Warsaw Old Town Market Square

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    • Day 276


      October 10, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Warschau, Polen

      Unsere Fahrt in den Süden war wohl etwas zu schnell, da wir nach wenigen Stunden auf der Autobahn plötzlich einen Riss in unserer Frontscheibe entdeckten. Somit mussten wir die Weiterfahrt vorzeitig auf Eis legen und die nächste Werkstatt in Warschau aufsuchen.

      Immerhin konnten wir den Scheibenwechsel mit einem Besuch der Stadt verbinden und kamen in den Genuss von Pierogi, Baumkuchen und unseres ersten Glühweins.

      Mit vollen Mägen und neuer Frontscheibe setzten wir am Mittwoch unsere Reise fort.
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    • Day 5

      Day 143: Warsaw Old Town Hangs

      June 1 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Following a great night out, we consumed many perogis and ramen packs for breakfast to start our post-hangover healing. Christian and Lucas reached out and asked to meet us in Old Town.

      Similar to other European Old Towns, the square looked like a perfect little Christmas market with colorful houses and cobblestone streets. We met in the garden and watched a parade of furries march down the street. Christian and Lucas were also nursing hangovers and didn’t really remember getting home or saying goodbye.

      It started pouring rain so we ran to a craft brewery. Lucas was struggling with his single beer so he headed to the hostel for a nap. Christian continued walking with us through the Karolina Park gardens and Barbican Castle until it downpoured again! We ran into a beer garden and had some mulled wine/shot. Lucas re-emerged anew, met us at the beer garden, and we got a text from Jonas and Wilheim for a dinner meet up 😃

      The original squad reformed and we enjoyed a lovely 3 hour dinner and more liters of beer. We learned that every person at the table actually worked in software, whether they were true developers, product managers, or technical leads; we all agreed to open an international business together should our jobs not work out 🤣 We closed out the restaurant and talked in the square a bit more before returning home.

      The final agreement was to meet up in Belgium or Netherlands for another bar crawl the next weekend.

      Bazyliszek Restaurant
      Same Krafty Vis-a-Vis
      Kuchnia Warszawska Rynek

      Chicken Liver
      Tomato Salad

      Warsaw Old Town
      Karolina Lanckorońska Park
      Warsaw Barbican
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    • Day 2

      De turismo por el centro de Varsovia

      September 6, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Primer día en Polonia!

      Unas cuantas compras, un poco de orden con el equipaje y a explorar la ciudad.

      Con mi nueva aplicación para comprar billetes de bus, me dirijo al casco antiguo de Varsovia. Allí encuentro calles sacadas de cuentos, edificios de colores y algún monumento.

      Una vez vista esta parte de la ciudad y con los souvenirs en el bolsillo toca volver a casa a comer.
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    • Day 10

      En el centro de Varsovia

      July 31, 2022 in Poland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Hoy con un día de lluvia continuamos nuestro viaje. Estuvímos en el centro de la ciudad de Varsovia. El centro de la ciudad es muy colorido, lo cuál contrasta con el hecho de que desde 1942-1945 el régimen nazi encerró en el llamado gueto judío a cerca de 400.000 judíos. Polonia era el país con mayor población judía de todo Europa, cerca del 30% de la población.Read more

    • Day 18

      Warsaw, Poland

      September 19, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      First day in Warsaw. I went at the hostel to let my bag pack and rest a little. I then wanted to start visiting the city. When I got out, it started to rain but when I saw the colors in the sky combined to the discovery of the old center, the rain didn't matter.Read more

    • Day 7

      Warschau (Tag 1)

      July 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Am Morgen wachte ich mit über 30 Stichen auf. Ob ich die alle von der Wanderung hatte oder ob nachts in meinem Zimmer irgendwas auf der Suche nach Nahrung umherflog/-lief werde ich wohl niemals erfahren. In der Pension gab es ein leckeres und umfangreiches Frühstück.
      Nach dem Frühstück packte ich meine Sachen und suchte den Busbahnhof auf. Mein eigentlicher Plan war von Krynica Morska mit dem Bus nach Malbork zu fahren und von dort mit dem Zug nach Warschau. Als ich am Busbahnhof eintraf stand dort jedoch ein Bus, der direkt nach Warschau fahren sollte. Den Bus nahm ich dann auch spontan, denn zu diesem Zeitpunkt wusste ich nicht, dass der Bus 7 Stunden brauchte...
      In Warschau hatte ich das "Oki Doki Old Town Hostel" gebucht. Das Hostel ist wirklich klasse, top modern, sauber und gemütlich. Am frühen Abend holten mich Andrzej (Barbaras Bruder), Lidia und Kamin am Hostel ab, um mir die Stadt zu zeigen. Unser erster "Stop" war die Universität. Hier gab es einige Aussichtspunkte, von denen man Teile der Stadt von oben sehen konnte. Anschließend zeigten sie mir den "Ujazdów", eine riesige Parkanlage mit Schlössern, Seen und einem Amphitheater.
      Von dort aus fuhren wir weiter bis zur St.-Alexander-Kirche, um dann durch die bekannte "Nowy Swait" in die Altstadt zu laufen. Dort setzten wir uns in ein schönes Restaurant, direkt auf dem "Marktplatz" und bestellten polnische Pierogi. Es war ein richtig schöner Abend und ich hatte Glück, dass die drei mir so viel zeigen konnten :-).
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    • Day 5

