Anne Beddell Outback Trek

April - Jun 2023
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  • Hari 1

    Anne Beadell Here We Come

    23 April 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    DAY: 1
    Well off on another outback Adventure, a long awaited adventure after years in the planning…we left from K&K’s having spent a day with the Grandies…
    They are growing so quickly…James energy and seriousness but such a talented young man and Alex a ball of endless energy.
    So said our farewells and set off down the Hwy to find breakfast, we stopped at a little café ☕️ down the Hwy at a small village before Cunningham's Gap…the lady was telling me she was about to go bankrupt anyway as her business wasn’t getting the customers she needs to survive..
    On leaving we saw about 4 servos all with cafe’s so no wonder even if a busy Hwy…
    Stopped at Goondiwindie at a lovely old pub for lunch…John had the Fish and chips, I had the Meatballs, mash and peas it was so big we had enough for both of us for dinner with a little extra gravy I made…only $16 seniors meal good deal..

    We made it to Gilgandra after a 12 hr run deciding to stay in a motel…made life easy…had a microwave and plates etc making it easy to cook dinner.
    Both very tired. The scenery forever changing so Green everywhere we have gone so far.
    The motel was as neat as a pin…2 queen beds 🛌 so yep both had one each…
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  • Hari 2

    Gilgandra on a Mission

    24 April 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    DAY: 2
    Left Gilgandra and heading to Broken Hill, until we hit Nyngan it was really green…each little town being very neat and tidy…
    Animals we saw Goats, goats and more goats, kangaroo, echidna, emus and dead pigs….
    Lunch on the side of the road after Wilcannia, which we did a quick drive around to see the old buildings again… A fuel stop at Broken Hill….
    more goats and more goats and more goats..
    What a massive day we ended up doing 1,100 k's massive indeed. We booked another Motel at Port Augusta, Motel Poinsettia another neat tidy Older hotel but had all we needed…
    Shame we could t see the scenery on our way into Port Augusta…it looked unreal...massive gorges and range to go through…coming out to a huge Wind Farm that covered so much of the hillside down to the massive Bay that goes up to Port Augusta I noted heaps of other Ports were near the main one…
    On the way getting closer you could see at least 7-8 farmers all ploughing their paddocks right on dark….
    We stopped at Servo for fuel and our dinner…the guy serving every time I asked for something behold look at me like I was a pest…he really upset me with his attitude but I tired to ignore how it made me feel…that rejection feeling raring it’s ugly head…
    Heard from Bill he is at Ceduna he did a big day of kilometres apparently 350 🤔🤔 poor old fella….. anyway might catch up tomorrow….
    We arrived at the hotel at 7.45pm the lady like last nights check-in was very welcoming and helpful. Ended up watching 4 episodes of Itchy Boots someone had kindly 🤔🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂 left their Netflix account open so we got to watch something good for a change… A long day both ready for bed…
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  • Hari 3

    Contact with Old Friend

    25 April 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    DAY: 3
    Off to do another day of big Ks… scene changed from open plains to those funny leaf topped trees you see in this bottom end of Aust…. a quick wipe around at Viterra another small grain silo community it’s with Silo Art to see…a little girl amongst the wheat fields…then next stop….a morning tea stop at a little Café come community store at Minnipa very neat little town.

    A chat with Vic as we head to Ceduna, all to Bill to update him where we are at…Msg to Sheryl and Dave to give them update on our ETA…they are having a ball exploring alone…guessing we will be in their way once there…

    A morning tea at Minnipa Community Store to have our morning tea….Great coffee, well set up store with Post Office and 2nd hand book store…Good service and friendly young women who owns it…we got some fuel there at $2.05…

    Off we set on the road nothing amazing to see until Ceduna where we filled up with fuel on our way in @$1.89 cheap as chips here…Lunch at a very modern pub…John had Homemade pie, mash and greens..I had Honey chicken, rice and greens…so much left we had the rest for dinner and it was yum…

