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    • Hari 7


      8 November 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Ausflug nach Braga mit Besuch „BOM JESUS DO MONTE „. Leider im Regen 🌧️🥲🇵🇹

      Ginja ist ein Kirschlikör der aus Sauerkirschen hergestellt wird. Ursprünglich von benediktinischen Mönchen kreiert, und über Jahrhunderte verfeinert, wurde das ehemals geheime Rezept, Anfang das 20. Jahrhundets gelüftet. Gerne nennt der Portugiese diesen Likör auch Ginjinha, was eine Verniedlichungsform ist, gerne wird dieser Likör im Schokobecher zum angeboten. Ein wahrlicher Genuss für den Gaumen.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 84

      Un passage express à Braga et Guimarães

      31 Mei, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      On continue notre remontée dans le nord portugais avec Braga et Guimarães au programme.  🇵🇹
      Les températures avoisinant les 30°C, quelle ne fut pas notre déception lorsqu'on apprit que la piscine du camping était fermée.. 😢
      Au programme de ces deux jours : visite et repos 💤
      On découvre qu'un festival de bière est présent à Braga, on va quand même y faire un tour pour goûter les bières artisanales et locales portugaises. Bon, rien à voir avec l'Ocktoberfest mais c'était quand même sympa.🍺 (Malheureusement, on n'a pas de photo de cet événement)
      Étant dans la période de la St Antoine (13 juin) fêtée chaque année au Portugal, les villes sont toutes décorées et très jolies. 💐
      On profite tout de même de visiter le Bom Jésus de Ponte conseillé par les locaux qui retrace les épisodes du Christ dans des chapelles avec à son sommet une église magnifique. 🕍

      Direction maintenant le parc national de Gerês qui nous a aussi été conseillé par beaucoup de portugais, pour aller se ressourcer dans la nature. 🌳

      Los Pinguinos 🐧🐧🐧
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    • Hari 2


      11 April, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Olivia and I flew from Madrid to Porto, Portugal where we met my brother Brooks who had taken a train from Braga, where he and Necla have lived for the last two years. Then we ubered to Braga. Planes, trains and automobiles!

      Braga is a beautiful inland town with a medieval wall and very old cathedral which has a couryard full of carved stone artifacts from the Romans (in Braga 14 bc - 411 ad) and Celtics (600bc - whenever). who apparently had consecutive temples there before the Christians built on top of them as they were wont to do.

      Brooks is the best tour guide because, like me, he's curious about everything. But he's also smarter and has a better memory than me. He either knows everything about the history, of Braga, what the symbols on the coats of arms carved on buildings and walls mean (15 tassels with 5 on the bottom is for the archbishop, etc) or he was just making shit up the whole time, which would be almost as impressive. He also knows the best hole in the wall places for lunch, the lady in the big Saturday market stops serving other customers to reach out and hand him a cinnamon nata she knows he likes.

      Necla (from Turkey) is a whiz at languages, and seems fluent in Portugues already, chatting away to everybody. Brooks is still getting there (he's taking lessons) and yet we ran into people he knew all over town.

      Necla said this is the first place in a long time she wanted to settle down (she's from Turkey, where she and Brooks have lived, they met in Singapore while living there, she lived in China for awhile, etc). So they bought a place in Braga which is still being built.

      Portugal is the only country I've been to where they tile the outside of the houses. Not only is it beautiful, but seems to me that it would make for a very durable surface that is also easy to clean. Did I take many pictures of them? Guess. We also met Sergio, who runs a guitar store in Braga and he told us all about - and played -.all these different esoteric Portugues instruments. Video attached of him with a Fado guitar
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    • Hari 4

      Braga Cathedral, Braga, Portugal

      27 Agustus 2023, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      With centuries of history, the Sé de Braga (Braga Cathedral is an architectural marvel with a fusion of intricate Romanesque, Baroque, and Gothic architecture and carvings.

