough supplies in the van to easily last a week. Elvis is also super well insulated and we have a gas heater if things really got rough. Still it was a little disconcerting to think we might be stuck up here for a while! By the time we went to bed we had a good 4 or 5 inches of the white stuff, and it was still coming down pretty hard :|

      After a reasonable night's sleep (surprising considering the altitude and the worry) we were pretty relieved to see it wasn't too thick and we had no real concerns about getting down, particularly as a local beat-up car had just arrived. We thought we might as well nip back up to the glacier and hope for some blue sky photos. That didn't quite happen but I was glad we went back as how often do you get to muck around on a glacier face?! At that point it started a bit more light snow so we thought we shouldn't tempt fate, and headed back to Elvis sharpish.

      The drive down was fine and within a couple of hours we were back on the asphalt. Despite heading down towards Lima on the coast, we ended up climbing up through a 4,000m+ pass in horrible rainy weather, so it's probably just as well we got out of the snow zone. We couldn't make it all the way in one day, and there had been a few worrying reports about robberies on the coast north of the capital, so we stopped at a restaurant on the way down for the night. Despite advertising all sorts of tasty sounding local delicacies they only had chicken with rice or rice with chicken, so Jo rustled up something much nicer out of our supplies. This is the realistic and often unglamorous side to overlanding, but after an epic week in the mountains you can't complain too much.
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    • Päivä 22

      Pastarouri Tour

      8. elokuuta 2022, Peru ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      - Früh am Hostel eingesammelt
      - Start Richtung Süden zum Nationalpark
      - Nach kurzer Fahrt erste Pause
      - Weiter zu einer heißen Quelle am Eingang des Nationalparks
      - Nächste Sehenswürdigkeiten war der Teich der 7 Farben. Wir sehen 3 wenn Matschbraun zählt
      - überall wachsen merkwürdige Pflanzen. Erst wie eine Palme oder Agave, dann aber mit einer bis zu 15 m hohen Blüte
      - Als letzter Punkt steht die Wanderung zum Pastoruri Gletscher an. Dank guter Akklimatisierung sind wir schneller als die Speckis auf Pferden. Gletscher ist eher enttäuschend...
      - auf dem Rückweg hält die Kaffeefahrt nochmal unnötigerweise zum Essen an...
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