    Off we set from Ceduna coming across once more the Windmill Town, so a must stop at Penong to have a quick look at the Windmill Museum….We stopped here years ago…

    Then off we speed to the Nullarbor Plains…nothing has changed here even the fuel is still outrageous @$2.80 a litre….but you have to pay it if you want to keep going…silly thing is about 150ks back-it was only $1.99a litre, so this mob are holding everyone to ransom…still worth a stop took some pics the sky clouds today are making everything look unreal….I bought us drinks and ice creams.. one had sadly been melted a few times and tasted terrible….😢
    Off up the Hwy to find a camp site for the night…we had earlier had to pass 2 huge wide loads and here on the Nullarbor was another and the Hwy isn’t as wide at all…in fact we had to wait until we got to the RFDS airstrip on the Hwy to get enough room to pass him….
    We were making our way to the Edge Campsite once past him, the area is covered in Limestone, low ever green shrubs and greens grey Salt bushes…
    We had clocked up another 900ks today so both ready to stop…

    So finally we made it to The bottom of mainland Australia! Our Camp-spot for tonight! All looked perfect when we arrived a bit of wind from the North so we set up the camper with the kitchen facing the ocean got dinner sorted, lovely weather! No coats! Just before bed the wind started to change to the East then it really started to hammer us! At 1am we battened down the hatch’s! Rain started on and off! Then at 3.30 am it really started blowing from the West and pounded us to the point I felt the camper might lift off the ground! So we decided to pack up! While packing a massive gust of wind grabbed the camper canvas and literally ripped it to shreds on the left side and it pulled off the screwed down section at the back! All we could do was pack it up and head off! Also blown away was our rescued 35 yr. old mat we found in the ocean at Rules beach! Very sad it was off a fishing vessel and the best camping mat we ever had! Guessing it’s gone back to the ocean with all that wind! What a night! Now to figure how to fix up our camper quickly to meet up with Sheryl and Dave and Bill to start the real adventure! 🤔🤔🤔😢😢😢
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  • Hari 4

    To Hell's Camp

    26 April 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    DAY: 4
    Well our utter disaster is described above. Very sad incident and at present until we open it up again we can’t know how bad the extent of the damage…we saw it in the light of our wanker lights so it could be a lot worse…

    Not only that but a shocking nights sleep with the side flap being pounded and knocked around for 4 hrs before John got out and tired it down with my help using ratchet straps…it helped but still the whole camper felt like it was being pummelled and knocked around for hours…when the rain started I wasn’t sure how it would go as we hadn’t been in this camper in the rain….

    The way the wind grabbed the back end of the canvas and tore it from it’s screwed down section along the back…once this let go as the side was placed in sail rail the pressure of the wind took it and just ripped it to shreds just awful…my concern was it would take the floor section and rip it off it’s hingers….I prayed constantly for the Lord to protect us we we fought the crazy wind and rain to get it shut….it took a bit as it seemed to have moved the lid which is the floor slightly to one side. John managed to get it realigned….scary and adrenaline rushing the whole experience….

    We finished up then drove off in the dark…it was 4am SA time but was around 2.30am WA time…

    The rain pelted down while we drove west, making it to the Quarantine Stn. all went well there…I had cut up and froze the papaya I bought from home and John’s limes were frozen rock solid…Our fruit boxes which were years old and not used for fruit I put in my cloths draw in the camper…

    On we drove the rain heavier then all of a sudden it stopped as we made it to Mundrabilla for fuel @$2.48l and a great brekky and coffee...only a young couple running it, but again great service, great food….we had arrived before it opened but only just….worth the stop….

    On we headed had let Bill know what had happened hoping we can go to Kalgoorlie and see if we can get gear to do repairs ourself for now…no one could have time to fix it we are suspecting…
    .We pulled up for morning tea 56 k Balladonna and filled up with our 20 l of fuel as the headwind is so strong we sucked all our fuel in less than 400k…..while getting our m/tea a young guy with an accent came to ask John for help with his tyre…He got a screw in it yesterday and now it’s flat…he Luduvic from France and his girlfriend Selena from Germany met in Australia been here travelling for 6 months they are here for 12 months hoping to extend their visas for another year….she was very beautiful and very friendly…they are loving their adventure…
    Fuel at Balladonna is $2.32.8l going slowly down.

