How beautifully joyful is it to witness an engagement; and she said YES! So cute, he started playing cards with her and friends and lunch and had placed the two important cards so they would be dealtRead more
How beautifully joyful is it to witness an engagement; and she said YES! So cute, he started playing cards with her and friends and lunch and had placed the two important cards so they would be dealtRead more
Fun is on the air.
Few remaining farmers market pictures. Note the chickens, the intestines on a stick and the strawberry-apples. Wow. But the grapes!!!!!!
Next we decided to head to dinner. TheRead more
I know people don’t believe I will ever really date or fall in love with someone, but.. something happened tonight while on vacation. Martin knows someone; Chris. He highly regards Chris and vouchedRead more
Manila, die Hauptstadt der Philippinen und laut Forbes Advisor das fünft-gefährlichste Reiseziel der Welt. Es wird unterschieden in Metro Manila, welche 17 Städte und Gemeinden umfasst und mit 636Read more
Au wenn Manila nöd unbedingt freiwillig als Destination uf üsere Reis staht, hemmer die 1.5 Täg i de Hauptstadt müesse in Chauf neh willmer morn vo da heiwärts flüget. Die 20 Millione MenscheRead more
Gegensätzlicher können die Eindrücke dieser Stadt für uns nicht sein, man schämt sich fast schon, den letzten Tag in Luxus verbracht zu haben, wenn man das wahre Leben außerhalb des HotelsRead more
Wir waren nicht die einzigen, die die Idee hatten, den Sonnenuntergang am Strand zu genießen. Da war ganz schön was los. Eintritt zahlen musste man auch. Und sobald die Sonne untergegangen war,Read more
We should have been cruising the Yellow Sea today.
Instead, we are in Manila, which we visited for the first time on RTW2017. I can still vividly recall the joy the Filipino crew displayed that dayRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Capital District
Enjoy and be safe [Joan]