      The Braga Cathedral Pipe Organ is a musical masterpiece with its intricate design and hard to miss symmetrical organ pipes. Graceful pipes and ornate details adorn the grand instrument to resonate within the cathedral's halls and enriches the spiritual presence of the Braga cathedral.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      Braga + Guimaraes

      7 Juni 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Nördlich von Porto, Erzbistum Braga, Portugals geistliches Zentrum. Für jede Kirche 1 € und wir wären reich😉

      Guimaraes. Die "Wiege der Nation". Auch ein sehr hübsches altes Städtchen, und wer hätte es gedacht? Viele Kirchen. Wir besichtigen den Palast der Herzöge von Braganca. Wow

      Der Himmel ist ziemlich grau heute, es nieselt auch immer wieder.
      Und ausgerechnet heute übernachten wir am Meer 🏖️🤔
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    • Hari 5

      Guimarães and Beyond Guimarães

      16 Mei, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Heute bin ich tatsächlich mal alleine on tour nach Guimarães. Die Stadt gilt bei den Portugiesen als Geburtsstätte ihres Landes, denn hier wurde der erste König, Afonso Henriques, geboren.

      Es war mir durchaus ein riesen Vergnügen die Stadt auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Tolle Gassen, tolle Parks mit Afrobeats im Ohr... Ja ich weiß, besser wären Fado-Klänge gewesen, aber alles zu seiner Zeit 😇

      Nach paar Metern Erkundungstour suchte ich das Restaurant Norma, das mir von João (meinem nächsten Host) empfohlen wurde. Es ist mit einem Michelin-Stern ausgezeichnet worden und bietet entsprechend delikates Essen 😁 auf der Karte, die mir gezeigt wurde, standen keine Preise, was meistens nichts Gutes fürs Portemonnaie bedeutet 🤣 nach mir die Sintflut... es war ein Genuss! Lachs mit Zintronenrisotto und eine außergewöhnliche Crème brûlée Kreation (Wasabi, Bananenschaum und Noriblätter-Pulver).

      Irgendwie hat es mich dann doch noch in die Natur gezogen nach den vielen Sightseeing spots, so machte ich mich kurzerhand auf den Weg nach Citânia de Briteiros, eine Ruinenstadt. Hier liegen rund 160 Hausfundamente aus großen Steinquadern. Die Häuser sind durch ein nur schwer begehbares Netz aus gepflasterten Straßen und Gassen erreichbar. Man findet heute noch Steinwälle, Wasserleitungen und Wasserrinnen entlang der Straßen. Auf dem Hügel stehen zwei rekonstruierte Rundhütten mit Strohdächern. Man ist die große Runde innerhalb von 45 Minuten abgelaufen, also eine nette Zwischenaktivität!

      Abends führte mich João zu den heißen Quellen, Caldeira das Furnas, wo ich nach den letzten anstrengenden Tage (lauftechnisch vor allem) gut entspannen konnte. Es war soooo schön unter dem Sternenhimmel, im Freien umgeben von kalter Luft und heißem Wasser! Im Grunde hätte das ein perfektes Date sein können, aaaaaber wie alle wissen, bin ich wohl immer noch verschossen in Ricardo. Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich festgestellt, dass ich auf Portugiesen stehe... bisher habe ich nur intellektuelle und sprachgewandte getroffen, die so viel zu erzählen hatten, dass ich zur Abwechslung gerne die Zuhörende war/bin.

      João hat mit mir zum krönenden Abschluss noch eine nächtliche Stadtrundfahrt durch Braga unternommen und mir somit alles gezeigt, was mir über den Tag noch gefehlt hatte.
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    • Hari 4

      Good bye Lisbon , hello Porto !

      19 September 2017, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      We slept in s bit then packed up and went to do some last minute exploring of Lisbon. We went one last time to the lookout near our apartment to see the view of Lisbon .We started walking towards the train station and discovered a huge outdoor flea market where we wandered around a little bit. We ended up in the Amalfa neighbourhood a part which we had not seen yet. We arrived at Santa Apolonia train station which is right next to where all the cruise ships dock . We sat in the sun and people watched until it was time to get out train. Other than witnessing a pigeon being run over right in front of our faces it was a nice way to spend some time ! 😂. We took our train to Porto and our air bnb was a short 10 min walk from there. Our studio apartment is so amazing. Literally smack in the middle of city centre ! We met our host , got some info from her then we headed out to get groceries for breakfast and then had the best pork sandwiches for supper! Back at the studio , nice tea and ate our last pasteis de Belem. Up early to book a boat tour and see some of the Porto wineries.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      Porto you have won my heart !