      Warsaw - Old Town

      May 20, 2022 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We arrive in Warsaw Centrale Station before 1pm after a good train journey from Krakow. Luckily our room at Hotel Ibis is ready and we set off for the Old Town on bus 106 to Mariensztat with a street map and the "Warsaw - In Your Pocket" guide provided by the hotel to start our 2km walking tour of the Old Town (Stare Miasto). This was founded at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, but was almost completely destroyed during WWII and has been rebuilt.

      We start at Plac Zamkowy and see Zygmunt's Column, the oldest secular monument in Warsaw; this king moved the capital here from Krakow. Opposite is the Royal Castle, a symbol of Polish independence. We enter the Cathedral of St John and see the Jesuit Church next door, before visiting Ulice Piwna (Beer Street). We walk along the defensive city walls, Podwale, past the Jan Kilinski and Little Insurgent monuments to reach the Warsaw Barbican, guarding the North entrance to the Old Town.

      We walk back to the Old Town Market Square, with its beautiful and colourful town houses; there was originally the town hall in the centre, but following its demolition in 1817, a statue of the Warsaw Mermaid, the protector of the city, takes its place. There are museums here; we enjoy a view over the River Vistula from Gnojna Gora (what was the old dung mound for human and domestic waste!) before making a wish at the nearby Wishing Bell.
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    • Day 16

      Warsaw - Monday

      August 29, 2016 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We started the day by catching a train to Warsaw, which was efficient as the European trains normally are however I was disappointed that they got my order for breakfast wrong and I ended up with scrambled eggs instead of some hot croissants with jam that I was looking forward to eating.

      We initially got a little lost trying to find our way to our apartment from the train station and frustrated with the stupid cobblestones that make wheeling bags around very annoying.

      We settled in for some recovery time and then headed into the nearby shopping centre for some everyday shopping time. We enjoyed some classy food court food for dinner (Zinger burgers are pretty much the same all over the world). There was a Magnum ice cream stand there where they would let you pick your toppings and dip the ice cream bars in dark/white/milk chocolate.
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    • Day 13,777

      167 - Historisches Zentrum von Warschau

      May 27, 2017 in Poland ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Nach der herrlichen Bootstour über die Masurische Seenplatte haben wir für den Heimweg einen Stopp in Warschau eingelegt.

      Über den herrlichen Königsweg mit seinen barocken Palästen erreichen wir die Altstadt, direkt am Königsplatz das königliche Schloß aus der Renaissancezeit, schrecklich verbaut mit barocken Flügeln und weiteren Bausünden, welche die noch sichtbaren gotischen Elemente zerstört haben. Das tut weh...

      Nach der Einsamkeit in Masuren fühlen wir uns in den internationalen Touristenmassen nicht wirklich wohl, aber die sehr hübsch wieder aufgebaute Altstadt müssen wir uns doch komplett ansehen, bis hin zum Zugang zur Neustadt.
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    • Day 4

      First new country in over two years…

      June 1, 2022 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Was lovely to just wander around Old Town Warsaw. No goals. Just re-immersing myself in hearing languages I don’t understand in streets I’ve never walked. Visited the warrior mermaid which seems like the symbol all cities should be jealous of… had a coffee and smoked a cigar thinking of my honey… drank a Manhattan - which I’ll be honest - I did not know included absinthe as an ingredient (might just be the Eastern European version lol)… and finished the “day” component with a bison grass vodka. In a hilarious glass to be honest. While he would have balked at the touristy location… he would have sucked it up for me knowing we were headed somewhere much better shortly. He did that kind of thing. Also. Bison grass vodka as bribery is always a good strategy. Finally, our shared hatred of accordion music continues. #butwhy

      Moving onto the “evening” component I was fortunate enough to head to Bez Gwiazdek for dinner. It was everything we looked for in a meal. Local ingredients. Regional wines. Ridiculous tastes (the parsnip with sourkraut foam and garfish with red peppers in tomato broth my faves). It was full on. I could almost see James across from me doing those eyes he did when he was so excited by something… such as really well made food. He was, for sure, smiling - with those dimples- somewhere about this.

      But. I won’t lie. It was tough going without him. He should be here with me for random 8 hour layovers on the way to a friend’s wedding. Eating new food. Planning new projects over vodka and wine. Laughing at the little things. Asking for more of the really good things. But. Life requires adaptation. And I continue to try.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Warsaw Old Town Market Square, Rynek Starego Miasta

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