Pombaline Lower Town

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    • Day 2

      Segue o bacalhau

      July 18, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Bolinho de bacalhau recheado com queijo da serra da estrela e vinho do Porto e bacalhau frito na Antiga Bacalhoeira da Baixa.

      Pastel de nata na Fabrica da Nata com um Natíssimo, licor de pastel de nata (haja nata). 😊Read more

    • Day 5

      Elevador de Santa Justa

      August 4, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute gibt es früh und abends eine Tour durch die Stadt. Merke: wer Lissabon besucht, muss gut zu Fuß sein. Es heißt die Stadt der sieben Berge. Aber das ist gewaltig untertrieben. Eigentlich geht es ständig hoch und runter. Am Abend dann zum Sonnenuntergang auf den Fahrstuhl Santa Justa. Touristennepp mit z. T. 1-2h anstehen. Wir nehmen den Fußweg zur Plattform. Als Abschluss des Tages frische Pasteis de Nata 😋.Read more

    • Day 461

      Saturday is a Hashing Day!

      September 7, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      I had a nice breakfast around 08:30 yesterday, then walked up the Avenue da Liberdade (Liberty Avenue) to catch a city sightseeing bus. I left on the first bus at 10:00 and spent all day on three routes, the Red, Blue, and Green lines. I jumped off at a Blue stop for lunch in the Praça do Comércio.

      After finishing the Blue route, I took Green to see a couple more things. I did the full route, then I jumped off at Green Stop 3 at the top of Barrio Alto neighborhood overlooking the city. I wanted to and did take the Elvador de Santa Justa (Santa Justa Elevator) down to the part of the city where I'm staying. I got back to the hostel around 18:30, and it was straight to the shower. I had intended to go out for dinner, but after cleaning up and getting in front of the fan, I just couldn't get out of the hostel.

      This morning I grabbed a cod and cheese roll, a specialty of Lisbon and walked around a bit by the river. Then I grabbed a pork bifana (sandwich) with a small beer...all for €3.50! Wow and delicious! I picked up some green grapes at a grocery on the way back to the hostel. Later I am going to the hash. Yay!

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️

      P.S.: The selfie is from yesterday afternoon.
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    • Day 10

      Dinner at Taberna do LIS

      September 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      》Porto Tonico

      3 oz white port
      5 oz tonic water
      1 slice orange
      1 sprig rosemary
      Pour 3 oz of white port in a glass with ice. Add the orange slice and top with tonic. Garnish with rosemary and serve.Read more

    • Day 459

      My First Day in Portugal

      September 5, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      I'm enjoying my first full day in Portugal by staying in bed. Nah, I'm really getting up. I've been chatting with friends about further travel plans.

      I went to the Hard Rock Cafe after I got settled in the hostel. Another HRC under my belt. I wound up staying for dinner and watching music videos.

      This hostel is strange, but okay. It's really just a second floor with one room partitioned into six cubes with mattresses in them. A coed bathroom is en suite. Everything is plywood, but it works. There's no air conditioning, but there's a small fan/dehumidifier that I turned up to blow into my cubicle. It works. €90 for 5 nights. It really works.

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Day 1

      Aankomst Lissabon

      July 10, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Het was druk in zaventem, maar ondanks het personeelstekort verliep alles vlot. Wel stond de vlieger 20 min in de file om te vertrekken en kreeg ik een mail van brussels airlines of ik geen latere vlucht wil nemen in ruil voor 400 euro. Ze hadden duidelijk de vlieger overboekt. Ik wilde mijn vakantie voor geen enkel bedrag uitstellen dus ik zat er op. In Portugal zijn enkel op openbaar vervoer nog mondmaskers nodig, en dat wordt gelukkig niet goed opgevolgd. Een mondmasker dragen aan 35 graden is niet aangenaam.
      Ik overwoog om een taxi naar het hotel te nemen, ipv in de hitte met bagage te sjouwen, maar de rij voor de taxi's zag er eentje uit van een uur waardoor het de metro werd, een goede keuze van maar 1.5 euro en zeer rustig de zondag. Op al mijn reizen rush ik altijd van luchthaven naar hotel, maar deze keer ben ik toch halverwege gestopt om te eten met een frisse pint of twee.