    We arrived at Norseman around 2pm looking for fuel and somewhere to eat…the place we for fuel which was the dearest as the other diesel pump at the next servo was out of Norseman fuel $2.11.6/l for ultimate diesel…cheaper down the road but not working….planned to eat at the restaurant where we bought our fuel but No apparently this huge restaurant wasn't making any off to find a cafe…very basic bit got a toasted Ham and Cheese sandwich and a cuppa…we must have rang 4-5 places in Kalgoorlie and Nothing available for the night not even in Caravan parks what motels were available were $300 up-to $800 crazy we decided to stay in Norseman Acclaim Tourist Park Norseman ….we managed to get a was very old style and was the very last one but had an ensuite….…$134 a night but with Seniors discount it was $128…tried to put the camper up between the cabins but too wide…so got permission to put it up in another area….Bill arrived just in time to give us a hand….once up after the initial look that looked unrepairable once properly assessed we realised we can fix it enough to keep using…Thank The Lord…John straighter out the aluminium strip to put the back section back down again…took a bit but he did it…not sure how we are going to fix the ripped side sections as it’s both parts that it occurred ot when the wind took it the other night…they fixed as much as was possible then we had a few drinks, I made a basic dinner of Mac and Noddle's with fish bites…it sufficed….too tired to do anything else so went to bed around 8.30pm….been a huge emotional day.
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  • Hari 5

    Day of Salvation and Repair

    27 April 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    DAY: 5
    Made our way to Kalgoorlie by 9 am and off to find a Canvas manufacturer to help us decide how to fix the Camper first one the guy wasn’t there, and wouldn’t be back until lunch time…so off to the next one Fiesta Canvas these guys went above and beyond helping us and before we knew it the major issue was all fixed...A guy called Paul with very long skinny dreadlocks bit of a character did the job and after all the mucking around only cost $110 unreal we were stoked…he did a great the a patch on the roof was done only bit not done was the back section that has torn. So I asked for some long strips to try and fix it myself….While John helped him Bill and I got the groceries….probably have too much. We did have m/tea up the Main Street at Cafe 312….I told Bill it was Cafe 321…. Groceries were more expensive but that’s to be expected in the outback….
    Bought yucky lunch from KFC which was awful…wish I would just learn to say no, it’s not the same as it used to be always cold and gluey….We set off for the Gourmley Statues at Lake Ballard….

    Wasn’t a very interesting trip other than a really great road… the Lake is a dry bed lake with a huge mound in the middle with a track going to the top and spindley trees growing on it….
    The statues aren’t that impressive either other than they depict aboriginal looking 👀 in various nude posses on the lake floor……a bit different that’s for sure….the sunset wasn’t even that amazing, but a nice relaxed evening sitting around chatting with Bill….he has a little oven that I managed to cook my fish bites in…. Another pasta with onion and mushroom….a good start to some nice meals…back to tasty meals unlike the US… I did forget to buy John a new towel and get some more wine…I don’t know where my mind is at present but it’s not working all that well…..
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  • Hari 6

