Respublika Buryatiya

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    • Giorno 13

      Sunset on Lake Baikal

      18 aprile 2018, Russia ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      We had a relaxing afternoon playing cards and munching snacks while Heidi had a snooze.

      She had a play in the sandpit outside with Papa when she woke up (that’s been a highlight of this place for her)! I had to sit out there with her for 20 minutes the other day and froze so I was thankful Eli was taking a turn 😂 Then we decided to head out and find a good spot to see the sunset over the lake. We found the perfect spot except it was a bit cloudy so it wasn’t spectacular but it was still nice. Maybe tomorrow night we’ll get a good one.

      We had a bit more fun playing round in the snow again - took some more photos. Then we came home just in time for dinner. There was a Mongolian group of 4 also staying and they were fairly friendly.

      It’s been nice taking things a bit slower and enjoying some simple walks and outings in the countryside.
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    • Giorno 82

      Imbiss-Bude, Ulan Ude

      26 luglio 2014, Russia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Unser letztes Essen in Russland. Noch schnell vor dem Bahnhof in eine Imbiss-Bude gesprungen und einfach mal blind von der Karte bestellt. Versuche gelungen, es sieht gut und abwechslungsreich aus und schmeckt auch so.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 29


      8 agosto 2015, Russia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Het landschap is vannacht behoorlijk veranderd. Meer heuvels en veel droger en dus minder groen. In Naushki is de grenscontrole aan de Russische kant. De douane gaat door het treinstel. De feitelijke controle stelt niet veel voor. Even door het paspoort flippen en de gegevens van het visum checken... Met 3 minuutjes is alles gecheckt en akkoord. We mogen de trein uit. De stop zal ruim 4 uur duren - waarschijnlijk om 'de paarden te verversen'. Op het station is niets te zien of te doen. Gelukkig staat er achter het station een kioskje waar we wat drinken en fruit kunnen kopen. Het drinken in nodig om dat het 35 graden is en er geen wolkje te bekennen is :)Leggi altro

    • Giorno 15

      Back to Ulan-Ude

      20 aprile 2018, Russia ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      We had to drive back to Ulan-Ude today in preparation for catching the plane early tomorrow morning to Moscow. So once again we packed our bags and headed off after breakfast. Michael had a work meeting he had to attend via Skype for an hour but this gave us time to get ready.

      We decided to stop for one last jaunt over the lake and pulled up where we had stopped for the first sunset the other night. There were a few fishermen out so we became a little braver and walked out further onto the lake. We were curious about the fishing so went to examine one of the holes that had been made. It was actually a lot smaller than we expected, only about 20cm diameter. We could see the ice was quite deep through the hole so that made us feel more secure! The fishermen had a long sort of corkscrew tool they used to make their holes in the ice. We walked past one older guy and he seemed to have more old school tools. His fishing rod only looked like a short stick with a bit of line attached!

      We made our way back to the car, I managed to get a wet foot due to a puddle iced over on top of the ice which was annoying!

      Kyria was keen to go for a hike through the forest and maybe up one of the mountains but we couldn’t find a track that was suitable, either the road was too muddy or there was no where to park the car so we gave up on the plan. It would have been fun!

      We stopped off at Haim where there was a nice river and bridge to get some photos and poke around. The boys has fun skating on the ice on the river - we were waiting for them to skate right off into the river! 😂

      It was an uneventful trip the rest of the way. I had packed a few activity bags for plane trips and car trips so Heidi was suitably amused.

      Back in Ulan-Ude the traffic was a little heavier than on the way out and it was bumper to bumper at times. Heidi’s little voice piped up ‘come on!’ while we were crawling along! 😂 At one point our lane seemed to end abruptly and there was a little chaos as everyone was pushing to the other side of the tram line, in between oncoming trams - no lights, just free for all!

      We are back at the apartment we initially stayed at. The boys have gone to clean the car and return it and I have put Heidi to bed. I only bought four books to read with her. She doesn’t like two of them so we’re only allowed to read the other two. I am so sick of ‘Where is the green sheep’ and ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ 😩
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    • Giorno 7

      To the datsan

      30 marzo 2018, Russia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      With only one whole and two half days to see all Ulan Ude has to offer - and with 2 of the main things on our list being some way out of town - Helen suggested we hire a driver and guide. It was an excellent plan.