      Na inchecken in het hotel kon ik ondanks de hitte toch niet stil blijven zitten en na een paar minuten was ik al op weg om de stad te verkennen. Eerst naar het grote plein aan de kust, waar ik weer verleid werd om een terrasje te doen toen ik zag dat er een bier museum was, en daarna met twee pinten in mijn benen de heuvel omhoog naar het kasteel. Het kasteel zelf was niet meer dan wat muren, maar het uitzicht was mooi. Op de weg terug wilde ik eens langs het Afrikaans restaurant passeren dat ik opgezocht had, maar de politie had de wijk afgezet en zei dat het voor de rest van de dag was. Ik had gelukkig genoeg alternatieven, en een daarvan was de foodhal timeout market. Deze bleek een voltreffer te zijn, zeer druk maar veel keuze en gezellig. Een inktvis stoverij was mijn keuze en het was vrij goed. Na het eten en het proeven van wat Portugese biertjes negeerde ik de metro om te voet langs het water naar het hotel terug te keren. Een goede beslissing want ik kwam een hoop tuinhuisjes op de dijk tegen die drank serveren met blik op de zonsondergang. Ik kon het niet laten om daar ook even te pauzeren met een pintje. Het was bijna 21 uur toen ik op hotel aankwam, wat 22 uur Belgische tijd is, en ik ben doodmoe maar misschien doe ik nog een avondwandeling.
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    • Day 7


      September 22, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir sind in der ersten großen Stadt angekommen und haben den Tag in Lissabon verbracht. Anschließend haben wir aber den nächsten Campingplatz angesteuert und werden morgen wohl weiter die Küste entlang fahren.Read more

    • Day 22


      May 10, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach den ruhigen und sehr erholsamen Tagen in der Extrematura haben wir uns wieder ins Großstadtgetümmel getraut.
      Hier tummeln sich bestimmt dreimal so viele Touristen wie bei unserem letzten Besuch im September, gefühlt sind es 10x so viel! 🫣🤪
      Auch die Gruppen der Kreuzfahrtschiffe ziehen wieder durch Lissabon.
      Nachdem wir uns nach der Fahrt quer durch Portugal unsere Füße in der City und am Ufer des Tejo vertreten haben, sind wir wieder einmal im Time Out Market gelandet…. köstlich wie immer! 😋😋
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    • Day 164


      September 26, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      So after another foggy trip yesterday we eventually made it into the marina 9hours after leaving. The first 6.5hours were foggy, the next 1hour windy, the remaining 1.5 OK. The fog cleared just after we turned east having cleared the western most point of Europe in thick fog, and we could see the north bank of the Tagus estuary. We were then able to turn off the radar and cruise our way up the river, with tidal assistance. The port is very commercial and Lisbon is huge. Today we have been tourists wandering around seeing as much as we can.
      In the final photo taken from the boat looking north east as we came up river including the dome of the church of Sao Vincent de Fora
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    • Day 7

      Towers, Turtles, Tiles

      June 6, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      A bit of a lie in, a decent breakfast and then off to find a tram to take us to Belem. We walked down to the river front and picked up a (sadly modern) tram to Belem, we rode all the way out to the tower.. And a bit oast. Belem as a suburb looked middle class and prosperous, the first houses we've seen. The tram route took us past pastel de nata Belem where they were queuing out of the door. When we reached the tower it was impressive but again a long queue for a small building, we skipped going in and headed towards the mosterio dos jeronimos instead. On the way we came to the 1960s Salazar monument of the explorers with its ott crowd of crew and Vasco de gama. We'd seen it on the Janina /Alistair program and it is quite a sight. In front of it is a mosaic compass rose with a map of the Portuguese discoveries in the centre. At the monument there was a lift to the top which gave us great, if rather cloudy views across the river and across Lisbon. From there we schlepped over to the monesterio where the queues were stupendous. There were an awful lot of coaches parked outside. We decided that the smart move would be to come back at the end of the day today or tomorrow when the cruise crowds would probably be gone. Instead we hopped back on the tram heading for the Museum of the Oriente housed in an old bacalhau warehouse. This was a good if rather disturbing museum. We concluded that Japan / China stuff didn't seem too exploitative compared with say India or Africa where the damage was so great. There were some really good pieces. I was particularly taken by the trade prints of the tea trade and the screens showing encounters between the Europeans and the Japanese /Chinese.
      Next stop the tile museum Inc its panoramic view of pre-earthquake Lisbon. We had some minor transport difficulties but eventually found ourselves on a bus heading to the tile museum. When we arrived the first stop was the cafe which was lovely but had glacial service. We sat with our drinks in a shaded courtyard with turtle pond before heading into the museum proper. This was a converted convent which now houses an array of tile samples. I was very taken with some of the early ones with their rather grumpy looking faces. There was a restoration department with a vast array of tiles awaiting attention, it looked like professional jigsaw construction without a picture.
      On the way round we ended up in the convents original church which had sufficient gilt and art to reawaken all my Catholic Church prejudices... Poverty... Pah. The highlight has to be the 1755ish panorama which has a large space all to itself on the top floor.

      Then back via bus to the riverfront and the walk back to our hotel. A brief recharge of our batteries and we headed out for food. This times recommendation was to take the lift opposite the top of our street where we're would emerge near a taberna. Good food but doleful staff didnt make it feel like the most welcomeing experience.
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