      20 September 2017, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      What a perfect day! Our feet are exhausted from all our walking today 😂. We started our day strolling around at palacio de cristal a huge and beautiful garden a little north of city centre. From there we walked along the water and stopped in the historic centre of Porto and took a river cruise past the 6 bridges on the Douro River. The river separates Porto from Vila de Gaia the area where porto is produced. The cruise was awesome! We then walked along the waterfront and crossed over the Douro River on the Dom Luis bridge. We walked along the lower level first then on the other side in Porto we climbed the hill and walked back to Gaia on the upper level of the bridge. The bridge is 279 feet over the river. On the upper level pedestrians can walk along even as the trains are passing about 5 feet away from you 😲. Once back on solid ground in Vila de Gaia we went for lunch at this charming restaurant where they sat us on the second floor by our own little balcony overlooking the Douro River. The food was great and the Portuguese wine was wonderful. 🍷. After lunch we walked to the Calem port cellars and did a guided tour with a port tasting at the end. We tasted a white and a tawny port. Good but a little too strong for my taste 😜. We then walked back over the upper level of the bridge and explored more of Porto and found a great place with a fantastic view of the city. After a full day of walking we decided to call it a night and headed back to our studio to rest our feet ! Now relaxing and planning our day tomorrow 💕Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 6

      Last day in Porto

      21 September 2017, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today we decided to get away from the touristy spots and take the metro to parque da Cidade a beautiful, big greenspace outside of Porto. We walked around this beautiful park for about 1 1/2 hours . We saw roosters, and a huge group of really loud geese that weren't too impressed with us ! We had packed a lunch and some beer and Somersby ciders for a picnic. On the north side of the park is Motosinhos beach . We ate our lunch and watched the surfers. There were a few surf schools where you could take lessons too. We sat in the sand , ok maybe we laid in the sand lol, and enjoyed the waves and the sun. Eventually we made our way back to the metro , grabbed a few more groceries and went back to the studio. We changed and headed out for dinner and one last look around Porto at night. We went to Santiago Cafe which is known for its Francesinha sandwiches. Francesinha is a Portuguese sandwich originally from Porto, made with bread, wet-cured ham, linguiça, fresh sausage like chipolata, steak or roast meat and covered with melted cheese and a hot thick tomato and beer sauce with an egg on top served with french fries. This is also known as a heart attack on a plate. 😂. Barry had this for supper , I did taste it and it was pretty good. I opted for a steak sandwich and salad. From there we went back and crossed both the upper and lower decks of the DomLuis bridge which overlooks Porto. It is absolutely gorgeous at night with all the lights along the Douro river. Before coming back for the night we stopped and had a cappuccino and a last taste of pasteis de nata pastries. Omg so good 💕. Tomorrow we check out of our air bnb at noon and we catch a flight to Madrid at 8:30 pm so that leaves us a few hours to wander around Porto before leaving this beautiful city . Someday we will be back , this I'm sure 💕Baca selengkapnya

    • Braga

      11 April 2019, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Today was a big travelling day, crossing from Portugal to Spain but let's start at the beginning.
      After a lovely breakfast at our hostel in Geres we got on a bus to head back to Braga. The journey through the national park was very different to a couple of days ago when we arrived in the rain. This time we had beautiful sunshine and a chance to see all the spectacular scenery.
      We then had a few hours to look around Braga, a very nice little city with flowers everywhere and some very grand architecture. We've started noticing lots of holy week related 'semana santa' decorations around so we'll expect even more when we get to Spain and closer to Easter.
      Our bus from Braga to Santiago de Compostela was very quick and breezed across the border at about 100km/h. We passed Vigo along the way and some other coastal cities which looked cool but no time to stop on this trip.
      Finally in the evening we arrived in Santiago, our first destination in Spain, the second country on the trip. Managed to get a few drinks and some tapas before heading back to the hostel for an early night, ready to go and meet Julie and Jess tomorrow.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Braga, Μπράγκα, براگا, BGZ, ブラガ, Bracara Augusta, Брага

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