      Alexandr, the Russian driver, is clearly a man who enjoys his work. His biggest grin of the day was when he negotiated his way into (and, to our great relief, out the other side of) a rapidly closing gap between two approaching trams. I cannot image anything that would induce me to drive in Russia. Even if being chased by a bear, I think the bear would be the safer option.

      He'd learnt a little English at school 55 years ago. In those days they had no expectation of needing it to speak to anyone, so learnt only to read and translate. Still, we managed to exchange the odd word.

      Not that we lacked conversation. Galtan, the Buriat guide, talked virtually non-stop at high speed for 5 hours. He's fluent in at least 4 languages (and dialects of several of those - he took great pains to point out that he'd learnt the Queen's English at school, and if he accidentally slid into American at any point that was just because he was a little rusty). He has lived all over the place - from Seattle to Malaysia - and I think could have an intelligent conversation about any subject (we didn't try him on science but I think we covered virtually everything else). And as a Buddhist Buriyat with a girlfriend who is Russian Old Order, he was the perfect person to tell us about local culture.

      We started at the datsan - a Tibetan Buddhist monastery and university founded with Stalin's permission as thanks for the Buriyat service during the Great Patriotic War. The university has 4 departments - philosophy, Tibetan medicine, sacred art & magic, and fine art. It also has quite a lot of curly tailed dogs, lounging on sunny temple steps and doing regular rounds of the complex to clear up offerings of food.

      After a detailed grounding in Buddhist doctrine, temple etiquette, educational systems, attitudes to gender in relation to human embodiments of deities*, history in Russia, place in pan-Mongolian culture and colour choices (Galtan is *very* thorough) we moved on to the Ethnographic museum. That was a little disappointing. It is at higher altitude, so the snow melt lags a little behind the rest of the region. Combined with a shortage of staff, this meant quite a few of the buildings were either inaccessible or closed. Tramped round what we could - with 1 drenched foot each after a snowdrift mishap - and still managed to come away much better informed, even if we hadn't seen quite as much as we would have liked.

      Rounded off the day with dinner in Shashlikoff, which had an actual vegetarian menu (under the guise of 'healthy bites') as well as a few fattier veggie options scattered through the main menu. And a bill so small we both checked it twice to make sure they hadn't left off half the dishes. They hadn't. Tasty food too, so consider this a recommendation if you ever find yourself in the area.

      * It makes no difference. After all, the human may not have been the same gender - or indeed species or even class of being - last time round.
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    • Giorno 81

      Lake Baikal, Russia

      15 luglio 2019, Russia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Finally a break in my everyday travels: I arrived at Lake Baikal. Rural Russia, cows, orthodox churches, bent power poles, and a restful camping spot beside the lake. Here I am enjoying some days of rest together with some other Overlanders, before heading off to Mongolia.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      Auf in die Mongolei

      2 giugno 2019, Russia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Um 7 Uhr ging es heute früh wieder zum Zug und weiter in die Mongolei. Die Fahrt entlang des Baikalsees war wunderschön und die Landschaft auf dem Weg zur Grenze umwerfend.

      Nun stehen wir an der Russisch-Mongolischen Grenze und sind gespannt, wie die Ausreise aus Russland klappt...zwei Stunden später sind wir dann mit der Einreise in die Mongolei beschäftigt.

      Die Nacht wird dann sicher auch spannend - der mongolische Zug rattert auch ganz schön...

      Mal schauen ob wir uns die nächsten Tage melden können, da sind wir in den mongolischen Weiten unterwegs...
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    • Giorno 101

      25h in Ulan-Ude

      19 giugno 2019, Russia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      City time again. After having spent another night with the wonderful Kudlik family (fellow Overlanders, also on their way back to Europe, but started in Sydney) about 50kms South of Ulan-ude at the Selenga river, we drive into Ulan-ude to get some chores done:
      1. Grocery shopping
      2. Hardware store for an additional water filter solution (the possible pesticides and heavy metals drive us a bit mad)
      3. Car service (that Tom largely did himself)
      4. Car wash (you cannot imagine how many insects there were on our windshield)
      5. Laundry
      6. Water
      7. Café with WiFi for TV series and new music