    Lake Statues and Arrival

    28 April 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    DAY: 6
    Today we should be meeting up with Sheryl and Dave all going to plan…
    Up early around 5am but stayed in bed as cool until around 6am. John made the coffee…tried to do my readings but no phone reception here so used the books I bought and my eBook….then packed up everything…even added the big downer now with the weather turning cold…
    Had our brekky, packed the camper John went to start the car and rummmm rum splat battery is dead something might have been left on to run it down….
    So we left it and headed out onto the Lake to do the shorter circuit to see the statues…most were women only a couple of blokes…very unusual indeed….we walked around the rock hill in the centre of the Lake. Bill spotted what he thought was a straight line of rocks but it was as I guessed old fence posts…burnt off to near ground level….unusual it was that way….there were parts of the lake floor very sticky and glue like sticking to our shoes….some sections even had salt encrusted water puddles….
    We made it around…got the car going, Bill headed off…as John drove to the loo, I went to check out the camp area, it looked very welcoming and once there saw the hugest spider web….🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂 it was fake very well done…quite funny to see it there…this whole camp area is really well set up…with loos, water tanks, picnic areas and campfire areas and tables dotted around everywhere…other than the sneaky cold wind it’s been a great camp site….
    Now off to Leonora to buy a new battery, some more wine and a towel for John…
    We ended up at The Food Van Coffee shop Sheryl suggested we go to where Fiona from Emerald that owns this quirky shop with great food and Antiques… funny very loud lady…she was training a young guy to help with making coffees that was funny, but I imagine hard for him she certainly gave him heaps….
    We headed across the road to the a supermarket come Hardware for a few items…found John some cheap shoes..,,$30 for a good pair of sandshoes…his boots are too tight….
    Then off to Gwalia like Sheryl suggested…what a find a Ghost type town of an old Mining town…the old tin houses and huts had mostly been restored…and on the hill above the town is the Hoover House Museum….wow was it set up well…so many unreal relics and artefacts, plus a great coffee shop…so much to take in….
    We had a look around the many sights to collectively finish up with a light lunch from the coffee shop at Hoover House….didn’t realise we could go into the Tin houses, but checked out the State Hotel now abandoned sadly beautiful old building…. All in all a great visit…

    Story of Hoover House

    History of Hoover House
    Hoover House is typical of the expansive style of home built for senior mine management in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
    The site was chosen in 1898 by the first general manager of the Sons of Gwalia mine, Herbert Hoover, and its construction commenced under his direction, although he was transferred to China before the building was finished. Hoover, who was later to become the 31st President of the United States of America, visited the area several times after returning to Australia from China. Hoover stayed in the house in 1902 with the then manager, R. Atwater.
    The building was constructed of locally made brick, fired nearby, and bought under a contract for £2/10/0 ($5) per thousand bricks, plus the supply of fuel. The house was finished by early 1899, but not without an objection from the Coolgardie office of the mine’s owner, Bewick Moreing & Co, whose management complained that the company’s London board of directors had never expected to spend £750 ($1500) – several times the cost of an average home – on a manager’s residence. Nevertheless, two of the three bedrooms were soon extended to twice their original size.
    Eleven successive mine managers have lived in the house over the years.
    Following the closure of the Sons of Gwalia mine in 1963, the mine manager’s house, mine office and assay office were used by Western Mining Corporation as a mineral exploration base until 1971. Hoover House was renovated in 2001 and has been managed by the Shire of Leonora since September 2010.
    And info on the Museum….

    Gwalia Ghost Town & Museum
    Visitors can explore over a dozen buildings in the Gwalia ghost town, including miners’ cottages, single men’s camps, Patroni’s Guest House and Mazza’s Store. Up on the hill in the Mine Precinct, there are the Mine Manager’s House (now Hoover House Bed & Breakfast), the Assay Office, the headframe and winder and many fascinating outdoor exhibits. Highlights include ‘Midland’, one of three steam engines that worked on the wood lines supplying the Sons of Gwalia mine with timber and fuel.

    Hoover House B&B and Function Venue
    Once the grand home of the managers of the Sons of Gwalia Gold Mine, Hoover House is a luxury Bed and Breakfast and function venue near the historical settlement of Gwalia.
    The house was designed in 1897 by the mine’s manager, Herbert Hoover, who later became the 31st President of the United States of America.
    The building has been completely renovated and today B&B guests can enjoy Hoover’s legacy – three magnificent bedrooms now opulently decorated in period style, the grand dining room where mining deals were once negotiated, and the tranquil views over the spectacular Goldfields landscape from the wide veranda's.
    Guests can enjoy sitting on the veranda's or the wide green front lawn overlooking the modern open pit mine, for gold is still mined at Gwalia. As night falls and the stars emerge, the peaceful ambience on the back verandas overlooking Mt Leonora has to be experienced – you might even see a kangaroo!
    Book Online
    We came back to town for fuel…….but after this morning trying to find a battery, but alas…. no battery 😢😢😢 but did a bonus on the wine…I bought 3 bottle, the owner gave me the last low alcohol one she wanted to get rid of any more bottles pink…said she couldn’t sell them 🤔🤔🤔… what a bonus…