      It was a bit optimistic to think we'll get all of this done in a few hours... But we're super successful nevertheless. We find a water pump, a bjToyota car dealer to get the spare parts, a supermarket to do the shopping, a garage where Tom can do the service and they only did the oil change, the laundry service to get our clothes clean in the meantime and a car wash station. And after all this it's 6.30pm and I have no motivation whatsoever to keep on driving. Hence we make our way up the hill to the monastery (it has a big carpark) and set up camp there. Once again, we picked a spot popular with young couples making out in their cars (the view must be quite stimulating). Families and tourists come up as well and we end up meeting quite a few curious souls. Maybe we inspire some of them to travel, too? I'd love to think so.
      Full of happiness due to our successful day and lovely conversations, we go to bed, leaving the cafe bit to the next day.
      Great choice as this means we have delicious "syrniki"( baked cottage cheese balls), a croissant, coffee and some fresh grapefruit and rosemary tea for breakfast and even manage to squeeze in some sightseeing including Lenin's head and a dancing fountain paired with classical music.
      Ulan-ude will stay a pleasant memory.
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    • Giorno 105

      Driving in East Russia

      23 giugno 2019, Russia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So after a good 3700 km on Russian streets I thought I’ll leave a comment about what it’s like to drive a Troopy through East Russia. After we left the traffic insanity of Vladivostok we had 3700km of Russian highway to Ulan Ude ahead of us. Here’s what I found:

      - a two lane street is really a three lane street if someone wants to overtake

      - Everybody adds 10km/h to the speed limit. Unless it’s a construction site, than they go double the limit

      - Street conditions can go from German Autobahn to “should we switch to 4WD” without any warning

      - If you turn of the highway almost all of the streets are gravel road and sometimes rivers (literally!)

      - At gas stations you have to pay before you fill up. If you overestimated you get money back

      - An oil change is just under 6 euros!!

      - It’s so easy to find great spots to camp just a few kms off the highway and it usually includes a little adventure. Yes, we got stuck on mud! Badly. But the Maxtrax saved us in the end.

      - From time to time you have to stop for cows crossing the street. But at least they are using the pedestrian crossing!

      - Traffic lights either count down or blink before changing which is great!

      - Deadly accident sights are marked with plastic flowers on the road side, same as the ones on grave yards. (There were quite a few)

      - The Amur highway connecting western ad eastern Russia has only been paved since 2004. (After driving it himself Vladimir Putin said: It’s not the Autobahn but it’s alright)

      Distance: 3700km
      Diesel: 518 l
      Consumption: 12.1l/100km
      One full service at 398000km
      No police stop

      We had a great time driving in Russia! We met lots of interesting people on and off the road and really appreciated the hospitality!
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    • Giorno 103

      Eating in Russia

      21 giugno 2019, Russia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Russian food positively surprised us. The variety of goods in supermarkets is great, only local fruit seemed to be hard to come by (probably due to the climate). Vegetarian or vegan options in restaurants were space but they existed. And the soups were ALWAYS super tasty. Since we have Hans back, we anyways prepare our meals ourselves most of the time. Here are a few culinary highlights:

      Stolovaya - a canteen serving home cooked meals for a fair (for European standard cheap) price. If we did eat out, this was often our choice of restaurant. There is bread, various salads, at least one soup (often borscht, a beetroot based soup), your choice of carbs (pasta, rice, pilav etc.), Meat dishes, sometimes a vegetarian stew and dessert. Not to forget tea (sometimes even with fresh herbs and berries). Perfect for us as we could simply point to our preferred choice.

      Campfires- having Hans back and camping wild again meant lots of campfires. Tom went back to baking bread, we cooked stews, fried eggs and much much more.

      Dumplings- Russians seem to be quite fond of dumplings. While they're often filled with meat, we found vegetarian ones filled with mashed potatoes. Quite delicious! And available by the kg in the supermarkets' freezer. (We simply boiled them and added a bit of soy sauce for convenience. Saw them being served fried once, surely a better way to enjoy them.)

      Kvass- a traditional fermented drink made from rye bread. It's sold by street vendors everywhere and can be bought by the glass or bottle. We tried it once and it tasted like slightly alfcoholic grape juice (alcohol content is between .5-1%). I think you could get used to it, but it definitely has a strange taste.

      Brotzeit -Tom has been particularly happy about the cheese and salami selection in Russian supermarkets. As the weather was quite hot, we had "Brotzeit" for lunch and/or dinner fairly often. Bread, cheese, salami, pickles and for the vegan option mustard, kren, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots and a vegan veggie spread that probably was supposed to be sauce but tasted delicious. Every once in a while we also treated ourselves to a piece of smoked fish. So delicious!
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    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Respublika Buryatiya, Buriatia, République de Bouriatie, Бурятия, Burjatien

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