    Off we set to Laverton to the Van Park there to meet up with Sheryl and David….all good got a spot near them, Bill next door…had a chat then all headed to the pub for dinner….the dinner was good, the pub pumping…even a bus load of tourist came in…

    It turned really cold sadly to lots of layers climbed into bed…within an hour John was shaking uncontrollably, he had rigours, temp was continually going up…then he started to vomit I gave 3 Panadol and an Ondansetron wafer which did do the trick he did eventually go to sleep, but his temp took hours to come I said to him he would end up with bad sweating and yep he did…I feel it was food poisoning…sadly he seems to be the one to get it…my gut was upset for ages from the Creamy Garlic Prawns, but not like him….I didn’t get to sleep until after 1am…another big night…
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7


    29 April 2023, Australia ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    DAY: 7
    John a lot better this Am but had, had huge sweats… we didn’t rush up, but still an early start had the washing all done and hung out by 7.15….@$4 a load x3 loads it cost a bit….
    Then sorted the pills, in time for Sheryl to organise us to head up to look at some sights and go to the tourist info centre for coffee…very we’ll set up.
    While there having coffee Vic called again Mum C and her decided not to go for the window in the upgrade of the ship…so now I know John won’t do it…21days with no window is going to be horrible…but guessing I have to shut up and put up with it…not impressed but what can you do…an extra $850 ea. John sees it as too much….

    A look go to look at the presentation was $8 so Bill, John and I just looked at the info then headed up to the Supermarket to get the lady goodie before heading off…John managed to get a towel…the prices in the store were unreal…$9.00 for butter but we are in the outback and an aboriginal community so the prices go up, up, up….

    We walked back to the Van park around the edge of town….saw a car without a back windscreen and no number plates a number of times…obviously the police who we saw at morning tea at the info centre…don’t worry about it. While at the supermarket…a local aboriginal women came up to sell to Sheryl and I a painting she had done of a bush tucker painting….it was well done, but won’t suit any of our Décor at home at all….

    John not well, this arvo…lazy arvo with him sleeping, me getting pics and diary sorted…
    Planning Pizza tonight all going to plan…

    Sat around the big fire pit at the Van park for an hour or so…chatting to different people; one was Chris an older lady, she and her husband have been here since Nov fossicking….all the fossickers we have spoken to have all said it’s not like it used to be….Chris and her husband live permanently on the road in their Van….meet another women travelling alone in her motor home…like the lady we met at Norseman who was in her little AVan with her dog…she was actually working she is a Social Worker from Adelaide but travellers as far as Kalgoorlie for her work…what a huge area to cover…coming across the Nullarbor to get to her most distant area….

    Anyway after sitting at the fire along with Sheryl and Dave we headed to the pub to get Pizzas for dinner….it’s always busy here with so many fly in fly out workings, travellers and locals….the little French bar attendant is very efficient and friendly..

    The pizza was pretty good even had BBQ sauce in it to stop my refluxing, but still had it….
    A nice warm shower once back then off to bed we head off in the AM….
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 8


    30 April 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    DAY: 8
    Back to Kalgoorlie
    John had more temps last night and tells me he had a huge sweat again….he has some bad bug….not sure what…Anyway this AM he seems good again…..So up early and packing up to get going on our trip to the Anne Beadell...John has his brekky then tried the car and rummm, rummm….the battery barely turned over….so with heavy heart we have to delay the start of our trip and drive back to Kalgoorlie to buy a new battery…I am upset…as it seems to me like this trip will never come off for us….
    We told the others Sheryl will book us in for another night, they will head off later this morning with Bill going as well….

    We made our way in record time for the 380ks to Kalgoorlie, straight to Supercheap….for the battery….while John fitted it I hit The Reject Shop x 2 times getting bits and pieces for the trip…some small long containers to put into the camper kitchen so stuff doesn’t jump around much….
    John got it fitted, then we hit Bunnings for a new plug as mine is leaking in the camper sink…got 2 different ones with the hope of one at least working…once done off we headed to buy a Bunnings Snagg….yummmm it was good hit the spot…next stop Coles to get some ham and bananas….I got some extra Pana Di Casa bread hopefully it won’t go off too quickly…forgot Sheryl’s tissues….
    Then off we set back again…John started coming down with feeling unwell again, but made it back in record time…3.15pm we had left at 7am did over 700ks round trip…
    Bill was here when we got back he decided to hang around and wait for us…instead of going with Sheryl and Dave…
    I took out the Turkey Roasts for tonight John not that well so has gone to bed…hope he picks up…
    The Fisho turned up after John laid down…I really would have loved to get some but my freezer is too full still….such a shame….

    A lot of the people in the park are fossickers and do it often…even saw a guys car up from me that are gravestone Markers for outback non existent graveyards….how interesting…

    So many diverse people on the road…..
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9


    1 Mei 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    DAY: 9
    Up at 5 am….John had a few sweats during the night but well this AM...packed up…caught up with the last of the Polos and slack…after my readings….got my toast for brekky and helped John pack the Camper……Bill all organised and ready to go…
    Went to the Store which on the net it said it was open but only the Servo side was….managed to get x2 bottles of Gaviscon only they were very large bottles and eat $23 ea. an expensive buy..,,

    Then finally we set off…

    Stop 1. Was Point Kidman….a marker on the Rocky range outcrop of the Hwy….the raid is great for dirt, smooth and easy driving…lulling us before the rugged section…
    Stop 2 was the Breakaways area…we found 2 spots you could camp at…I thought I saw camel footprints, but decided after the 2nd camp site it was cows fatter all…🥲…Saw some stunning coloured Western Australian Parrots…the 2nd Breakaways spot had amazing rock structures and a small cave...Bill explored the hill tops in this area as well as Kidman Lookout…

    Sheryl and Dave are way ahead of us….
    Sadly there are Gas Pipelines marking our great country even down here...grubs taking over the country everywhere in the outback areas…

    Stop 3 M/tea @ Yamarna Homestead only had a cattle yard…Tank with a huge modern generator near by for the Goldfield camp that was we think up the road…next to the tank was a great old Drilling Rig…..the boys Bill and John….both got out their drones…heaps of exploration sites with heaps of bags of samples….

    Stop 4 A look at Point Sunday we walked the hill and we saw caves…and we saw Len Beadell Surveyors Post…plus the most exciting part was a kangaroo that had been killed and all that was left was his entails that had poop in it….

    Stop 5 Met up with Sheryl and Dave at Old Yeo Homestead….. what a great stop…I thought we were staying here for the night…but Sheryl wants us to move on….so we had a look at all the treasures….A quaint little house you can’t go in now getting to run down, half tank dog pens, hand pump well very updated. A tank shower room with a bucket shower above to clean off….very neat around, some of the old fence heavy steel posts….even a loo with lots of loo paper on hand very clean it looks well Maintained…
    Had our lunch here…even used The Vans microwave to heat mine, made John sandwich’s…
    Then we headed off to see the Lake system…Sheryl and Dave were the only ones to actually find it and it did have water in it….we took the road to Sandalwood Camp area which cross lake beds a number of them, all dry…but a bit damp on some of the road patch’s…Bill had taken another track to the Lake ended up turning around and come and joined up with us…we then chose to do the old track to Bishop Riley’s Pulpit….wow what a trip…very slow going over 42ks….a lot of very tight and scratchy areas…John did amazing in these tight spots...even had our side mirrors pushed in by tight trees so before we lost them John would pull up for me to pull mine in…constant changing diverse scenery with different plants, flat lake beds, Salt bush’s… taller trees with hairy like bark..I was a bit like being on the Canning with the constant change of vegetation….heaps of burnt out plains….some trees you can see will never return, but all the gums are re-sprouting with new fresh leaves an amazing tree it’s resilience…. It was a hard but fascinating drive it took us 2 hours to do it, making it out to the Main track just before 4.30pm arriving at Bishop Riley’s Pulpit just before sunset on the Western side of the rock bringing out its features…very neat camp area….there is a path to the top of the peak…I’ll do it tomorrow before we go….a campfire 🔥 area already set out so we used that…
    Emotionally I felt I hit the wall yesterday, I felt very down and just heavy emotionally…after 6-7 weeks of going none stop with people heavy issues with those people, plus’s go, go, go packing, unpacking, repacking, packing travel, OS travel in Aust my body has died 1,000’s of ks this past month and half I am just tried…Sheryl headed to bed around 7.15 I went to bed around 8pm again only a wash...once upon a time I wouldn’t do that now I am getting to old and too tired to be bothered.
    But a great start to our Anne Beadell trek so far, all I had hoped it would be and more..
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 10


    2 Mei 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    DAY: 10
    Left Bishop Riley's Pulpit
    A new day dawns…
    Up packed ready for brekky, Dave let me cook my toast in his toaster…Sat around the fire to eat…
    Once packed Sheryl and Dave headed off….Aa we packed up John and I had words, so I took off up the hill by myself…once up there realised it was very high, and with the rocks being so loose I crawled down on my bum to the bottom on the other side…as a bit scary and not the easiest climbing on my bum but made it…
    John never sees that his way of talking to me sometimes is extremely cutting...he accused me of yelling at him, which I did but to stop him closing the camper right up as I had to cut the loose cotton parts still hanging off the mending job down in Kalgoorlie….they had been dangling out the ends since done and every day I have been going to cut them since done, but forgot everyday…today I asked could he hold off closing it up until I had done it…I thought he was closing it yelled out to wait…and then he became very angry and abusive in his tone…. Did me in…he doesn’t realise the extent his voice can break me down….

    Our day has come to a stop we made it to Neale Junction in time for lunch….it’s the Junction of the Anne Beadell and The Connie Sue Hwy's….

    Stop 1 Today was an Anne Beadell’s Memorial marker…we had M/tea then all went for a walk up the Dune….the new growth on many trees….
    So many really tall trees for a desert area…Dunes started appearing more…

    Stop 2 Then along the track dead Camels one completely just bones…the one near them was still oozing his innards yuk…then further up the road were 2 more I would say shot dead just laying on the road…very sad….

    Stop 3 or should have been but on corrugating and too hard to pull up to see the 3 big old fuel drums….I would say from the age of them probably from Len Beadell’s days…

    The ever changing landscape…but the further we headed East the rougher the corrugating got….and the trees stayed taller…had been one area that had a bad fire through a whole section…but was totally destroyed….

    Sad not to see real camels 🐫 ….alive…
    We pulled up around 12:20 set up camp, made lunch going to have a relaxing arvo…
    An afternoon of the guys sitting around the campfire after John had done a check on everything…our hot water system seems to be had it…what a pain…no hot water showers on this trek from the look of it…

    I finished up my photo download and set up photo folders for this trip still got stuff to sort hopefully do some this arvo…
    I went for a walk up to the junction of the Connie Sue and Anne Beadell Hwy's signed the visitors book that Sheryl told me about…I then decided to put the corn meat on tonight get it cooked as we have a really great fire to sit the pot on with a swinging hot plate brilliant...I set that I before heading up to the junction… so by the time I got back it was bubbling away...too much so had to remove some of the heat…

    The Meal turned out to be great….everything cooked well plenty left…now to find fridge space it’s chock a block…..

    Sat around the fire for a bit then headed for a bucket bath 🧼 before bed into bed by 8ish…
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